reblogmodus · 3 years
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daphne al-khatib. 24. ex-gymnast. inanna.
I am my own person, and I will not set fire to myself to keep you warm.
there had been something stirring in her for so long. she had once put her heart and soul into her body, her finely tuned instrument. plucked and shined for an audience. for a judge. until she remembers burning the ground and breaking mountains in half and forgets them when she wakes. hot as the sun, burning everything she touches.
hungry, hunger, hungering. the now is not enough.
△ former national rhythmic gymnast who exited the circuit with a bang due to the restrictions of competitions. currently into: freerunning, muay thai.
△ passionate, instinctive, proud, leaps before she looks, restless, greedy, territorial.
△ looking for: family, a third to the trio, peers, an outlet for her desire to break shit apart.
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reblogmodus · 3 years
But what if all suffering is in fact for nothing— no particular wisdom after, blooming flower-like, blood in the water?
Carl Phillips, from Reconnaissance; “From a Land Called Near is Far” (via luthienne)
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reblogmodus · 3 years
alias: mera
age: 22
pronouns: she/her
timezone: gmt+8
favorite tropes: battle couple, domestic, found family, rivals, icarus falling
favorite myth: IDK MAN the cute kissy ones or girls kicking as im as shallow as a kiddy pond
a meme you vibe with:
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reblogmodus · 3 years
love triangle turned poly
okay so like.. u know all those corny love triangles in ya books and telenovelas? 
im still figuring out who i wanna do (so many choices...) but if anyone already has a character or a ship hmu?? we can talk here or discord
i just want the premise to be a little stereotype-y of the typical love triangle and to end w cute polyam- the middle can be as cute or angsty as u want. interpantheon stuff is def a okay
some ideas:
married/ couple but one of them feels an instant connection w their spouse from a pastlife
two people are rivals in love but end up falling in love
characters!!  i kinda want!! to make?? so lemme know if u wanna plot w any of em:  hallakgungi, innana
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reblogmodus · 3 years
mera’s vixx + star trek au
by the way romulans and vulcans look..mostly the same. at least with the eyebrows + ears
also theyre all their IRL ages as of 2021
btw i love star trek and thinking up aus, so if you got any questions/thoughts/clarifications feel free to hit me up! im not on tumblr often so u can just comment on the fic or go to my twt/cc
hakyeon: vulcan/klingon hybrid, while not exactly canon (as far as I know) I just thought it would be cool. He ends up looking similar to Worf who’s half klingon, half human. he has his long Scentist era hair and it does cover his forehead though his ridges poke through. he absolutely has pointy eyebrows, though they’re as thick as his actual ones instead of the rly thin ones vulcans/romulans have. similarly his parents worked really hard to conceive him via science tm, and he was raised by them offworld in a pretty hippie scientist commune lol. (of which… im thinking of a specific tos episode but im pretty sure this keeps popping up) normally, klingons and vulcans would not be caught dead boinking, much less be married and both hak’yon’s parents are pretty weird for their people and with how traditional both are, they ended up leaving it all behind.
vulcans and klingons are both physically strong and emotional species who channel it in very different ways- Hakyeon’s a bit of both, where he lets it out by being passionate but adhering to a strong moral code. Like Vulcans, he’s a touch telepath who can make telepathic bonds with his romantic partners, because god star trek really pioneered so many shippy tropes, pls thank them for ur fuck or die & telepathic soulmate bond fanfics. Klingons are warriors, through and through and I think that’s Hak’yon too but much less indiscriminate about targets.
