remnant-heirs-au · 19 days
This blog supports Palestine.
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 month
[ Oscar steps out of the elevator that leads to his office. ]
[ He seems to be deep in thought about something, and is reading something on a strange looking scroll. ]
[ this scroll, while still being a scroll made of hard light dust like its more normal looking counterparts, looks more like a tablet than a typical scroll ]
[ He looks up from it and looks around, noticing you. ]
Oscar: oh! Hi there, sorry about that, did you need something?
[ Feel free to ask the remnant heirs about anything! If you’d like, you can start off by asking what everyone’s jobs are! :) ]
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remnant-heirs-au · 4 months
New remnant heirs fic :)
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remnant-heirs-au · 9 months
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Finished Blaine’s ref sheet :)
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
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Adult Olivia’s outfit take two
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
What do each of the remnant heirs do now that they’re adults?
Here’s the list!
Remnant heirs jobs:
Qorbyn - Remnant Archivist at the Remnant Archives
Olivia - Private huntress and owner of the Steel Jaw
Blaine - Military General over Coeus (Coeus being formerly Atlas and Mantle)
Jasmine - Leader of the Hunters and Civilians Society (HACS)
Pewter, Florence, Apricot, Rosè, Sorbet - Teachers at Beacon Academy and Owners of a halfway/foster house
Tawny, Blaze, and Sparrow - Headmasters over Haven (Tawny), Shade (Blaze), and Compass Academy (Formerly Atlas academy. Sparrow)
Bunnie, Charlie, Acacia, Bones, and Fang - Coeus Ace Ops
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Do any of the characters have accents?
Hmmmn as far as I can think of off the top of my head, Florence and Blaze are the only two with an accent. Florence’s is British while Blaze has a Southern accent (which southern accent specifically is up to you)
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Are there any addictions or vices the cast deals/has dealt with in the past?
Yep! Also I personally headcanon that substance abuse doesn’t tend to do much in the short term because of the whole “aura heals you” thing. Long term however can be damaging.
Here’s the list:
Qorbyn - None (at least of the typical addictions, personally I consider eating disorders to fall under addiction depending on who you are, which is something Qorbyn dealt with)
Olivia - Alcohol, Prescription Drugs (Past, no longer is an alcoholic or prescription drug abuser)
Blaine - Nicotine (current)
Jasmine - None
Florence - Illegal Drugs (past)
Pewter - None
Apricot - Prescription drugs (very mildly currently, doesn’t use them very often)
Blaze - Alcohol (current)
Rosé: Alcohol, Nicotine (current)
Sorbet: Alcohol, Nicotine (current)
Tawny - None
Sparrow - Nicotine (current)
Frostine - None
Ivy - Alcohol (past)
Charlie - Alcohol (past)
Bunnie - None
Bones - None
Fang - Nicotine (current)
Acacia - None
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Qorbyn, do you prefer fiction or non fiction?
[ You see the small woman placing what looks to be large scrolls back in their places. ]
[ she turns around and looks at you, bowing politely with a smile ]
Qorbyn: hello! Hm… fiction or non fiction.
I can’t really say! I think both are great. Although, reality can be a bit sad and depressing sometimes. But I suppose that’s why we have fiction, to immerse ourselves in a happier reality when reality itself isn’t very happy.
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Hey Olivia, what's your favourite thing to build?
Olivia: hm. Hard to say.
[ she looks up from her work with a deadpanned expression, her tone not being very emotive ]
Olivia: I like all the things I build.
Prosthetics I like because of the reaction that people have to getting them. I’ve never met one prosthetee who hasn’t been thankful to me.
Buildings are nice because of the planning that goes into them, shows an amount of teamwork that a lot of people don’t have.
Cars are interesting due to their versatility, I could make a car for a disabled person or I could make a car for a family, make a car for construction workers or make a car for race driving.
Hunter weapons are more on the fun side because of their versatility as well as their creativity. Every hunter weapon is typically a projection of how the hunter wielding it is as a person. For instance, spear and staff owners tend to be more calm and level headed, while axe users can be stubborn and easily irritated.
Working on things such as the CCTS or the CCMS (Cross Continental Mailing System) can be tricky, the unknowingness of it can make things exciting. You never know what you’ll run into with those big pieces of technology. Can be anything from a simple connection issue, to a continent wide outage.
I don’t pick favorites because ultimately they’re all on the same level, just for different reasons.
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
[ As you are walking around the streets of Vale, you take notice to an ornate and rather grand looking building, one that almost rivals Beacon itself. The building has a glass dome on the top, along with plenty of windows along the sides of it, it’s a shorter building, only having maybe three floors upwards. ]
[ Curious, you make your way up the steps and through the two large double doors at the entryway. Instantly you’re met with the sounds of chatter, however not as loud as you’d expect it to be, people seem to be being purposefully quieter here. ]
[ you look towards the center, and see a statue of the four relics together. The center branches off into five other sections, each labeled accordingly to each country. ]
[ Looking around, it seems that the front part is a sort of gathering area for people to meet up with one another, there’s a reception desk in front of the centered statue, and benches along the gathering spot. ]
[ it’s overwhelming how big it is. There’s a lot to see. ]
[ someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around to see the friendly smile of a young girl. ]
???: are you lost?
[ You nod ]
???: not super surprising, the Remnant Archives can be confusing if it’s your first time here. There are five sections, one for each country. Now each of these sections are also split off into more sections, which should be labeled pretty clearly. The two floors above us are for theories and predictions, along with anything from the far and recent past.
