raynerazorblade · 11 months
The result of messing around with photoedit, Part II Original painting, "no acid trip" was a painting made by artist Louis Wane.
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No acid trip
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Mild acid trip
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Medium acid trip
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High acid trip
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Extreme acid trip
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raynerazorblade · 11 months
The results of messing around with photoedit, Part I
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An edit of Louis Wane's painting of a cat.
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Memeable version.
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
Mad Turbulence
Great floods of emotion, 
The elevation set in motion,
Hallucination there and here,
Colors dancing around queer,
So many fictional souls,
Soulbonds and melting pots,
Scatter onions whiteboard D. Barker,
Disjointed words apophenic wonderings,
Excitement and the dominos fall, fall,
The infinite cat escapes the box,
The infinite cat escapes all boxes,
Swarming and swarming and swarming,
Dot, dot, dot, dot, dash,
Words achieve a nonsensical limit,
Truly inexpressible intensities.
Some notes: when I say intensities I mean both in the colloquial and Deleuzian-Guattarian sense combined. Despite my current state where I'm feeling highly on the brink of the entire mental machine unravelling and unfolding itself into new strange and abstract geometric/conceptual structures in a philosophical sense, the strange, at some points seemingly incoherent use of words was deliberate as a mode of expression.
For instance with the phrase, "scatter onions whiteboard D. Barker," despite the word-salad sound of it, was allowing myself to make extremely strange and loose associations between things spontaneously and thus there is meaning here that can be interpreted. For example, "onions" is a concept associated with something with many layers, onions are deeply stratifed entities, so one can imagine the term "scatter" is as though those layers are being peeled away, being scattered, thrown across points in space and time. The stratifications and layers, thus proper orderings, are rhizomatized and the common sense has been annihilated in favour of a raw intensity. Hence "whiteboard" we can see that the words are thrown onto a planomenon, like rhizomatic points that express polyvocal meanings and hint towards a multiplcity of concepts. The "whiteness" is the idea that raw intensities can be blinding in that they block the way towards seeing that a common ground of sense must be established before channels of communication can be constructed and maintained. Hence the reference to the CCRU through the term, "D. Barker" as I am identifying as D. Barker at this time and view myself as a barking animal engaged in philosophical research through the poetci artform and thus the poetry itself is a narrative device in a way that hyperstitions are also narrative devices. Furthermore Barker is said to be trained as a cryptographer, and the strange and unusual phrase, "scatter onions whiteboard D. Barker," is a very cryptic phrase. At face first a word salad, on deeper inspection signifying many thoughts and associations that ended up getting chaotically condensed down into a sharp and disorienting singularity.
From this analysis one can see how, "disjointed words apophenic wonderings," fits here, the words are "disjointed" and they don't go together under an obvious light, "apophenic," in that patterns are being seen in the most unusual of places, "wonderings," refers to the mind going in millions of directions with the apophenic experience.
I am only posting an analysis of the more cryptic phrases here so as to invite the idea that there's something to interpret and try to grasp what it could possibly mean, especially helpful with any future writings I make where I deliberately go out of my way to go wild with the chaos of my own mind, or on another angle, strange order.
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
Soul Tides
Besides the sea in the soul,
Cyclic tides rush in and out and in and out,
Heaven delights in the high rise,
Sunglasses of brightly coloured skies,
Rainbow sparkles and hurried goals,
Rushing with impulse such grand pictures,
No time for consolidation, just mixtures,
A dash here, a flash there,
Seven hours compressed to two,
The lightning in my head I’m aware,
Electrifies with quite the mad tang,
Little looking back, simply making a brew,
The biblical fall of the angel,
Creeping in dark shadows of the demon,
Waltz wearily in drowsily dragging blackness,
Dance in melancholy, moroseness, soberness,
The dulls and grays deepen, as does blues,
I, however, am the song’s writer,
The quiet musician of my life,
Time for reflectiveness and introspection,
One anticipates soon, hours lighter,
The gothic temperament then lifts,
Then there is either raging emotions still,
Or perhaps in an hour sentimentally chill,
The mood is simply tranquil, peaceful,
Though soon the next melody sets in,
The cycle repeats again.
