reed-calhoun · 11 years
Reed nodded appreciatively at the woman's choice in cars. "Audi makes a mean suspension. You can get that thing a half inch off the ground and it'll never touch it." He chuckled slightly, that same smirk still playing on his lips. She seemed like she was quiet, so he let her sit there as he drove out of Little 5 and into Atlanta proper, heading towards his military funded apartment. At least he still had his digs. It wasn't much, but it beat the hell out of a 6 by 6 brig cell. When she asked about the quarter he could pull, he smirked just a bit wider. "Ah, I think the last time I had it out was about 12.1? I haven't done too much to it, so it still runs pretty even to stock." He shrugged and gave the gas petal a quick thrust to exhibit the noise and power of the car. He let off quickly though, he didn't want to attract any more police attention than was typical in a cherry red car. "Not too much farther." he said, turning off of the main road and onto a side street.
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New Town, Old Face |Isla & Reed|
She smiled at him, then looked back out the windshield as he pulled the car out onto the street. When they pulled out, Isla rested her elbow on the door panel and covered the side of her face with her hand; as to block it from the people on the sidewalk. She listened to his first choice of car nodded, “good choice, not bad” she said. Once they were out of Little 5 Points she felt more at ease and ready to answer his question. “2012 Audi R8 Coupe” she said with a grin. She didn’t know whether or not to tell him that she had actually had one. It was the car she had fled Miami in; but she sold it as soon as she got to Atlanta. It was too dangerous to keep, knowing that Charles would come looking for her; but more importantly his money. She gave him a look as if daring him, “What kind of quarter can you pull in this?”
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
Reed inclined his head as she apologized for offering him a drink. "It's alright, I know it looks weird, guy sitting at a bar, ordering food and a coke. I work at a bar too, so it's kinda an even bigger mess." He chuckled, making small talk with her. Honestly, he just wanted to stare at the tv until his food came, then eat it and leave, but she was there, she'd initiated the conversation, and now he was stuck with it. Well, at least until the food got there. She seemed to get even more stressed out when he asked about her nursing the drink, and every cell in his brain said she was hiding something. No one was that nervous just sitting at a bar making idle chit chat. "Alright, you sure you're ok? I mean, I know that a lot of people have been worried about the mythics being freed." He said, bringing up a subject that would surely tell if she was bothered by something related to the mythics or not. 
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Same Place Different Faces ❧ Fíona & Reed
Thankfully he continued to brush away her apologies, but then she felt bad for offering a drink to a man who didn’t drink. “Oh…well um, it just seemed like the natural thing to do.” She shrugged and tried to play off her embarrassment at the entire situation which didn’t seem to be improving. When he immediately went for his coke her guilt increased. She wondered what a man that didn’t drink was doing sitting at the bar sipping soda. He could have just as easily gotten a table. She didn’t know what to say when he commented on her mood. He was right of course, but she certainly wasn’t going into details about it with a human. “Um, I’m just very…stressed lately I suppose.” It was only normal for him to ask given her behavior, but the questioning made her uncomfortable.
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
Reed watched her speak to him, and it wasn't hard to tell that she was irritated with him. He honestly couldn't give a fuck less, but for appearances sake, he nodded and walked quickly across the room to the chair she indicated. He hadn't been expecting the new boss to be a woman, but he supposed he should have realized it when the girl had sounded a bit too happy about the new management. He sat down in the straight-backed chair and leaned back as best he could. It wasn't that he didn't like it when women took control, it was that he didn't like women who were bitches. This one seemed to be the latter.
When she spoke his name, he could tell it was with disdain. His name rolled off her tongue like some sort of curse word, and he half wanted to get up and walk out right then. But if he came back to the sargent with no job, he'd be screwed, and probably thrown back in the brig. That thought alone set his facial features the right way, giving her a polite, attentive look, if not a smile. "Nice to meet you Ms. Camden, it is Miss, right?" He said, before continuing on. "I do like working here. It's good hours, decent pay, and I like most of the girls here. I feel like I do a good job of protecting them, and I enjoy that feeling." That part at least, was no lie. No girl had been harmed since he'd come on the job, his instincts for trouble were just too good for that.
Boss Lady » Reed & Lisette
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
Reed could tell that she seemed sorry, and he wasn't super interested in getting into another argument with a woman, so he dropped it. "No big deal." He said as the bartender approached. He placed his order and then glanced over at her as she answered his question. Her smile was lopsided, and obviously fake, but he returned it with his typical half smile and nodded. But when she offered him a beer, he shook his head. "No thanks. I don't drink." He gave the short and sweet explanation, though he would have killed for a beer right then. "It really wasn't that big of a deal." he said, taking a sip of his soda right after the bartender brought it to him. "You look like you're not happy, nursing that drink like that." he said, twitching his head towards her drink.
