ravagerv · 9 years
Rose hopped off the ledge back onto the main part of the roof closer to Jason. She pretended to weigh the two options of 'psychopath' and 'pretty mercenary' using her hands as pantomimed scales, "I'm both thank you very much" Rose declared with a playful grin. She didn't pay much attention to him possibly insinuating she was pretty and smiled along for the joke but the smile lingered a second longer than she'd expected.
Thankful for the subject change and eager to remove her thoughts from that lingering smile Rose reached back to one of her swords running her finger against it for a moment. The idea of running around Gotham with Red Hood not only sounded appealing it sounded straight up badass. But of course Rose wasn't going to let that excitement show, other wise it might go straight to Jason's head and she couldn't have that. "Hmm I think I could live with that, but I don't want you to get too attached to me." Ravager turned back to face the city once more this time anticipating the adrenaline that would soon be making its way through her system once again very soon. "And you better be buying my first drink" She added jokingly making the mental decision that Jason might make a very nice distraction after all.
"So what part of town are we heading to, and daddy bats isn't going to get mad at you for bringing a play date along, right?"
I think I’ve got fireflies where my caution should be.
Bet you’ve never had a Friday night like this, Rose Wilson thought to herself as she hurled herself off the jersey bridge directly into the Gotham Bay.  Her skin stung as she submerged into the ice cold water but she pushed forward and swam towards the pier anyways. Rose hadn’t been to Gotham in a while, she had spent a lot of time on the road working for N.O.W.H.E.R.E. but since a final confrontation with her father and family she’d been flying low under the radar.  Until now, that is.
A Teen Titan no more, nor a mercenary, Rose decided she had some spare time to do what she did best, trouble making. Okay that wasn’t exactly her six month plan, but she had been incredibly bored for a while and Gotham was just the cure for it. She really, really just wanted to get in a proper brawl like in the old days, and then maybe settle down into something more long term. She still had a few of Will’s contacts to track down in Gotham since her time in Alaska busting his sex ring, and there was still plenty of fresh hell for them to pay.
But for now Rose just concerned herself with getting dry as she pulled herself up out of the water onto the pier. There were a few fishermen out but it was relatively dead corresponding with the lateness of the night, Rose wasted no time breaking into a sprint down the pier. As she exited the pier and entered the street she looked around the buildings for a moment before locating a fire escape. She ran and jumped to catch the elevated ladder, pulling it down in the process before climbing the rest of the way up and onto the rooftop.
Rose looked out over the city, she wasn’t very high up and there were dozens of skyscrapers in the distance, but she has a decent view of her surroundings. She stood on the ledge letting the wind dry her off, she’d enough adrenaline in her system that she barely noticed the cold as she admired the city lights. It certainly had been a long time, Rose didn’t recognize where she was in town anymore with so much construction having been done, but Rose was certain she could find some thugs anywhere she wanted.
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ravagerv · 9 years
The male’s voice caught Rose off guard and instinctively she reached for her swords as she turned around out of her gaze. She stopped mid reach when she saw who it was and instead rolled her shoulders back, relaxing. “Damn Hood watch who you’re sneaking up on around here, that’s a good way to lose an eye.” Rose smirked winking one of her (two!) crystal blue eyes. She shrugged her shoulders trying to think up a good answer to his question, Rose gathered he probably wouldn’t have a problem with her hanging around Gotham; though the thought of a duel with the Red Hood certainly seemed interesting, it would be rather pointless.
“Just here to see the sights, maybe get into a little bit of trouble, nothing too elaborate.” Rose replied, turning back to the city and walking along the ledge of the roof. “Besides, my muscles are just aching to be stretched, what’s a girl gotta do to get a proper brawl around here?” Rose inquired before turning back to Jason and studying him carefully, his helmet blocked his face but there was still a lot to be told from body language.
It was entirely possible he could be willing to provide Rose some assistance or intel in her quest, or he could tell her to get lost, both seemed to be in character of him anyways.
I think I’ve got fireflies where my caution should be.
