Life and Death - Nephilim chapter 4
I couldn't move, my mind went completely blank as I see the Demons and Angels start to fight. I hear Lina scream my name. I barely turned my head to her before I see her on the ground with smoke coming from her torso. "Lina...no..." I said. I faded, I was no longer conscious.
I felt nothing but rage, I knew that if I didn't get up everything will be killed because of me! Get up! Get up! I need to wake up! I soon heard a voice in the darkness. "So, you seem like you want full control. You seem to think that if you can wake up now you can just take on anything." The voice said, then it soon started chuckling. "Wow..."
I looked around, I felt as if I was in another space. "Who...said that?" I asked as I look at a figure with black and blonde hair. He looked strong, his left arm was black and red, but it was solid. I stood up.
"Welcome to your subconscious. I am the one who runs this area for now. Well...until you release the girl." He calmly said as I stare at him confused. What girl? I don't remember having a girl here, or some guy. "Yes there is a girl here. I can hear your thoughts loud and clear. You're in your own subconscious" He said.
"Wait...what happened, why am I in my own head?" I said staring at him, I noticed a sort of kanji on his left shoulder. He looked stared back at me, the blonde part of his hair covered his right eye.
"You're near death, don't worry though. I'm slowly healing you." he replied, I remembered that kanji, it says "Love, yes it says Love. That's the same thing you named me." He quickly added.
I stared at him wide eyed, I didn't know there were sentient humanoid beings here. "S-so you?" I tried to finish, I wanted to ask him something...but I was speechless.
"Yep, I saved you when those demons attacked you, I helped you win that fight, and I healed your sister." He said as I ran and hugged him, I thanked him for helping me in many ways. He patted me on the head and pushed me back into a whole. As soon as I reached the bottom I found a girl.
She looked up and started yelling out for me. "Please! Let me out Red!" I stared at her, this is the girl he was talking about. "Please...I feel the hatred you have stored away. Let it out and I'll make you stronger than ever." She she said as she held out her hand through the cage, she looked to be excited about being released from here. I shook her hand and the cage was destroyed.
She hugged me and pushed me away, I suddenly woke up. I look to my right and I see a face very familiar. It's Leon! "Hm? Leon, what're you doing here?" I asked as Leon looked down at me.
"You were unconscious, so I brought you here. Dean is looking around for anyone else that might be around." I smiled then I looked down at my arms, they weren't goop, they were solid and had more of a demonic look to them. "What's with the arms?" Leon asked me.
"That's...not important" I replied as I stood up, I walked back to the battleground and saw the chaos. "Holy crap" Leon followed me and stopped next to me.
"Well see ya around" Leon said happily as I rush to the battleground with Dean and Leon looking at the battle, I wonder if they can see it.
I nodded and my arms returned to normal. "See ya" I replied, I walked to the battleground and as soon as I got close enough I transformed and joined the battle. I felt something strong punch me in the face. The demon looked so angry. I took his arm and threw him to the ground. "Alright. Let's test this baby out!." I said as I pointed my right arm to the demon on the ground. I tried to focus everything but nothing happened. John grabbed me out of nowhere.
"Having trouble? Let me give you some time to adjust." He lifted me and threw me to the ground. He held his arm out and blasted me point blank range. Everything went white for a second, I couldn't do anything. My body froze. I can't stress how much warmth I felt while I couldn't move. My body acted on it's own and I was able to survive the attack.
I stood up a bit annoyed, I was in the middle of testing my powers. I look at John and see Leon fighting a demon. "Wait wha-?" I mumbled to myself annoyed.
John looked back at Leon. "I'mma kill him!" John menacingly said.
"Don't you kill him!" I yelled back to him. John held his hand out to Leon and blasted him, I jumped in between Leon and the blast and took it head on. I looked back up at John and took a kick to the head. I felt the force and vibrations through my skull. It gave me a massive headache. Well, at least Leon is safe.
I hear John's metal boots stomp to me. A hand grabbed me and pulled me up. "This is what happens when a kid is sent to do an adults job." He said sorta roaring it into my ear.
Dean tackled him and Leon comes to my aid, I could hardly move. Do I have a concussion? It sure feels like it.
I noticed something weird with Leon, he had a angel wing. Slowly the pain started going away. Was Leon healing me? Who knows.
Pretty soon I felt pain in my neck. The same pain as when I was a kid. I got up but Immediately after I fell to my hands and knees. My body was shaking, I didn't know what was going on. Soon the pain moved up and came out my mouth, there was a white and blue liquid mixed with black and red. "Wh-what the?!" I said as Leon stares at the liquid.
The liquid formed three weapons but before I could grab one Dean flew at me with his back facing to me. The impact was enough to make one of my ribs crack. I look and see John staring at me and Dean. John's face was that of a maniac.
