redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
I'm sorry for my absence!! I've been riding the struggle bus with school and I'm gonna need a bit to get back on track!
I have three requests in my inbox and I promise promise to get to them!! They're all crush headcanon ones and I'm excited about them!! Please feel free to send me any more things if you are willing to be patient with me!!
I love you all! ❤️
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Hey! First, thank you so much for the Solas hcs, like I said I really appreciate it! Second, I’m glad you feel appreciated! You run a great blog and i think this blog has a great future ahead of it (and yourself too)! Third, honestly I was a bit nervous to write a request (and this as well 😂) as it was one of the first times that I had done it. But you really came through *internet pat on the back*. Fourth, have a great day and keep up the good work! 💕💕🥳😇
Thank you so so much!!!! I get so excited with every ask I get!!! And there's no need to be nervous sending me anything, I can promise I'm just as nervous as you!!! ❤️
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Hey nerdface your writing is fucking amazing and I'm so proud of you
Thank you so much bestie 😭💗💗
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Do you have any rare pairs you ship?
I ship Isabela with pretty much everyone!! I feel like she is full of love and would want to bring joy to as many people as possible!!! Specifically I ship her with Zevran and platonically with Aveline (she's very much into Donnic, but gets a real boost from the flirting).
And I know Adoribull isn't exactly rare but with the banter bug it's less prevalent than I think it should be!!!
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Most underrated ship? :3
Sera x Dagna!!! They are so cute together and they seem to work really well together!! Especially since Sera can be so high energy and hard to understand. Dagna definitely has the patience and the love to take care of Sera. And she’s just so soft and wonderful, she deserves all the happiness in the world 😭
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Hey, I love, love, LOVE your blog btw! Can I please request for you to throw some general Solas headcanons into the void? Thank you, much appreciated! :)
Oh my god thank you so much 😭💕💕
Solas regularly helps people who have problems with their dreams. It’s easier to fix nightmares when you’re inside them.
He knows a suspicious amount about tea, despite claiming to hate it…..
Solas sews his own armor. He’s very skilled and his clothing is always well-made. He just never learned anything about fashion.
He hates wearing hats because his head runs unusually warm.
Solas was eventually banned from all card games at Skyhold. He teaches the others some more advanced strategies and helps identify their tells.
If he were to enter the modern world, he would love Blue Gillespie (and I’m sure you can guess why). 😋
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Character of your choice from Inquisition is corrupted from the Blight. How do they get corrupted and what do their companions do to help (if anything)?
I really like this request, thank you!!
Blackwall gets corrupted while the group is in the Deep Roads. He’s always careful to not ingest any darkspawn blood, but he was very unlucky this time. A shield bash to a particularly decrepit hurlock ended in a mouthful of viscera.
The group could immediately tell what happened, so they acted quickly. These Deep Roads were not too deep, so they were able to return to Skyhold and contact the Grey Wardens. The resident mages kept him alive during the wait. None of them ever want to deal with the taint again.
The Joining was particularly brutal. Blackwall has known pain but none as white hot and cutting. He was strong enough to survive, though. The real pain would be serving as a Warden after all years of lying through his teeth.
His absence at Skyhold was definitely felt. It hit Sera especially hard. She coped with a bout of isolation and a few tears. But she bounced back quickly, knowing there was always a chance to see her friend again. Vivienne and Leliana keep a close eye on him, just in case.
The Wardens refuse to call him anything other than Thom Rainier. But they remind him that the past is done and that he can one day earn the title of “Blackwall.”
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Happy Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day!
Thank you so much!!!! 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
ship asks
what is your absolute favorite ship?
what ship do you hate most?
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from?
explain why do/don’t ship [pairing]
how did you start shipping [pairing]?
is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore?
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t?
what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion?
do you prefer [pairing] as an otp, brotp, or notp?
why do you think [pairing] is so popular?
why do you think [pairing] isn’t popular?
rate [pairing] from 1-10 and explain why
what’s your favorite headcanon of [pairing]?
what’s your favorite canon moment of [pairing]?
favorite AU ideas for [pairing]?
rant about [pairing]
what’s a meme/quote that reminds you of [pairing]?
what song(s) remind you of [pairing]?
what kind of dates do you think [pairing] would go on?
realistically, do you think [non-canon pairing] will ever be canon? why or why not?
have you ever written fanfiction/drawn fanart of [pairing]? would you consider it?
any other questions?
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Just thought I would ask some blogs won't touch him. You officially made my night! Could I please have a drabble for Krem and a female Inquisitor both awkwardly having crushes on each other and the others notice and it's getting to be a nuisance so Dorian and Iron Bull plan a picnic for the two love birds tricking them to show up to sort out their feelings
The romantic tension between Krem and the Inquisitor was palpable and irritating. As sweet as it was, the longing glances and awkward blushes were starting to get on everyone's nerves.