Like both Klingons and Vulcans, he is stronger than most humans and has trained with weapons since young (Klingons are pretty fight happy and while that was a factor, Vulcans also do so because of the mental aspect of it. ) aka kicks a whole lot of ass. hakyeon favors the mek’leth!
house of rejac through his mother, father not officially part of a vulcan house anymore (because theres like 0 known vulcan surnames except for spock’s <3)
written as haQ’yon, son of luhesh, tai of rejac (i think this is correct)
taek: denobulan, a xenolinguist who focuses on music. some xenolinguists like to travel to far and unknown space to study alien/foreign stuff. taekuni says actually, that sounds horrible and dangerous and uncool and instead tends towards academic centers and doesn’t like to travel all the time. though he does leave the starbase for periods of time for hands-on research (and enjoyment). denobulans are pretty cool- i imagine that he has scentist hair, so one side falling in front of his face but dyed pink. i have some thoughts about him as a denobulan but suffice to say that to people he’s close to or fond of, he’s quite affectionate. not exactly flirty but pretty open to anything. 
i still havent finished enterprise but based of the wikia, denobulans are a pretty sociable species. theyre polyamorous but very chill about it, in a way, and it seems like theyre used to having open marriages or being without their spouse for long periods of time. as a species theyre also very sociable and arent comfortable without a cluster though they dont like affection with people theyre not close to. taekun’s a lil strange- hes shyer than most but also more affectionate. in this fic i imagine hes sleeping with jyani wonshik and hyuk (obvs they all know about it) but its not strictly ‘romantic’ and yeah he does flirt with hongbin a bit but its not really serious serious. i dont really know where 4vixx is going, but as of this fic, i think taekun is just close to them but not necessarily wholly committed nor have they really felt the need to discuss the arrangement other than ‘be cool’
(see this is why i dont normally do nbin, bcus it messes up all my other ships rip)
jaehwan: galaxy’s cutest romulan, hes not a Starfleet officer but a yeoman which is a lot like a personal assistant slash civilian who helps starfleet officers. since he’s under Wonshik, a lot of his job also involves knowing what happens on the ground and being Wonshik’s ear (and mouth) in more civilian and shady spaces as well as the usual assistant stuff. 
romulans used to have icy relations with the federation but after uhh their planet exploded, they’ve scattered a bit, many of them regrouping and creating new factions. jyanis family was one of those. they lived in close proximity to non romulans, hence why Jaehwan being comfortable with the idea of leaving his people. I decided he’d have a humanish name to help him fit in better (which is a common thing with second gen immigrants irl and romulans are protective of their real names, enough that its pretty realistic for them to use different monikers) his last name is long and very Romulan so he usually goes by just Jaehwan. i imagine that for all that hes genuinely a sweetheart, romulans are well known for being scary and being a very militaristic and secretive state and his parents grew up like that (and are part of that, which is very cool but also uhhh imagine the cia but worse) and he got some of that savvy from them.
wonshik: human, and one of the higher ups on this starbase! there’s a little less to say here since i hope we all know how humans work? anyway, he and taekwoon actually go way back, as both studied xenolinguistics/anthropology but wonshik ended up going more career and focused on improving starfleet’s capacity for research and studies! i imagine that his posting here is pretty temporary- he likes the work and meeting people but he starts itching for more and ends up captaining a ship. 
hongbin: bajoran, which is a people/ planet that was colonized by another species called the cardassians in a messy and horrific occupation. that’s really a whole other story but in this case, hongbin’s family fled bajor when they could, hence why hongbin is a little distant from bajoran religion & culture. fun fact! hongbin’s the only one to keep his actual name lol, as bajorans go by surname firstname order too and lee sounded bajoran enough and i’d have to...completely change hongbin’s name to sound more bajoran. the earring is something very important to bajorans as a symbol of their faith (and almost all bajorans in the show wear one) but considering its a defining part of being bajoran and were individualized to their owner and bore their family crest, i dont think its unrealistic to add that there’s likely a cultural aspect of it too. hongbin may not be the most faithful, but hes faithful enough to keep it. his original earring was from his parents ofc but when i saw that fiancees give their intendeds a new earring…. obviously i had to use that!! hongbin also speaks klingon and a little vulcan but isn’t as fluent when compared to hakyeon who’s a native speaker of both. 
