redheadrecon · 2 months
Eagle would have sighed if it had been of use to do. Instead, she grabbed the flask from the pan. The pan was set back within reach in case West had more things to send her way. The soldier grimaced. She plucked a cigarette out of the pack and tucked both items back into her vest.
"Yeah. I do," She replied around the unlit cancer stick. "But so is everything else we do out here." Eagle grabbed a twig from edge the fire to light her choice of vice with. The wispy smoke of burnt wood mixed with the scent of tobacco.
"Besides, I'll probably die before it matters." She said. The twig was discarded back into the flames. "Just how it is." The matter-of-fact tone was punctuated with a puff of smoke.
Eagle quirked an eyebrow at the question. It didn't take the redhead but a second to flip a flask out of a pocket in her vest. She held it out as if to say of course.
"Whiskey alright?" She responded, wiggling the flask. It was probably about half-full from the sound. "Or would you prefer a smoke?" She added, flourishing a battered package out from behind the flask like a dealer showing cards.
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redheadrecon · 2 months
Eagle quirked an eyebrow at the question. It didn't take the redhead but a second to flip a flask out of a pocket in her vest. She held it out as if to say of course.
"Whiskey alright?" She responded, wiggling the flask. It was probably about half-full from the sound. "Or would you prefer a smoke?" She added, flourishing a battered package out from behind the flask like a dealer showing cards.
[ cont from here with @redheadrecon ]
“Then maybe you should keep it working by having it maybe not take us into trouble like that again.” The soldier chided softly. She would continue to be a shithead under normal circumstances but these weren’t normal circumstances.
This was more like combat circumstances. There was a time and place for that much later.
“Nah, I’ll stay up for a bit. Still jittery.” Eagle said. “Thanks, though.”
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“Yeah. Same.” West shifted just a little, wincing in pain as his injured leg didn’t move with him. He’d stabbed himself with at least three stimpaks. That fucking flaming chainsaw damn near took his leg off. He was almost certain he’d still be walking with a limp after this for a while…
“You don’t have any booze on ya by chance?” West asked before using the butt of his rifle to turn the spit from where he sat.
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redheadrecon · 6 months
Thanks Dovah, you made my friend Tuka's entire year!
(Look at the dog. He do a big cast. Good boye.)
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Sketch comm for @redheadrecon !
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redheadrecon · 8 months
so some news about AI. It seems Discord is apparently just. going to unconsentually add Clyde AI to servers in a slow roll out. The way they are doing this is rather than how we initially suspected he would show up as an option via the integrations tab on server settings, it appears that he is apparently being added into servers as a user who is part of the server that the admin would have to manually kick. He cannot be banned, but we can kick him repeatedly. The issue is it's unclear if there will be a greeting message for when Clyde arrives into servers and he will attempt to infiltrate again and again. Small servers this is easy to spot, big servers this is an obvious issue of sifting through who is in your server.
if you see this man in your server kill him
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redheadrecon · 9 months
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redheadrecon · 10 months
"i'm not triggered or upset by or even ideologically opposed to it, i just associate it with something so bad that i can't enjoy it anymore" is such a frustrating relationship to have with a piece of media
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redheadrecon · 11 months
On the days when Bear had vanished, Eagle had quietly waited up at a high point where she could oversee the ghost town. Those were the days where she silently mourned in her own way. It was a vigil for the memories here and the ones she'd left scattered to the wind. Nobody knew about it, and so it was yet another secret, another card carried close to the vest.
When it finally came time to leave, Eagle gave the town a last glance. She nodded at it in thanks.
"Alright. Whenever you're ready."
Eagle pursed her lips. She considered what to say carefully. The memory of his town and family, his community, was cherished. She didn't want to come across as rude, but still wanted to acknowledge what was said.
"I think most people 'out here' haven't had the kind of... access to books as you did." Eagle settled on, finally. The words that seemed to stick to her tongue came loose bit by bit. "An entire library is something that we more associate with the Followers. I wish I could've seen your town's library."
