my problem with a lot of body positivity / progressive beauty culture stuff is that it focuses on expanding the definition of beautiful rather than deconstructing the idea that physical beauty indicates worth. my difficulties with living in a body (and therefore with living, period) often come back to the fact that no matter how tightly i control my body, i am viewed as either object of disgust or object of desire (occasionally both simultaneously). i can never be neutral. i can never be subject. my difficulty with existing would not be assuaged, at least not for long, by winning the game of “beautiful.” winning is not the same as having agency or personhood. we don’t need to change the rules of the game. we need to stop playing.
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Harry kissing Lorde’s cheeks
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Thoughts on A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E.Schwab
This is the first book in one of my favourite series of all time . It is an adult fantasy book and in my opinion one of V.E.Schwab’s best works.
Kell- magical badass who’s powerful enough that it’s hot but also isn’t so strong that he’s invincible . He has interesting and believable flaws that make his character more relatable and whole.
Lila- feisty and clever , not your typical “pretty but doesn’t realize it” heroine. She is selfish and sometimes cruel but also very determined and hilariously funny.
The villains (The Dane Twins) are terrifying and deliciously evil
Holland is a very interesting character, and I really enjoy reading about his backstory. He is a very interesting contrast to Kell.
Rhy- my actual child don’t touch me
I won’t go into too much detail but basically magic / kingdoms / thieves / London. The plot is well constructed but I prefer the next two books.
Overall feelings
An amazing start to an amazing series. I do prefer the following two books to the first one but it’s still a great read.
I love the characters so so much
Everything is well developed
I love Schwab’s writing style it’s detailed and rich and perfect for the fantasy genre
Listed as adult but could also could be ya
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Currently reading : A Gathering of Shadows by V.E.Schwab // I love this series so much ✨
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*2018 Reading Goals*
Wow hello new year! 2017 sucked for me in terms of reading but guess what this year is going to be amazing and here is a list of things that I’m gonna do:
Reread A Darker Shade of Magic series bc it’s my fave
Read 20+ books
Read more Shakespeare because he’s an icon (Antony and Cleopatra, Macbeth, The Tempest)
Read more adult because no offense but YA sucks right now
Read what I like and only what I like
Write bomb reviews!
Anyways welcome to my blog! I’m very excited to begin and I’m picturing this blog to include : short and honest reviews about the best and worst books I read , maybe some book photography bc I’m an amateur artsy person, possibly other fun bookish things if the urge strikes me. Happy New year lovelies!
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