Daily Log #7.
Apolgoies for the dissappearence, I was kidnapped by the Chaos Insurgency. Thankfullt I am okay biut OI needed to recoup. They broke my glasses so sorry for the spelidng errors, I can barly see.
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Daily Log #6.
A member of the Chaos Insurgency had gotten in, but they were exterminated quickly.
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Daily log #5.
I saw an O5 member leave with one of my fellow scientists, Dr. Red. I don't know where they went, but frankly I don't care. I hope I see Dr. Red tomorrow though. He's pretty cool.
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Daily Log #3 and #4.
Yesterday, nothing of intrest happened. It was the same for today mostly, besides SCp-049 breaching. It was an easy containment this time, thankfully.
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Hello! Hi. Howdy?
For no reason, I was wondering. What do you think of your coworkers?
It depends on which ones. Some are great friends of mine, and some are the exact opposite. And some are somewhere in the middle.
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“I’m not sure what I’m doing here…”
—————-[♦️] —————-
Ooc: This is a mostly shitpost role playing blog for my scp foundation oc, Daniel “Dr.Red” Mycroft.
[Ooc posts will be in red, I use They/them pronouns ooc.]
Character information:
He is enthusiastic, a bit pretentious, and constantly wears the most ugly themed ties in existence.
He has an anomalous ability allowing him to read anything written, be it a coworkers messy handwriting or a long dead language. He cannot identify or write in other languages he hasn’t learned, just read them. Occasionally he can effect others perceptions of written text, making certain things unreadable to those around him.
He does not work in language studies, stop asking.(inside joke)
This is mostly for shitposts and interacting with my friend!
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Daily Log #2.
I had to go turn off the lockdown once again, because for some reason nobody else could. There was a member of the O5 counsil that came in, although he didn't seem to be doing his job. It's none of my business though.
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Daily Log #1.
It was a boring day. I just did paperwork and drank coffee. I may edit this if something happens after the posting. Edit: There was a lockdown, although I didn't hear any announcements about it. It was weird.
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It’s me. I’m the coworker. how are you enjoying tumblr, my friend!
i suppose. i really don't know what i'm doing but i haven't seen any porn of any of the SCPs so that's good.
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