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regularlyconfused · 2 days
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 271-280
• Leviathan has a weeks-worth stash of food in his room so he doesn’t need to leave
• Back in the celestial realm Raphael often dealt out harsh punishments on the brothers. Lucifer and his brothers would then track him down and fight him
• A lesson in the Curses and Hexes class involves using magic to steal a card from a classmate
• Levi is extremely easy to manipulate when anything otaku is involved. This is one reason he continues lending money and doing favors for Mammon
• When Thirteen summoned a monster it chased her, MC, and Mammon around campus until they threw a net to catch it. However it landed on Lucifer who proceeded to chase them instead
• If you tap the hashtag below devilgram stories, it brings you to other stories with that same hashtag
• Mephistopheles taught Barbatos equestrian riding
• Simeon feels anxious seeing others work and not helping out
• The purgatory hall crew had to leave once because a bloody beet grew through the floorboards. It was so large people came in to study it so they stayed with Diavolo
• Satan said if he was in a horror movie he’d be the silent killer “helping” the detectives and frame Lucifer for all the murders
261-270 • 281-290
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 281-290
• Satan has a collection of priceless jewels that are rare in both the human world and Devildom. It’s not stated how he got his hands on them but he is alluded to being very wealthy by Leviathan
• Belphegor doesn’t consider himself as the youngest as he believes Lilith will always be the youngest
• A bloody beet at the house of lamentation grew so large it was studied. The reason for its size is theorized to be because it’s in the presence of three angels, Raphael, Simeon, and Luke
• Mephistopheles despite taking his position in the newspaper club seriously, has no desire to pursue journalism professionally
• Despite being the “Wise One” Solomon cannot beat Diavolo in chess
• One of Lucifer’s first interactions with Diavolo was a game of chess that he believed himself to have won and was acting proud when Diavolo won in the next move. This is the first time anyone beat Lucifer at something and it shocked and confused him
• Lucifer as an angel believes the dirt in the Devildom is low-quality
• When the angels gifted bracelets to the brothers, the side affects forced them to behave angelically. Simeon saw no issue with it as this was how all celestial parties were
• Solomon summoned Barbatos to help him pick out a tea at the store. He had to apologize to Diavolo because Barbatos was speaking with him at the time. His reason for not asking Luke and Simeon was because they wouldn’t answer their texts as they were absorbed with cube puzzles
• Simeon once tried very hard to get Solomon to cry for his own entertainment
271-280 • 291-300
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 291-300
• One time during hexes and curses class, Mammon accidentally cast a spell on himself that caused him to randomly break into song
• Simeon’s favorite animals are sloths
• Barbatos’s recent passion is recreating buildings as desserts
• Lucifer’s ring of light is inscribed with “Blessed be the bringer of light”
• Asmodeus is in a band
• Barbatos enjoys screamo/hardcore music
• Michael, Lucifer, and Raphael used to get drunk together back in the celestial realm
• Lucifer watches horror movies with Mammon since Mammon is too scared to watch them alone
• Simeon scares the brothers when he directs the TSL play. Mammon even cries as Simeon is so strict and terrifying.
• When a rumor about The Angel’s Halo spreads, Simeon requests Mammon and MC’s help to dispel the rumor that if you share a drink together you’ll be together forever. Mammon is unable to pretend to break up and starts crying so Simeon calls him useless
281-290 • 301-310
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 301-310
RAD special
• The RAD student council room has a protective barrier than only allows members or honorary members of the student council to enter
• Satan is the secretary of the RAD student council
• The known classes at RAD are Art, Curses & Hexes, Devildom Law, Home economics, Magical Potions, Mathematics, Devildom History, and Seductive Speechcraft
• RAD stands for Royal Academy of Diavolo
• Diavolo is the founder and principal of RAD
• Originally student council members were meant to oversee detention but this changed after several student council members, mostly Mammon, kept getting detention themselves
• On the day of the bloody moon RAD holds a festival where it’s voted who’s the most respected and worthy demon though lately it’s a popularity contest. The winners are almost always Diavolo or Lucifer
• The brothers damage the RAD school building often
• There are many after school clubs and activities. Beelzebub plays Fangol, Leviathan occasionally attends the anime fan club, and the brothers often make requests for ridiculous clubs like the napping club
• Asmodeus once used the request box at RAD for people to deliver his fan mail, it kept overflowing and fan mail has been banned
291-300 • 311-320
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 311-320
• When Lucifer fell, he tore off each of his six wings. For unknown reasons four grew back as a demon
• Raphael is said to be the only one who really understands Michael
• Mammon refused to throw out a Zombie iguana cursing him because it was given to him by someone he considered a little brother who is later revealed to be Luke
• When Lucifer lost his memory, Luke was by his side to take care of him more than anyone else
• Leviathan used to have a pet snake Henry 1.0. It escaped and is now massive and roaming the tunnels beneath the demon lord castle
• Leviathan accidentally bought a life size figurine and is scared for Lucifer to find out
• Simeon and Luke have recently been absorbed with cube puzzles
• Lucifer and Diavolo created a pocket realm to keep safe the near extinct animals
• The only fauna that thrives in the Devildom are cats and for unknown reasons. It is speculated that cats overrun the Devildom solely because of Satan.