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
ohh my god a teenager online posted something that reveals a less than perfectly developed understanding of the world around them? should we tell everyone? should we screenshot it and share it everywhere so we can pat ourselves on the back for being so much wiser than Kids These Days? should we invite a boomer comic artist
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
Protogen Repairman
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Pristine, cybernetic machine, fluffiest darling,
Unbreakable, smoothly muscular engine,
Bluest happiest smile, the attitude is charming,
Sparkly warm compared to this devilish gremlin,
I chew on metal parts like a boisterous kitty,
Such a hard-working endearing helper,
Please come over, my computer needs repairs,
I’ll give you cookies and tea you welder,
You’ll take the cookies and tea my affair,
I’ll be watching you in my bedroom,
Teach me to be a repairman.
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
Those Damn Clocks
I feel there’s clocks ticking,
Ticking in my room,
All shadows and gloom,
Ticking towards doom,
Pressed for time,
Grains falling down,
Temporally in a bind,
Ticking in the nights,
Trouble’s brewing up,
Disaster’s getting out,
Danger’s banging loud.
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
Mysterious Stillness Of Night
Mystical dark veil, embedded with many sparkles, 
Grander spiritual teacher than the whole Christian gospels,
Shall I soon sleep under your spell when my God’s work is done,
The reading and writing poured into, I tire from the fun,
Night’s magic is more effective than any doctor’s pills can hope for,
Like the call to rest for the heaven drugged soul.
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
Spreading word about EarnItAct to help stop the act from passing
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
My recent health issues are more caused by mold than anything else. We need to get out of here faster than we have the funds for because we can't spend our food and housing funds on expensive and temporary bnbs.
But things are very serious and my health is at immediate risk where we are. And I still need medical care in the meantime, and rest.
I will do art for anyone who gives $50+ it's just gonna take time bc, again, I am horribly sick. Contact me for art @theartistrans Also I know this is a big goal, but it covers everything we could possibly need to get out of here in the next week, and stay housed for a bit while I recover.
Dm me for proof or details!!!
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V: @tab-99
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
Please Help Our Queer Camp Raise $50 So We Can Get a Ride and Go Grocery Shopping
April 5th, 2023
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My girlfriend and I are trans women who live in a homeless squat town in the Sonora Desert called Slab City with our unofficially adopted younger sibling.
Where we live is in a food desert as well as a climatic one and the closest store that doesn't charge triple normal prices is 30 miles away.
We need $30 for a ride and $20 for goods that our EBT card won't cover (soap, toilet paper, trash bags, etc)
None of us have a regular income, but we're all involved in a project to better our local community. See more here and here.
Please Dоnаte to Help Us Raise $50 to get a ride to buy groceries and be able to afford other household necessities.
- CаshApp: $ThistleDD - Pаypal: paypal.me/ThistleDD - Vеnmo: @ThistleDD
If you can't dоnаte please reblog and share on your other accounts. Every little bit helps.
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
"kids are detransitioning"
no. actually, children now feel comfortable and accepted enough to experiment with their gender, pronouns, name, and presentation. and while some of them end up realizing they were cis the entire time, they now have a new understanding and appreciation for one of the most marginalized and abused groups of people in the world.
there, I fixed your shitty headline.
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
I hate it here
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Let this be a lesson against believing politicians lies.
Keeping wealth concentrated in the 1% is the end goal of capitalism.
They will do whatever is necessary to keep the working class desperate and dependent on the system that impoverishes them.
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
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raynerazorblade · 1 year
Poem about the Sun
Shining beacon of radiance, burning plasmic force, Supplying the light for nature, breath of life, Sparkling shimmer in vast darkness, and the source Of brilliant hope, nothing can compare, wish granter, Through the passing of eons, burn bright you shall, To be an ever same relic for those to come after, Do not forget my dreams either, remain a planter.
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