realchrollo · 2 months
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Chrollo Lucilfer
Hunter x Hunter
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realchrollo · 3 months
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Hey, here I am again with another pile of Kuroro doodles :) 
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realchrollo · 3 months
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“Things kind of got hectic for a while but an update schedule for this blog is in the process of being made!”
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realchrollo · 3 months
I'm doing something crazy
Quick, fast, no sign ups, anyone welcome, submit what you can zine
March 10-June 10
2 options
-> Chrollo Zine (Discord)
-> Shalnark Zine (Discord)
Any and all self indulgent art or fics
Art (is lined / coloured)
-> background optional (can be on a solid colour or black)
- Rated M max (no sexual content but can be alluded to)
-> Art only includes the 1 character
-> no shipping!!!
-> second person allowed (hands / implied second person shipping)
-> 1k-1.5k
-> About the character
-> Second person allowed!
-> introspection pieces
-> background / character study/ any au allowed !
-> no shipping with other characters!!!!!
-> second person content/ship is ok (you)
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realchrollo · 4 months
i know im late for new year but hear me out: its been a rough year so far
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realchrollo · 4 months
The more I think Phantom Troupe thoughts, the more I become convinced that "actually the phantom troupe wasn't responsible for the Kurta Clan massacre" is the funniest twist the manga could make, BTW.
Not in a "the Phantom Troupe did nothing wrong" kind of way (bleugh), but in a "they are a group of thieves and mass murderers but THIS PARTICULAR mass murder was someone else" kind of way.
Partially because Kurapika starts the manga SO SURE it was them, and instead of asking what evidence he had we all just accepted it.
Partially because it would be in character for what we know about Uvo for him to lie about committing mass murder to Kurapika just for the purpose of motivating him and making it a better fight.**
Partially because FOR YEARS the fandom has interpreted Chrollo's cryptic remarks when Kurapika kidnaps him and interrogates him in the car as evidence of his solipsism or his sociopathy... But what if he's being cryptic because he doesn't want to tell the truth about what happened (that the phantom troupe didn't do it), for whatever reason*** but he also knows someone on Kurapika's team can tell if he's lying? So he just says something technically true, and let's Kurapika draw his own conclusions...
But mostly because it would make some parts of the fandom real Big Mad. Haha.
Anyway, I'm going to like ...convince myself this is true if I keep this up, so just to be clear, I don't have any evidence that they didn't do it. I DO think that would be a massively funny (read: interesting, unexpected) turn for the manga to take.
**The 1999 anime actually has a similar plot point with Killua during the Hunter Exam... It's been a while but I FROM WHAT I REMEMBER Killua takes credit for killing this girl's father and fights her even though it was Illumi who killed him, just because karmically he is guilty of killing a lot of people so it's not like he's innocent in general, even if he didn't kill this particular person. And because avengers trying to get him is such a common thing that he doesn't even bother trying to explain himself to them... it's episode 11 of the 1999 anime btw if someone wants to check that I'm not totally misremembering this.
***Why would Chrollo not simply say they didn't do it, if they didn't do it? Maybe they were paid to take the blame. Maybe they have accepted blame for 10 years to bolster their rep as mass murderers and it would be weird to back out now. Maybe he doesn't think Kurapika would believe him - Melody or not - if he said they didn't do it, and he doesn't have evidence they didn't do it, so he finds it pointless to argue. There could be many reasons. But those lines in the car have been weird for a long time, I would love an explanation from Togashi for why Chrollo was such a weirdo in that scene.
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realchrollo · 5 months
Chrollo as an older sibling to feitan or chrollo as a younger sibling?
and while I’m at it what holiday themed idea do you like for chrollo better - nutcracker suite chrollo or traditional new year shrine visit chrollo?
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"By the way, happy new year to everyone!"
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realchrollo · 6 months
Art collab with a friend!!! Woooo
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realchrollo · 9 months
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Drawing gifts for friends  (¬‿¬)
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realchrollo · 9 months
Hullo i suddenly got back to hxh after all these years and got back to reading until the updated manga chapters. Did— did you like how the Troupe's backstory got revealed/told so far?