• Solomon is still trying to get a pact with Lucifer. He even fed Lucifer an opposite biscuit and asked for a pact, so Lucifer wouldn’t speak
301-310 • 321-330
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 321-330
• Cerberus is fond of people whom Lucifer is fond of. This excludes his brothers despite Lucifer’s love for them.
• Satan decorated their back yard with cat towers and hopes it’ll become a cat colony
• Leviathan often does school from home virtually but is required to attend in person a certain amount of days
• Unless leviathan gets in shape, Lucifer has threatened to revoke his status as the lord of envy/a student council member
• Barbatos fears rats so much he cannot even say their name
• Demonus appears to have no affect on humans, at least not on MC
• Satan always carries cat treats with him in case he runs into a cat
• Beelzebub and Belphegor are supremely bad artists and their art even scares Levi a little.
• Lucifer hates techno pop and refers to it as “cacophonous bleep-bloop music”
• Lucifer is the only brother to have attempted to attack MC more than once
311-320 • 331-340
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 331-340
• Levi wakes his brothers up in the middle of the night by singing karaoke too loudly
• Mammon can speak to and spy through crows though he doesn’t have any as pets
• Belphegor often snuck out of the celestial realm to go watch humans. Lilith followed him and this is how she met the human she fell for.
• Solomon has admitted to no remembering his age and that he forgot after about 200 years
• Little D No. 2 gets along well with Diavolo and states Diavolo is the only truly friendly person in the castle and that he is scared of Barbatos
• Leviathan once got very excited and told Diavolo about how he was going to dress up as a cat maid
• Belphegor really enjoys human circuses
• Asmodeus seduced a witch named Helene into having an affair and the direct result was a war that destroyed her country and saw her trapped in a painting for eternity. Asmodeus acts like nothing is wrong and greets her casually. She despises him.
• According to Belphegor once Lilith got angry it was hard to snap her out of if
• The demon king had a wife whom he loved very much but she died in childbirth with Diavolo
321-330 • 341-350
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 341-350
• Satan learned how to read ancient human languages thanks to Solomon
• Leviathan was originally meant to be a yandere but according to game-canon, Belphegor is the official yandere
• Leviathan taught Solomon how to make anklets
• MC was chosen for the program because Lilith interfered and had MC’s profile float to Lucifer by the breeze
• Beelzebub always lifts weights before he goes to bed
• Leviathan is a cat person
• Lucifer isn’t the only one Solomon is interested in forming a pack with as he has also asked Belphegor. However he refuses to make a pact with Mammon
• Belphegor was originally stated to be a cat person and we see this when a cat wanders into the house and he enjoys napping with it. However his birthday info card states he is a dog person
• Belphegor prefers white chocolate over other types
• Solomon cannot say no to Asmodeus, he even lied to Lucifer once for Asmodeus’s sake
331-340 • 351-360
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 351-360
• Lucifer wore the ring of light on his pinky finger
• The ring of light is the twin ring to the ring of wisdom, originally Michael’s and given to Solomon
• When Asmodeus fails to charm MC he questions if they have a soul and Lucifer affirms this unless Beelzebub had already devoured it, alluding to demons being able to eat souls without eating the flesh. Beelzebub also comments he hasn’t done so “yet”
• The house of lamentation was originally a cursed house from the human world
• Mammon’s brothers refer to him as a masochist. This is one of the first things stated about Mammon in the game
• In the English version of the game when Leviathan makes a pact with Mc he tells them it’s because he had agreed to this beforehand, but that isn’t the case. An error in the game or translation leads to Levi never agreeing to make a pact with MC before they actually make one.
• Lilith got scared easily so Belphegor was always quick to try and find her during hide and seek, a game they often played together
• All demons have a grimoire. A book that allows you to control them beyond the restrictions of a pack, even if the demon doesn’t want to obey or is asked to violate their pact
• Almost as soon as Thirteen arrived at RAD she shot a bazooka at solomon that trapped Mephistopheles instead
• Until Season Two of the game, Asmodeus had never tried to charm Leviathan
341-350 • 361-370
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Game Fun Facts 361-370
• Henry 1.0 ran away from home to give leviathan the option to befriend other people rather than venting and spending all his time with him. Leviathan learned nothing and got a goldfish
• Leviathan used to watch videos of snakes with Henry 1.0
• When Lucifer leaves the house he puts a ward on his room to prevent his brothers going in
• Beelzebub is stated to have a good time wherever he is
• Luke hates when the sink is full of dirty dishes
• Raphael learned Kung-Fu expertly just by watching movies
• MC’s magic before being controlled by the ring of light, caused a mountain slide too deep to see the bottom of
• Asmodeus likes making and designing phone cases
• Leviathan has gotten every brother to read a manga at some point as everyone has been mentioned in-game to have borrowed some from him
• Leviathan had a huge tank in his room even before he had a goldfish
351-360 • 371-380
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Obey Me Fun Facts 371-380
• Mammon making millions off the Miss Em dolls in the anime is canon. According to Diavolo he proceeded to borrow tons of money and fall into debt and lose it all.
