redkyubii · 5 months
Thinking a lot about how by the time TCW comes about Anakin has already committed a grievous sin, already committed a massacre, already chosen his side in some ways. The man Ahsoka knows, the only version of him she ever gets to know, is built on an assumption of purity he has already lost.
He has already begun to fall, and this slip contributes in so many ways to his inability to pull himself back. Because the only person other than Padmé he tells his crime to is Palpatine, because he's the only person who won't judge him (and that in and of itself is a measure of his immaturity–– because he deserved to be judged).
And this contributes so much to Palpatine's control because he has this piece of the puzzle, this ability to go "Oh, but what about this?" any time Anakin tries to pull back from Palpatine's confidence. Because they both know if he ever admitted it to the Order he'd forever lose their approval, and that's what matters most. So Palpatine has this advantage, because he knows more about Anakin than anyone else and Anakin doesn't feel he can confide in anyone else.
But the thing is: for so long, Anakin wants to be better, wants to amend himself for this sin and more than once wants to confess to Obi-Wan, but every single time Palpatine is able to go "Oh but he thinks he's so much better than you, he would never understand you, he would judge you and tell the Order and they'd cast you out" but... Obi-Wan would have forgiven him anything.
I think a lot about Obi-Wan being such a Perfect Jedi (in the eyes of everyone else if nothing else) and how much that hurts Anakin. Because every time he tries to pull himself back from the ledge this epitome of what it means to be a Jedi is just there in his face reminding him of his own failure
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redkyubii · 5 months
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Obi-Wan wonders if this will be the rest of his life: chasing the ghost of Anakin Skywalker
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redkyubii · 5 months
All my homies hate Clovis from Clone Wars.
In fact, Rush Clovis who? That name doesn't ring a bell, can't be canon? Must be from some fanfic, right? Right?
In fact, i need more mutuals who hate Clovis, reblog if you would kick him at least once.
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redkyubii · 6 months
Me most days at the moment
"Hey how is it going?"
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redkyubii · 6 months
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SpongeBob but make it Obikin
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redkyubii · 6 months
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what if eli had to be the one to give thrawn that first haircut?
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redkyubii · 2 years
Hi everyone!! as promised here is my doc for you to vote on!! hopefully it works, but if not, just let me know and ill try to fix it. 
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redkyubii · 2 years
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Commissioned the lovely @crow085 to draw a scene from my Luke & Vader fanfic This Life of Ours! Thank you so much, it’s so insanely beautiful!! <3333
Original AU + Character designs belong to @polarspaz!
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redkyubii · 2 years
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ROGUE ONE (2016)
vader + the arm thing™
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redkyubii · 2 years
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♫ it’s me, hi, I’m the problem it’s me ♫
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redkyubii · 2 years
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YukiPri's Clonetober 2022
Challenge Completed!
Compilation of 31 Portraits
31 days, 31 faces of clones as unique as their DNA is not.
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please REBLOG! Reblogs and comments greatly appreciated!!!
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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redkyubii · 2 years
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Favorite found family
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redkyubii · 2 years
Star Wars planned Fics
Hi everyone!! I know this is late (much later than promised I'm sorry😭) I have finally finished compiling my list of some of the fics that I have parts planned for or am starting to plan. I’ll possibly have a google Docs up later on in the week so people can vote for what they want me to start posting working on more first, but until then post your top two/three preferences below or message me them!
Connection Made - obikin - Rating T - Modern Au, some fantasy elements -                                                                                         Summary: When window shopping in the middle of the backwater town of Tatooine, 13 year old Anakin Skywalker finds an old leather-bound notebook that he takes home with him. Meanwhile, thousands of miles away, in the city of Stewjon, a 14 year old Obi-wan Kenobi, is gifted an old family heirloom, a leather bound journal. Everything seems normal, until their writing on the pages start to disappear, instead replaced by someone else. 
Our found family - no main pairings (Background Obikin in some) - Rating G - Canon divergence, found family, family bonding, post Order 66 Au -                                                                                      Summary: This will be a collection of one shots that link onto my story A Ripple Changes Everything. It will include moments like what happened straight after Anakin left the order, how he met all his children and other important moments that are spoken about/eluded to (or will be spoken about/eluded to) in the main story.
One Nights Mistake makes a Family - main pairing: Obikin (background: one-sided Satine/Obi-wan) - Rating M - Canon Divergence, Set in the Clone Wars, Anakin leaves the order, Mpreg, unplanned pregnancy, One-night stand, slow-burn.                   Summary: One month after a drunken one-night stand with his former master, Anakin Skywalker ends up pregnant with twins. Scared of his fate and believing his former master still loves Dutches Satine, Anakin flees the Order with several of his troops, disappearing without a trace. Six years later, Obi-wan Kenobi still hasn’t given up the search for his missing former Palawan. However, after landing on the Planet Devon with a few of his troops on a recon mission, he runs into a very special set of twins, along with their very familiar mother.
