ratremus · 2 years
I had no clue about selkies and thought this was just a normal thing or like a nonbinary like 'ah yes, seal is comfy' or 'nonbinary is just a seal'
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So just netflix then
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ratremus · 2 years
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Pride Icons!
Anyone is welcome to use these pfps uwu
Happy Pride Month~!
(I can make other pride flags too, Just drop it in my ask :D)
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ratremus · 3 years
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Remus definitely uses the evil non binary flag
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ratremus · 4 years
You know how in one pre aa episode Virgil said he didn't have a heart?
What if he was being literal?
Like what if one day another side presses their hand to his (Virgil's) chest and there's like absolutely no heartbeat and they're like "what the fuck"
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ratremus · 4 years
Hey update on the whole lizluvscupcakes situation. Just because you think we aren't gonna find out you are talking about us doesn't mean we won't find out. We aren't trying to 'start a smear campaign' against you. We are minors who felt uncomfortable with your actions. And saying we are awful for expressing how we feel and what we see isn't exactly making you seem any better. So yeah maybe don't do that next time. Thanks for handling this like an adult Liz.
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ratremus · 4 years
I'm sorry y'all but I think everyone, especially minors should know about this. This is about someone I hate. Just to be clear. And she's the first tag.
Good day to:
Women who try and say kids parents are ab*sive when they aren't
Try to play the victim when things don't go your way
Throw a hissy fit when you don't get what you want
Are condescending towards minors/others
Pretend to know better than everyone else just because your an adult
Try and gain pity for things you did to yourself
Women who try and convince a 13 year old child that it is a good idea to run away
Ladies who are pro shippers
Women who make minors terrified of her
Those who need to 'confide' in a minor with something that was supposed to be a secret
Those who don't know how to stop talking about what you want for two seconds
Telling children not to help adults and then relying on them for comfort
Talking about s3x to a minor filled group chat
Gaslighting children/minors
Saying the way others cope with trauma is invalid/not okay
Excusing ab*se
Sending a post about s3lf h@rm with out a trigger warning
Explaining how to manipulate people
Claiming people's comfort characters are canonically ab*sive
Then saying that we are being mean to her for it
Infantilizing others
Trying to make yourself seem far more important than others
Trying to use your age to your advantage
Asking me for validation and advice from a minor
Are there so many instances of things she's said to us that it's difficult to remember it all? Yes. And I know some people with remember more. And if you try and come after me for defending myself and others. Just don't. Go somewhere else.
Here is another post on this
Post by other person
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ratremus · 4 years
Street Walk
Idk I just felt like writing this short drabble that was more like a crack shot XD.
Tw/ suicide, death, Remus angst
Post date: October 5th, 2020
Word Count: 249
Remus was walking down the street. It was a cold night, Roman was going to be home soon so he knew it had to happen now or it wouldn't happen.
He was tired, so so tired. Tired of being awake, tired of being here, tired of being tired. So he decided to finally get some sleep.
He took a deep breath he knew he should savour this moment but he didn't want to. He thought about it for a second. Did he really wanna do this?
Did he really want to leave his brother behind? His friends? His partners? He knew he didn't but he couldn't bring himself to stop.
He looked back at the faint light of their house before looking ahead to the bridge he could clearly see ahead of him.
He started moving faster, if Roman got home before he could do this there was no way it would happen. He was already pushing it with it being 5 minutes before Roman normally got home.
He felt tears fall down his face a bit as he reached the edge of the bridge. He had to do this, he couldn't give up now.
He placed his foot firmly before pushing himself off, he'd already told everyone he loved them. He hoped they'd gotten his messages.
And then he died 💀
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ratremus · 4 years
Analogical Writing Prompt
Can be seen as platonic/romantic!
Virgil realises how ignored and brushed off Logan gets. So when asked to do the Falsehood he reluctantly agrees. He does it but immediately feels bad 'he doesn't want to take his bit'. Later Virgil goes and cuddles Logan, happiness ensues.
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ratremus · 4 years
Logan: please read this for me
The thing: Dogs fly slower than planes
Janus, age 31: senalp naht rewols ylf sgoD
Logan: 👁👄👁
You remember Jared 19?
Well now he's Jared 21, and he still doesn't know how to fucking read
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ratremus · 4 years
Goes with above
Just like how Romans sash darkens with the blood he's shed, so does remus' crown. Once he shed so much blood the black inkyness of the dark crown couldn't be changed it began to crack. It cracks until there is nothing left.
Roman Angst Writing Prompt!
If anyone uses it please tag me :) It can be used as SH or m*rder or whatever you come up with!
Roman's sash wasn't always red. It used to be a pure white. But over the years the blood shed upon him changed it. It stained in memorial of the blood lost. It still haunts roman to this very day. Especially as it grows more black from the surplus amount of blood he'd shed
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ratremus · 4 years
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Lobster Remus :)
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Plus some nice boi for you, as a treat
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ratremus · 4 years
I approve of all ships. Except R*mR*m it isn't welcome here. If your blog is about it please don't interact.
