raytatenda · 5 years
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raytatenda · 5 years
Trump: We are giving our churches their voices back
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raytatenda · 5 years
Pastor Chris on Marriage
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raytatenda · 5 years
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raytatenda · 5 years
Little Big Shots - Caleb Is Back! (Episode Highlight)
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raytatenda · 6 years
solitude(the me moments)
It is quite essential
Absolutely crucial
To your personal growth
Inward development is nurtured
Engendered is mental aptitude
Fostering matured reasoning
So invaluable is that time
When you are free from the public
Deaf to their never silent voices
Which never cease to speak to and into you
Telling you what you can and cannot do
Precious is that moments
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raytatenda · 6 years
wearied am becoming
worried am getting
buried will be I ask
married is all wanted
carried lovingly by you I long
What I see now is sad
It leaves me mad
I start to think I shouldn’t had
lacking and empty is the fad
am known now as one who gad
then some now call me a cad
should I shed a tear
when you can’t be near
to be available to hear
attentively giving…
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raytatenda · 6 years
Pink text on a black background.
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Bullying is a very severe and serious issue. It’s not funny, it’s not witty, and it doesn’t make you look cool. So if you’re bullying someone right now, stop. Just stop. #AFBV
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raytatenda · 6 years
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raytatenda · 6 years
she wouldn't let me
she wouldn’t let me
to be kissed
have I long missed
each day I get dissed
and am quickly dismissed
  to say all I feel
to express my feelings through touching
cuddling, embracing and snuggle her
she wouldn’t let me get to her
  I would stretch my hand to reach her
my arms widely open to receive
her in them ensconced
she wouldn’t let me reach her
  My left leg I would get it near her
my knees to rub her rear
my feet…
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raytatenda · 6 years
came they and told
what we have isn’t gold
hence it can’t be sold
learned we from the smiths’ fold
the explanation was bold
warming the snowy winter’s cold
we couldn’t have it mold
  believe it not my mind spoke
receive non said my heart did poke
deceive but don’t mock
perceive it or they  will rob your cloak
give in not to the stroke
to steal they had to conceive an idea
  I had to be decisive
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raytatenda · 6 years
they waved back
bright a morning I wake up
brilliantly lit is the new day
as the golden fiery sun sheds her strength
luminous rays radiating beauty
life-sustaining energy they give
nature receives and prospers
  in the warmth of its heat
hopes and dream are comfortably ensconced
drying overnight’s tears charmingly
surreal is such beautiful experience
  to chirping robins I wake up to
so sweet the sound
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raytatenda · 6 years
Open the door
allow me in
to be permitted is all I ask
together in peace to dwell with you
to be among those counted worthy
in the land also to be honoured
a chance to be counted I seek
named to be among the elect I plead
sitting in the fore of the courts I need
with a voice that resonate authority
to be offered a platform to perform
to prove myself that am worthy
like all you I will show that I can be
without conforming I will perform
reformed I am now
successfully I have been transformed
informed much I am now
formed now is a person anew in me
free from the deformed then was me
allow me in, open the door
accept me for the change you see
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raytatenda · 6 years
poems by raytatenda
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raytatenda · 6 years
whence gone are the days of my youth
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times of my purity I gambled with
the good night sleep no longer do I enjoy
all night I struggle to be calm and relaxed
haunting me are the past deeds every day
the thought of my youth days gone horrors me
then I could laugh with my heart
my eyes glimmering accordingly
sincere was my laughter
serenity ruled my soul
inner peace kept me composed
with a sound mind I chose well
hello, I love you, take care
gracefully and honestly I did compliment
a clown now I became
carefully rehearsed is all my speech and actions
to pitch and perform accordingly
counterfeit has become my personality
lost is in oblivion is who I was
redemption from these shackles is my prayer
free from this and to be again I plead
lost and unaware of love am i
fantasy is far from me
I long for the past days of real living
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raytatenda · 6 years
Marriage Changes Nothing
I was stuck in a click-spiral, as happens on the internet sometimes, and ended up reading this list of random people’s complaints about shows. A lot of them were valid, like sudden character changes, but then I read this: 
Penny and Leonard getting married on Big Bang Theory. They have literally changed nothing about their lives or the way they relate to one another.
I feel like this had to be written by someone in my generation as I feel like the next generation doesn’t have this thought…but in case anyone does I wanted to post about it.
Marriage doesn’t magically change your situation. It’s a (rather outdated) legal document that can affect certain things, like who gets a say in what happens to your body after death, who can visit you in the hospital, tax issues, and citizenship status (if one spouse is not a native of the country where the couple lives). That’s it. Marriage will not: -fix relationship problems -make the person better (such as overcoming addiction) -solve any issues related to pregnancy -suddenly give you money -suddenly give you clarity
Penny and Leonard had setup a life that was within their financial means, near enough to their places of work, and near their friends. Getting married won’t change that. That’s why “nothing changed”. Nothing needed to change, and in cases of money, nothing could change. 
While we’re on the subject, I want to pass on a bit of advice: big weddings are absolutely pointless money sinks. I grew up in a culture that doesn’t spend a lot of money on weddings. The bride and groom are married in a church they or a family member attends (for free), usually wearing clothing they already own (or possibly rent). Someone makes a cake. Family and friends make foods to bring. Someone rents a few tables and extra chairs. A couple uncles take residence at the Alcohol Booth (to both create their own drinks and to prevent minors from partaking). Someone’s cousin is always a DJ. The venue is at someone’s house. I remember going to my first “white American wedding”, and I couldn’t believe it. The amount of money spent could have easily paid for a car and/or a good deposit on a new home (or outright purchased a home in some areas). I found out that this was the norm. People used up their savings, or the savings of their parents, and took out loans for this style of wedding. Living in Korea, I can say it’s the same type of culture here as well. 
Why is this exactly?  It’s tradition! What tradition was it for, anyway? It was basically an excuse for people living in the same village to pool their money together and have a party…something with alcohol, rich (fatty) food, and music…something different from their daily life. That’s why weddings happened. 
Does that really apply today? If you’re reading this and live in a developed nation (or even some developing nations), probably not. You can listen to music any time you like. You have easy access to food that contains too much fat and too many calories. You can grab alcohol for a low price. All the purposes of a wedding and “sparing no expense” no longer apply. You can still have a nice get-together to share your milestone, of course. Invite loved ones to your home, or meet at a place you like (a park, the beach, a restaurant, someone else’s home) and have a good time. Enjoy some food and drinks, watch a movie, play games, have fun! There’s simply no reason you need to drain your savings, your parents’ savings (if you have a good relationship with them), and/or take out loans from the bank. Just get together and enjoy the company of your loved ones.  Use that money to instead buy things that are going to last, or spend it on a trip to a country that you’ve always wanted to visit. 
I think the good thing about the next generation is that they’re curious about things, they’re angry about things, and they’re challenging things that previous generations (mine included) took for granted. Even something as “innate” to a culture as gender has been challenged, and I think that’s amazing. The pointlessly extravagant wedding culture is one of those things that needs to be challenged because marriage changes nothing. The next day, when the wedding is over, you’re still the same people living in the same place with the same job and same friends…do you really want to add pointless debt to that? 
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raytatenda · 6 years
Home — RayTatendaMutizwa
Welcome, some may think and ask how can this be done? Can I also do it? These and more were some of the daunting questions that quizzed me as I thought of putting pen to paper my first piece of poetry. When I look back at how I started I see lots of mistakes….. … Continue reading Home
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