remi-rexi 7 months
The cuts aren鈥檛 pretty anymore
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remi-rexi 7 months
We鈥檒l fuck this is getting bad. Does it get better? We鈥檒l it will in about 20 minutes cuz I鈥檓 just a drama queen. Or a narcissist, or just a teenager
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remi-rexi 7 months
Maybe I am doing it for attention
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remi-rexi 8 months
So I鈥檝e been researching bpd for a while now and I think I may have it but don鈥檛 want to go to like a psychiatrist cuz that鈥檚 like admitting defeat in a way you know?
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remi-rexi 8 months
I鈥檓 actually gonna have such a breakdown rn it鈥檚 not even funny.
So I have these two friends I鈥檓 kind of friends with but they鈥檙e like BEST FRIENDS so I鈥檓 never really gonna be as close with them. And I really like fnaf, tell me why when I walked into school one of them mentioned that they were excited to see it this evening and while we were walking out of school they were talking about going to see it in front of me without inviting me. Which like whatever until I find out my other friends also went to see it without me. I mean does everyone really hate my that fucking much like I swear.
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remi-rexi 9 months
Life鈥檚 pretty shit at the moment huh?
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remi-rexi 9 months
Wait is cutting on your thighs more dangerous or something? Like could I actually kill myself accidentally lol
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remi-rexi 10 months
Well first day back to school and I鈥檓 already cutting. To think I was excited for this shit too hahaha
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remi-rexi 11 months
Just wanted to know if any pro Ana people are from Ireland??
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remi-rexi 1 year
It鈥檚 so entertaining to see other people do the same fucked up shit you do
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remi-rexi 1 year
My jealousy issues are actually insane
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remi-rexi 1 year
I seriously need to stop binging like omg I鈥檓 out of control
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remi-rexi 1 year
Anyone know any good ways to prevent my teeth from rotting from purging??
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remi-rexi 1 year
Ugh someone just make me sick or something like honestly can I just lose my appetite or something?
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remi-rexi 1 year
Is it bad that I want everyone to notice? Apart from my parents but like my friends and shit? Idk maybe that鈥檚 just me being an attention whore
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remi-rexi 1 year
Anyone wanna be Ed buddies?? Or just buddies in general so we can talk about like dark shit and stuff idk so much less weird saying it like anonymously
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remi-rexi 1 year
Genuinely I feel like losing weight will solve like all my problems tbh idk how have peoples lives changed from weight loss?
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