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Same Place Different Faces ❧ Fíona & Reed
Thankfully he seemed fine and wasn’t too upset, but she apologized again anyways. “I’m really sorry.” As for his other question, well she certainly wasn’t ‘alright’, but she wasn’t about to pour her heart out to a complete stranger. Especially not a stranger that also happened to be a human. “Yes, just a little distracted that’s all.” She put on her best smile and although she failed miserably, the Leshy knew she had to try. Sure things were changing, but she wasn’t stupid. It wasn’t safe to going around saying you were involved in what was happening with mythics. “Would you like a beer? It’s on me. You know for being so careless.” She didn’t want to talk, but it only seemed polite.
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
Reed nodded when she agreed to go back to his place. He wasn't planning on getting lucky, after all, a woman who carried a gun was a very dangerous person to get into bed with. Then again, they were usually a lot more... wild once you did take the chance. "Alright, beers it is." He said, putting the car in drive and driving them out of the alley and onto the street. He shrugged when she asked him what his first choice in cars was. "Well, what's any red blooded American male's choice in cars?" he said, smirking at her before looking back at the road. "1969 Corvette Stingray. One of the slickest, sexiest cars ever built. And not half bad in the quarter given a wad of cash thrown at the engine." Glancing over at her, he put on a look that said he wouldn't mind showing her his quarter, complete with a lick of his lips. "Your's?" he inquired, stopping at a red light.
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New Town, Old Face |Isla & Reed|
She waited for him to follow her into the car and took the opportunity to look around the interior quickly. Cars weren't the best place to find yourself in a bad situation, so it's better to know your surroundings. She acted natural when he got in and watched him as he turned the engine on and spoke. She didn't need anywhere to stay, she had an apartment but where was the adventure in telling him that. "I have a place, but it's not entirely set up yet" she fibbed. "So if you don' mind a guest for a few hours, I wouldn' mind the beers." She smirked back at him, "but you can keep the cold pizza." She listened to the sound of the car and looked around it some more like it was the first time. "So what is yer first choice then?" She asked waiting for him to start driving, "of car" she clarified.
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
Reed narrowed his eyes as the blond chick stuck her head out the window and started mouthing some crap. "Well, if you weren't being a rude bitch and honking your stupid horn when someone's just running by your fucking car, then I wouldn't have taken it as you were honking at me!" He snapped back, dropping his hand. "And I'm not the one who's too stupid to know when she's hitting the horn on her own fucking car." He was not in the mood to deal with some entitled bitch, no matter how much she looked like she just stepped off a Paris runway. "So why don't you learn some fucking manners, and apologize for doing something stupid?" He could feel his blood rising and tried to calm himself, but all it was doing was putting him in a stronger rage.
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Better?// Katherine & Reed
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
What's your least favorite word and why?
Love, and I think that's fucking self explanatory, don't you?
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
What's your least favorite trait in the opposite sex?
Their ability to go from normal to bitch in .03 seconds. 
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
What's your least favorite movie and why?
Oh god, that's a list a mile long. But least favorite out of all of them... Probably that Snow White and the Huntsman movie. Looked good, but then that girl fucked it all up. Hate that movie.
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
What's your least favorite thing about the military?
Not getting paid enough. The pays a bit better now, but when I was enlisted... man, that sucked.
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
What's your least favorite thing about working at The Dollhouse?
Not being able to drink. Nothing. Or maybe the new boss, I don't know.
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
What's your least favorite thing about mythics and why?
How they think they’re better than us, just cause they’ve got powers and shit. But for the most part, I don’t care. They’re just… snobby.
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
What's your least favorite thing about yourself and why?
Um… is this a trick question?
He hates that he’s a recovering alcoholic. He thinks it makes him weak.
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
Reed hadn't done anything but run since he'd found out that the owner of the Dollhouse had "disappeared" the day of the raid. He figured he'd be out of a job now, and that his handler would find him another one. In the meantime, he'd keep in shape, just in case they decided to throw him into some other position. He was jogging down the sidewalk, cars parked serenely on the street next to him, until some crazy blonde woman honked her horn right as he passed. Jumping back slightly, he couldn't stop his temper, and lifted a finger at her. "Hey! I'm just running! Fuck off!" he shouted at the car, jogging a few steps away from it, so that  if she came out swinging, he'd have some distance to react to her attack.
