ravenclaw-headcanons · 4 months
TCB are in the FINAL DAYS of their tinlightenment world tour kickstarter! 😱 and it’s up to us to get them to their goal of $200k so that they’re fully funded by THIS SATURDAY march 2nd! otherwise, they wont be able to do any of the amazing projects they have planned to celebrate their 10 year anniversary! they NEED to make it to $200k! 🙏🙏🙏
at the time of me writing this, the kickstarter is currently at over $180k and nearly at $181k
here’s your daily dose of joey richter ❤️ please support the kickstarter so it’s fully funded and this wonderful guy here can finally get some well deserved peaceful rest 🙏❤️ ATHEM!
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(no but seriously every tin can bro has been doing the absolute MOST throughout this campaign and they more than deserve this!! and thanks to all of you out there who have been supporting the kickstarter, making posts & sharing posts, pledging, etc. y'all are the best i love you & i love this community)
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ravenclaw-headcanons · 4 months
Hey, you!
Yeah, you!
Do you crave more ✨canon queer stories✨ in your fandom experience? Are you begging for more major character representation that you don’t have to headcanon for yourself?
Then have I got the kickstarter for you!
The Tin Can Bros (a comedy trio and makers of live theatre, digital sketches, webseries, you name it! You might know them from all the work they’ve done with Starkid—founding Tin Can Brothers Joey and Brian played Ron and Quirrell in A Very Potter Musical) are launching a brand new season of projects, most of which contain QUEER MAJOR CHARACTERS AND THEMES. These guys have got gays, they’ve got lesbians, they’ve got trans and gnc characters, they’ve got wholesome first love and Hannigram levels of fucked-up toxicity. It’s a whole cornucopia!! They’re planning to produce work in Los Angeles, NYC, London, Edinburgh, and Adelaide, but there will be digital tickets so you can watch where ever you are!
We’ve got:
-Two Rocky Horror-style concerts of the cult-hit, spy-movie parody musical Spies Are Forever. Gay protagonist who will sear himself into your heart! Seriously, his relationship with fellow spy Owen will emotionally destroy you for at least seven years.
-A concert of the developing musical This Could Be on Broadway, which follows a group of high school kids putting on a production of The Matrix: The Musical (not a show in real life) in their theatre department. A bunch of the central kids are canonically some flavor of queer, and there’s a central, very sweet lesbian romance that includes a trans character. She’s played trans actress Esther Fallick, who also worked with TCB as a consultant to make the character and show as authentic as possible. Seriously, if you want to see a trans teen thriving in their own skin, this is the show for you.
-An Edinburgh Fringe Fest production of The Solve It Squad Returns, a Scooby-Doo parody that follows the parodic versions of the Scooby Gang when they reunite as fucked-up adults to finally confront the almost-twenty-years-past traumatic murder of their dog Cluebert. I promise it’s funnier than it sounds. Esther, the Velma-esque super genius, is gender non-conforming and identifies with they/them pronouns. They also have a girlfriend WITH a boyfriend!
-A workshop reading of the QUEER SCI-FI TELEVISION COMEDY PILOT Intelligent Life. Unlike the other projects I’ve mentioned, this one is new to the TCB fans, but will follow a pair of ex-boyfriends forced to survive together in an extra-terrestrial colony. From the sound of it, there will be plenty of queer supporting characters as well. This frankly sounds like it could be tumblr’s dream show, and it’d be great to support its development.
-The Great Debate—a live comedy game show where comedians debate silly things. While this obviously won’t have narrative gay rep like the other projects, it will showcase gay talent (at the very least, Tin Can Brother Corey will participate in every show) and may include debates involving queer topics.
-Gross Prophets, in which three wannabe gurus/cult leaders lead a seminar on the path to enlightenment. This is a completely new stage musical so I honestly don’t know if it will contain any queer characters or themes. But the TCB queer track record is pretty good!
Guys, I’m so genuinely so excited by this season. But all this awesome queer art won’t happen unless we get their kickstarter funded. And they need our help! So let’s get fundraising!!
TLDR; Comedy group Tin Can Bros are attempting to fund a season positively filled with queer stories and characters, and they need help! If you want to support the creation of queer theatre and the development of queer TV, consider checking them out and giving to the kickstarter!
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ravenclaw-headcanons · 4 months
Smosh fans! This one’s for you! Arasha, Chanse and Angela will be guests on the new live comedy game show Tin Can Bros have planned as part of the 10 year anniversary celebration! But it’ll only happen if they reach their kickstarter goal! Head to the link to back and make it happen!
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the harry potter fandom through time
2007: deathly hallows has been released.... my childhood is over
2008: snape snape severus snape DUMBLEDORE
2009: omg fuck u twilight u suck hp ftw
2010: is it excessive to like 200 harry potter fan pages on facebook?? ... nah
2011: deathly hallows part 2 has been released.... my childhood is over p.s DID YOU GET POTTERMORE BETA???
