real-info · 1 year
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real-info · 1 year
Typical left-wing public opinion guidance by Dems
Even if the number of crimes has decreased, it's simply the result that the prosecutor has NOT file the cases. How can the same person, who has committed hundreds of crimes in the past, be able to walk the streets instead of being in prison..? Why did many people hesitate to use the subway because of the safety..? This video try to cover up such facts and deceive the viewers with superficial figures. This is quite alike the method of CCP !!
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real-info · 1 year
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real-info · 2 years
It's NOT a matter of Mr. Trump personal but the interference to Federal ELECTION !!
From us Japanese perspective, this prosecution against Mr. Trump, that's against the principle of equality stipulated in Constitution and are extremely UNFAIR, must be STOPPED. It's NOT allowed some state or region can be exercising such unjust legal authority and trying to distort, to interference to the next presidential election, the system of whole Federation. Why aren't other states and the AGs trying to stop it? It's not a matter only Mr. Trump personal, but the challenge to bend the Federal election. To vote against it in each state parliament, and openly declare "the prosecution invalid !", that must be done ASAP I think.
私たち日本人からすれば、トランプ氏に対する起訴は、憲法の平等原則に反し、極めて不公平であり、止めなければなりません。 一部の州または地域がそのような不当な法的権限を行使し、連邦全体のシステムである次の大統領選挙に干渉しようとすることは許されません。 なぜ他の州���AGはそれを止めようとしないのですか? これはトランプ氏個人の問題ではなく、一部の州の役人が司法を隠れ蓑に連邦選挙を操作しようという企てです。 各州議会で反対票を投じ、公然と「訴追無効!」と宣言することは、早急に行わなければならないと思います。
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real-info · 2 years
NO Japanese main stream media reported Tucker Carlson's exposure video
One fact is very clear, NONE of Japanese main stream media showed this video, they did completely ignored. The reason is very clear, too. This video shows they are LIAR !!
 この事実は非常に明確です。日本のメイン ストリーム メディアのいずれもこのビデオを公開せず、完全に無視しました。 その理由も非常に明確です。 このビデオは、彼らがうそつきであることを示しているからです!
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real-info · 2 years
Every War Accelerates Innovation !!
As the historical truth proved, "War accelerates technological innovation!". In this Ukrainian-Russia war has developed also, various drones, satellite-guided precision weapons, and unmanned maritime attack ship have changed the common sense of tactics and strategy. The linked video is also one of these. the unmanned combat vehicle that Russian military recently introduced into the battlefield. So far many Russian prisoners deployed as Bulletproof or Decoy, and died there instantly. But if a large number of this kind of unmanned combat ROBOTs are deployed near future, they don't care the enemy shooting and go forward to enter the trench, then fire machine guns, and eventually self-destructing. So.. Ukrainian should be very careful !!
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real-info · 2 years
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real-info · 2 years
Japan's LGBT supporting lawmakers held the meeting on 2/15
Japan's Non-partisan lawmakers supporting LGBTs held the meeting at the House of Representatives Members' Office on 2/15, in which approximately 30 lawmakers from the ruling and opposition parties attended. Then former Defense Minister Takeshi Iwaya of the Liberal Democratic Party was elected as the new chairman. Regarding the LGBT understanding promotion bill, focusing of the current Diet session, was confirmed by the group would "do their utmost" to pass it by the G7 summit in May.
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real-info · 2 years
Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary said "It's NO PROBLEM Chinese woman obtained the island", but it's only 20km from US Okinawa Bases!
Several days ago, many Japanese were SHOCKED by this news. This is because the island is very close to all US bases in Okinawa, so that it makes very easy to collect US military information in the Far East. Once CCP has decided they use the island as Information gathering station of US military, none of Chinese can refuse the order needless to say. Thus the future of the island has already in anxious. Yet at 2/10, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno announced in public "The entire Yanaha Island belongs Chinese woman, but it's not subject to the Important Land Survey Act, so there's NO PROBLEM!", that more stunned public.