hyuk: a security officer and newly joined Trill. So joined trill are made of two entities- a symbiont and a Trill as its host. Getting a symbiont is a pretty big deal to the trill because of the experience and skills they have, and as a result the government is quite selective of who gets to be a host and approve those who are likely to take good care of it and help it advance its knowledge as they believe that the whole point of a symbiont and its host is the accumulation of wisdom and experiences. theyre usually implanted when the trill is an adult (like 20s to early thirties probably????) so yeah sanghyuk is very new to this actually
so hyuk being joined means that he’s a Trill who was later implanted with a Symbiont! They aren’t really two separate people, once symbionts are implanted they ‘combine’ with their host. symbionts only live when inside Trill and once theyre implanted, they cant be separated or theyll die. So the symbiont giving their memories and lifetimes of experience while the Trill’s original personality guides and shapes who they really are. It’s kind of like how reincarnation is done? Sanghyuk is still Sanghyuk, just...more! In star trek,hosts end up taking the symbiont’s name as their surname. So Sanghyuk is his original first name while his surname, Han, is the name of his symbiont. He’s also new to Starfleet (both him and his symbiont) hence why hes pretty new to this. also like, in as much as ppl think hes old and smart, hes not actually that experienced? His symbiont has only had 2 hosts before Sanghyuk and is about 100 years old which isnt much when many species already naturally live that long and symbionts can live up to 500+ years.
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reblogmodus · 5 years
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helena w. ingram // twenty seven // she/her
jodie comer. concerned, fast talker, arrogant. corrupt narcotics detective.
5″9. a little vain. fit, not very curvy.
always dresses a little too expensive, a bit too much. can tone it down but is fond of funky patterns.
talks before she thinks, phrases things as questions often. picks/bites at her nails. expressive eyes.
her new family doesn’t care that she plays rough or that she likes shorts and is just as alright with len or lenny or lena. but they don’t like the reminder that she was anyone else before helena ingram and she should be grateful for it.
(lesson 1. learn what things you need to hide.)
soccer practice took forever.
miss adams is just really dumb.
no i’m still working on my homework.
they slip out without a thought. her parents’ eyes are oppressive. always watching, always waiting. she hates it.
len’s already heard the lecture- study hard, don’t end up like them, respect your father, blah blah blah. all they do is listen to themselves she thinks resentfully.
so she learns to tell them what they want to hear instead because what else is she supposed to do? just listen them and abandon her friends? die of boredom? hell no.
they don’t care really and len would rather avoid the tight lipped condemnations and painful hands and locked doors.
(lesson 2. lie. lie well. practice it whenever you can until it’s like breathing.) len doesn’t really know what to do but her dad makes it easy for her. take up the badge he coaxes, just like him! 
she tells herself she can just figure it out later but she doesn’t, and even when out of the house the name ingram has her in a chokehold. they expect her to listen as long as they keep paying for her, so listen she does.
the second week on the job, his friend pays a her a bit to look the other way, and she overhears word of a raid from her shiftmate.
no one bothers being quiet next to lena, with her name and the way she’ll talk to anyone.
(lesson 3. set expectations so no one expects anything else.)
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reblogmodus · 5 years
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noah martin w. chang // twenty four // he/him
kim doyoung. dependable, self-reliant, holds a grudge.
muscled, strong shoulders and legs. works out regularly. 5′7.
learned to repress most stress habits. normally- jittery legs, taking walks to think or decompress, stroking jaw, grabs people automatically. grinds his jaw when annoyed.
work- smart casual, worn in shoes, shoulder holsters. basics with a bit of style. sleeves always neatly folded up. off the clock- ripped jeans, sensible boots, heavy jean or leather jacket. black paired with dark/muted colors. always simple but well dressed. expensive accessories.
i. his parents don’t understand why he liked running so much. he doesn’t bother articulating it. freedom, adrenaline- the feeling of moving, reaching. like flying. 
but they went along with it, proud of their bright athlete of a son. they’re the ones most shocked when they visit him up in bed, right leg broken in two places, the other fractured. 