2012: I've spent the last 5 hours watching youtube videos of people getting sorted and freaking out when pottermore puts them in the wrong house
2013: why am I crying over the scarf of sexual preference?
2014: wow a lot of people in the harry potter youtube community are dickheads
2015: big up black hermione !!!!
2016: did I just pay £10 for a harry potter/back to the future crossover fanfic?
2017: so :) much :) discourse :)
2018: am I just sleep deprived or did the crimes of grindelwald make no sense?
2019: can’t believe AVPM is 10 years old and I still have a crush on every member of starkid
2020: why is jk rowling still here?
2021: why am I still here?
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Buckle up kids it’s time to reread Percy Jackson
So this is the launch of a new community where we (re)read books together, share our thoughts and hold discussions, get creative, and try and put a bit of good out into the world as we go
After a public vote, we’ll be reading The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan in support of Save the Children
Rules and general info:
We’ll be reading one chapter a day. You are obviously allowed to read at whatever pace you want but I’ve set a slow pace so people with hectic lives can still get involved
The event will be from the 1st - 22nd April
On this blog, twitter, and instagram I’ll be posting my thoughts and a discussion question for each chapter so feel free to get involved!
You are encouraged to get involved however you want- be creative! Art, videos, your thoughts throughout reading the book, reading in a new language, writing scenes from other characters POVs, posting headcanons, tiktoks, baking blue food; there are loads of great ways to get involved! The more creative the better
Make sure to use the tag #readforchange so we can all join in on each other’s discussions and hopefully make some new friends!
I also thought it would be great to try and tie in the read along to trying to raise a bit of money for charity and you guys selected Save the Children as our first charity
Read here to learn more about Save the Children and what they do
Obviously I’m not expecting us to raise loads but every little helps!
As with the reading, how you want to get involved in fundraising is up to you. You could donate £1, you could use the sponsorship form to raise money from friends and family (especially if you’re doing something creative!), you could hold a bake sale with blue food, or you could help out by sharing the link to the just giving page
This is all meant to be fun, flexible, and low pressure so get involved as much or as little as you want and really make it your own. I can’t wait to see what you all get up to!
Reblog if you’re interested so we can get as many people involved as possible! I’ll be posting reminders as we get closer to the day but I’m so excited and hopefully you guys are looking forward to it too!
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moving forward and propositions
tldr; although this blog has been p much abandoned I still think we could have some fun here with a bit of reformatting and fresh ideas. any thoughts on things you’ve enjoyed from this blog or things you’d like to see in the future? or do you think there’s nothing wrong with the format and I should just go back to posting headcanons like normal?
long time no see.
it's been, what 18 months since I was properly active on this blog? actually I just checked and the last headcanon was posted in Jan 2019. mad
when I sent out the word that I wouldn't be keeping up with this blog anymore I cited graduating and starting a full time job as the primary causes. essentially that I just didn't have the time to dedicate to this blog anymore. which was and still is true tbf
but I also (semi) abandoned this blog for the less admirable fact that my heart just wasn't in it. I guess you could probably tell that considering the headcanons kept getting scarcer and scarcer. I guess it's just, I've always loved having this community y'know. we've had great discussions on here and held events and forged friendships and that was really cool to have
but in terms of what this blog actually is
I don't know. I mean I can't say I have my finger on the pulse of fandom culture the way I did back in 2015, but when I started this blog it really felt like we'd found this untapped thing that people could be passionate about and engage with in a new way
I'm not going to sit here and pretend I'm some sort of innovator. in fact I stole the premise of this blog from mugglebornheadcanon. but there was still something new and exciting about it
I had loads of ideas and people had tons of their own headcanons they wanted to share and idk I guess it was just nice to have a creative space for people who were all passionate about the same thing
whereas now we're 1000 headcanons deep, I have nothing left to give, and there are tons of other blogs out there who can do this way better than I can. I'm not saying that in a self pitying way. it's just to have a blog like this that feeds off ideas and creativity you kind of need some passion, or at least inspiration
anyway this is all a very convoluted way of asking for a community brainstorm
because I still think this blog is great, and has the capacity to be the community driven creativity vortex that it was, I just don't think this is the way to go
hey, maybe you'll all reply and say 'no we've still got hundreds of headcanon ideas please let us post them!!' but my intuition is saying it might be time to move onto other content? it just feels a bit like the well has run dry on this kind of content, but wouldn’t it be awesome if we could find something new that relit that old spark?
so I guess this is a general call for ideas? a heads up to the muse of inspiration that now might be a good time to strike
if anyone has any thoughts or ideas on a way we could direct this blog to actually being, well something then please drop me a message!!
