red-eyed-dragon · 9 years
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There's a consequence                   For the ᴘᴀᴛʜ noʎ chose                               Will they change you                                            Will they мaĸe ʏᴏᴜ who you are иσт
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red-eyed-dragon · 9 years
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Yoichi smiled a bit as he heard the chuckle. Oh it was soothing to hear it once again. Lifting his head a little bit as he felt the touch on his neck, a silver brow arched a tiniest bit before a small chuckle of his own escaped his lips. Shifting to sit up straight, he shrugged his shoulders a little bit.
“I wasn’t planing on falling asleep here.” He replied as he rubbed the kink out of his neck.
Shall sit upon his throne until the /Kami/ decided to return. BI
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Silence was formed between his footsteps and the small particles of dust that lay dormant upon the floor - leaving a trail of his descent behind him. His head became slanted, allowing room for an amused smirk to line the lips that remain usually thin, as blatant brown eyes grew steady upon the male who had seated himself upon his throne. Dishiveled silver strands had fallen gracefully against sharp cheek bones, whilst half lidded hues became filled with sleep. He was no longer the young boy raised by the hands of the god before him, but in many ways, was still the young male who he knew well. A hand draped over his eyes, fingertips at his skin, delicately trailing down the side of his face, sweeping away the loose strands that were in the way. “Tadaima, Yoichi.”
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red-eyed-dragon · 9 years
do you really think someone built for destruction                            built to kill                 could ever be redeemed?
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red-eyed-dragon · 9 years
The silent footsteps towards him had arose him from his light slumber. He hadn’t slept very long, he didn’t think, but he also felt like he was dreaming. Oh how he wished for this day to come true.
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As the feeling of his fingers brushed over the skin of his face, his crimson eyes opened, only to be met with the well known brown ones. Blinking eyes stared at him for a moment before a small smiles crossed his face.
“Okaeri Sosuke.”
Shall sit upon his throne until the /Kami/ decided to return. BI
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Silence was formed between his footsteps and the small particles of dust that lay dormant upon the floor - leaving a trail of his descent behind him. His head became slanted, allowing room for an amused smirk to line the lips that remain usually thin, as blatant brown eyes grew steady upon the male who had seated himself upon his throne. Dishiveled silver strands had fallen gracefully against sharp cheek bones, whilst half lidded hues became filled with sleep. He was no longer the young boy raised by the hands of the god before him, but in many ways, was still the young male who he knew well. A hand draped over his eyes, fingertips at his skin, delicately trailing down the side of his face, sweeping away the loose strands that were in the way. “Tadaima, Yoichi.”
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red-eyed-dragon · 9 years
Sleeping With Sirens | A Trophy Fathers Trophy Son.
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red-eyed-dragon · 9 years
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red-eyed-dragon · 9 years
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Using the new GIF function, search your mun faceclaim and post the first gif that shows up
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
As that nail traveled down his spine and to his tail bone, his back arched, causing his chest to rising a little bit as he whimpered before he felt his hips being held in place and again, those nails digging into his sensitive skin. With another whimper as the nails dug into his hips, he jerked them slightly against the others invading member as his own nails dug slightly into the back of Sosuke's neck; which deepened slightly as he felt those warm lips on his skin.
A shiver slipped through his body, causing goose bumps to appear on his skin as his one of his free hands slipped his fingers into brunette waves before a yelped cry escaped his lips sharply and caused him to squirm under his grip. Head suddenly being jerked toward Sosuke, a shuddered rippled his body at the deep growl against his skin before he whimpered his moan. Unaware of the bite to his ear until it was tugged sharply, he yelped as again the tears of his pain were to slip down his face, though he was very aware of them this time. Gasping slightly as Sosuke's warm tongue brushed along his reddened cheek to rid the tears that were there, Yoichi frowned a little before the sharp feeling of nails ran along his hip before reaching his member.