This floor, floor three, has all the current information about anything currently going on in the world! These archives get updated frequently, so if there’s an archive that’s not finished, make sure to check a few days later to see if it’s updated!
The fourth and fifth floors are about information regarding all wars, and information regarding unclassified hunter mission along with all types of grimm.
There are more floors but I’ll leave that for later when you can get adjusted haha
So! The best way to start in the remnant archives is to basically make a series of choices!
The first two are the most important, The country you want to look into, and the specific genre of Archive you want to read (such as technological history, cultural history, political history, unspecified history, hunting history, etc.)
And then you can go from there!
I’ll leave you to it, make sure to call me over or go to the receptionists desk if you need any help! My name is Crystal by the way!
[ She leaves, leaving you to think about your decision ]
[ Which one will you choose? ]
[ Vale ] [ Mistral ] [ Coeus ] [ Vacuo ] [ Menagerie ]
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
[ As you are walking around the streets of Vale, you take notice to an ornate and rather grand looking building, one that almost rivals Beacon itself. The building has a glass dome on the top, along with plenty of windows along the sides of it, it’s a shorter building, only having maybe three floors upwards. ]
[ Curious, you make your way up the steps and through the two large double doors at the entryway. Instantly you’re met with the sounds of chatter, however not as loud as you’d expect it to be, people seem to be being purposefully quieter here. ]
[ you look towards the center, and see a statue of the four relics together. The center branches off into five other sections, each labeled accordingly to each country. ]
[ Looking around, it seems that the front part is a sort of gathering area for people to meet up with one another, there’s a reception desk in front of the centered statue, and benches along the gathering spot. ]
[ it’s overwhelming how big it is. There’s a lot to see. ]
[ someone taps you on the shoulder. You turn around to see the friendly smile of a young girl. ]
???: are you lost?
[ You nod ]
???: not super surprising, the Remnant Archives can be confusing if it’s your first time here. There are five sections, one for each country. Now each of these sections are also split off into more sections, which should be labeled pretty clearly. The two floors above us are for theories and predictions, along with anything from the far and recent past.
This floor, floor three, has all the current information about anything currently going on in the world! These archives get updated frequently, so if there’s an archive that’s not finished, make sure to check a few days later to see if it’s updated!
The fourth and fifth floors are about information regarding all wars, and information regarding unclassified hunter mission along with all types of grimm.
There are more floors but I’ll leave that for later when you can get adjusted haha
So! The best way to start in the remnant archives is to basically make a series of choices!
The first two are the most important, The country you want to look into, and the specific genre of Archive you want to read (such as technological history, cultural history, political history, unspecified history, hunting history, etc.)
And then you can go from there!
I’ll leave you to it, make sure to call me over or go to the receptionists desk if you need any help! My name is Crystal by the way!
[ She leaves, leaving you to think about your decision ]
[ Which one will you choose? ]
[ Vale ] [ Mistral ] [ Coeus ] [ Vacuo ] [ Menagerie ]
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Ask box is opennnnn
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Awesome! Thank youuuuuuu :D
(how does that conversation go? 👀)
[ Charlie pops his head into Blaine’s office. ]
Charlie: oi boss man
[ Blaine looks up from the stack of papers he’s writing on. ]
Blaine: oh, Charlie. What did you need.
Charlie: not to add to your already enormous stack of papers but I got those reports you wanted.
Blaine: thanks.
Charlie: why’d you need those specifically anyways?
Blaine: just trying to piece something together, if it’s any consolation Qorbyn’s making me go to Vale in order to look at the archives I need in person.
Charlie: must be pretty important stuff if you’re flying to Vale. But you didn’t really answer my question.
Blaine: …
Charlie: this is about your dad isn’t it?
Blaine: I’m just- … I’m just trying to see how much damage he really did during the war. I don’t have the full picture and I’d like to make my judgement of him when I know everything he did.
Charlie: *sigh* Fair. Anyways, you wanted to talk to me?
Blaine: well now what I wanted to talk to you about seems stupid…
Charlie: if it’s more of a casual thing between friends, it’s not that big of a deal to me.
Blaine: I kinda need, dating advice? Like what to look for if someone is interested in you, how to handle it, stuff like that.
Charlie: You finally figured out that Sparrow has been trying to tell you he likes you, haven’t you?
Blaine: !!! Does everyone here know but me?!
[ Charlie shakes his head ]
Charlie: listen dude he’s been painfully obvious with it. I think the only other person besides you who hasn’t noticed is Qorbyn.
Blaine: yeah but that’s to be expected with her. She and Jasmine dated for three months before she realized they were even dating in the first place.
Charlie: …what?!
Blaine: she thought they were still just “gals being pals” and not anything more than that until Jasmine mentioned something about it to her and she realized.
Charlie: gods okay I guess you aren’t as bad as her, jeez. But anyways. Yeah, I can help you out.
Blaine: thank you…
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Depends.... I was just talking to Blaine and he thought you might be able to help him with something. Do you think you could talk to him?
Charlie: yeah, sure. I was just finishing up something for him so I needed to talk to him anyways.
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Hi, Charlie :)
(perhaps I can recruit some help hehe)
[ you see him at an operator console, he seems to be writing things off to the side when he turns around at the mention of his name. ]
[ you notice just how much he looks like his dad. While still looking like his own person of course. ]
Charlie: uhh hey! Did you need something?
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remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
Okay, I feel that one [laughs]. Might be worth the extra thought now, though, right?
Blaine: yeah. I guess. Maybe I could ask Charlie about this. He knows more about dating than I do.
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