beauty is more than skin deep
Society is wrong. Dead wrong. We’re taught that exotic is beautiful. We’re taught to believe that miniature waists, and perfect tans are beautiful. We’re convinced that the blonde girls with the gorgeous smiles will win every time. But, the truth is? Originality is beautiful. Big brown eyes, green eyes, blue eyes. Curves. Your natural skin tone is beautiful. Your hair color, your smile. Your voice, your laugh, your personality. Every inch of you is beautiful, every single part of you...
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I think we spend way too much time wondering why we’re not good enough. We waste too much time putting ourselves down that we don’t ever stop to see that we are good enough. We spend too much time with our heads down and hearts closed and never get a chance to look up from the ground to see that the sun is shining, and that tomorrow is another day.
Secret Life of Bees
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Lilly Pulitzer
Life is more fun in Lilly.
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Bitch please. Life's like the alphabet. I will always come before U.
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hepburn & monroe
A girl must be classy like Audrey Hepburn and sexy like Marilyn Monroe. The challenge is getting the perfect balance of both.
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“I get worried for young girls sometimes; I want them to feel that they can be sassy and full and weird and geeky and smart and independent, and not so withered and shriveled.”
Amy Poehler in an interview for Bust Magazine.
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Yes I'm a girl and yes I actually enjoy watching football.
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Everyone needs to stop bitching about Madonna's halftime show during Super Bowl XLIV. Everyone did a damn good job. I'd like to see the complainers do better.
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bad day... scratch that, bad week
Lost my iPhone, found it! Broke my iPhone and apple won't fix it so buying a new one in the near future.  Lost my keys....never found them.  Lost my student id; therefore, no food.  Purchasing a lock change and new student id...expensive.  I am about to be extremely broke.
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things to remember
Karma's only a bitch if you are.
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Bitch, you're like Monday's. Nobody likes you.
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Hell yes
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not cute
Honey, stuck up, pain in the ass, stubborn bitch isn't a good look for you.
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Forgive them, even if they aren't sorry.
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