Inhaling sharply, Yoichi's abdomen retracted quickly as he felt Sosuke's thumb brushing over the tip as he tried to put up his stubborn front, though failing dramatically at it. Biting on his bottom lip slightly, he whimpered as he jerked his hips against the bucking hips in retaliation while his fingers tightened their grip in Sosuke's hair. To hell if he thought he would give in to that so easily.
Drunken Youth.
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
Baka... I miss you too... No, everything is fine, just one of those days, neh?... No... I... No... Sosuke, you don't have to apologize... Really... Yeah, I'm sure, work is important, I know that. I'm not gonna fuss over it... I know Sosuke, I know, and I understand... Sosuke... Soon... Please?...
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
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Maybe One More Time | via Tumblr on We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/59109942/via/PsychologicalDead
Hearted from: http://alluringecho.tumblr.com/post/48438029041
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
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MI-CHAN. Y U SO CUTE. @weheartit.com - http://whrt.it/11eurBa
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
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Image by Shio
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red-eyed-dragon · 11 years
As a child, one is often told stories of their homeland—no matter where you came from; but one is often remembered and held close. The deities of each homeland differs yet, remains the same in some sort of way.  Whether it is from the sun, to the earth and even life and death. As a child of spirits and humans, you learn of many things; from truth to lies and everything in between. You learn that you can cheat yourself out of everything.
Even death.
And Yoichi has done that on more than many occasions. Of course, such things don’t leave his mind. The pain and feeling of being numb and light, only to be brought harshfully back to earth. Whether or not his destiny has been reached or not, it was unknown to the male. Only his small amount of time as a human can decide such a thing. Fate has such a sick twist of humor. But none the less, Yoichi has stood by his ways, and even the man that has not only been his teacher, his friend, but also his lover and his future.
Laid next to his love, Yoichi couldn’t help but feel the comfort of the other gave as his long fingers slipped through his rather messy white locks. Such a thing never failed to soothe him and eventually relax him enough to fall into his dreamless sleep; but on rare occasions, he’d wake up in the middle of the night to find one of their children curled up with them on the large bed, to which Yoichi could only give a small sleepy chuckle and slip his slender fingers along their soft, childish skin and fall back into his sleep.
But tonight wouldn’t be one of those nights—for it were only him and his love residing in the home for the night, for each of their children either away for school, staying the night at a friend’s house or staying the night with family. Of course, Yoichi was aware of Sosuke’s nightmares, which worried the younger male one most nights, but was lulled to his sleep every night by Sosuke’s soothing whispers and his small, rare smile. To think that tonight would be a peaceful night, one would think otherwise, for Yoichi knew better of the man next to him.
It wasn’t until the tossing and turning of the man next to him, his sleepy crimson hues slowly opened and look at the other. Even in the dark and his vision impaired, Yoichi could sense the unsettling trembles of the other. Slowly sitting up, Yoichi reached over and rested a hand on Sosuke’s shoulder and shook him slightly, hoping to wake him from the lighter shakes before having to use more force in his shaking.
“Sosuke,” His voice hoarse from sleep, he tried again, clearing his throat slightly. “Sosuke, wake up.” He brushed Sosuke’s bangs away from his forehead, having that he allowed his hair to return to the messy state that he often kept it while he was a captain. Fingers feeling the coat of sweat, Yoichi frowned even more before taking his face in his hands and brushed his fingers along his cheeks, before lightly tapping his fingertips against his stubble covered cheek. “O-Oi, Sosuke, wake up, it’s just a nightmare…”
Cheated by Death - ♛
When cheating death becomes part of a soul so contorted, one cannot help but think they are deserving of such condemnation. Perhaps, through all trials, if one were to wipe their slate clean, that the sticky tar like sin they have attached to themselves can never truly be removed. A plagued effect that could only happen when the person themselves knew the consequences of what was. To adhere to the abnormality of the said risks, he had of course feared and planned ten steps ahead, if the worst was to occur. Darkened with what you think you must expect whilst living this reality, the blank happiness of your children allows you to escape the undying necessity to feel that why as such. But it also heightens the fear and reiterates why such a mindset is needed. Your love knows that within the dwellings of your mind lay ‘dormant’ of these evils, yet speaks not of them, but comforts with the smallest of touches and their love, unending. 