Dean stood up completely unharmed. He was extremely strong. I could tell. He was able to take a beating...unlike me. Leon dragged me away after grabbing the weapons. Leon whispered to me "Don't worry lil buddy I'll heal you." His soft voice only made me worry more. I noticed something weird about the two. They seemed to represent Life and Death in a way.
Leon laid me on the ground and placed a weapon on my hand. I was waiting for Leon to heal me. It's starting to seem like ages for him to heal me so I fell asleep...or so I though.
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Hello everyone I'm new here and I'm pretty sure my story isn't gonna get much attention, but I will still try my hardest to get the fourth chapter done and uploaded. I'm currently working on adding new characters, I'm also planning on having some characters join back that didn't have much time in the past. And if my stories do get attention I would love to do Q&A's between different characters like red and Lina, maybe even more. Well in the meantime I'm doing my best to get what I want done. ^_^
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Chapter 3-The Divine War
as the war is about to start I'm stuck on Full Brink level two. Now let's focus on what I'm doing now as of thinking of my past.
As I look around, slipping on some armor I noticed a familiar face. It was Lina...or I thought it was. I put on my chest plate walked over to the little girl. "Hi there, are you lost?" I said with a small smile on my face. Seeing that little girl made me feel so nostalgic.
She looked up at me and had a big smile on her face. The little girl shook her head no. She grabbed my arm and hugged it. "I know where I am" She said as she smiled.
"Are you sure?" I said, not sure if I could call her by Lina. I still didn't know if she was Lina or not. I still felt like I knew her, but there's no way she was still a kid. So I didn't even ask.
"You grew up into a great young man, Red." The girl said grinning. My eyes widen, I lifted her up and gave her a hug.
"Lina! It is you!" I yelled with joy in my voice, I was happy. She was the only one who was there for me. I couldn't be more excited to see anyone else. I could feel her icy cold hand patting my head.
I stopped hugging her but I still had her held up in my hands. "It's nice to see you Red." She said looking at me as if I was another human. Finally someone who doesn't think I'm a freak.
"Are you here for the war? I was informed about what I'm supposed to do so... yeah." I said to her not acknowledging the fact that she is somehow still a kid.
She turned her head and asked "No, but what's your role in this?" There was a hint of worry in her voice. Her giant smile turned to a slight frown.
"I'm the Nephilim" I replied back to her, my voice slightly cracking because I knew she wouldn't be happy.
Her eyes widened, Lina grew in size and she looked to be about my age. Her hands touched my cheeks and she slowly tears up. "I..." She didn't finish her thought and just hugged me.
"You, what?" I was a bit confused. I hugged her back and she started crying on my shoulder. Lina was worried, I could tell.
"No matter what happens I will always be here for you." Lina said as she put her icy cold hands on my hands. She returned to her elementary school self and sat next to me. I sat next to her and pat her on the back.
A girl walked up to me and tapped me on the shoulder. "uhm, are you...Red?" The girl said, she seemed shy and a little scared.
I turn and look at the girl, she had long brown hair with red eyes. She looked at me with her face a little red "Yeah, I am Red" I responded a bit worried, I wondered she was going to collapse. I inspected her closer and noticed marks that looks like scars from a knife. I took her arms and love healed her. Not joking, I called my left arm Love.
The goop expanded and surrounded her arms and when it returned to me her arms were healed her. "Th-thank you" The girl said nervously. She looked down at her arms and looked up to me. "I'm, Angela" She said.
"You look like me, why is that?" I asked, she seemed so familiar, I could almost name who she was to me but I can't.
"I'm a NEPHILIM too" She replied, she seemed a bit shaky "And I'm your sister...at least that's what I heard" Looks at me and shows me more of her face. She seemed to be my twin or something like that.
Slowly I heard a small voice, it was a deep male's voice saying "Put your index finger on her forehead and your thumb on her nose, with your left hand." I did as instructed but...
A giant explosion is heard in the distance, I seemed to be a blast coming from the previously stated battleground. "is it starting?" I said to myself, Lina jumped on my back and I ran to the explosion carrying Lina with. Angela follows behind, I could hear the battle becoming louder the closer I got.
We arrived at the battleground and it had stopped by a man with gear that seemed to weigh about twice the amount of him. He introduced himself, "I am John, I am a false human. The angels know me as the previous Nephilim." My eyes widened, I put Lina down. Then I used love to boost me over to him by expanding at a extremely fast rate and I was about to strike. "That girl, she will never bother me again..." he said looking at Angela
I look back to Angela then I shifted my attention to John. "What do you mean by that?!" I was a bit pissed, she was innocent and she wouldn't do anything...at least I thought.
"She was a... obstacle to say the least. Now move while I destroy your sister." John knocked me out of the way with one swift punch to the gut. I was still sceptical about Angela, but even he said she was my sister so...it might be true.