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Better?// Katherine & Reed
It had been over a week since the siege had happened on the camps. It had also been over a week since Katherine had been shot and in that span of time  her physical health improved. Everything else still seemed like a mess. She was able to drive on her own, which she was thankful for and found herself sitting in the drivers seat of her car unwilling to get out. Why was it so hard to just go back to the way thing’s were before? It was always so easy for the satyr to do in the past. She’d just shove whatever pain she had behind that wall of hers and went on being the self indulgent girl she often was. The problem was she could still feel the pain even if it wasn’t physical anymore. She felt it all in her head and it was preventing her from moving on. Katherine slammed her hand on her steering wheel, annoyed that she was allowing herself to be emotional, which she never allowed herself to do in the past. In the process of slamming her hand the car horn went off and Katherine nearly jumped in her seat. ” Shit,” she yelled out in surprise, trying to keep it together at least for appearances. 
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
Reed was walking to the store, just to pick up a few things before heading back home when he noticed Amara sitting on a bench, eating chocolates. He'd never seen her put something so fattening in her mouth, and was quite shocked. Walking up to her, he smirked and tilted his head. "No thanks, you know those things make you fat, darlin'." he half chuckled, in his usual tone. Plopping down next to her, he leaned over, probably a bit too closely and glanced at the box of chocolates in her lap. "Have you eaten all of those?" He asked, arching a brow at her.
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Sweet Healing || Amara & Reed
There was still so much grief and misery coiled inside her lithe body, but Amara had decided she wasn’t going to live like this. Stuck in a moment in time, not moving forward and only dwelling on the past. It took a long phone call from Ishan to really snap her out of it. She was thankful for the kids and grateful that Alex and Talos allowed as much with them as they did. It was quite beneficial for all of them. Amara was telling them about Holi and why it was celebrated in India when the kids wanted to participate in it too. That was when she decided it might be a good idea to host a Holi party, for new beginnings. Ethan was very enthusiastic and excited about the idea. The Djinn was sitting on a bench with a box of chocolates, eating them slowly. She saw someone walk towards her direction “want a chocolate”, she offered not caring whether she knew the person or if they were a stranger. Everyone deserved chocolate.
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
Reed was exhausted. His head hurt, and all he wanted was a damn beer. But he knew better. So he went to Limerick's, one of the few places that he could sit at a bar and just get food and not look like a total dumbass. He sat down next to a blonde lady who was really skinny and looked totally lost in her thoughts. He was waving the bartender over to order his coke and burger when she kicked him. He looked up at her, putting on a semi-polite smile and shrugging while inwardly he wanted to yell at her to keep her feet to herself. "Ahh, it's ok." he said, then put his order in as the bartender approached him. Afterwards, he glanced back over at her. "You alright there?"
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Same Place Different Faces ❧ Fíona & Reed
It had been much more difficult to go back to work than she had initially anticipated. Yes, she had known that it would be hard to be in the shop knowing that Bailey would never be in there with her again, but it was more than that. She couldn’t concentrate. She kept finding herself staring off into space lost in her thoughts. Very little work was actually accomplished and without anyone to help her she felt buried in tasks that seemed impossible to complete. By the end of the day she couldn’t wait to get out of there. She wasn’t ready to go home either so she once more headed to the familiar pub, but this time she actually made it. When she entered it was as though the air had changed inside. It just wasn’t the same without Colin. She took a seat at the bar and ordered the same thing she had the first day they met. Only this time there was no shamrock in the shot and it just didn’t taste as sweet. She hadn’t noticed there was someone next to her and when she went to readjust herself on the stool she kicked them. “Oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t know there was anyone there.” 
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reed-calhoun · 11 years
Boss Lady » Reed & Lisette
When he'd gotten a phone call from one of the dancers at the Dollhouse, saying that the new owner wanted to see them all, he wasn't happy. This dumb fake job meant little after his handler and Sargent had basically told him he was a fuck up and worth less than the paper he used to wipe his ass with. But, to keep up appearances to the rest of this mythic loving community, he went. Walking up to the office that had once been Marcus' he couldn't believe that he hadn't seen that Marcus was a damn mythic. Sure, he couldn't prove it, but the man had just up and disappeared the day after the raid on the camp. That was too much of a coincidence for Reed. He just hoped that Marcus hadn't known about him, and no one had told this new owner who he was. 
He stalked up to the door and knocked before opening it quickly. "Hello?" he said as he stuck his head in. "My name's Reed, I was told to see the new boss." he said, walking in the rest of the way as he saw a woman seated behind Marcus' old desk. As he shut the door behind him he looked around at the large office. There had been so many times he'd wanted to take a girl up her and bang her, but that damn mythic had always been up here. It was like the guy never left. The office was cushy, no doubt, but he hoped that the new owner wouldn't be so... well, attached to the place.
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