"Why couldn't we practice back at Skyhold, chief? The Hinterlands are a long way out for swordplay.""A change in scenery is good. Different terrain."
"What is so important, Dorian? You still haven't told me why we had to trek all the way out here.""It's a surprise, my dear Inquisitor."
Dorian and Iron Bull led the two victims up the hill to a spot overlooking the valley below. As Krem caught a glimpse of the Inquisitor, a nearly painful blush crawled across his face and he stopped in his tracks. The Herald sputtered some sort of nonsense while Dorian rolled his eyes.
"Krem, our Inquisitor has an infuritating crush on you. Please take care of it for us," Dorian said, placing a basket of wine and cheese on the ground. He and Iron Bull disappeared like magic, leaving the lovebirds to their own devices. The two shared an intense silence before Krem spoke.
"Um, is what Dorian said true? Because I've been hiding some romantic feelings for you, but it's okay if you don't share them, and--" he muttered, interrupted by the Inquisitor's soft and tender kiss. He grinned and stole another kiss from his lady's cheek. They both felt their hearts swell as they sat down to eat too much cheese and roast nug.
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Hi!! Can I get some random headcanons about how Varric looks after his friends? Ily!
Thank you for this request, I love it!!
Varric spends a lot of time looking after Merrill, always worried that she’ll land herself in more trouble than she can handle. He spends a lot of time with her in the Alienage so he never has to worry about her getting lonely. He’ll occasionally send gifts for the city elves so their life in Kirkwall is a little bit easier. Varric also sends Daisy any elven trinkets he runs across while running his business. He loves hearing the stories behind each thing!!
Aveline doesn’t really need any sort of protection and would refuse any that Varric tries to send. So instead he occasionally sends sweets to her in the barracks. They’re labeled “from a secret admirer” but she knows they’re from him. She’s not about to eat anything from someone she doesn’t know, after all. She lights up when she gets the delivery but you’ll never hear her admit it.
Fenris is ever the recluse, so of course Varric has to drag him to the Hanged Man for an airing once in a while. But generally they stay at the mansion for Wicked Grace and booze. Varric can sometimes sweet-talk his way into some bottles of wine for the broody elf. The mansion’s wine cellar is full of different vintages and Fenris is excited to have every one. Varric also occasionally brings books to read. They’re generally children’s books but Fenris is always very touched to receive them.
Varric takes care of his pirate friend by letting her take care of her own business. She appreciates being trusted to care for herself on the streets. But he also likes to send Isabela the occasional paramour and pays off her bar tab when she’s short on coin. They spend a lot of time drinking together and he finds a lot of inspiration in her stories.
Varric doesn’t trust Sebastian so they don’t exactly get along. He has someone keep an eye on the Chantry brother and hopes that one of the reports contains something sordid. They never do
Varric visits Anders at the clinic a lot at the beginning. They swap stories and drink to keep the mage occupied. As Anders gets more stressed out and abrasive, Varric keeps his distance, but continues to keep the Darktown gangs away from the clinic. Varric also sends donates lots of gold and cats to the Resistance as a silent show of affection.
Varric never got the chance to get very close with Bethany/Carver. His interactions with them are primarily at the request of Hawke. But he does think of them as his family more than his actual relatives.
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
I'm not even in the fandom but here I am requesting a matchup! I think you know me incredibly well already, so I doubt there's any need for small talk! Bring it on, sis!
I would match you with Merrill!!
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Merrill is a mage who is soft and full of love!! She has more of a passive personality, which I think fits well with you being more headstrong! Anytime you’re feeling down or have writer’s block, she’ll be at your side with tea and hugs!! Merrill has also traveled to many places and has many stories to tell, so you’ll always have her to be your muse.
Treat Merrill with kindness and understanding and she will be loyal to the end. ❤️
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Do you write for Krem?
of course, I love that soft boy!! ❤️
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
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redlyriumtattoo · 5 years
Brand New Dragon Age Writing Blog
Hello there! I’ve been trying to get back into writing, so I’ve decided to start writing Dragon Age content! It’s my absolute favorite game series and I’d love to share my love through my writing!!
Here are my tentative guidelines:
No nsfw stuff, it is not my strong suit
I’ll write headcanons, one-shots, drabble, whatever!!
Can do character x character ships
Will try to do match-ups or character x reader, but I’m inexperienced with those!!
I haven’t read the books, but I will write stuff from those as well!!
Don’t be afraid to ask me for whatever!! I might not be able to manage your request but I’d be more than happy to check out whatever you send me!!
General notes from me!!
I have no idea what counts as a spoiler anymore since it’s been 5 years since DA:I. So I’ll tag based on the game/novel, ie “dragon age 2 spoilers”
I have a particular love for whump and hurt/comfort, so if you want someone to get beat up, I am here for it
I am starting school very soon, so I might be slow to respond, but I will respond to EVERY request that I get!!
Thank you!!
Daya ❤️
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