DNI: R*mR*m, Anti-DNI, Pedo/ddlg/cgl ect, Inc*st, Anti-Agere, Anti Sides, Kink, Fem Sides (Trans is okay!), Racism, Sexism, Homophobia/Transphobia/Aphobia/ect
Do not tag my writing as: Tw (side), Duke don't look, RemRom (ect)
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ratremus · 4 years
Virgil Angst Writing Prompt
If you write this please tag me!
Virgil is the son of Roman, Logan, and Patton. They had to give him up due to being unable to support a baby when he had been born as they'd all been 16. Now, 18 years later Virgil is on a mission. A mission to find his dads. One problem, they'd moved from town 2 years ago and the only ties he has to them is their old home and a picture of them holding him as a baby.
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ratremus · 4 years
Roman Angst Writing Prompt!
If anyone uses it please tag me :) It can be used as SH or m*rder or whatever you come up with!
Roman's sash wasn't always red. It used to be a pure white. But over the years the blood shed upon him changed it. It stained in memorial of the blood lost. It still haunts roman to this very day. Especially as it grows more black from the surplus amount of blood he'd shed
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ratremus · 4 years
Remus: Janus! I challenge you to a hotdog eating contest
Janus: You're on!
Remus: *starts scarfing down hotdogs*
Janus: *unhinges his jaw and swallows the hotdogs whole*
Virgil: what the fu-
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ratremus · 4 years
Don't Listen to Them (1)
T.W/ Crying, Panic Attack, Roman Hate mentions(does not go into detail) brief u!roman mention (blink and you'll miss it, also he's not unsymp), Hurt/Comfort
Prompt-ish (from @friendlyyalienn ): patton holding roman close,,, saying everything will be okay,,, going through breathing exercises,,, giving him comfort objects,,,, hnngggg,,, m somft,,,,
Post Date: July 26th, 2020
Word Count: 555
Roman had been reading through the Roman tag on Tumblr. He loved seeing what the fans thought of him! But then he came across something, something that made him want to cry. It wasn't labeled, no tags other than Roman Sanders. It turned out to be a Roman hate post.
Roman was crying it hurt, hurt to think that no matter how hard he tried, how hard he tried to be the best he could the fans still thought of him as bad or even dare he say unsympathetic.
Then he heard a knock on the door and he immediately tried to wipe away his tears. He needed to be strong! He was the Roman Sanders after all.
"Roman, are you okay?" Patton called through his room. Dammit anyone but him. Patton would immediately know something was wrong.
"I'm fine!" He cursed to himself, now Patton would definitely come in. As he had predicted Patton walked into the room.
"Roman what's wrong?" Patton asked sitting next to him on the bed. The soft words and gentle air to Patton broke him. He started crying and hyperventilating.
"Oh Roman, can I touch you?" He nodded slightly being pulled into Patton's lap. "I've got you Roman I promise, can you do a breathing exercise with me?"
Roman nodded "please?" Roman said putting his ear to Patton's heartbeat. "Okay in for 4 seconds" Roman did his best to follow along but failed and let out a small cry.
"It's okay Roman, I promise, try again, breathe in for 4 seconds" Roman took a deep breath. "Good job Roman! Now hold for 7 seconds" Roman held for about 4 seconds before letting out his breath.
"You've got this Roman, let's try again, breathe in for 4 seconds" Roman took another deep breath. "I'm proud of you, can you hold it for 7 seconds?" Roman held his breath. "You're doing great! Now out for 8 seconds" Roman let out his breath.
"Do you need to repeat or are you okay now?" Patton asked, rubbing Romans back soothingly. "I'm okay now, thank you Patton"
"Do you want to talk about why you're upset Ro?" Patton asked, grabbing Romans favorite hoodie, the one from his brother, and handing it to him so he can wear his comfort item.
"Thank you Patton, and can I?" Roman said as he smiled and put on his hoodie. "You're welcome, and of course Roman, I'm always here for you"
"Okay um what if it's uh a little stupid?" Roman asked fiddling with his sleeve "Roman if it upset you it's never stupid."
"Okay, um well I was scrolling through Tumblr on my tag and there was um an unmarked Roman hate post. And it hurts because I try so so hard to be my best for our fans! And… and they still hate me. Why do they hate me Patton?" Roman said, starting to cry again.
"Oh Roman, they don't hate you, there are many many many fanders who love you and even kin you! And the ones who write hate posts and don't tag them? Don't listen to them. They don't know how amazing my prince is."
Roman sniffles a little "Thanks Patton, that really helped" Patton smiled and hugged Roman. "Of course, now how about we go get some chocolate chip cookies and cuddle?"
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ratremus · 4 years
My new head cannon for the twins
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