general musings so far on my part are that by far my favourite parts of running this blog were the various community events. ravenclaw pride day, the advent calendar, secret santa, harry potter playlists, and primarily the rereads we did
if you missed them, on this blog we hosted rereads for the 20th anniversaries of PS, CoS, and PoA where everyone would read one or two chapters a day. people would post their thoughts on the chapters, artwork, their progress on reading in another language, jokes, I posted discussion questions every day, it was pretty much a free for all
I don't know, maybe there's not a way of turning that into its own project. I mean theoretically I could set up a blog dedicated to hosting those kind of events. obviously having breaks in the middle, but it could be kind of fun. percy jackson would be a great one to do, or maybe the hunger games, narnia, asoue, his dark materials, twilight, spiderwick, inkheart etc
idk the issue is theoretically it could be great fun. we could have community votes on what people would like to reread, we could reread books slowly so it's not really a commitment, and revisit some books we've all loved or maybe even some newer books
but I guess it’s more of a question of whether that could ever work in practice. like again theoretically I’d love to tie each event in to raising money for a charity (again by public vote). I mean wouldn't it be great to have a reread of GoF where people were encouraged to donate £1 to a charity to support trans people? or maybe raising money to help kids with ADHD when reading PJO?
I think I’m getting too ambitious haha
tbh the real thing that was great about this blog is the community feel it had. a group of people who all love hp and learning and creativity and expressing themselves and so really what I’d like to do is find some way to recapture that, however you guys see fit
I am obviously have no illusions about the fact that this blog is not active, and its followers are (mostly) not active so I know any projects would likely be on a smaller scale. but hey, I started this blog with a following of about 1k on my multi fandom blog so anything can happen when you hit on a good idea
and I think there’s still a great idea lurking here somewhere, I just need a bit of help from you guys to find it
so let me know what you think and I guess I’ll see where the wind takes us
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the harry potter fandom through time
2007: deathly hallows has been released.... my childhood is over
2008: snape snape severus snape DUMBLEDORE
2009: omg fuck u twilight u suck hp ftw
2010: is it excessive to like 200 harry potter fan pages on facebook?? ... nah
2011: deathly hallows part 2 has been released.... my childhood is over p.s DID YOU GET POTTERMORE BETA???
2012: I've spent the last 5 hours watching youtube videos of people getting sorted and freaking out when pottermore puts them in the wrong house
2013: why am I crying over the scarf of sexual preference?
2014: wow a lot of people in the harry potter youtube community are dickheads
2015: big up black hermione !!!!
2016: did I just pay £10 for a harry potter/back to the future crossover fanfic?
2017: so :) much :) discourse :)
2018: am I just sleep deprived or did the crimes of grindelwald make no sense?
2019: can’t believe AVPM is 10 years old and I still have a crush on every member of starkid
2020: what am I still doing here?
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Moodboards Masterpost
so I’ve had a request from @sai-kida134 to compile something of a master post for the moodboards I’ve made and it sounded like a great bit of lockdown procrastination so here I am
I know I don’t post here any more but I do still make these in other places so feel free to hmu if there are any requests
entries in bold are ones I personally like the most. A highlights reel if you will (because some of them are decidedly subpar lol)
*please note mood boards with asterisks were made ironically and are not aesthetically pleasing in the slightest* 
(also note that when I just typed that I wrote asterix which is hilarious but also? what an icon?)
Keep reading
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Hi! I am a HUGE fan of this, and I was wondering if you could do Ravenclaw's with different sexualities. If not, it's totally fine! :D
Hey anon, this is a very sweet message and thank you for asking so courteously, however I just wanted to let you know that I don’t really have the time to commit to this blog anymore and so unfortunately I am no longer active here, just make a few sporadic posts
However I did make some posts along these lines a while ago so just wanted to share the link with you in case it helps! 
Just keep scrolling and eventually you’ll hit the relationships section!
Hope this is the kind of thing you were after :)
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“I have a problem. I am an intellectual, but I am not very clever.”
— - Adrian Albert Mole
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That shirt is blue btw, sorry for not showing my face but I don't feel comfortable with showing my face. Anyway Happy Ravenclaw Pride Day from your local disabled wheelchair using Ravenclaw! (^ _ ^)/
(Submitted by thefangirlinawheelchair)
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I actually got them from depop! 
(I know, I know, I’m a basic bitch BUT I’m a basic bitch who’s so far managed to stick to her new year’s resolution of not buying any fast fashion so it ain’t all bad)
I got them from this shop and would definitely recommend, the seller managed to get them to me even though she was on holiday which was very good of her
Apparently they were made by a shop called Public Desire? Tbh I’ve never heard of them and again, I’m not advocating fast fashion... but if you’re not bothered it seems like they’ve got a lot of v cheap shoes available so might be worth a look if you need something to glam up your quarantine haha
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This is what happens when ravenclaw pride day coincides with the first day you’re allowed outside in 2 weeks
(Also lads, I tried to stick to book colours but ya girl just doesn’t wear brown okay don’t sue me)
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My Disney-ish/modern take on Luna Lovegood…hope you like it! 
**please like and/or reblog this post especially if you’re a Ravenclaw or just post HP stuff. I’d love to check out your blog💙
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wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure
Ravenclaw Journal Theme
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Happy Ravenclaw Pride Day! 💙 (March 23rd)
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Ravenclaw vibes for Ravenclaw pride day 💙
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