• Beelzebub once tried bribing Mephistopheles into allowing him to help the newspaper club by kidnapping him and trying to force him to eat mountains of food
• Simeon’s favorite Devildom food is Black Tapir
• Raphael nearly smited a demon for ignoring him
• Satan owns a book that can enter the memories of whoever first opens it
• When Mammon took an active role helping with TTWF, Diavolo was so moved it brought tears to his eyes
• When a jovial gingerbread man attempted to attack Diavolo, Lucifer sicced Cerberus on it
• The game always spells (alright) as (all right)
• During a RAD festival in season 4 Lucifer was given the task of dressing as a unicorn, apparently several demons were scared and dropped out
• Thirteen has an older sister
361-370 • 381-390
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Obey Me Fun Facts 381-390
• In the baseball game in the anime, Satan’s team lost 0 to 666 but Satan still claims it’s the game where he trumped Lucifer
• When Mammon attempted to bring documents to Diavolo, Mephistopheles assumed he was up to no good and fought with him
• In the game MC is suggested to be very bad at sewing as multiple times they have gifted stuffed animals they’ve sewn and every time the gifted person has been confused as to what it is supposed to be
• Mammon is the worst cook out of his brothers
• Simeon claims he has trouble getting angry despite scaring the brothers to tears when he acts as a director
• Lucifer and MC once pretended to be a couple to help Lucifer escape his fan club
• Asmodeus is openly bi/pan as he’s seen flirting with men and women in the game
• Diavolo once played a game of chess with Barbatos that lasted over 24 hours, Lucifer had to supervise
• Lucifer once asked Simeon to borrow Luke so he could relieve his stress by teasing him, Simeon refused
• Mammon and Diavolo are the only characters who’s cars have physically appeared in the game
371-380 • 391-400
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Obey Me Fun Facts 391-400
• Raphael doesn’t care how food tastes as long as it looks appealing
• During the circus event, Lucifer was allowed to keep the puppet pandas who followed him around. He was not happy about it.
• During season one, Lucifer gifted MC a brooch with a midnight stone, an extremely rare stone in the Devildom
• Asmodeus, Belphegor, Diavolo, and Leviathan have all been seen cosplaying as Ruri-Chan
• Solomon is able to get drunk off Snow Demonus
• Lucifer does not enjoy night pool parties and prefers quiet and solitude
• When Mammon is serious about something and acting responsibly his brothers go out of their way to all help him
• When solomon accidentally created a spell that made others talk strangely, no one could focus because they were laughing at Diavolo speaking like a pirate
• When Diavolo heard he was left out of the purgatory hall and House of Lamentation slumber exchange he insisted they do so again and include him and the castle this time
• Luke has recently gotten hooked on putting together model kits though Simeon is sure it won’t last
381-390 • 401-410
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Obey Me Fun Facts 401-410
• According to Simeon Luke has a habit of getting carried away with things
• Lucifer, Michael, and Raphael used to drink heavily together in the celestial realm
• Satan enjoys a railroad building mobile app
• Diavolo sometimes joins the anti-Lucifer league to help pull pranks on Lucifer
• Satan and Mephistopheles try pulling pranks of Lucifer so often they sometimes get in each other’s way causing them to fight
• Satan’s alias is Sully (he hates it)
• There’s a series of chocolate figurines in the Devildom that look like famous sorcerers. Solomon thinks it funny they enjoy biting the heads off and sees it as demons likes sweets.
• When Asmodeus was mad at Solomon he asked Solomon to decorate his powder compact with beads. Unbeknownst to Solomon, Asmodeus enchanted it so things wouldn’t stick to it.
• As of season two, MC is the owner of two stars given to them by Beelzebub and Belphegor
• When asked if he likes cats or dogs Lucifer states Cerberus and doesn’t exclusively say he likes dogs the most, just Cerberus
391-400 • 411-420
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regularlyconfused · 2 days
Obey Me Fun Facts 411-420
• Belphegor is hinted to have the ability of osmosis as despite sleeping through most classes, scores top of the class, and by sleeping with his text books, suddenly knows everything within them
• Beelzebub has wind powers as seen in season 3
• Everyone once left Diavolo in prison in a virtual world overnight and he won’t let them forget it as he was rather pissed off waiting for them to rescue him.
• Satan has been featured in cards with cats 7+ times
• Solomon, Thirteen, and MC once went hiking up a mountain called Mt Imminent Death, the brothers were obsessively worried and stopped from following
• At the end of season two, the brothers kidnapped MC and brought them to the edge of the Devildom, aided by Lucifer
• In season 3, MC is paid to the be the babysitter of the brothers
• Barbatos and Lucifer sometimes have tea taste testing parties
• Leviathan once drank hell milk that made him grow so large in size he put a hole in the ceiling and Lucifer had to pay for it
• Diavolo once put funny fungi in his food just to see to what extent they’d work on him, he was unable to stop laughing
401-410 • 421-430
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