Nevertheless,                                  once you have cheated a part of life that should never be meddled with;                                  once you cheat a part of your soul to gain the benefit of something that never existed;                                          - once you cheat death, you become infected with it.
Sosuke Aizen had never been one to show any form of weakness or fear from the hues he owned. His presence alone, as well as the name stated could hold more emotions than he himself could create. He had been known as the epitome of manipulation and cruelty. But had it been said that those whom could no longer define their meaning of motive could search for another path. A means of happiness that could be held, and one that could bring the mass destruction and corrosion of ones soul to a halt by simple methods that contradicted what had already been done, once and for all. His body turned, facing the one who had begun the pinpoint of his utmost downfall. It had been done willingly, of course, but the will of the heart had been the difference. His heart and the male before him had become one without his permission or agreement. His existence had become an unexpected bump within his years of planning. A simple life named Ichimaru Yoichi. The younger had been asleep peacefully beside the Lord, mouth popped open as deep breaths were taken to adhere his dreams. Sosuke had become a weathered man over the years. Once a demon, now a father that could only do so much to protect the lives he had created and kept – his family.
A weathered man could have many cracks within his already twisted core, and he had been no different. His plague always caught up to him regardless of how far, how wide, how strenuous the method of running was. It would return, as expected. Tonight, after four months of peaceful sleep was he finally able to greet his cheated companion once more. As each blink of his slowly drifting lids came to a close, images of what had already been a near death experience for his love became the foreshadowing of what was to happen.
The squelching of the ground had already become stained with the crimson rot of blood. Its iron taste tainting the males tongue as his footprints left a blackened print on its surface as he walked. He had been down this path far too often. A cross that resembled his downfall of power and lack of will stood tall within the middle of what he had once considered the refuge of a home for the powers he had collected. There was neither blue sky nor a wind shift within the clouded blackness. Just a simple cross that pierced the soul he stood on – his own. A small pressure tapped the left shoulder of the Godly being, whose gaze met with the same crimson in iris form. Yoichi stood there, lifelessly in diluted hues as his pained grin dripped with leaking blood. A hole the size of a grown man’s fist replaced that of his heart, and yet he stood there, simply smiling at the other.  Sosuke could no longer voice what was his own. He had none. And as the male’s blood dripped, questions that appeared as if written with a brush he had so often used to teach the younger kido was written on upon the stained ground. Echoing questions trembled the ground he stood upon, while the other continued to smile in his taunting manner.              ‘Why Sosu? Why would you let me die like this?’                                                               ‘Was this part of your plan too?’         ‘Why would you make it more troublesome?’                               ‘Why is it you urged a family to be made?’                                                                        ’Why won’t you answer me?’                   ’   Did you want me to die?’                                                                  ’Did you want me to disappear?’                ’Was it because I wasn’t part of your plan?’ The thickened gurgling sound came from the older male, almost as if his laugh were to mock the so called ‘God’ that had once coexisted within him. What was he? Who had he become? What worth was there in his life any more? Had he become so meaningless? Would each significant existence be able to sigh in relief if he weren’t burdened with living? A pale flash caught his peripherals as the snow skinned male before him simply pointed up at the cross that was situated within the middle of his hell. Each sharpened edge held his child as screams and shrieks of torturous pain filled his mind. Each blood curdling shrill, each scream that called for his aid, for his reason, for his answer as to why he let it happen, until silence.  Just silence.  And a simple breeze that allowed the lifeless bodies to swing above him in their silence. It was only then, when this sight had been burnt for the thousand time, that he was allowed to wake. Trembling, shaken and with eyes that could only see the blood of his family upon his hands. It was only then, death pet his head and allowed the males vision to blur from the blood to the darkness of his tears. Silent as the bodies that still lay hanging above him.
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