redmoonfaerie · 8 months
love characters who are like "this is how the world works. this is how it has to be (because if i'm wrong i have to face what i've done // if i'm wrong i have to face whats been done to me) "
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redmoonfaerie · 8 months
For me to write poetry that isn't political
I must listen to the birds
and in order to listen to the birds
the war planes must be silent
- Marwan Makhoul, Palestinian Lebanese poet.
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
the worst is wanting to create and create and create but being trapped in a body that is so so so so tired
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
My love language is to always support you
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
They should invent consequences for men
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
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most in character naruto cosplayers
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
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Hey kids, wanna learn what signs of botulism look like?
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
cis ppl can have horns and swirls and spikes n shit surgically implanted under their skin any time they want if theyre rich enough but a trans woman wants boobs she has to wait at least 1-2 years for doctors to be convinced that she REALLY wants them
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
Tips for redditers joining Tumblr:
you have to put on a skirt
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this headcanon above but-
I've always thought Regulus was good at potions the same way I was good at maths, I didn't like maths, they didn't bring me any joy or whatever, but I was capable of understanding them and doing my homework and everything.
Then I studied literature and I haven't seen a number (a complex mathematical structure) in like - seven years.
I sometimes think Regulus would be the same, given the opportunity. He wouldn't be a genius nor anything, but he would be an average student that can get the work done. So. Yeah.
Then he wouldn't think of a single potion for the rest of his life (in a universe where he lives a very long life, thank you so much) the second he graduates.
*Gets up on a soapbox*
Reg isn't a Potions whizz. You just associate him with Potions because 1) he drank one and died, 2) you associate him with Slughorn, his Head of House, who was a Potions teacher, 3) he becomes a more relevant character in Half-blood Prince which also heavily features Potions.
Lily and Snape are the ones who are brilliant at potions. Regulus shouldn't just be a fanon replacement for Snape because we dont like him, they're distinct characters. Let Snape have his Potions skills and give Reg something that fits him as a character instead of always Potions.
How about Runes? It's got the secret knowledge element that fits his story, tradition and ancient history which must be important to him, and it's stuffy and book-learnt rather than practical and so is he. Or Divination? That's mystical and obscure and you kind of have to be born for it, which is on theme. Or even Transfiguration, but Sirius (and/or James) is still better at it so even though Reg is ungodly good he can never be the best and no one cares he's so good. There are a lot of fitting options.
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
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they’re commmfy <33
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
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July 8, 1927 Journals of Anais Nin 1923-1927 [volume 3]
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
hope is a skill
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
It really bothers me that people think oppression needs to come in the form of overt personal prejudices in order to be ‘real.’
Okay, so the doctors I went to didn’t say “I hate you because you are a fat, African-American with no insurance (*cough*money*cough cough*)” but I still got sub-par medical treatment over the course of my life that led to me having multiple strokes and nearly dying.
Each individual doctor doesn’t have to give a damn who I am and what I do, but we live in a country where the system says that people like me are going to die from poor health.
So, -no- I’m not going to let someone tell me that “It’s not racism.  It’s not fatphobia.  It’s not classism.” just because the words “I hate you” were not spoken.
That’s not how oppression works.
No individual needs to be invested to be an accomplice.
By existing in a position of power & NOT actively working against that power, doctors are contributing to the genocide of our working poor, immigrant workers, people of color, etc.
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redmoonfaerie · 1 year
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@shanastoryteller you really didn't have to.
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House M.D. | 3x02 Cane and Able
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