realparanormal · 3 years
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By kjp
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realparanormal · 5 years
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In the 1982 classic horror film, The Poltergeist, there is a famous scene where Diane Freeling is dragged into a muddy swimming pool by the supernatural force controlling the family. The scene took around five days to film, and unbeknownst to actress JoBeth Williams, the props were in fact real skeletons. This isn’t the creepiest part about the film though, as actors and directors involved in it’s making were affected by a supposed curse soon after filming finished.
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realparanormal · 5 years
Poppet Tutorial
Original inspiration for this lesson comes from iladisparu’s Voodoo Doll Tutorial on YouTube. I make my dolls slightly differently, but they’re very similar :) 
Yarn (color of your choice)
Sewing needle
Other Accessories of your choice
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Step 1)
Loosely wrap the end of your yarn around four fingers and tie a knot.
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Step 2)
After tying a knot, wrap the end of the yarn around your four fingers 8-9 times. Then, remove the bundle from your hand, and, making sure it doesn’t come undone, begin wrapping the loose end of the yarn around the center of the bundle (second picture). Next, separate the bundle into four sections so that it resembles a sort of butterfly (these are going to become the doll’s limbs!).
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Step 3)
Once you’ve separated your bundle into four different smaller bunches, start wrapping the loose end of your yarn around the center of the bundle to create a fifth bunch of loops (This is for the doll’s head, I recommend making 4-5 loops for this section). Then, you can begin solidifying your doll by wrapping the loose end of the yarn up and down one of the bundles of loops (do this for all four limbs). 
TIP: Every time you make a limb, wrap the loose end of your yarn around the doll’s center before moving onto the next limb. This helps keep everything together!
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Step 4)
Once you’ve finished all the limbs, you can move onto the head. Wrap the loose end of your yarn up and down the bundle of loops dedicated to the head and bend the resulting stub over. Then, begin wrapping the loose end of your yarn around that, keeping in mind you want the result to look spherical. 
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Step 5)
Almost there!
When you’ve finished making the head, you can either glue the loose end of your yarn in place on the doll, or, using a large needle, weave it back into the doll’s body. 
At this point, your doll is a blank canvas and ready for you to decorate however you please. I personally just sewed a couple of black buttons for eyes onto mine, but the possibilities are endless. :) Just don’t forget to give your new friend a name.
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realparanormal · 5 years
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realparanormal · 5 years
Kitchen Witch Masterpost
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- General Posts: [The Basics Of Kitchen & Cottage Witchcraft] [Infusing and Charging your Drink] [Basic Ideas For Kitchen Witchery]  [Bedridden Witchcraft: Kitchen Witch Edition] [A Guide (Of Sorts) To Kitchen Witchcraft]  [Ethics of Enchantment of Food and Drink] [Mini Herb Packets] [On Kitchen Magic]
Correspondences:  [Fruit & Veggie Correspondences] [Useful Spices] [Taste Correspondences] [Onions In Witchcraft] [Grocery Store Alternatives for Magical Ingredients] [Food Correspondences]  [Witchcraft For The Home: Herbs & Spices] [Herbs & Witchcraft] [Herbs, Incense, Oils]  [Food Magic Correspondences]  [Magic Pies] [Herbal Correspondences] [Kitchen Magic Altar Herbs] [Cucumbers] [Magical Uses for Kitchen Tool] [Teas For Witches: The Basics] Spells:  [Charmain’s Self Love Mug] [Kitchen Charm Magnet for Fresher Food Longer] [Kitchen Cabnet Abundance Jar] [Protection Powder] [Rotten Apple Banishing]  [Abitwitchy’s Bath Bag] Recipes:  [Soups! Kitchen Witch Masterpost] [3 Spring Witchy Recipes] [Warming Autumn Soup] [Family Good Health Soup] [Honey Lavender Bread] [Pumpkin Pie Happiness Spell] [Grandma’s Pumpkin Bread] [Imbolc Poppy Seed Tea Bread] [Edible Wealth Spell] [Luck & Love Bread]  [Peace Spell] [Feel Better Charmed Soup] [Give Me Sunshine Potion for Happiness] [Healing Tea Recipe] [Soups & Broths In Magick] [Happiness & Luck Smoothie] Tips/Random: [Kitchen Witchcraft Baking Tips]  [Kitchen Witch (#10)] [Honey for sigils] [Storage tip] [Lemon Juice For Invisible Sigils] [Kitchen Witchery Tips] [Cinnamon Stick Runes] [Baby Kitchen Witch Tip]  Thank you for the suggestion @choijiae1893!  I hope this helped you! Enjoy! Have a lovely day 💖
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realparanormal · 5 years
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The first known reference to the demonic entity mentioned in The Conjuring’s spin-off ‘The Nun' comes from a medieval grimoire titled “The Clavicule of Solomon' - which describes itself as “the ceremonial art of commanding spirits both good and evil”. The grimoire references 72 demons that were allegedly vanished during the Kings reign. The script also includes instructions on how to expel them.