Bet you’ve never had a Friday night like this, Rose Wilson thought to herself as she hurled herself off the jersey bridge directly into the Gotham Bay.  Her skin stung as she submerged into the ice cold water but she pushed forward and swam towards the pier anyways. Rose hadn’t been to Gotham in a while, she had spent a lot of time on the road working for N.O.W.H.E.R.E. but since a final confrontation with her father and family she’d been flying low under the radar.  Until now, that is.
A Teen Titan no more, nor a mercenary, Rose decided she had some spare time to do what she did best, trouble making. Okay that wasn’t exactly her six month plan, but she had been incredibly bored for a while and Gotham was just the cure for it. She really, really just wanted to get in a proper brawl like in the old days, and then maybe settle down into something more long term. She still had a few of Will’s contacts to track down in Gotham since her time in Alaska busting his sex ring, and there was still plenty of fresh hell for them to pay.
But for now Rose just concerned herself with getting dry as she pulled herself up out of the water onto the pier. There were a few fishermen out but it was relatively dead corresponding with the lateness of the night, Rose wasted no time breaking into a sprint down the pier. As she exited the pier and entered the street she looked around the buildings for a moment before locating a fire escape. She ran and jumped to catch the elevated ladder, pulling it down in the process before climbing the rest of the way up and onto the rooftop.
Rose looked out over the city, she wasn’t very high up and there were dozens of skyscrapers in the distance, but she has a decent view of her surroundings. She stood on the ledge letting the wind dry her off, she’d enough adrenaline in her system that she barely noticed the cold as she admired the city lights. It certainly had been a long time, Rose didn’t recognize where she was in town anymore with so much construction having been done, but Rose was certain she could find some thugs anywhere she wanted.
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ravagerv · 9 years
I think I’ve got fireflies where my caution should be.
Bet you’ve never had a Friday night like this, Rose Wilson thought to herself as she hurled herself off the jersey bridge directly into the Gotham Bay.  Her skin stung as she submerged into the ice cold water but she pushed forward and swam towards the pier anyways. Rose hadn’t been to Gotham in a while, she had spent a lot of time on the road working for N.O.W.H.E.R.E. but since a final confrontation with her father and family she’d been flying low under the radar.  Until now, that is.
A Teen Titan no more, nor a mercenary, Rose decided she had some spare time to do what she did best, trouble making. Okay that wasn’t exactly her six month plan, but she had been incredibly bored for a while and Gotham was just the cure for it. She really, really just wanted to get in a proper brawl like in the old days, and then maybe settle down into something more long term. She still had a few of Will’s contacts to track down in Gotham since her time in Alaska busting his sex ring, and there was still plenty of fresh hell for them to pay.
But for now Rose just concerned herself with getting dry as she pulled herself up out of the water onto the pier. There were a few fishermen out but it was relatively dead corresponding with the lateness of the night, Rose wasted no time breaking into a sprint down the pier. As she exited the pier and entered the street she looked around the buildings for a moment before locating a fire escape. She ran and jumped to catch the elevated ladder, pulling it down in the process before climbing the rest of the way up and onto the rooftop.
Rose looked out over the city, she wasn’t very high up and there were dozens of skyscrapers in the distance, but she has a decent view of her surroundings. She stood on the ledge letting the wind dry her off, she’d enough adrenaline in her system that she barely noticed the cold as she admired the city lights. It certainly had been a long time, Rose didn’t recognize where she was in town anymore with so much construction having been done, but Rose was certain she could find some thugs anywhere she wanted.
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ravagerv · 11 years
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Nothing says Happy Easter like a teary (green) eyed Rose Wilson.
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ravagerv · 12 years
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33 notes · View notes
ravagerv · 12 years
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for dre
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ravagerv · 12 years
Fix Me - Marianas Trench
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ravagerv · 12 years
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Rose Wilson Costume Appreciation Post
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ravagerv · 12 years
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The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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ravagerv · 12 years
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2 / 30 Days of DC: Favourite Female Character Rose Wilson
This one was tough; no one really came to mind at first. I don’t have  a favourite female by themselves but Rose is as close as it gets. She knows who she is around other people but doesn’t when she’s alone. SHE’S A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE.
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ravagerv · 12 years
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49 notes · View notes
ravagerv · 12 years
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