Bear's dedication to his hometown had Eagle in awe every day they had been out in remote reaches. He had insisted to do many things himself, but she had been nearby on the days that were too much. Maybe it was part of the poetic nature of what he'd said. Doing things with purpose. Being a friend.
"You're welcome." She replied. Eagle wasn't much for words but when she spoke those two, they were genuine.
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redheadrecon · 11 months
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Your lovely fluffy boy, Kairon, was a joy to draw. Thanks Kaita!
Follow where I am with commissions via my Trello.
If you'd like to commission me for a similar portrait, you can find all of that information via Ko-fi
I take regular week-long breaks to rest in between sets of five portraits, which are clearly marked on my schedule.
My pricing will be going up on Sept. 1st to better account for my time, so please be aware!
Trello // Linktree // Ko-fi
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redheadrecon · 11 months
why are all the social media sites collapsing at the same time, lol??
i blame aliens.
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redheadrecon · 11 months
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Will also have lovebird flavours. I may or may not re color the lineart
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redheadrecon · 1 year
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6/13/2023 Guess who’s realizing they probably should upgrade their phone before college starts! I have some saved up already, but I need to make about $500 more in order to pay for a brand new phone. Any reblogs or purchases or donations are greatly welcome and appreciated! Thanks everyone!!
Dovah’s Commission Carrd
Dovah’s Ko-fi Cup
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redheadrecon · 1 year
Practical tip for those dealing with wildfire smoke now: you can make a very effective air filter for a reasonable amount of money using a box fan & one of those filters meant for your furnace.
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Also, I've managed to pick up 2 of the box fans for very cheap/free from yard sales. Make sure you get a filter rated for wildfire smoke, I think this one cost about $20.
These make a huge difference in the indoor air quality.
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redheadrecon · 1 year
I dunno maybe the horrors would be less daunting if we were holding hands
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redheadrecon · 1 year
Eagle pursed her lips. She considered what to say carefully. The memory of his town and family, his community, was cherished. She didn't want to come across as rude, but still wanted to acknowledge what was said.
"I think most people 'out here' haven't had the kind of... access to books as you did." Eagle settled on, finally. The words that seemed to stick to her tongue came loose bit by bit. "An entire library is something that we more associate with the Followers. I wish I could've seen your town's library."
Bear's dedication to his hometown had Eagle in awe every day they had been out in remote reaches. He had insisted to do many things himself, but she had been nearby on the days that were too much. Maybe it was part of the poetic nature of what he'd said. Doing things with purpose. Being a friend.
"You're welcome." She replied. Eagle wasn't much for words but when she spoke those two, they were genuine.
[ cont from here with @redheadrecon ]
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"Because I do not normally shorten my words and speak in full sentences. Unlike most people out here..." He paused, "Also my parents made us read a lot of books as children. We had a good library."
The White Legs had burned it to the ground. There had been little left of his town when they finally reached it. It had taken weeks to dig graves and it had been too many years. Most bodies were unrecognizable apart from distinctive clothing or jewelry. Most weapons had been taken after the war, but he had managed to identify some of his father's remains, bones, by the ceremonial axe he had fought with. He knew one of his best friends by red swoosh Nikes, another by his leather jacket with lightening and T.C.B. embroidered into it.
The town was mostly left alone, a bit too far remote in Monument Valley for much of anyone to care about. Even the White Legs. Their intention was never to 'take over'... But his father's radio station had been raided. Dozens of holo tapes taken. Maybe a hundred, maybe more. Bear couldn't understand it and it made him far more angry than he could even admit.
His hometown was starting to look livable again. But it had been hard work. Eventually he stopped insisting on doing most of it on his own and let Eagle help him.
"Thank you. For everything."
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redheadrecon · 1 year
for april fools we’re deleting this entire site sayonara you weeaboo shits
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redheadrecon · 1 year
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redheadrecon · 1 year
How many times can the same thing break your heart?
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