rdale-fics--fuck · 4 years
you know it’s going downhill again when you’re back on the fanfic bullshit.
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rdale-fics--fuck · 6 years
Toni: Sweet Pea, where were you last night? I called you.
Sweet Pea: Doing stuff.
Toni: Oh, okay. And who are you? I don’t think we’ve ever met.
Y/N: Oh, hi. I am stuff.
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rdale-fics--fuck · 6 years
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Cheryl: I’m cold.
Toni: Here take my jacket.
Y/N: I’m cold.
Sweet pea: What? [taking off jacket] I told you to bring more layers but of course you didn’t listen and now [piling scarves on you] now look, I’ve got to make sure you don’t freeze to death and [taking someone else’s hat] how long have you been cold you should’ve said sooner.
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rdale-fics--fuck · 6 years
Can I have a request with Fangs. You just moved to Riverdale and end up at Southside High and the Goulies surround you at your locker trying to get a rise out of you. Fangs catches up with you after and it leads to you dating him and you also becoming a serpent. Sorry for the long request. Thanks love❤️
Posted!! Sorry for the wait!! I hope it fits your prompt (:
Much love x
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rdale-fics--fuck · 6 years
Feelings - Fangs Fogarty x Reader
Request: Can I have a request with Fangs. You moved to Riverdale and end up at Southside High and the Ghoulies surround you a your locker trying to get a rise out of you. Fangs catches up with you after and it leads to you dating him and you also becoming a serpent. Sorry for the long request. Thanks love
Word Count: 2376
(A/N): I’m back! So, just so y’all know, I’m trying my best to get back into this… I’m an engineering major, and I’m in many difficult courses at the moment. (My university is a HUGE engineering school…) Hopefully I’ll be coming out with everything else within the next few weeks, but I can’t promise wonderful stuff… I’m so sorry, yet again. I hope this is what you wanted, lmao
    Southside High, your new high school for the next two years. The old, beat-up building intimidated you as you approached the entrance. Gripping the strap of your backpack, you walked in, your stress increasing as you were instructed to place your bag down and walk through the metal detector. After being cleared, you were met with a pink haired girl. “(y/n) (y/l/n)?”
    “That’s me,” You said with an uncomfortable smile. Your hands made their way to your jacket pockets, shrugging your shoulders up shyly. Although you didn’t stand out amongst the students, you didn’t appear to fit in either.
    The girl, who you learned was Toni, showed you around the school and told you little facts here and there until it was time for your first class where she dropped you off. “Try to lay low for now, you’re fresh meat, and they’ll know that,” She whispered, referring to the ‘ghoulies’ she had told you about earlier. You nodded and bit your lip before going into the classroom. The class was slow since no one cared to participate in class, but you knew you had to do the same to remain hidden, as Toni advised you to do. When the bell rang, you decided to test out your locker so you could set aside your books. As you reached the metal locker, you checked the paper that had your combination and attempted to unlock it. While you tried to unlock the stubborn locker, a boy with long, straight blonde hair approached you. You ignored the boy, continuing to yank at your locker.
“Hey, newbie, look at me, will ya?” He spat and you clenched your jaw, turning so you were facing him. “What’re you doing in a place like this, sweet cheeks?” He asked, placing his hand on the side of your face, making sure you continued to look at him. You remained silent, deciding not to provoke him further by saying something stupid. His hand retracted and then smacked your cheek and you winced. “Say something, bitch!”
Feeling spiteful, you kept your mouth shut and maneuvered your way out of his presence. “Fuck off,” You called out as you made your way to class. As you turned back to watch where you were walking, you nearly ran into a boy with a jacket that was the same as Toni’s. “Sorry,” you apologized quickly, rushing to your next class.
Thinking you were off free, you relaxed in your seat until the boy you nearly ran into entered the room. He was hot, honestly, a strong jawline, a built stature, and tan. You could smell his cologne as he moved past you and took his place in the seat beside you. “Good job out there with that Ghoulie,” He said casually, leaning back into his seat.
“Um, thanks?” You said awkwardly, turning so you were able to face him.