Catch me Before I Fall - no main pair (might become Obikin?) - Rating T (may change depending on how it goes) - Canon Divergence, mentions of slavery/past slavery, mentions/implications of child abuse, PTSD, panic attacks, Anakin gets therapy, Jedi Council bashing (at first, they do get better).                  Summary: Two years have passed since the start of the galactic war against and things weren’t looking good for anyone, but the Jedi were coping, handing their emotions off to the force with ease. All except for one, who keeps it all hidden, dealing with all the criticism and losses by bottling it all up inside. It isn't until Healer Che throws a holo-diary, one of many, in the Councils faces that they see just how close to breaking their Chosen One is, and how ignorant they have been to his suffering. Will they be able to save Anakin from himself? Or will he fall?
Bonded to me (lets make this work) - Main pairing: Obikin (Background pairings: Quinlan/Ventress, other to be determined) - Rating T - Alternate Universe Au, Sith Anakin, Enemies to friends to lovers, Sith and Jedi work together/same order.                        Summary: Being Bonded is a great privilege for a force sensitive, at least in Obi-wan Kenobi’s opinion it is, and he couldn’t wait until the day he met his. That is until he actually meets him. Arrogant, reckless and hot-headed, Anakin Skywalker is the worst person he could be partnered with, and he doesn't think it would work... until certain things come to light to change his mind. Will these two be able to get past their differences to save the galaxy? Or will they bring about its downfall?
Can we come together to make a better life? - Obikin - Rating M - Alternate Universe Au, Sith Anakin, Separatist Anakin, lovers on opposite sides of the war, Shmi lives, secret relationship.                Summary: Two soldier on opposite sides of the war, fighting to keep their love hidden from their own allies and their enemies. Keeping their love hidden while trying to win the war is difficult enough without adding in all the secrecy and betrayal from their own sides while also trying to find a way to end the war. Will they be able to do it, or will they be consumed by the destruction the war brings? (I might create a prequel story for this one about how they met depending on how popular this is.)
Let’s be the best - Obikin - Rating T - Pokemon Au, slow burn, Pokemon Trainer Anakin, Pokemon Trainer Obi-wan, misunderstanding, stranger to friends to lovers, Same age Au, slow burn romance.                                                                                    Summary: 16 year old Anakin Skywalker has finally saved up enough with the help of his mum to start his Pokemon journey with his Charmander Vader to catch as many different types of Pokemon as he can, all to fulfil a life long dream of having a home filled with every Pokemon known. However all of this gets thrown into chaos when he starts running into legendary Pokemon from all over the world, all of which want him to capture them?! Watch as Anakin, along with his trusty partner Vader, make new friends and enemies while trying to make his dream a reality.
Beyond these Castle walls - Obikin - Rating T - Medieval Au, Fantasy Au, Prince Obi-wan, Sorcerer Anakin, Necromancer Anakin, Misunderstandings, Betrayal, War.                                                    Summary: Prince Obi-wan has lived within his castle walls for a long as he could remember despite peace reigning between Stewjon and its neighbouring kingdoms. However, before long a new enemy approaches to shatter this peace. An alliance is called, with the meeting being held in Obi-wan’s palace, allowing him to meet many new people, one being the mysterious Anakin Skywalker, a sorcerer with no land to claim he hails from. As dark times grow closer and misunderstandings come to light, will Obi-wan decide to remain safely hidden away? or go beyond his castle walls.
Familiar Faces - Obikin - Rating T - Canon divergence, Order 66 happened differently, Anakin doesn’t kill younglings, Emperor Anakin Skywalker, Anakin raises Luke and Leia.                            Summary: “The Empire had been in control of the Galaxy for 13 years by the time they were introduced to the public eye, though everybody knew of them. He looked at the Holonet for a moment and froze when he saw them. It was definitely his eyes looking back at him and his features on the girl. But how?” An Au of a different ending to ROTS, where Anakin didn’t really turn to the darkside or storm the temple, had a messy breakup with his secret boyfriend, overthrows Palpatine and now rules an empire while trying to keep his children (twins and adopted children) from blowing stuff up because they are bored. Meanwhile, Obi-wan and the remaining Jedi join the rebellion. Until, of course, Obi-wan sees the royal twins... reunion anyone?
Double Trouble - Obikin - Age swaps, Same age Anakin and Obi-wan, Palawan Qui-gon Jinn, Palawan Yan Dooku, Jedi Knight Obi-wan Kenobi, Jedi King Anakin Skywalker, matchmaking.       Summary: It’s bee three years since Obi-wan Kenobi last saw Anakin Skywalker, three years since they were both knighted and Skywalker decided to become a wandering Jedi, but that never stopped him from invading his every thought. Obi-wan had hoped that during this time, his silly crush on his fellow knight would have disappeared, but it hadn't. Now, Anakin was back by order of the council and had taken not one, but two Palawan's... that both seem to know about his crush. Obi-wan has to face his biggest challenge yet, finding a way to confess his feelings to Anakin without hiss attempts getting ruined by two padawans that seem to think they need to protect their master’s innocence.  
