recoveryoflife-blog · 7 years
My Journey to recovery
I think it time to write about my journey, my journey through abuse, mental health, broken relationships and suicide attempt. The hardest part of recovery was accepting that I was worth it. I have spent a lot of my life questioning what I’m worth and how to cope with a lot of things. This might just sound like another soppy broken story about a girl that has been a rough time, and it might seem a bit pointless to you, but to me, it’s a way of coping. I have spent a lot of time working with people that have suffered from mental health issues and issues like that have always been very close to home. I have seen addiction break people in my family and diseases kill them off, and I think that has made me into the person that it has made me into to. I have spent the majority of my life around people that have cared for others or been cared for, I have worked closely mainly with the elderly and still do now.
The way this blog is going to work is explaining the different part of life and how I coped, it starts from when I was a child and the years that followed were difficult. There might be trigger moments within this story that can be slightly upsetting to some people and can also be difficult for someone to understand. When this all started was sadly back when I was three, and most likely before but no one in my family will tell me about anything beforehand so I guess I must go on from what I know and what I have been told. To me this is like a mini therapy session because sometimes I feel like I have no one to talk to, I feel like I can’t trust anyone, or it is as simple as I don’t know who to turn too. Recovery has been a bumpy road and I’m sure as hell not there yet and I still have a long way to go. But this is my story. My story to recovery.
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