regurgitatedsoup · 4 months
It's not an "abandoned" WIP, I didn't intentionally leave it in the forest to die and forget about it, it is a lost wip who wandered into the forest despite my pleas not to. I sit at the edge of the forest every day and hear it calling for help but there is nothing I can do. It is a haunting wip
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
me: I'm going to write a fic to my own entertainment
also me, writing said fic:
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
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Who's your daddy?
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
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short king
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
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so im kinda into star trek now lol
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
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he is like a disney channel villain to me x
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
baby autusm so small . the hawk take him away
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
Title: Rings
Author: @regurgitatedsoup
Fandom: Ghost
Pairing: Cardinal Copia and Papa Emeritus III
Characters: Cardinal Copia, Papa Emeritus III, Papa Emeritus II, Papa Emeritus I, various nameless ghouls, and sister Imperator
Story Summary:
Five times Copia found Terzo to be ignorant, conceited, lazy, and immature and one time he didn’t 
Alternatively: Five times Terzo found Copia to be stuck up, boring, and infuriating, and one time he didn’t
Chapter Two Summary:  Discoveries regarding jewelry, homoerotic fight scenes, a meeting with the devil, and ghouls
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
on september 15, 1967, spock and kirk gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named slash fanfiction
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
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"our father who art in hell" or whatever he said
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
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Well, you already know I was gonna do it! Here we are! It’s Cardinal Secondo (ft. his hair)
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
Jack Sparrow : a narrative trickster, not a hero
I couldn’t put words on Jack’s narrative role on the first movie and why it was so different in the multiplie sequels but Jill Bearup said it in a video !
“Jack is tremendous fun in the first film, particularly as a reactive character because he pulls focus froms the main plot in unexpected ways”
VS “that doesn’t work so well when he is the main plot”.
1. Narrative subversion as the core of Jack’s character
Yes ! Jack is better when he narratively functions as a trickster, when he subverts the linearity of the plot, he is a narrative device for unexpected and subversive plot evolutions, which is what made the first movie so endearing.
But when he is the plot, he loses that narrative utility that was on of the strenght of the first movie, when he is the plot there is nobody to make the plot exciting the way the character of Jack can.
That’s probably why I really loved the first movie, really liked the 2nd and the third ones, and don’t exaclty like - but most importantly feel that Pirates of the Carribean has lost what made it unique as a movie, and IT IS Jack, but not Jack as a character, Jack as a narrative tool - the ones where Jack is the hero. Jack loses his main strength and what made him so endearing the moment he gets promoted to main character, and not “reactive character”. Jack is a favourite character but his character is correlated with this very particular and rare narrative function in which he excels, as a hero he becomes a less fascinating and exciting character.
2. From trickster to “hero anti-hero” : not for Jack
He is anti-hero because he indeed has the debatable morals and stuff, but there are many forms of anti-hero. He is a “trickster” anti-hero, not a “hero anti-hero”. When a charcter changes category, its functions change too, it alters the character. Like when a character go from hero in the first movie to villain in the sequel, or only comedic relief, or only loe interest, etc. It can be excellent : like in Star wars, going from the villain Darth Vader in the OT to the hero Anakin in the prequels is brilliant and shows the growth of the charater. That’s also why it’s so easy and feels natural to separate the characters.(I’ll maybe write a more detailled meta on that I)
A change of narrative caterogy alters a character, it alters its functions, what is expected of him from the public, his arc, etc. But in Jack Sparrow’s case it doesn’t add anything to the character, doesn’t make him more compelling, deeper or more interesting. Making him the “hero anti-hero” while he was loved as a character with a strong and impactful “trickstery-comedic-narratively unexpected” power, was not the way to ride his wave of success, it doesn’t improve the character. It makes him a regular anti-hero but who appears less than an anti-hero because it lowers his subverting potential, keeping the unclear morals but abandoning the narrative subverting power.
If you think otherwise and/or want to add something, please do !
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
comment on ao3: this is great! can’t wait to see how it all pans out
me, sipping coffee at 3:42 am and staring down the 8000 word chapter that’s gone off the rails and has no ending in sight: shit, man, neither can i
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
no one warned me about the high amounts of men grunting and whimpering on the magnus archives
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
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The last Uno night with the Emeritus brothers.
Congratulations, Papa Emeritus IV.
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
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just so spread the death note + falsettos agenda
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regurgitatedsoup · 1 year
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Behold! Criminals? Oh Kirk what have you gotten yourself and Spock into now?
Don’t worry, Bones has the bail.
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