"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" I sprang up to my feet and I punched John in the face...but...he took it like it was nothing. John snapped his fingers and I was stabbed in the side by a sword. I looked to what had stabbed me...it was a demon, John had full control over him.
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Chapter 2-Full Brink
This was around the time when my mom died. I started gaining more and more abilities throughout my years. But let's focus on my first version...Full brink. There are six stages of full brink. The first is the fog. That's what I'm experiencing right now.
This black fog seemed to appear whenever I want to protect something or someone I love, or if a loved one has died. As I was crying and grieving over the death of my mother, more demons attacked. I turned to look at the demons as I screamed with rage. I didn't act, but I didn't have to do anything.
The black fog expanded and crushed the demons. I was shocked. My body didn't move but the demons still died. Once I started feeling pain in my throat the fog disappeared and so did the pain.
The nuns were terrified of what I just did. Once again they made me leave. I was an orphan now. I had no parents no home and I'm pretty sure no one wanted a demon living with them.
I still went to school on a regular basis. I would always make sure to find a way to wash up before hand though. One day a kid picked a fight with me because I accidentally bumped into him. All I remember after that is he bad mouthed Lina and I snapped. I blacked out then the next thing I remember is the same kid on the ground. His nose was broken I'm pretty sure. That was the last I saw Lina because I was expelled from that school and was transferred to a school full of rich jerks.
The school was further out but I still made it to there without people thinking I didn't have anywhere to go. but something changed in me. I was still angry and instead of fog around my arm it was a slimy black goop. That was full brink level two.
This one had a lot more properties. I was able to control it in my own time. I decided back then I would do something good with this, but...it ultimately failed. See, if you were paying attention, you'd know why it failed. Just in case you weren't paying attention, here's a quick rundown. This new ability has a specific way of releasing itself. Love. It is love that releases it. See in order for it to be released I have to protect something I love.
Okay well now that that is cleared up let's fast forward to the rich brat filled school. I met two kids who were twins but they were actually pretty nice. Their names were Dean and Leon.
Throughout my years in Elementary and Middle School nothing really happened. So let's fast forward to present day me.
Edit: What do you guys think? I hope you guys will like it.
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Chapter 1-My story
Some people imagine the possibility of both evil and good clashing, making a spawn that can balance the both. This Idea is especially thought out for Angels and Demons. They imagine the Idea of a Nephilim, the spawn of the face of good and the product of evil.
Well that Idea came to life in the form of Red, or me. This is the story told through my eyes that dates back as far as I can remember.
When I was born, my mother decided on a normal life for me so she put me in a church. I was adopted by Eggpla, a priest known to work miracles.
One day my mother came along as my dad left. Her name was Sherry, she was kind and caring. She made sure I was fed and clean. Sometimes I look back at her kindness and cry, because she gave everything for me when everyone else looked apon me like a monster.
Well, school finally started and I went to a public school. It wasn't the worst and most of the other kids were open minded to what I looked like. I remember this one girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She was the nicest. Back when I had no one to speak to she was there. One thing I remember her saying was "Want to come over to my house for a playdate?" The reason I remember this in particular is because of what happened when I agreed
Since I was in elementary school and I didn't quite know the dangers, I reluctantly agreed. By the way her name was Lina, you'll know more about her later on. Anyways since I did agree I also didn't know the horrors of being a demon and going to a human house hold. This I will never forget... The minute I arrived I was greeted by her "Mom" her Mom screamed in terror at my sight
I felt confused, what did I do wrong? What have I hurt? What did I say? those thoughts and many more ran through my head. I tried telling her to calm down but her husband came out...this is the terrifying part. He pulled a Gun out, a 9mm pistol to be exact. he shot me seven times in the chest and threw me off the porch.
I remember hearing Lina's screams as she tried to stop him. It was too late...the damage had been done. I slowly started losing consciousness but I didn't feel anymore pain after a couple of minutes. Then I woke up in my house. Sherry was crying she was sad that she allowed me to go knowing what I was. A few weeks after the whole incident everyone left me alone...I felt as if I had no one again. Not even Lina talked to me. But something happened that would change how I saw Lina
While in Lunch Lina walked up to me and she hugged me. She was upset that her father tried to kill me. I saw the sadness in her eyes and I still remember how her warm tears felt as they went down my back. Her hands were icy cold though.
Fast forward into a year after my first close to death experience. Demons cought news of me in town. So they attacked my church. See this is why cry every time I think back to Sherry. She had died in the heat of the battle. She saved everyone but in return a Demon took her down with him.
I was emotionally crushed by this. She had taken care of me for so long and I just let her die! How could I do this how could I let this happen?! Why didn't I do anything?! Those thoughts ran through my head as a black fog surrounded my left arm. I didn't know what it was...well not yet anyway
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I'm finally going to upload this book that I've been writing for awhile now!
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