rav-not-found · 2 days
i am sorry, mama. i know you did your best but i turned out wrong. i only ever sharpen my teeth on my own legs. i can't hunt and every song in my chest sounds more like a siren call. i tremble at every loud noise. i fear i am unlovable. you used to tell me to bark back and bite hard. i let every hand muzzle me and consider it gentle. touchstarved. i'm sorry. you wanted to raise a wolf but i am just a bad dog.
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rav-not-found · 2 days
any and all tips on how to shut the fuck up would be appreciated pls guys im desperate
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rav-not-found · 2 days
does anyone know how to shut the fuck up? asking for myself, someone who is struggling to shut the fuck up
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rav-not-found · 3 days
for a spn oneshot request!
stanford era destiel is a fav
80s! au destiel :) still hunting but w that 80s flair mhm
stanford era destiel you say…..
I usually like to stay somewhat canon adjacent so what if while Dean was keeping an eye on Sam, Cas was keeping an eye on Dean, but Dean being Dean he always would find Cas cuz he can feel when he was being trailed and bust him asking all kind of questions, to which Cas entertains for a conversation or two, sometimes maybe even a physical alterication where he lets Dean win for a bit, maybe even lets him get all flirty when he feels he has more power on the situation…. then wipes his memories and rinse and repeat
now you may ask why Cas didnt go invisible man on that assignment and well…. lets just say theres a slight chance he did actually wanna get found out by that pretty and a little childish hunter boy….
ok now im actually invested….
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rav-not-found · 3 days
Sam and Eileen's children headcanon.
They have twins, one child that they name Patrick John, after both Eileen and Sam's fathers, and the other child they name Maria Ellen, Maria after both their mothers: Eileen's mother was named Maura and then Mary obviously so Maria to combine the names, and then Ellen after Ellen, Jo’s mom. Patrick begins questioning gender around the age of 7, and around 8 comes out as a girl and asks to be called Trixie. So they have twin daughters, Maria and Trixie who's trans :)))
oh my god I LOVE THAT. and personally I kind of headcanon Sam to have been a bit gender queer himself but imagine that growing up with john he kinda just internalized it so I imagine when trixie comes out Sam is like Ohhhh shit I read it was genetic before didnt think it was a for sure study tho and trixie and maria both immediately go WHAT? cuz nobody in this family ever told them their 6’1 buff daddy goes by all pronouns actually
I see comedic potential in a coming out scene for trixie that just turns into Sam having to come out as well to his oblivious kids
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rav-not-found · 8 days
im bored and taking weird life choices rn so on that spirit
if anyone has any supernatural one shot requests or ideas feel free to share im trying to write more
I dont have any specific rules on them so share anything youve got chances are I dont mind it
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rav-not-found · 8 days
Deeply fucked up that this game (real life) forces you to play a crafting mini-game (cooking) every time you want to replenish your stamina bar.
You can skip the crafting game by using a pre-made consumable if you have them on hand, but high level players will constantly nag you about it and tell you that it damages your character's stats in the long run.
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rav-not-found · 8 days
oh no please dont pull a muscle with all that emotional effort !
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rav-not-found · 8 days
if you dont want to fucking see me just say so good god
why is it always me trying so hard and them hardly trying and if anything standing in the way
im tired of this
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rav-not-found · 12 days
literally my entire lifes problem oh my god
extremely unsexy of adhd to make me both very annoying and very sensitive to the concept of being perceived as annoying
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rav-not-found · 12 days
extremely unsexy of adhd to make me both very annoying and very sensitive to the concept of being perceived as annoying
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rav-not-found · 12 days
You know what’s absolutely crazy to me, that one scene from season 8, where Cas leaving Dean was so traumatic that his brain repressed it and rewrote it to Dean being unable to grab him. That is crazy to me, because nowhere else in the show does Dean’s brain do this. Nothing else he experiences is so awful that his brain rewrites it. Not the 40 goddamn years in hell, not his brother dying, not his mom burning on the ceiling, not his dad or Bobby dying, not everyone he loves being possessed; no it was Cas choosing to leave him that pushed Dean too far. The show never gave Dean a love interest again, and then supernatural has the gaul, after all that homoeroticism, to this day claim Dean Winchester is straight.
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rav-not-found · 12 days
the entire site needs to celebrate when it happens like we need a global party
reblog to teleport your mutuals to a massive party when jkr dies
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rav-not-found · 12 days
supernatural is so funny. sometimes they'll look for God and say things like "try new mexico, I hear he's on a tortilla" "no, he's not on any flatbread" and then you get bangers like "freedom is a length of rope and God wants you to hang yourself with it".
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rav-not-found · 13 days
the default way for things to taste is good. we know this because "tasty" means something tastes good. conversely, from the words "smelly" and "noisy" we can conclude that the default way for things to smell and sound is bad. interestingly there are no corresponding adjectives for the senses of sight and touch. the inescapable conclusion is that the most ordinary object possible is invisible and intangible, produces a hideous cacophony, smells terrible, but tastes delicious. and yet this description matches no object or phenomenon known to science or human experience. so what the fuck
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rav-not-found · 13 days
I still have to:
1. Give it a border for nice symmetrical edges
2. Tie off and trim the loose ends
3. Stitch on the final three designs (they’re done, but they’re fabric being attached and I still have to do the attaching)
4. Put on a backing (I don’t hate myself enough to weave in all those ends)
And then this blanket will be wholly and completely done!! SO close!
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rav-not-found · 14 days
Tumblr media
obsessed with the power he holds over straight men
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