数日前、多くの日本人がこのニュースにショックを受けました。 これは、この島が沖縄の米軍基地に非常に近いため、極東での米軍情報を非常に簡単に収集できるためです。 中国共産党がこの島を米軍の情報収集基地として利用することを決めた場合、言うまでもなく、中国人は誰もそれを拒否することはできません。 したがって、島の将来はすでに極東安全保障の不安要因になっています。 しかし2月10日、松野官房長官は「屋那覇島(やなは島)全体が中国人女性の領地であるが、重要国土調査法の対象ではないので問題ない」と公言して、安全保障を憂慮する国民世論をさらに驚かせたのです。
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real-info · 2 years
Tricycles are sold well in Japan (7:00 after better) !
Tricycles, which are familiar in the Philippines and Thailand, are starting to sell in Japan. And it's so-so good response in Japanese market. There are several reasons;
1) It's quite NEW, most Japanese have never seen in the car market. 2) It's more compact, cheaper, and can carry people, which Japanese small cargo trucks CANNOT. 3) The Insurance and tax cost are the same as 250cc motorcycle, so the maintenance costs is LOW. 4) Anyone can drive it with a normal car license, without obtaining 250cc motorcycle license separately. 5) The vehicle inspection is NOT needed, that's required all ordinary automobiles cost around $1000 each. 6) The garage certificate is also NOT needed, that's required for ordinary cars, therefore no need to borrow the space in the city. 7) In Japan, the number of low-income earners has increased, so they want a cheap and convenient carrier/transporting tool.
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real-info · 2 years
■ #スパイ気球 に関してペンタゴンの広報に矛盾有!
It's clearly contradiction 1st of all. If, as the Pentagon said, it had "NO dangerous equipment on board…" they could easily have shot down in Alaska or Montana because there are many places very few people living around. However, when media pointed the fact, they instantly changed the way by saying, "Falling objects may cause damage to the residents…". In other words, they used two contradictory excuses to hide their mistakes of inaction.
国防総省のアナウンスは明らかに矛盾していましたね。 報道官が言ったように、「危険な装備が搭載されていない…」のなら彼らはアラスカやモンタナで簡単に撃墜できたでしょう。両州とも無人地帯はいっぱいあるんですから。アリューシャン上空ならもっといい。実はカナダから既に警告は出ていたのです。しかし、マスコミが「なぜ撃墜しない?」と突っ込むと「落下物で住民に被害が及ぶ可能性もある…」と即座に弁を変えた。 詰まるところ、彼らは2つの相反する言い訳を使って、何もしなかったという不作為の過ちを隠したかっただけなのです。
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real-info · 2 years
Crazy dancing Communists there in Brazil
These are Red Guards of Brazil. Calling themselves Communist, they praise Lula regime and celebrates Brazil's becoming a socialist country. Western mainstream media appear to be supporting, rather than feeling threaten, this transformation of Brazil, which's South American powerhouse and high rich in various natural resources, into a group of socialist countries with close ties to the CCP. Within a few years, CCP will monopolize Brazilian resources, build up many military bases inside there, that's targeting the Nukes to Washington, New York, Chicago, LA, etc.. At that time, what kind of excuse will be heard from 47 Dems now shouting "Hand over Bolsonaro!" https://twitter.com/allanldsantos/status/1614161208382300162?s=20&t=01QXqtjfuoQA1HJ6OTZvkQ
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real-info · 2 years
This is the real figure of Lula Communist government
"Who's feeling sick…?" DF police, which runs the camps of protesters being held without Court order in Brasilia, asked. There's poor environment caused that 4 people have already died. One woman who's lost the health got up and stepped forward, then..instead of caring for her,.. the police violently stripped her head cover and kicked her down. Military soldiers watching the scene did nothing. The reality of Left-Wing Lula government, that's tainted by Mao Zedong's ideology, is NO difference from the CCP !!
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real-info · 2 years
Lula Left-Wing government is aiming for the DICTATORSHIP !!
The video below reports the reality of 'Concentration camps' set by Lula left-wing government. He clearly said "Four dead!" left-wing woke people always shout 'Human rights, human rights!' in public however, they say nothing about this fact more than 1000 people are detained without the court warrant and are barred from the lawyers. This is the essence of Left-Cult that all are based on the Double-Standard.
