“Passwords are like underwear: don't let people see it, change it very often, and you shouldn't share it with strangers.”
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Day Zero
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I've decided to make a public profile for my learning path towards becoming a cyber security engineer and hobbyist penetration tester. I have made myself a personal blog called Read Team Experiences. Hopefully I do not come off as a complete incompetent moron in this field as I have been studying various different topics over the last couple of years so I do thankfully know a thing or two already. Anyway, today I decided to pick which career path I want to go with and stick with, and that is the exploit development and vulnerability analysis path. Which means I have my work cut out for me between learning the various tools of the trade and learning low level concepts such as memory management, relearning assembly language, ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) bypass, ROP-Chaining (ROP: Return Oriented Programming), And I have also decided to take a secondary interest/specialty within the network penetration testing side as I am already familiar with various networking topics, however I just enjoy fuzzing and the rush I get when I am able to successfully compromise and exploit a system. There is literally no better feeling than that of your own success when working very hard on something you are passionate about.
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