religionconfessions · 6 years
Growing up my parents taught me that if you’re too sick to [insert responsibility here] then you’re too sick to [insert something that makes you happy here].
It took me a really long time to unlearn this. When I would get sick or have a “bad day” I would deprive myself of anything that made me happy. Watching movies, eating something I enjoyed, going for a walk, playing video games or just browsing online looking at funny cat videos. I wouldn’t let myself do these things because I was always told that if I’m too sick to go to work, or do homework, or go to school then I must be too sick to play Mortal Kombat or watch Unsolved Mysteries lol.
Whenever I wouldn’t feel good, which I later learned as an adult was due to sleep deprivation caused by my ADHD and depression (and of course the depression itself would cause me to feel like shit), my parents would tell me “if you’re not throwing up, then you’re not sick.” And when I would stay home from school (or even work in my later teen years) my parents would make sure that I didn’t have any “fun.” No TV, no movies, no games, no going outside, no arts and crafts, no books, no nothing. Just lay in bed and feel miserable.
I’m happy to say that I no longer do this to myself. Now when I’m having a bad day or I’m sick (cold, flu or whatever) I allow myself to do the things (within reason lol) that I actually love doing. If I’m not too sick to step outside for a few minutes then I’ll go for a walk. I’ll watch my favorite movies and if it’s a bad day or a cold (something that doesn’t hinder my appetite too much) I’ll eat my favorite foods. I don’t guilt trip myself anymore for having a “sick day.”
Just because you’re sick (whether physically, emotionally or mentally) doesn’t mean that you can’t do things you enjoy. You’re not any less sick because you watch TV. You’re not any less sick because you’re playing video games. 
Actually you SHOULD be doing these things when you’re not feeling good because they make you feel better. The better you feel, the faster your heal. 
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religionconfessions · 6 years
Today, 11 Jewish people, my people, were shot dead by a man shouting “All Jews must die” simply because they were jewish and celebrating the birth of a child on their day of rest
Anti-semitism is always happening. High school boys drawing swastikas because they think it’s funny. People dressing up as Hitler for halloween. People profiling such as making fun of curly hair and large noses.
And when our own get blatantly murdered, I only see jewish people talking about it.
The leader of our country blames the synagogue for being attacked by an armed gunman.
People try to turn this into an anti-gun argument.
This was a hate crime that resulted in the loss of 11 human lives. Please acknowledge this. Please let this have some impact. Do not let this be forgotten or slip by unnoticed. This was a horrible event that should not be discarded
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religionconfessions · 6 years
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religionconfessions · 6 years
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Women’s head coverings in different religions.
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religionconfessions · 6 years
Accepting confessions again!
It’s been a minute since we last had any confessions here, but ya girl is on summer break and had the next few days off from work.
Also, a little update on my life in case you’re interested: I graduated with my bachelors degree last year, I’m currently in grad school, and I’m working at my hometown newspaper.
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religionconfessions · 6 years
One of the most beautiful commercials I have ever seen. Good on you, Amazon Prime. 
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religionconfessions · 7 years
joseph: mary, how are you pregnant?
mary, who’s about to invent christianity: oh? haven’t you heard?
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religionconfessions · 7 years
have y’all ever had communion bread that was just so….nasty? like i know we have to suffer as christians, but do we really need to have whole wheat bread as the body of christ?
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religionconfessions · 7 years
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religionconfessions · 8 years
October 12th, 2016 - 10th of Tishrei, 5777
Yes. Today is Yom Kippur—The Day of Atonement.
It is the holiest day in the Jewish year. It falls at the end of the Ten Days of Repentance, and after trying to amend our behavior, and seek forgiveness from those we harmed, we now stand before G-d, hoping to be sealed into the Book of Life.
Yom Kippur is observed by a near twenty-six hour fast, where we obtain from food, drink, sex, washing, applying lotions or perfumes, and wearing leather shoes. There are five prayer services across Yom Kippur, as we repent before G-d.
Yom Kippur ends with a blowing of the Shofar, a rams horn, which signals the closing of the Gates of Heaven, and the end of the fast.
Yom Kippur is not a holiday of joy, please do not wish people a “Happy Yom Kippur”. Instead, wish Jewish people an easy fast.
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religionconfessions · 8 years
Rate my Professor but Catholic.
Rate my Confessor.
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religionconfessions · 8 years
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These days it seems like we only hear about Sikh people when they’re the victim of hate crimes or being kicked off planes. Photographers Amit and Naroop are hoping to change that with their portrait series, the Sikh Project. Sat Hari Singh (bottom) for example, saved a train load of people on 9/11.
follow @the-movemnt​
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religionconfessions · 8 years
Would any LGBT Jews in the NYC/Queens area be interested in holding a vigil/saying Kaddish for the Orlando shooting? People of other faiths can come too.
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religionconfessions · 8 years
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مرحباً شهر الصيام
Welcome Ramadan
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religionconfessions · 9 years
Important message
Hey everyone, 
It’s been a long time since I posted any confessions, mostly because I haven’t received many in the past few months. There are a few reasons as to why I haven’t been posting as frequently. Most of them can be attributed to the fact that I’m a full time college student. While I am still passionate about the subjects this blog discusses offline, it’s been hard for me to keep up thanks to school, work, and health issues. 
So recently, I’ve thought about deleting this blog in order to concentrate on other things I’m passionate about. I don’t plan on deleting my personal blog for a while (4 years and counting!) but I guess I just realized that running a confessions blog isn’t something I’m very good at. I mean, I never got around to updating the tags page, and that was created over three years ago!
I don’t know yet what I want to do. If I were to delete this blog, I’d definitely let you all know beforehand. If I choose not to delete this blog, I might look for someone to take over.
Even though this isn’t a popular blog, it’s still something I’m proud to have created. I started this blog back in high school, and I’ve learned so much between then and now! I’m not sure if this is a goodbye message or not but I just wanted to let you all know that I’m not sure how much longer I will keep this blog running. 
Thanks for reading!
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religionconfessions · 9 years
*at the Last Supper*
Jesus: now ... back to this bitch who had a lot to say about me in the temple Judas what's good
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religionconfessions · 9 years
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#Ask_Gaza | Episode 4: Do You Hate Jews?
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