While first reading it, i did not like it? All that much?? (idk, my brain told me it was ooc for some reason) But once i re-read Yorknew arc, I sort of was fine with everything. I guess I expected a more... intense/hardcore/very personal backstory for each of the Spiders.... that's just my take tho
Hi! And welcome back :D
As for me, I never found it ooc given its, well, written by Togashi himself lol but I think I get what you mean by saying it felt different than what we’ve known of the troupe so far.
I wasnt.. entirely sure how to feel about it at first either, just kept kind of waiting for things to unfold as we went along and seeing where it was all headed. While it certainly is a lot more light hearted of a gathering origin than I had expected (other than perhaps that last tidbit), I feel like it’s Togashi’s way of reminding us that they were also kids once, and that the band of misfits and rivals and whomever else came together for a fun hobby of theirs and not for any nefarious means.
They went through a similar arc as many shounen characters do; of having fun, finding unity, experiencing loss, and then searching for power to ensure they wouldn’t have to lose again.
And in this sense, Chrollo was very much treated like his own protagonist, and if a manga were to have been made in his pov I’m sure a lot of people would cheer for him even as the group slipped more into the dangerous and illegal. Heck, people cheer for him now when he’s an antagonist in Gon (and also Kurapika’s) story. But this is how Togashi treats his characters, and it’s something I’ve very much come to appreciate about his story telling…
Did I really want some more background on particular characters? Yes, especially for Feitan (though I feel that’s obvious haha), but there’s still some time before the ending of HxH and I think we haven’t seen the last of their backstories. It’s usually not been good storytelling to give your audience everything all at once anyways, so I certainly think we will have more opportunities to see the individual characters both before and after the formation of the troupe as we have come to know it.
Even if (given how the storyline is currently going) that ends up being around the time they’re about to die :’)
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realchrollo · 11 months
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realchrollo · 1 year
Oh gosh how do valentines asks work lol ok, I'm trying: so what kind of chocolate do you like best? And would you rather get it in a cute shape or as a full on chocolate tablet thingy?
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"I saw some planet ones the other day, and they looked so cool!"
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realchrollo · 1 year
the end is almost near...
i've been wearing this bunny suit for five months...
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realchrollo · 1 year
2015 is the year i joined as well, and many comrades have fallen since height. i miss the golden ages, but for my friends that did not die to the onslaught of time or war, i am glad youre still here
you've been around, so what was your favorite hxh era (on tumblr or in general)
2015 was when I joined and that first year was the most active I ever saw. It was great in 2016 as well, with the hxhbb starting its first year, zines on the high, a huge fandom. I remember long nights playing cards against humanity with a custom hxh deck, and games of jackbox with that in mind. I remember memes and the beginning of the daily blogs. I remember the first summer Exchange, and then winter, and the rise and fall of giants. I remember the great chaotic users who plagiarized 1 direction fics into hxh fics, and leave call out posts in their wake. I remember the dark years of 2017-2018 where trump & tonpa lurked in the background. This is when great elusive theories came to light - The hisoka backstory, the idea of the pregnancy stone, the kite and killua theory, the long long hiatus. I also remember in 2019 when hxh came back to life, and fandom came alive. Predictions and panic, wondering what would happen to the main 4 and the troupe. I remember my horror and betrayal at the death of shal and Kortopi, and the sinking feeling that the DC arc was only going to be worse. Through disasters I have watched and waited, overcoming the #freak movement, and the anti hxhbb, overcoming the fall of nsfw on Tumblr, the Netflix hxh resurgence, the anti movement, the return of the manga, and the ever changing fandom.
Another year flies by, but 2015 will always be special because it was the start
I hope if anything I've given people a community in fandom, and a place to be creative through the years :)
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realchrollo · 1 year
i've been wearing this bunny suit for five months...
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realchrollo · 1 year
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So during last year’s summer, in a group chat someone called Chrollo “chrolf” and it started… a mini golf au…
Chrollo always gets a hole-in-one, everyone else just plays for second.
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realchrollo · 1 year
V-valentines you say.. well, asking for a friend.. but how would you react to a confession ? ノ\\\<
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"But that isn't to say I wouldn't be thrilled to have someone else confess to me though! I will do my best to be kind!"
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