raspoetry Ā· 6 years
Hello lovely and loyal followers.
I have written five new pieces tonight that I canā€™t wait to share with you. Starting tomorrow, Iā€™m back full time. Thank you for your patience while Iā€™ve been MIA. Boy, do I have a story or two to catch you up on. Standby.Ā  Much love & talk soon.Ā  @raspoetry
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raspoetry Ā· 6 years
When we say goodbye,
please be certain -Ā  even if I somehow predicted how this was to end, Iā€™d still love you.
Yes, the road ahead is lonely; I know. I carved it using my own bones. Nature caked under my nails as testament to tracks trekked by grasping desperately at dirt, as if forging a path meant I knew where the fuck I could possibly be going.
These tears serve as surrogate breadcrumbs, but they sink into the soil before I can find my way home.
So letā€™s leave on good terms: my lost-boy heart still longs to trust tall tales of unbelievable adorationā€“ even when my whole being aches.
Donā€™t speak: words mean the world to me And you donā€™t comprehend their worth yet.
Iā€™m stuffed, brimful of conversations unspoken between sheets I should wash because they smell like your silence; an accustomed taste.
Letā€™s pretend we were certain, in the breaths before farewell, that we left everything exposed, that the ā€œloveā€ which slipped from your lips didnā€™t just turn to hungry fingerprints in the months that followed your downfall ā€“
Can you show me how you erased time? Your mind obliterating occasions where ecstasy Inhabited your smile Because I stood by your side.
I donā€™t hear music the same, as if your creative waves washed clean the tapes Iā€™d play when dreaming of you ā€“
Maybe we could fake house once more. Iā€™ll prepare you a homemade meal, followed by falsifying feelings from your side of the table, then massage away the mistake of memorizing the movement you call our friendship.
Please avoid planting false hope ā€“ itā€™ll only blossom sorrow for the garden youā€™re deserting.
They say you only love once, and if thatā€™s true:
I wonā€™t survive this again.
When we say goodbye, Iā€™ll remember you golden. The kid who lost himself in others, Then built his own soul, Happy to stand alone. Our story will be told That you were my greatest adventure, Steering me to a familiar place Of lessons learned and blue poems.
But darling, If youā€™re not yet convinced, Iā€™ll still be here if ever you miss me. My loyalty doesnā€™t expire. So when our conclusion arrives, Be assured Iā€™ll still love you. You can always look for me: Iā€™ll be Wearing your favored shade of black, & waiting patiently to meet again.
Itā€™s been a minute. But Iā€™m back.Ā  Thank you for your patience.Ā  Thank you for reading.
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raspoetry Ā· 7 years
The Warning Poem
Presuming my soul has never known horror, You cast me to the wolves, Heedless to the fact that not only do they rally when I howl, I was appointed Alpha prior to your resignation from the forest. Sure, Tigers & lions are commanding, But while pussycats perform in the circus, Canines have edified my ruthless defense & savage spirit. I refuse to ask forgiveness for any lacerations that extract blood; Your fundamental miscalculation was thinking I'm concerned with sheep; No. You'll find me leaping between moss-smothered trees, Primordial ever-present shadow paired with a remarkably roaring rumble Reserved to summon only those I love fiercely, and the moon. I do not dread night, For when light leaves, darkness calls upon me To speak of it's secret tranquility. After I conquered wolf riddled woods, You hurled me into infernos, Certain my resilience was compiled tinder. It wholly astounded when I simply dismissed the incineration; Ignite me, and witness YOUR world mutate to mere embers. Don't worry, Sporadically, I will bear brim-filled buckets, to those who bow & beg for their broken kingdom. My ocean patiently infiltrates earth to sculpt a dedicated direction, So its sacred waters can only salvage specific sanctuaries. Infinite deepness sufficient to devastate you, Muted surf when cleansing is required, Your question, dear friend, is this: Would you like a sip, a spark, or a scar from me? I know the flavor of cultivated untamed paw-prints; I'll pilot you to a perpetually-flaming pit, & douse any doubts for me with drops of rain you'll inescapably taste, Then study with glowing eyes as you ask the wise moon how power is pronounced. It will answer with my name. I tracked you down to declare all I've mastered: Be it as fire, water, wolf, or woman, I will bare my teeth and burn you alive, Should you ever again suspect my soul.Ā 