(they’re already concerned but disappointed. how does he explain to them that he doesn’t think it’s an accident? that he thought he’d seen a familiar face in the windows? he’s dragged them through enough and noah knows they’re untouchable anyway.)
ii. noah knows plenty of people. a party, an acquaintance, a dealer. it starts simple. he doesn’t have much better to do. too angry to look at the field, too restless to stay of it. no job, walking not like a ghost but a ghoul.
he finds out when he’s given a knife and realizes he doesn’t feel much remorse. distaste for the mess and a visceral satisfaction is all. a few months ago, he might’ve felt some more guilt for that. but it’s too late now.
the devil promises loyalty. wealth. revenge.
iii. he smiles for graduation photos, another face among thousands and disappears after. you’ll remember see him around, vaguely. it didn’t really matter because they don’t matter. 
noah’s used to running himself ragged, pushing himself past the point of tears and blood. he’s always liked a challenge. 
he doesn’t talk to his parents very often. he’s still their good son, sending money home and visiting for christmas, eyes glittering and happy.
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reblogmodus · 5 years
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daphne khandelwal. 29. sf/f author. pooja mor.
adventurous. intense. shy.
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reblogmodus · 5 years
name: mera age: onety one pronouns: she/her favorite plots: im soft found family, murder/battle couple are my usual jams.  site turn ons: aesthetic site/templates, active & friendly ppl, fun requests about you: i love comics & books & i talk way too much and sleep too little
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reblogmodus · 5 years
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noah chang. twenty four. kim doyoung.
i’ll kick anyone’s ass. i’ll kick your ass. i’ll kick your dog’s ass. i’ll kick my own ass.
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reblogmodus · 5 years
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selkie. twenty six. cursed. ruby coast. dick grayson
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reblogmodus · 5 years
does anyone want to do a batfam plot?? or the umbrella academy
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reblogmodus · 5 years
Name/Alias: mera
Country: Philippines
Age: 20
Are you a returning member or new?: Returning!!
What are you most looking forward to about ATF’s return?: Resources & seeing how everythings changed!!
Any other comments?: im so bad at sleeping yall
Post a gif that you feel describes you!
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reblogmodus · 6 years
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of the moon, war & the right to rule. After a divine struggle, Mayari rules over the night while her brother Apolaki rules the day.
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reblogmodus · 6 years
Alias: Mera
Time Zone: GMT+8
What Would Your Domain Be: Literature, specifically Acquiring Lots Of Books And Never Reading Any Of Them
RP Style: stream of consciousness flowery bs in free form. if not? kinda slow messes usually 200-400 though my muse comes and goes
What You Want In Smite:  ….philippine mythology imma post a want ad soon + all the  drama between gods + pissing contests between gods of diff pantheons but similar/identical domains
Favorite Quote:  
I no longer love her, that's certain, but maybe I love her. 
Love is so short, forgetting is so long
a gif/image that describes you: i got the wrong intro form but im keeping this ok
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reblogmodus · 6 years
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♠️ theodore metzger / 35 / casino owner / emma frost
Give me all access, give me what I want
for the record; state your full name, age & where you were born.
He smiles, genteel. “Theodore Metzger, pleasure. “ he stands up, heading for the small but showroom worthy bar resting behind. the office is expansive, a mixture of new and minimalist with old touches of some old country richness. the glittering decanters are a nice touch where they are, sparkling from the nevadan sun. theo pours a glass, then a second, answering as he its back down. “I  was born in las vegas thirty five years ago.” he pause. “A drink? It’s good, 25 year old Macallan, a terrible luxury but I can’t seem to resist. Besides good company demands a good drink.” That smile flashes again- “I try to be a good host.”
ever been outside of las vegas?
"Yes, the usual reasons- business sometimes, or on holidays,” he smiles, humming, “I love this city of course, but there’s only so much to see. Bali’s beaches? Florence’s architecture? They’re all worth a look if you have the time.”
how do you make a living?
"I bought out and now own the Casino Inferno. Not quite the MGM but we do well.”
what’s your family like?
