red-rave · 7 years
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red-rave · 7 years
Don’t say “yes” if you want to say “no”. Don’t say “maybe” if you want to say “never”. You can’t hurt people with your decisions. We always want to please, but at the end we are hurting ourselves; it took me a lot of time to learn how to say “no”, but I finally managed.
Paulo Coelho (via amargedom)
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red-rave · 7 years
Of course I’ll hurt you. Of course you’ll hurt me. Of course we will hurt each other. But this is the very condition of existence. To become spring, means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence, means accepting the risk of absence.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Manon, Ballerina (via minuty)
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red-rave · 7 years
Find meaning. Distinguish melancholy from sadness. Go out for a walk. It doesn’t have to be a romantic walk in the park, spring at its most spectacular moment, flowers and smells and outstanding poetical imagery smoothly transferring you into another world. It doesn’t have to be a walk during which you’ll have multiple life epiphanies and discover meanings no other brain ever managed to encounter. Do not be afraid of spending quality time by yourself. Find meaning or don’t find meaning but ‘steal’ some time and give it freely and exclusively to your own self. Opt for privacy and solitude. That doesn’t make you antisocial or cause you to reject the rest of the world. But you need to breathe. And you need to be.
Albert Camus (via themindmovement)
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red-rave · 7 years
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Hanami at Hirano Jinja
People’s opinions may differ, but to me, the cherry blossoms at Hirano Shrine are just the best. That garden takes you of this world.
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red-rave · 7 years
The best feeling is hearing the people you love laugh.
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red-rave · 7 years
yeah hes cute but does he care about your mental health
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red-rave · 7 years
I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed this, but first impressions are often entirely wrong.
Lemony Snicket, The Bad Beginning (via amargedom)
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red-rave · 7 years
“Be with someone who is proud of you, someone you can laugh with, someone who listens to you, understands you, who treats you well and makes you a priority.”
Brigitte Nicole (via amargedom)
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red-rave · 7 years
you fall in love with the little things about someone, like the sound of their laughter and the way their smile forms.
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red-rave · 7 years
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red-rave · 8 years
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red-rave · 8 years
if something makes you go ’!!!!’ inside it’s worth keeping around
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red-rave · 8 years
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red-rave · 8 years
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red-rave · 8 years
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🌷 Blooming flowers ❤️
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red-rave · 8 years
alrighty friends gather round to hear about the most wonderful thing i've ever felt in a long ass time!!!! so there's this kid named shawn thats in a club im in (globemed) and i lowkey always had a crush on him but i never really thought about it because when i first met him i was in a relationship and i thought that even thinking about another person was kinda cheating so. anyway. now i'm single and i decide that i'm going to go to a globemed party and have some fun one weekend even though the past week or so had been very bad and a little scary. so i went and i remember shawn coming in and i got really insecure because as much as i realized i wanted to hook up with him or whatever i thought he would never go for a girl like me. before i knew it we were making out in the middle of the room and migrated to the couch. he was incredibly gentle and we mostly talked, i asked what he wanted from this and he said he didn't want to just hook up. i was very drunk at the time but i'm fairly sure my heart stopped for a while. that night he walked me home and gave me his jacket because i was cold and we stopped for pizza and talked until 3AM about everything. he kissed me goodbye twice that night. fast forward a week, we see each other nearly every day as we went on a dinner/movie date, walked 2 miles through a blizzard at midnight on a monday for cheesecake, walked around the south end aimlessly, and went on the most romantic and magical museum and dinner date ever imaginable. today we're staying in and cooking together and watching movies and i've never been so excited for anything in my life.
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