@raspoetryā€‹ Visit my website for more content:Ā http://www.irinasires.com
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raspoetry Ā· 7 years
The Love Poem
At no time has there existed a man like you - Whose soul tastes like sweet & salty Soldier strength, whose battle scars Harbor stories I crave to recreate with my own words one day. Whose touch touts tales of honesty, Harvested in solitude - Patiently praying for sanctuary arms willing to hold your silenced sadness. A mighty heart, forged & fought for, Remembered by your fantastically music filled mind - Creating masterpieces not to be missed by the masses. The fairytale forgotten by even his family; Fingertips rattling to scribe sentences surpassing systems structured to restrict men built just like you: I've encountered fantastic masks before But You are only truth. Hands facing palm-up, Refreshingly righteous & ruthless reliability poured in precious doses per word, Quenching deep thirsts I had neglected to feed. You found me coiled in yearning for legitimate love, so you cradled my jagged edges with a grazing grasp conveying a database of memories on how a warrior bears to bleed. Our cryptic dreams dare to intertwine, consoling one another with critically courteous communication, & every last caress we can cram before waking to unceasingly create our eternally infinite future. Rest for now, my treasured majesty. I will stir your slumber solely for smooches & the sanctified sworn omnipotent oath that your WHOLE self holds home.Ā 
My favorite part of writing a love poem, is dedicating it to the right person. So this piece goes out to the man who has helped me find myself, by doing nothing but love me. I love you more, darling. Thank you. @raspoetry
Visit my website for more poetry:Ā http://www.irinasires.com
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raspoetry Ā· 8 years
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#bettysires will always be my puppy no matter how old she tries to act. Happy #nationalpuppyday to literally the best dog in the world. (PS. I'm actually going to try and show this to her later. Can dogs read?!)
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raspoetry Ā· 8 years
I know you don't want any excuses
as to where my new creations are, which is great, as I don't have any to give. I've been barely holding on to my sanity, energy, and health since about March of 2016. If you still patiently follow me, please know you have my undying heart and I promise that I won't let you down. Pinky swear, new creations soon. @raspoetry
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raspoetry Ā· 8 years
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raspoetry Ā· 8 years
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raspoetry Ā· 8 years
Fuck the guy I wrote this for, but the poem was fire so Iā€™m keeping it.
Paradise canā€™t claim fire comes anywhere close to how blissfully my heart beats when your fingers frame my face. Please breathe for us both when we kiss; I become galaxy adrift before remembering your eyes are my guide home. This climb of mine has been solo for so long, yet I sailed, unswerving to Utopia when your tongue twirled my name. Grace stows away in your magnanimous hands, that grasp just how to whirl my flame & tame my orbit into this unfurled woman. Iā€™m eager to embrace your spine in undying loyalty laced only with try-hard tucked under my heart. You by my side banishes Previous ponderous biting blues, Ravaging reds designed to consume, And gloomy clouded greys I thought would never go away- Youā€™d stay if they came crawling back, no question. I know because you tell me so, and your word will always be better than gold. Darling, Iā€™m falling in heart halting love with your charming characteristics, The logistics of your layered, lifting, lavish, lasting lyrics, The penmanship perfection of your proper presence in my lifetime, Itā€™s pure pleasure To polish your crown at night, my king. I will deliver Heaven filled homemade hand churned hard work & surrender my whole, wild, wobbly, willing self, Soul first, Then in bed, With constant childlike eyes wide wonder whenever weā€™re weaved together cuz your soul Anywhere near mine is a Promised paradise.
