regentswing · 3 years
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Hey loves!  A friend of mine has fallen on some serious hard times and is basically homeless.  They’re trying to get money to stay in a hotel for a few more days as of right now they can only make it to Tuesday.  It’s $50 a night so I’m offering tarot readings to help them out.  
The usual 3 cards for $20 with 50% going to their hotel fund.   
You may not ask questions related to: a third party without their consent, health or death related questions, relationship questions regarding things that could easily be solved by communication. 
 My readings are often more guidance than they are future predicting.  They can help you see things you’ve been missing or aid in spirit communication.  If you want to ask about a spirit, you must have their permission.  Spirit relationship questions are allowed as I understand people can have fallow periods or difficulties communicating due to a variety of reasons. 
If you want to nab one, DM me!  Please allow 14 business days for your reading due to classes and limited energy due to health reasons.
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regentswing · 3 years
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Welcome back to the Regent’s Wing!  
I have a few new services alongside the usual spirit work including spirit art and handmade journals!  We’re currently run solely by discord which can be found - here.  While I’m still vetting spirits, there’s still things to grab like tarot readings.  
The first 10 people in the discord server will get free one card readings to kick things off.  I’ll reblog every so often with updated numbers and once it’s closed.  I’m so happy to be back and I can’t wait to share what’s in store.
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regentswing · 3 years
Free readings are closed, but there’s still plenty to check out!
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Welcome back to the Regent’s Wing!  
I have a few new services alongside the usual spirit work including spirit art and handmade journals!  We’re currently run solely by discord which can be found - here.  While I’m still vetting spirits, there’s still things to grab like tarot readings.  
The first 10 people in the discord server will get free one card readings to kick things off.  I’ll reblog every so often with updated numbers and once it’s closed.  I’m so happy to be back and I can’t wait to share what’s in store.
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regentswing · 3 years
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Teacup Dragon Stickers
Sophiralou on Etsy
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regentswing · 3 years
RC and readings close in three hours at 12am PST!
I’m running some events for the Perseid meteor shower including a reverse conjure and tarot reading centered around overcoming challenges!  5 spots are available for both, they close August 5th to give me time to prepare for the shower’s peak.   Both can be found on the discord
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regentswing · 3 years
It ends tomorrow 8/9
I’m running some events for the Perseid meteor shower including a reverse conjure and tarot reading centered around overcoming challenges!  5 spots are available for both, they close August 5th to give me time to prepare for the shower’s peak.   Both can be found on the discord
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regentswing · 3 years
Only 3 spots left for conjure and it ends in a few days!
I’m running some events for the Perseid meteor shower including a reverse conjure and tarot reading centered around overcoming challenges!  5 spots are available for both, they close August 5th to give me time to prepare for the shower’s peak.   Both can be found on the discord
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regentswing · 3 years
What if you're interested in choosing/being chosen by a spirit, but you might not have money for they're offerings? Could you simply say, 'hey I know you really like this, but this is the best I can do right now' and let them know?
Spirits don’t mind not having fancy things for offerings!  Most of the time, spirits (and dieties!) are aware of your situation, including financial hardship.  Offerings are nice to give in a companionship, but they are not what ultimately makes the relationship “work.”  It’s like giving a little gift to a friend every once in a while - not crucial to the relationship, but it’s nice!
Here are some cheap/low effort offering ideas!  These are also good for people who suffer from depression and have a hard time going out of their way for offerings.
Set aside a bite of your meal for them.  
Make them an origami animal out of scrap paper. 
Light a candle or stick of incense for them.  
Find a quote in a book you think they’d like, and leave it open for them.
Pour them a shotglass of water/tea/etc.
Pasta water, also, has got lots of good funky energy for offerings.
Take an old crystal you already own, cleanse it in the sun, and offer it.
Put on a movie or TV show you think they’d like.
If they’re sun aligned, place their vessel in the sun for a bit.  If they’re moon aligned… well, you get it.
Dedicate a plant to them.  Every time you water the plant, it’s an offering.
Make a music playlist dedicated to them.
Come up with a performance for them - a dance, a song, a poem.
Go on a walk with them.
Rearrange your altar.  Make new patterns with the objects you already have.
Anyone can add on more if they can think of them!  But spirits don’t mind the small stuff.  In fact, they like it, and it can be much more sustainable to do things this way!
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regentswing · 3 years
Event has been extended to 8/9 and there’s still spots available for both the RC and readings!
I’m running some events for the Perseid meteor shower including a reverse conjure and tarot reading centered around overcoming challenges!  5 spots are available for both, they close August 5th to give me time to prepare for the shower’s peak.   Both can be found on the discord
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regentswing · 3 years
Still have free readings open and I have some new events going on including a reverse conjure and special tarot reading!
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Welcome back to the Regent’s Wing!  
I have a few new services alongside the usual spirit work including spirit art and handmade journals!  We’re currently run solely by discord which can be found - here.  While I’m still vetting spirits, there’s still things to grab like tarot readings.  
