ravingramblerrants · 1 year
The sun sets on yet another friendship
what did I do wrong this time?
is being a good friend a crime?
I keep on trying and trying
but in the end they leave and I'm left crying
what did i do to deserve this?
it feels like a friendship with no purpose
I loved them like family
why did they have to treat me with such apathy
now all I feel is agony
wondering what i did to cause this tragedy
I miss them dearly but I know they'll never apologize
of my plights they never tried to sympathize
and now my heart has been vandalized
left with yet another scar on my heart and tear stained eyes
I wonder when the sun will rise
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ravingramblerrants · 1 year
Sky Sailor
I reach out to the sky
And I can't help but wonder why
I long to fly away and touch the clouds
Above the land without a worry or care
An escape from this dreary reality
I watch the colors of the sky change and reflect on the clouds
Their white color shifted to beautiful shades of pink, purple, and blue
Is this the dimming light of a sunset marking the end of an Era
Or perhaps it's the shinging new rays of a dawn sunrise for a new day
I reach out and follow the horizon to find what the future holds
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ravingramblerrants · 1 year
The Rain
I used to love the rain.
Every rainfall I’d go out and enjoy the rainy air
Then one day came a storm like none I had seen
The rain poured in buckets with thunder and lightning as its companions
I went out in that storm and took it all in
I sang with the thunder, danced with the lightning and I felt the rain
It was one of the most incredible storms
Something I had only ever dreamed about
Then I heard a cry
My friend stood over the shambles of her ruined home
She too danced with the thunder, but she had gotten too close and the lightning struck Her home lay there shattered
The storm cleared and all she could do was cry
The sun returned and all we could do was reflect on the storm
In time we will rebuild but for now the rain serves as a bitter reminder of what was and what happened
Now when the rain comes I stay inside and only hear the muffled drops
Maybe one day I’ll find the perfect storm but for now all I can do is move on
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ravingramblerrants · 2 years
The Thief
What was the point?
I fell for you hard and you liked me too
I really really loved you
But it wasn't enough
I'm never enough
Was it all a pointless lie?
You pulled a wall over my eyes
I know it started as a joke
But I loved you and now its broke
I thought you could be my better half
Now I see it was all for a laugh
Guess I'm the fool
Who thought loving you would be cool
But your religion was cruel
And you would not compromise
One week was all it took
For me to find out you're a crook
You stole my heart
And made me see love its the hardest art
Now I feel like I'm falling apart
What will I do now?
I thought there was love to be found
But it was a lie
And I kind of want to die
Why did I think someone would ever love me
I never was pretty
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ravingramblerrants · 2 years
The Kitchen Sink
I am the kitchen sink
the one thing left behind
when people move on with their lives
they forget about me and thrive
everything but the kitchen sink
I'm the only one they wont think
about when life goes on
And so I'm stuck here left alone to rot
while they live on and think of me not
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ravingramblerrants · 2 years
The Heart In The Cup
This is a poem I found scribbled in one of my notebooks except it was not my handwriting so the author here is unknown. But its still a poem I'd like to share
Some people keep their heart in a cup. Some may keep the cup on the mantel or top shelf. Some are fragile and break easy so they have extra protection. While some get thrown around, torn, and broken.
Me, I keep mine in a cup on the shelf surrounded by fire in a locked safe and it still gets broken. It's easier to get a broken heart when you wear it on your sleeve. When you show your emotions, when you're vulnerable.
The more I try to protect my heart the more it gets hurt. The more it gets toyed with by people who don't deserve to have it. My heart is too fragile.
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ravingramblerrants · 2 years
Song Lyrics!
Just some Lyrics from songs that have been echoing in my head lately
"It's funny how you find you enjoy your life when you're happy to be alive" -High of 75 by Relient K
"The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair" -Be My Escape by Relient K
"Cause its a bitter world and I'd rather dream" -Lonely Lullaby by Owl City
"Talking only brings the toothaches on because I say the stupidest things" -Dental Care by Owl City
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ravingramblerrants · 2 years
Memories of a Forgotten Realm
The memories, long past but the echoes remain
A long abandoned world once filled with life and memories
The promise of the beginning of an adventure, forever abandoned and the remains left to rot
A discarded world of possibilities, left behind while life continued,
These memories of simpler times
Are all that remain as I explore these long forgotten realms that once teamed with life and adventure
I miss him so
The old him
What remains now is still him but he has changed and moved on
Forgotten these memories perhaps, or just left me behind as he goes on
Maybe this old world and I are one in the same?
One can only Ponder
Does he still care? Or have I been discarded like this realm, left to just rot alone dwelling on memories past?
Regardless life moves on
Now it's my choice if I should too...
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ravingramblerrants · 2 years
Forever Alone
This is just an old poem I wrote a long time ago
I know a friend who isn't what she seems. She's more than what is shown, because I can see that inside her is pain and sadness from what people have done to her. Inside she feels alone and unwanted but, on the outside she seems hopeful and promising around her friends. She is scarred and even though she seems tough she is on the inside crying. She was bullied and unliked in elementary, they always seemed to tease her and pretend she wasn't there. Now she seems solid as a rock, mostly expressionless, but inside she's falling apart. Feeling as if no one will ever love her. She may not seem like it but she always needs a hug, but its hard to give yourself a hug, so for now she seems Forever Alone.
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