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raspoetry Ā· 8 years
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Alright, Vegas. šŸ˜ (at Money Plays)
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raspoetry Ā· 9 years
I hope this year, you can
Be honest. Iā€™m usually not so loose lipped about my personal philosophies and beliefs, but I believe itā€™s time for full-frontal honesty. Iā€™ve been working hard on becoming a birther of an ideal world where letters donā€™t spring to fruition until each constructed word, finalized & understood, stands proudly by the mouth that spoke it to existence. See, our sentences lay faithful by the fingers that stitched together each known definition, and monologues donā€™t have to be made of stuffy drama classroom readings - voices are far more unique than snowflakes; language belongs to us, but only if we handle it delicately.Ā 
Be loving.Ā  Prematurely, I left the Golden State to escape a broken heart, instead of facing the consequences of being out of character. Protection was my entire description. Fall too fast down the rabbit hole at your own risk. My tumble found more stories to tell, a wishing well producing creativity, daily; I learned true friendship beyond possibility, rebuilt my loyalty, locked down pieces of my soul on the dirt paths of those who patiently waited with extended hands for me.
Be daring.Ā  There is a whole universe waiting, and another set of delicately measured days to give you a chance to change whatever you can grab on to, friend. I look forward to your continuing story.Ā 
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raspoetry Ā· 9 years
I've lost my mind
but it's fine, I'll find it some time soon. This typical swoon style idea of love seems to be a fantasy I only ever find breathtaking. I hold a hopeless romantic type of beating heart, Arms ready for building an empire, Story scented fingerprints softer than silk sheets slowly caressing skin inches, soaking up Even more reasons to always stand soldier tough next to you- Grasp onto my back through your nightmares, dear, I'll fly you to the stars, Past the demons- Expect out of this world attention to detail, mirrored Galaxy-high eyes just yearning to grow wise, learning every fiber of why the chemicals in this head Have spread to toe tingling loyalty, Whenever, coincidently, There's new friendship around. Let's start with a handshake. My name is Mistakes made. Yours rhymes with Road to redemption. I'll gather pieces of myself As we travel, if you don't mind Patiently waiting while I Map out our pattern. @raspoetry
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raspoetry Ā· 9 years
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Squiggles n shit. Ps. I can do better. @raspoetry
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raspoetry Ā· 9 years
I donā€™tĀ sayĀ this enough butĀ thanks for following me. it means a lot.
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raspoetry Ā· 9 years
I just wanted a hand to hold;
you gave me heaving shoulder stomach knot feelings I had never trusted myself to have before-Ā  thank you for helping build backbone and muscle. My right hook is softer, now, but my tongue is sharp & riddled with skill slippin sweet kisses silently to my someone special while simultaneously shorthand scribblin a soliloquy or some stupid shit on a lazy Sunday morning after sex, with, yes, the same man I shared sinful spit the night before, my main point being it wasnā€™t with you and Iā€™m sssssssssssssssso. Thankful. You taught me confidence. I held you tower high, you brought me there, too. It still felt lonely to you, so You found someone new. But at your most honest point, I was the best you could do-
And I just wanted a hand to hold.
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raspoetry Ā· 9 years
So I posted this on my main page as opposed to this one and I'm too tired to retype it. Forgive my laziness & have a lovely weekend.
Well music was our thing, I think.
Silence often surrounded us; Welcome home wipe your feet on the mat type Invited. ā€œHave you heard this?ā€ Was a quick introduction, body, & conclusion conversation in place of Casual chats about the daily grind- My usual curiosity could be Wiped clean by a low bass or good beats. Fitting best when lonely, weā€™d both mastered containing the illusion of An illustrious heart; Filled time with notes- Like cake, lyrics sat on our tongues, layers displayed unspoken words stuck in time frozen chocolate dirt, one liners sprouting sweet sprinkled memories, Singing songs Iā€™ll eternally string to you.
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raspoetry Ā· 9 years
If I created enough poetry to put into book form
And then sold it, would anyone buy?
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