“I’m Fangs,” He introduced himself, his eyes scanning your body.
“(y/n),” You replied, deciding to ignore his not-so-subtle method of checking you out.
“I guess I should give a bit of context, this school is pretty divided. There’s the ghoulies, like the one out there, and there’s the Southside Serpents. Serpents are better, but maybe that’s my bias,” he chuckled and shifted his body to flash the jacket that sported a Southside Serpent logo.
“Oh, leather jackets with a logo embroidered, scary. I’m quaking in fear,” You joked and bit your lip flirtatiously. “I’m only kidding,” you added since his shoulder tensed for a brief second. “It’s stylish.”
Fangs chuckled and you jumped as the bell rang, the sound was ear piercing, and also a clear reminder of where you were. You turned to face the teacher, and once no one else did the same, you decided to follow the majority.
Once lunch rolled around, there was a hand that gripped your arm, dragging you in a different direction. Yanking your arm back, you prepared to swing at the perpetrator. When you were met with the same handsome face from this morning, you relaxed.
“Yo, what’s up, Fangsy?” You joked, watching him guide you toward a table in the back of the lunch room. The students who were already occupying the table all wore jackets similar to his.
“Just keeping you safe from the Ghoulies,” He stated simply, sitting at the table quickly. You stood awkwardly, scanning the tables nervously. “Take a seat, (y/l/n), we don’t bite.” Chuckling nervously, you sat down across from him, slowly sliding your bag off of your back.
“Hey, aren’t you the chick that fought with the Ghoulie?” A tall boy with slick black hair asked you, leaning into the table a bit as he spoke.
A blush crept on your cheeks and you nodded shyly. “Is this my reputation?” You giggled and bit your lip. The boy who asked you the question put his fist out and you fist bumped him, hoping that’s what he was aiming for.
“That’s sick, even newbies are kicking Ghoulie ass.” You chuckled awkwardly and bit your lip nervously.
    Months passed, and you found yourself with Fangs more than without him. He picked you up before school- probably because you make him breakfast-, the majority of your classes were together, and after school you either spent time at his place or with his serpent friends.
        This night would have been like any like any other night as of recent, except you had a plan. In a few hours, Fangs, Toni, Sweet Pea and you would be going to the Wyrm for some Friday night drinks. As you thought about your risky plan, you slipped on a lacy black bodysuit and shorts over top. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you smiled, and then slipped on your black heels. Sitting down on the edge of your bed, you checked your phone and noticed Fangs texted you he would be there in a few minutes.
    He had sent that five minutes prior.
    “Shiiiiiiit!” You shouted as you grabbed your purse and shoved your phone in there as you rushed out of your house. Locking the door behind you, you turned to see Fangs standing next to his motorcycle while on his phone. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see your text until just now.” You sputtered, walking over to his bike.
    “(Y/N/N), you’re fine, don’t worry about it.” Fangs put his phone away and looked at you, his eyes scanning your body. He coughed, and grabbed his helmet, handing it over to you,”hop on, don’t wanna be more late.” He joked, winking at you.
    When the two of entered the bar, you beelined to your friends, pulling Fangs with you. As you joined the group, you received many looks of confusion at your outfit, and then an expression you couldn’t read when they looked down at you holding onto Fangs’ hand. “Is there any reason the two of you showed up late together?” Sweet Pea questioned, winking at the two of you.
“What?” You asked, placing your hands on your hips, looking up at Sweet Pea with an attitude. “Are you implying something?” Sweet Pea started to speak but decided to let it go. He knew better than to upset you, especially if you were planning on drinking.
About an hour passed and you had drank quite a bit, which was out of character. “(Y/N/N), are you sure you need another drink? You’ve had a lot.” Fangs asked, resting his hand on your back as he spoke to you.
You nodded, chugging your new drink. “That was the last one, needed some liquid confidence before I did this.” You slammed your cup down and made your way to the stage.
The next few minutes passed in a blur. As you stumbled back to your friends, they all stared at you dumbfoundedly. “I don’t feel so good…”
As you woke up, your head was pounding. Slowly opening your eyes, you searched the room you were in. “Where am I?”