Lieutenant General Glauber Braga (PSOL) agreed with Omar Aziz's demands and moves to arrest the military generals on suspicion of "Handling of 1/8 failure!" History repeats itself..it's the same way done by Starrin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Hugo Chavez, Maduro,..etc.. There's also increasing the pressure on opposition lawmakers in the parliament. This means Lula and his government are definitely aiming for the dictatorship like CCP in China !!
ルラ左翼政権による強制収容所の実態をレポートした動画。「四人死んだ!」と明確に言ってます。人権、人権と喧しい左翼の信者達はこんなにも多くの人々が裁判所令状も無く拘束され、弁護士との接触も禁止されていても何も言いません。これが左翼の本質、巧言令色。ダブスタが基本なのです。副官グラウバー ブラガ (PSOL) はオマール・アジズの要求に同意し、ルラ政権に反対するデモ参加者への「取締怠慢!」の疑いにより軍の将軍を逮捕するという考えに同意しました。歴史は繰り返します。毛沢東やスターリン、ポルポトもやった「政権奪取後に軍の粛清!」です。又、議会においては野党議員に対し圧力が強まっています。これはヒューゴ・チャベスやマデューロと同じ小冊子に従った手法です。間違い無く中共のような独裁政権を目指しているのです。
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real-info · 2 years
Do you know how the 1/8 parliamentary invasion by Fraud Election protesters was done in Brazil..? Just view this proof video at that time. Lula's National Police had already been inside the building and they DID beckoning the people. People looked hesitantly 1st but mostly felt invited so got entered. It was completely rigged and engineered incident !!
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real-info · 2 years
■ 01/09/2023、ボルソナロ派・国会侵入の背景にあるもの
 ルラ左翼政権、最高裁判所のアレクサンドル・デモラエス大臣は、1/9、不正選挙抗議で国会に入った市民達を「テロリスト!」と呼び、全国の軍関連施設周辺にある彼等のキャンプを24時間以内に閉鎖するよう命じました。又、連邦管区のイバネス知事を更迭しました。知事は昨日、陸軍本部にいる人々を逮捕するよう命じましたが、軍が抗議者達を保護しており、警察が連邦区域に入ることを許可しませんでした。偏向メディアは報じませんが、2022年、大規模なドミニオン選挙詐欺を発見し、その詳細を公開したのは、軍のサイバー インテリジェンス部門です。なので軍はルラ政権に対し(正当性を確認するため)ソースコードの提出を求めていました。が、公開され不正が暴かれると軍はルラ政府を憲法142条にしたがって非合法化、関係した(クーデター)犯罪者を軍法会議で裁くことが可能となるためルラ政権は頑なに公開を拒否。数百万にも及ぶブラジルの有権者達は選挙後70日超、連日通りに繰り出して軍に「介入して不正を暴く…」よう求めてきました。 https://www.riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/brazil/brazils-censorship-czar-alexandre-de-moraes-determines-the-dissolution-of-brazilian-spring-protester-camps-in-24-hours/
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real-info · 2 years
しかし、このマドゥロは麻薬カルテルを運営し、1,500 万米ドルの懸賞金がかかっている指名手配犯。なので前大統領のボルソナロ氏はビザを発給しなかった(任期が2022/12/31、23:59までなので就任式に間に合わない)のです。憲法142条によって軍事介入を期待されたハミルトン・モウラン副大統領(将軍)は結局、何もせず、就任式は予定どおりの挙行となりました。ただし、偏向メディアが絶対報じない部分として軍は選挙集計で使用されたドミニオン集計機のソースコードを(選挙不正が無かった証として)提出するよう求めており、これをルラ政権があくまで「拒否!」し続ければ軍は前述の条項に従って軍事法廷で(クーデター・反逆罪として)裁く可能性を残しています。なぜって、今回の選挙不正、集計機の異常を発見し、詳細を公表したのが他ならぬ軍のサイバー情報部門だったからです。彼等は素人ではありません。アレクサンドル・デモラエス最高裁判事は何とかこれを隠蔽し、もみ消そうとしたのですが、相手が軍の情報部では及びませんでした。陸軍司令部前には依然として多くの市民が集まって「介入を…!」と求めています。なお(驚くかもしれませんが…)ルラはWEF(世界経済フォーラム)のクラブ会員です。共産主義者のルーラ・ダ・シルバが…です。
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