Vader’s Twin - Obikin - Rating T - Canon Divergence, Anakin Skywalker and Vader are twins, Slowburn, Anakin totally kidnaps his niece and nephew when he finds out about them, Vader is obsessed with his twin (to in a bad way though... sort of), order 66 happens differently, no younglings were killed, slow burn.                           Summary: After leaving the twins with their new guardians, Obi-wan Kenobi prepares to live his life in a cave to watch over Luke. But as he does, he sees a familiar face, one that shouldn't be possible. Meeting his former padawan’s twin, someone he never knew about, changes the future of Obi-wan Kenobi, the Skywalker family and the Galaxy in a way that nobody expected.
The More the Merrier - Obikin - Rating M - Anakin doesn't fall to the dark side, Harem of Obi-wan's, female Obi-wan, Knight Obi-wan, Master Obi-wan, Palawan Obi-wan, Sith Obi-Wan, OBK Obi-wan, Anakin gets a lot of love.                                                                      Summary: On what was supposed to be a simple mission, Obi-wan accidentally touches an ancient artefact, knocking both himself and Anakin unconscious. When they wake up, they realise that this artefact summoned five other Obi-wan’s into their galaxy, each who had lost their own Anakin Skywalker and they themselves had died, (So in Anakin’s words “What's the worst that could happen master? it won't mess things up here or there if they had already died where they were from”). None of the Obi-wan’s could get along, but there was one thing they could all agree on: Protect Anakin at all costs. Now Anakin has to deal with a group of over protective Obi-wan’s that keep trying to get into his pants, and emotionally constipated Master Obi-wan who doesn't know how to deal with different versions of himself lusting over his former Padawan, and the fact that Anakin doesn't really want to choose just one and makes himself a harem (Stop laughing Padme, this is serious.)
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redkyubii · 2 years
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All I can think of when looking at this is “I want to break free” by Queen. 🤣
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redkyubii · 3 years
Thank you so much for the tag @zeawesomebirdie sorry for the long wait!!🥰
Favourite colour: turquoise!
Last song: She’s so gone by Naomi Scott. Don’t judge me, I love Lemonade Mouth!
Currently reading: A chapter of a book for my uni course probably doesn’t count so… Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Volume 1 but I’m thinking of starting to read Dune…
Sweet, Savoury or Spicy: definitely sweet! I have a REALLY bad sweet tooth right now.
Currently working on: Uni work and trying to find the motivation to finish my Obikin fic A Small Ripple Changes Everything instead of making plans for new ones 🤣 I can’t focus anymore!
No pressure tags: @knightjane @catgriller @disast3rtransp0rt @ragnarlothcat @tennessoui @my-insanity-is-an-artform @teheranb and anyone else who feels like it!!
@thatonerainbowicewing tagged me but the post was getting a bit long for my taste so I'm making my own :')
Favourite colour: I decided it was purple when I was 12
Last song: Electric Love by Børns!
Currently reading: as per usual, a ton of stuff, haha. In terms of real books, I restarted a childhood favourite, the Mathieu Hidalf series (on book 3 right now) and on a fanfic level I'm considering rereading one of my all-time favourite fanfics for the uh, 4th or 5th time?
Sweet, savoury or spicy? Sweet, I don't know when your palate is supposed to be finished but mine certainly isn't
Currently working on: 100%-ing BOTW, if that counts, otherwise I have OC drawings planned and an unofficial "commission" for a friend (and my exams but I'm not working on those)
Tagging, um, @zeawesomebirdie, @parspicle, @rei-does-stuff and @villain--i-have-done-thy-mother if you haven't done it yet and feel like it? Or anyone else really :')
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redkyubii · 3 years
You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen too. Put your favourite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! No skipping!
Thanks for the tag @demondean-writes!!! I have, like 1043 tracks on this playlist so it was interesting to see what I had 🤣🤣 I wonder what these say about me? 🤔
Just gold - MandoPony
Daughter of Evil - Kagamine Rin, English cover by JudyPhonic
Das Sound Machine - Pitch Perfect 2
The good part - AJR
Rise - League of Legends
Pancakes - OMFG
My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone
We are the brave - Veridia
Fire - Gavin DeGraw
She’s so gone - Naomi Scott
No pressure but this might be fun! @knightjane @obiwanobi @tennessoui @kathairoette @avengingnatasharomanoff @zeawesomebirdie @nightshaed3 @rexismycopilot @angstyfandomhappyending @catgriller
#music #tag game
you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs then tag ten people! no skipping!
Thank you for the tag @lowkeyanakin I have an all over the place taste in music so I have no idea what will come up. :D
I Want to know what love is - Foreigner
Good man down - Ewert and The Two Dragons 
Silly me -  Yeasayer
Lost Gravity -  I Will Never Be The Same
Dream Chasers -  Future World Music
Strong (High Contrast Remix) -  London Grammar
The Shield And The Sword -  Clare Maguire
Bad Karma -  Axel Thesleff
Bad Moon Rising -  Creedence Clearwater Revival
11am - Incubus
No pressure but if you think this would be fun then @wibzen87 @war-of-wrath @captainofmybigwetdream @ragnarlothcat @redkyubii @emptyspace008 
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redkyubii · 3 years
Mr Hedgehog is back!!!!!!!!!
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