The first 10 people in the discord server will get free one card readings to kick things off.  I’ll reblog every so often with updated numbers and once it’s closed.  I’m so happy to be back and I can’t wait to share what’s in store.
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regentswing · 3 years
Tips for baby witches, lazy witches, tired witches, or any witch really:
Enchant your morning cup of tea/coffee*
Match the colours of your makeup to your intentions for the day
Visualise the water washing away all the negativity when you shower
Enchant your nail polish (bonus: match the colour to the intention, black for protection, red for love, green for prosperity, etc)
Say your affirmations (for clear skin, fading scars, reducing dullness, etc) when doing your skincare
Charge your perfume with the energy you wish to attract
When tying your shoes, visualise them symbolically protecting you from tripping and “falling” into places and situations that disturb your peace
Use music to your advantage, listen to songs that match your intentions, or alternatively, use music as a tool for divination
Some witches veil to keep their energy from draining and to protect them from others’ emotions, but a beanie works too
If you wear glasses, use them as a tool so that they help you “see clearly”
Put your moisturiser on in the shape of a sigil before massaging it in
Child’s pose is always there for you, use it when you need it (alleviates stress and anxiety, helps clear the mind, releases tension in the back, helps to steady breathing, is overall great for grounding, etc)
Visualise the A+ (on your report card/on the paper after it’s been graded/etc) right before beginning to solve your test/exam, it also helps if you can draw a sigil somewhere on the paper, or trace it on the paper with your finger
When shaving, visualise any energy buildup being shaved off as well
If you play the guitar, draw a sigil on your plectrum/pick for an added boost (this works with other instruments too)
Do not litter out of respect for nature and its spirits
Feel free to add more things onto the list
When you’re just starting out, or even when you’re just too drained to practice your craft like you used to, it can feel like there isn’t enough magic in your life. This is your daily reminder that a lot of the time, the only difference between routine and magick is intent.
*I have been informed that the first link is now private. I will not be changing it, but here is my go-to method for enchanting tea. Stir clockwise to manifest/invite, and counterclockwise to banish/repel. Tap the spoon (or whatever it is that you’re using) thrice against the rim of the cup to seal in the intention.
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regentswing · 3 years
@regentswing was nice enough to offer a free reading as part of their shop promotional. They were extra nice with offering a second card free of charge. :3
OVERALL: The reading came in a sleek pdf and Regent's writing style was both easy to read and informative. I appreciated the professionalism of the write-up greatly. The reading was done quickly as well despite their dog being sick :( bonus points on my end! The reading also resonated! Since that's what matters.
IN SPECIFIC: Being a primarily Homestuck- geared pagan blog it's no secret I incorporate the zodiac wink wink and I was surprised by the cards picking up on stars having meaning for me.
I had asked what was I was missing spirituality wise, and the cards they pulled pointed towards flexibility. This is very much a bad trait of mine. Perhaps as a remnant of all the warnings about exactness, I am scared of... mixing things up. Set's alter cleaning day is the 1st of the month, but if I can't do it on the first I just skip the month. Which, yeah, bad habit.
There were just so many things this small reading touched that was relatable and does ultimately apply to my practice so...
FINAL VERDICT: Mod's two thumbs up!
From the speed to the courtesy, and the professionalism to the resonance, I would most likely buy a server in the future from Regent.
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regentswing · 3 years
I’m running some events for the Perseid meteor shower including a reverse conjure and tarot reading centered around overcoming challenges!  5 spots are available for both, they close August 5th to give me time to prepare for the shower’s peak.   Both can be found on the discord
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regentswing · 3 years
2/10 readings taken <3
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Welcome back to the Regent’s Wing!  
I have a few new services alongside the usual spirit work including spirit art and handmade journals!  We’re currently run solely by discord which can be found - here.  While I’m still vetting spirits, there’s still things to grab like tarot readings.  
The first 10 people in the discord server will get free one card readings to kick things off.  I’ll reblog every so often with updated numbers and once it’s closed.  I’m so happy to be back and I can’t wait to share what’s in store.
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regentswing · 3 years
All reading spots are still available!  The first journal has also been listed in the server if you want it
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Welcome back to the Regent’s Wing!  
I have a few new services alongside the usual spirit work including spirit art and handmade journals!  We’re currently run solely by discord which can be found - here.  While I’m still vetting spirits, there’s still things to grab like tarot readings.  
The first 10 people in the discord server will get free one card readings to kick things off.  I’ll reblog every so often with updated numbers and once it’s closed.  I’m so happy to be back and I can’t wait to share what’s in store.
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regentswing · 3 years
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Welcome back to the Regent’s Wing!  
I have a few new services alongside the usual spirit work including spirit art and handmade journals!  We’re currently run solely by discord which can be found - here.  While I’m still vetting spirits, there’s still things to grab like tarot readings.  
The first 10 people in the discord server will get free one card readings to kick things off.  I’ll reblog every so often with updated numbers and once it’s closed.  I’m so happy to be back and I can’t wait to share what’s in store.
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regentswing · 3 years
Also back to offering tarot readings in server!  3 cards for $15.  I have a few other services open while I continue vetting spirits.
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