“My place. Take this for the hangover, I think you need it.” Fangs walked up to you and handed you medicine and a glass of water. Smiling as a thanks, you sat up and accepted the medicine and quickly swallowed the pills.
“What happened?” You questioned, watching Fangs as he sat down next to you.
“Well, you were hammered, possibly black out drunk, and then you did the serpent dance. Hence, the jacket.” He gestured to the serpent jacket that was covering your body.
You ran your fingers over the leather and smiled to yourself. “Cool.” you whispered to yourself.
“But when you came back to us, you passed out. So, I took you back here since I knew it wouldn’t be cool to bring you to your house and have your parents see you passed out.”
“Thanks, Fangsy…” You murmured, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Y’know, I don’t remember much about last night, but I do remember watching you while I was up there…”
“Yeah? Why’d you watch me?” He questioned, tilting his head to rest it on yours.
You shrugged, “I’m not sure, you just make me feel safe, and happy,” you felt your face heat up as you admitted those feelings to him. “I-I’m sorry, that was kinda weird.”
Fangs shook his head and moved his arm so it was wrapped around you. “Might’ve been cheesy, but not weird.” He chuckled, “plus, I like it, it’s cute… feelings, and all.”
“Feelings are for pussies,” You joked, giggling as you said it. “I’m still sleepy.” You admitted.
“Get up.” Fangs suddenly instructed. Furrowing your brows, you complied, getting off of the couch. He followed suit and grabbed your hand, guiding you to his bedroom. “You can lay down in here. There’s less light and it’s more comfortable.”
You smiled and walked over to his bed, sliding in under the covers. “Well?” You looked at him expectantly. Fangs shot you a confused look. You just smiled and patted the spot next to you. “Unless I’m reading this whole situation wrong, I’m assuming this is okay.”
Fangs chuckled and walked toward the bed, laying down next to you. “Unless I’m reading this wrong, this--we’re a thing?” You just nodded in reply and closed your eyes, shifting into a comfortable position before drifting off.
    The next time you saw your whole group of friends was that Monday morning, where Fangs took you to school as usual. As the two of you approached the group, their conversation stopped. “Hey! What’s up?” You asked them, your hand gripping Fangs’ nervously.
    “Are you okay? You passed out after the dance and-”
    “Toni, I’m fine. I was so nervous that I over drank. But it’s okay, I’m all good!” You assured your friend and smiled. “Plus, I’m a serpent now!”
    Toni chuckled and nodded, looking down at your hands. “Wait-- are you two..?” You just nodded and smiled, looking at Fangs happily.
    “Finally! We’ve been trying to set you guys up for ages.”
(Since there wasn’t much romance bc my writing has gone to shit, I’ve decided to include a few random scenes I would imagine happening.)
    With everyone going to Riverdale High, there was a lot of stress being put on the serpents. You had one of the hardest times adjusting, since for the first time in a long time, you felt as though you belonged, and that was being torn away from you. All you had left was the serpents, and that wasn’t easy when the school banned all paraphernalia.
“Fangs... “
Tap, tap.
Tap, top.
“Baby,” you dragged out, continuing to tap his shoulder to try and get his attention.
“What’s up, babe?” He turned around from his conversation with Sweet Pea and Jughead to look at you.
Looking around, you blushed and leaned down to whisper in his ear. “Can I stay over tonight?”
Fangs chuckled, “again?” He whispered back.
You shifted uncomfortably at the question, “I miss you, and you make me feel safe and stuff…” Fangs nodded in understanding and gently grabbed your hand.
“Alright, if you want to stay here with us until we leave, you can.”
Laughter. The room was filled with laughter, specifically coming from your boyfriend, Fangs. “What is so funny? I’m a weak person, I need to be able to defend myself!” You explained, holding up the pink ‘brass knuckles’ style, cat shaped weapon. The two of you were sitting on the couch, just relaxing after school.
“It’s pink, and shaped like a cat!” His laughter continued as he looked at your ‘claw’, as you called it.
“Stop laughing!” You shoved his shoulder and rolled your eyes at him. You then slipped the claw onto your fingers and gently jabbed him in the side.
