redcasted-blog · 6 years
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[ sorry about disappearing, ive been swamped with work and then some persoal life stuff came up so i’ve had no motivation to do much writing lately ]
[ that being said, ill maybe start replies soon but its not a guarantee. i also have a sp.latoon verse in the works for both red and cinna as my other rp blogs are splat. im hoping to also actually draw stuff for all the verses but we’ll see. ]
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
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[ so im most likely gonna be adding a splatoon verse for both cinna and red in the near future bcs my other blogs are all splatoon so im most comfortable with it and also bcs im a fuckign nerd ]
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
☯: Do they believe in karma? ☂ : Favorite weather
☯: Do they believe in karma?
Red: Yes. He strongly believes in the Goddesses, and that they are the ones who reward good and punish bad. Growing up in Hyrule Castle, he had a lot more strict traditions centered around the Goddesses as opposed to some of the Towns People, and since tne whole Hero thing, strongly belives they are looking out for people.
Cinna: Yes, but in a totally different way from Red. Cinna doesn’t care about the Golden Goddesses and whether they’re real or not. Instead, he believes that it’s the nature of people that enacts karma. If some jerk is going around exploiting people, someone will eventually expose them. To Cinna, that’s his karma, not anything to do with divine intervention.
☂️: favourite weather
Red: He quite likes soft days, especially in spring when it’s a little warmer. Otherwise, he loves the hottest days of the year in the middle of summer.
Cinna: Any day when it’s not raining, which for Hyrule, is basically most of Summer. It’s mostly because the rain messes with the wood at the carpenters.
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
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a very scribbly experimental red bcs i love my chaotic bastard boi
Reblogs > Likes !!
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
Send me symbol for my muse’s opinion:
☠ : Opinion on death ➶ : Opinion on killing ☮: Opinion on peace ☯: Do they believe in karma? ✤ : Do they believe in luck? ✟ : Religious beliefs ♂ : Sexuality ☿: Opinion on gender ❤: Opinion on love ❥ :Opinion on love from the first sight ♞: Favorite animal(s) ☕: Favorite food(s) ♛ : Opinion on outer beauty ☀ : Favorite season(s) ☽ : Favorite time of day ☂ : Favorite weather ◎ : Opinion on lying
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
[ im in a salty mood regarding red again so here’s a vague list of headcanons/clarfications. a lot of these go directly against fanon bcs i can. ]
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Red can, for the record, cook. But honestly, he’s really not that fond of it. Same goes with baking, he can follow a recipe alright but doesn’t care for it. 
He’s really passive aggresive. It’s rare to see him blow up in anger (which is a whole other can of worms), but godesses help you if you tick him off. He holds a very mean and petty grudge.
Red is, overall, a generally nice person. 
It’s just that he can also lie to your face and manipulate his way out of situatuons. Granted, it’s not something he likes doing, but if the need arises, he can get out of trouble.
That being said, it’s rare he needs to do it. He puts up a rather, well, innocent front. Anyone who doesn’t know him, and even people who do, don’t assume he’s ever behind whatever chaos has just happened.It’s a double edged sword though.
Because of that front, people, even the other Four Swords, tend to think of Red as.... lesser, weak, someone who needs to be protected. Red hates it, but he can’t quite bring himself to prove them wrong, because he honestly kinda feels like he’s not. meant to be angry.
So he suppresses his anger a lot, even if he tends to show it by being passive agressive a lot.
He’s also not a pushover, and while he might try to avoid needless fights, Red can become quite argumentative.
He’s actually quite the talented singer, and has a mild interest in music.
He’s also very talented in magic, publically with the elemental rods, but he alone knows he doesn’t need them. This is quite rare for a lightner, but Red doesn’t really question it, just keeps it under wraps.
He realllllllyyyy hates Shadow, Vaati and Ganon, the latter two especially.
Would stab as a warning. 
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
A Cinna for Yusuke | @self-proclaimecl
Ignacio knew that the shrine would be busy, after all, it was peak vacation season, after all, and this was a pretty infamous area. But he didn’t expect that he would have to wait for at least an hour to get close enough to study the architecture. Grumbling under his breath, he plonked himself down beside a teenager, about high school age, who was scribbling away on a notepad.
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“Pretty shitty have’n t’ wait, right?” He pulled out his own sketchbook and a pencil, intending to get at least a few sketches of the structure in.
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
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[ Like this post for a starter with cinna bcs i have zero threads with him soo ]
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
                                                   d e a т н                                          doeѕn'т dιѕcrιмιnaтe                             вeтween тнe ѕιnnerѕ and тнe ѕaιnтѕ         ιт тaĸeѕ            and ιт тaĸeѕ                   and ιт тaĸeѕ
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
Whose Line Is It Anyway sentence starters
You are dead to me, nothing but scum. When I look in your eyes I get inflammation of the bum. 
To quote Rodgers and Hammerstein, “The hills are alive with the sounds of crap.”
Teach me how to sing like you!
You see this badge? That means I’m the sheriff.
Excuse me, I’m tapped into your cable. Would you mind changing it to channel 8?