"Quite lovely, I was lucky enough to be born to a well off family. They’re a bit surprised I wanted to strike out of my own but we still talk- I just wanted to be my own man, figure out who I am without my parents.”  Theo takes a sip of the scotch, thoughtful, smiling faintly. He says nothing off the uneasy disappointment, the crushing pressure. It doesn’t matter, not anymore. 
describe your best moment.
"Honestly, buying out the Inferno, the Pits they called it before, absolutely terrible, was quite the achievement. I’ve always wanted something to call my own, and the previous management.” He shakes his head, the picture of sadness. “Regardless of what people think of us dens of vice, we have a lot of good people- they worl hard, and I am quite fond of this old place. Giving it the attention it deserves and seeing it flourish? Nothing better.”
your worst?
"Well can’t have the good without the bad can we? Striking out on your own’s always hard-learning to be independent and make your own way.” This time there’s a glitter to his smile, cruelty that wasn’t there, or maybe you just didn’t see. “But look at me now- the journey’s tough, but as long as you believe in your work, it’ll be worth it.
do the neon lights hum to you?
He laughs, throaty, “It’s Vegas, don’t they always?”
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reblogmodus · 6 years
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♦️ medina ‘ina’ mahajan. 29. crowley (good omens).
i’ve got a reckless tongue, what are you looking at me for?
for the record; state your full name, age & where you were born.
she drawls out the answer while draped over the armchair, hips slung low, an ankle resting on the other knee. she’s all mess, all easy elegance. she blinks and for a moment her eyes look golden, but no it must be those mustard shades. right?
 “don’t you know?” she rolls her eyes, shakes her head, “christ of course not. it’s ina majahan, please don’t fuck up the pronunciation. i’m twenty nine, born and raised in nevada.” her mouth ticks up into a smile. “some desert town in the middle of nowhere, but who doesn’t want to go to vegas?”
ever been outside of las vegas?
“who hasn’t been?”
how do you make a living?
"working sales for an insurance firm.” her smile tic, tic, tics up again- “ah, you know how it is. you win big, you lose big unless you’re the house. so seemed like a safe enough job.” the words come automatically, an easy lie worn smooth by time. and it’s true, to an extent- she works all kinds of sales and making sure they’re secured, be it via cajoling, gifts, whispers or knives. they’re not exactly insurance either but that’s probably less important. close enough.
what’s your family like?
an amused hum rumbles out her throat. “what, you looking for my yearbook?” she waves a hand, “small town high school sweethearts and all that, big city dreams yada yada,” she drones out. her nails click against the leather seat, “i don’t really talk to them.” or vice versa she thinks. no one can resist the power of good ol’ shame after all.
describe your best moment.
she’s stumped for a moment. ina’s not maudlin exactly, hardly drunk enough for it, good things happen to her and all that jazz. but ina? at her best? the taste of best settles oddly on her tongue. thoughtlessly, she pushes up her sunglasses, golden lens glinting again as she struggles silently, invisibly. “when i got a big sale, got promoted and all the bells and whistles,” she drums out, the lie weaving itself easily. she clicks her tongue, “made it to the big leagues they said.”
your worst?
the memories are already there, lapping at her edges. it’s easy to follow. she straightens a bit, hands stuffed into her jacket pockets. no one can say if they’re trembling.
(it’s perfectly normal to sick up at the sight of blood on your arms, the lukewarm spray of it, wet then tacky, dark, dark, dark.)
“jesus what is this? truth or dare? bad date with the hottest girl i guess, awkward as hell,” she laughs, brittle. it’s so easy, saying nothing at all.
close your eyes & say the first word that comes to mind. what does this word mean to you?
“cigarette- this was supposed to be my smoke break. but i guess you know what they say, no one expects the spanish inquisition.” the words come out smoky, drawled out and curling in amusement. her shades seem darker. her hands, long fingered and corded, are still in her pockets. 
do the neon lights hum to you?
she swallows. her stare breaks, glancing out, eyes golden. “you’re a weirdo, aren’t you? they’re just lights.”
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