“That’s what you get!” You giggled and moved them so the claw was only on one finger, and you spun it around.
“Hey! Be careful! You’ll hurt yourself.” He reached over and gently held your hand so stop you from spinning the weapon around.
Feeling playful, you used your freehand and grabbed the claw and put it on your other hand. “You can’t stop me!” You teased, messing with the claw.
“Stop,” He whined, grabbing the claw and gently removing it from your hand. His hand remained on yours, partially to keep himself safe, and partially because he just liked holding your hand.
Smirking, you decided to give it one last shot, and took the claw into your other hand and held it far away from him over the edge of the couch. “You’re ridiculous! Someone will get hurt!” Fangs laughed and reached over you, grabbing your hand that had the claw in it. He stayed there for a second and just looked at you.
At the moment, he was practically laying across you, his chest nearly against yours as you looked at one another. Next thing you know, his lips were on yours, and then the claw fell to the ground.
(Okay, so this one was loosely based off of a date I went on… We didn’t kiss, but it was a moment that I really enjoyed, and I felt that writing it in a way that it could have went is kind of therapeutic.)
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rdale-fics--fuck · 6 years
Y/n: *Kisses Sweet Pea’s cheek.*
Sweet Pea: What was that?!?
Y/n: Affection.
Sweet Pea: Disgisting.
Sweet Pea:
Sweet Pea: Do it again.
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rdale-fics--fuck · 6 years
fp: be careful.
jughead: no need to worry, 'careful' is my middle name.
fp: i know your middle name, and i wish it was careful.
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rdale-fics--fuck · 6 years
sweet pea: [walking in smiling] sorry i'm late i was doing stuff.
jughead: [noticeably disheveled] HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS.
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rdale-fics--fuck · 6 years
Gladys: You trust that Cooper girl with our son?
FP: Yeah, so?
Gladys: I just don’t like her but maybe its because she reminds me of Alice. Or maybe because she’s not good enough for Jughead.
Jellybean to Jughead: Is he always like this?
Jughead: He likes Betty more than he likes me, I’m fine with it. Actually he threatened that if I ever broke up with the best thing I have in my life he’d disown me. So, want to get ice cream?
FP: * pterodactyl screeching *
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rdale-fics--fuck · 6 years
So who are the serpents going to vote for if not Jughead?
Option A: Veronica, who’s dad bought all of your land to build a prison.
Option B: Reggie, who acted like a dick when you started going to RHS.
And don’t pull a 2016 and say you can’t choose so you can’t vote. We all see how that turned out.
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rdale-fics--fuck · 7 years
well I guess FP stands for “Favorite Parent”
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rdale-fics--fuck · 7 years
Reblog if you love sweet pea from riverdale
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rdale-fics--fuck · 7 years
How do I make one??? I’d love to, so if anyone knows, please message me (:
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rdale-fics--fuck · 7 years
Jughead in 2x10
Veronica: Hey, Jughead, I-
Sweet Pea:
Jughead: 🐍🐍🐍
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rdale-fics--fuck · 7 years
I’d rather sweet pea not date one of those prissy stuck up Northsiders that would be awful. He should be with someone like Toni. She doesn’t need Cheryl who wants to throw her out of school cause she’s not a northsider js
True true true!!!
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rdale-fics--fuck · 7 years
Do you think Sweet Pea going to end up dating one of the Northside girls, maybe Cheryl or V(I know V is dating Archie but who knows)now that they merged the Southside and Northside High together. What do you think?. And in your opinion who do you think SP should date?
Personally, I’m not certain but it would be a great plot choice. Especially if it was V or Cheryl. I feel like maybe Veronica finding out about Archie helping out the FBI could break them up, and then to piss him off she gets with SP. —Send me your ideas guys!!!
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rdale-fics--fuck · 7 years
“Sweet pea is a bad person”
EXCUSE ME? he literally threw away his serpent pride and wore that ugly, insulting outfit JUST BC HE WANTES TO GO TO A BETTER SCHOOL. ALL MY BABY WANTS IS A REAL EDUCATION LEAVE HIM ALONE!
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