Unlike the Valek introduced to us in ‘The Nun’, the real Valac is described as “a boy with angels wings, riding on a two headed dragon" who is attributed to the power of finding treasures. Valac is referenced as being quite strong and only shares his strength with those deemed worthy - those who are not will have their life slowly ruined.
According to director, James Wan, Valak’s voice came from a “spectral entity" that Lorraine Warren had mentioned which appeared as a "swirling tornado vortex with a hooded figure" - thus providing a rough visualisation of how the film would present Valak. The end result we see in the film was due to Lorraine’s recount and Wan wanting to tie the character into the Warren’s Catholic belief.
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realparanormal · 5 years
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Antique Anatomy Tarot / Playing Cards Oracle
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realparanormal · 5 years
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The Man Who Laughs (1928)
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realparanormal · 5 years
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realparanormal · 5 years
Time For A Witchy Checkup
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Hey you! Stop scrolling for a moment, it’s time for your checkup. Take a moment to check each of these things and fix any problems you might find.
Wards and Shields
Are your special spaces still warded properly? Are the barriers still strong? Are there any holes or damages?
Are your personal shields still there? Do they need refreshing? Are there any gaps in coverage? Can you still do your work through the barrier?
Altars and Tools
Are the altars clean and organized? There’s no dust?
Are there any offerings that have been sitting out that need to be refreshed or disposed of?
Is there any unusual energy in any of your consecrated items?
Does everything feel charged and ready?
Your Body
Have you taken all of your meds that you need today?
Have you been eating/hydrating properly?
Getting enough sleep?
Does your body need anything from you right now to feel a bit better?
Entities and Other Things
Are there any regular offerings you give that you could/should check off?
How are things with your familiar? Your companions? The local land wights? The spirit(s) of your house? Do they need anything from you to keep the relationship strong, if you have one?
Are there any unexpected entities hanging around/taking up anchors? (Give your knickknacks a good check for this, as well as any old toys and jewelry.)
Do you have any promises, dedications, or oaths you’ve taken up? Have you been maintaining your end of the deal/is there anything you can do to be progressive about it?
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realparanormal · 5 years
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I know European Starlings are not everybody’s favourite in America (for good reason, and I know it is not the bird’s fault), but can we for a moment sit down and admire their most beautiful plumage?
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realparanormal · 5 years
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realparanormal · 5 years
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What in the DMT?
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realparanormal · 5 years
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It Chapter Two (2019) dir.: Andy Muschietti
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realparanormal · 5 years
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Fourteen skeletons reside in the Actun Tunichil Muknal cave in Belize. All the skulls, mostly children, show signs of blunt force trauma, and it is believed they were Mayan sacrifices. One of the skulls, that of an 18-year-old girl, has calcified over the years and has earned the nickname “crystal maiden.”
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realparanormal · 5 years
Herbs you see commonly in spells which can actually kill you:
PLEASE always research before using anything you see on spells, especially traditional spells. Some non poisonous herbs can also be specifically bad for some of you who have health conditions because of their side effects!
Stay safe, witches.
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realparanormal · 5 years
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The Honey Island Swamp monster is a legendary hominid cryptid reported to have been seen in Honey Island Swamp, Louisiana, since 1963.The creature is described as bipedal, 7 feet tall, with gray hair and yellow or red eyes, and accompanied by a disgusting smell. Footprints supposedly left by the creature have four webbed toes.
The first claimed sighting was in 1963 by Harlan Ford, a retired air traffic controller who had taken up wildlife photography. After his death in 1980, a reel of Super 8 film showing the creature was allegedly found among his belongings.
In 1974, the monster gained national fame after Ford and his friend Billy Mills claimed to have found unusual footprints in the area, as well as the body of a wild boar whose throat had been gashed. Ford continued to hunt for the creature for the next six years.
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