I feel like I’m the king of the general area!
Watch out for those tempo changes, man, ‘cause when we go into the second bridge, this shit takes off.
What color’s your poo first thing in the morning?
I think a lot of people would stop drinking if they knew what they looked like when they were drunk.
I’m a mime!
All right men, we’re going into battle tomorrow! Before we do, I think we shall all take a shower! 
Don’t worry, I’m a doctor.
I thought we were out of the spy business.
How would you like to make money in real estate?
You know, for as long as I can remember, I’ve had memories.
I love you, but I’ve had too many meatballs.
I seem to have lost my battery pack somewhere in the area of my buttocks.
A featherduster made by a Norwegian. It’s all starting to make sense.
You guys wanna fight?
If I was a turkey, what would you stuff me with?
It’s okay, I have an extra burnoose!
I can’t sprinkle sprinkles on. I lose control when I have sprinkles. I’m shaky. I still remember the great sprinkle accident of 1982.
I’ll distract them by making a noise like a duck!
If Sting retires, will he change his name to Stung?
That’s what you get for river dancing in a thong.
Sorry I’m late. I let the kids out for recess, if you know what I mean.  
We better climb up through that window up there that seems impossibly high.
It’s time for something other than an egg to get laid around here.
They found water on Mars, isn’t that cool? You know what that means? Just another bottle of four dollar imported water.
I never realized what a delicious creamy center I have.
Look, I know this is our first date, but… I love you! Be with me!
You’re one Tae Bo class away from an ass kicking!
Turn your frown upside down. And while you’re at it, flip your buttcrack sideways.
Kiss me, big boy, like there’s no tomorrow.
Out of great boredom comes great songs.
Have you ever been in a hotel that was this wet and hot all at the same time?
Lets get naked and wrestle.
In ten minutes, we bring out the liquor!
When I give the signal we’re going to yell out the worst-sounding battle cry ever. Ready?
It’s time for my John Wayne impression.
Y'know, teachers are the most misunderstood of all mammals.
If I were a drink I believe I would be a margarita because I am tall… and… salty… and I… always have Tequila in me.
My turn ons are humanity, integrity, and TV.
I just wanna chill, and y'know, sometimes I just wish I was a goat, y'know? How easy would life be then, y'know, you wouldn’t even have to read things or understand things. 
Look at the beauty of what’s going on here! The sheer beauty!
Hey, doesn’t that cloud look like a ducky?
Nice pants.
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
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[ Like this post for a starter with cinna bcs i have zero threads with him soo ]
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
[ tag urself im me having a speciality in making nasty red aus ]
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
Red’s grins widens considerably at what Shadow just let slip, arrogance fading in favour of a more flirty smile. Then it sets in. And in place of a smile is a look akin to deer in headlights.
“....You think I’m attractive?”
aaaaaaaaaaargh. [ @redcasted ]
“Oh look at big brave Shadow, sticking his arm into sunlight. Now if only the rest of the world didn’t do it daily, maybe it would be an achievement.”A cocky grin spread on his face, and hands on his hips. Red’s really enjoying this.
“And for a matter of fact, I’m seventeen. Can you not count now either?”
—there’s a reply sitting on the tip of his tongue , but once red smiles all rational thought retreats to the back of his mind . honestly , fuck that smile , it’s real distracting . he’s aware that there’s been a noticeable pause now , so he spits out the first thing that comes to mind ( which he regrets soon after ) .
“ yeah , well , if you weren’t so attractive - ” he stutters for a moment , realizing his mistake , and backpedals a bit , the tips of his ears going a little red . “ i mean , annoying , i wouldn’t be so distracted . ” you’ve made your mistake now , shadow . no going back .
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
“Oh look at big brave Shadow, sticking his arm into sunlight. Now if only the rest of the world didn’t do it daily, maybe it would be an achievement.”A cocky grin spread on his face, and hands on his hips. Red’s really enjoying this.
“And for a matter of fact, I’m seventeen. Can you not count now either?”
jerk. [ @redcasted ]
“Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine?” He huffed, scowl intensifying at the sight of the his best/worst frenemy.  “Oh wait, that’s right, you’re still afraid of a little bit of light aren’t you?”
—in retaliation , shadow sticks his arm directly into a beam of sunlight from a nearby window . “ i ain’t afraid of it anymore . ” mostly . “ at least i ain’t afraid of ghosts . seriously , what are you , eleven ? ”
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
@redcasted // :3
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— “ looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this mornin’ . what’s got you lookin’ so glum ? ” he puts a hand to his chin for a moment before clicking his tongue . “ oh , right — i don’t care . ”
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“Well aren’t you a ray of sunshine?” He huffed, scowl intesifying at the sight of the his best/worst frenemy.  “Oh wait, that’s right, you’re still afraid of a little bit of light aren’t you?”
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
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… Take care out there.
A.Q Cumber
Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion OC
Indie and Semi-Selective
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redcasted-blog · 6 years
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[ a warning for anyone who wants to create headcanons that go directly against fanon in a tiny fandom: there are no good fics that you can read which do the character justice. source: me with red link ]
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