#vendetta of the empty: tales of the remnant heirs
bowl-of-shortness · 9 months
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Finished Blaine’s ref sheet :)
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Not my usual stuff but I’m thinking about what would’ve happened if Qorbyn, Olivia, Jasmine, and Blaine fell into the ever after
Qorbyn 🤝 Ruby
Having a really bad experience in the ever after
The biggest difference between Qorbyn and Ruby’s experiences would be that Qorbyn faces her breakdown in the area of the ever after with all those mirrors and all that, while Ruby’s is caused by the situation and also caused by Neo.
Qorbyn probably ascends pretty soon after the mirror area. Because her whole thing is that she refuses to acknowledge all that happened to her in hopes of acting like she’s fine, but when Cinder puts her in a situation where she can’t ignore how it happened, she starts in on her spiral.
Olivia is also not doing too hot tbh. Olivia’s thing is that she tells herself that it’s fine/her feelings on what happened don’t matter. Which throughout the ever after, when she can’t say that to herself anymore, she ends up snapping. (I imagine a full blown argument happens between her and Jaune because NEITHER are in a good mental state)
Jasmine and Blaine’s time is relatively tame, although they’re still working out how they feel about their dad becoming a literal tyrant.
But yeeeee
I also think Oz & Qrow being in the ever after could be interesting 👀
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Actually, I did look at the curio flawless mirage! Have not checked out the other one though! 👀
Here I can link it for you guys if you want!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 For Vendetta of The Empty is being written right now!
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bowl-of-shortness · 6 months
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Art vs. Artist 2023
Ft. One senior picture of Morgan (aka, me)! I thought I looked pretty okay in that photo :)
I had a lot of fun this year and had a lot of progress made!
So much happened. From the revamp of the Necromancer au to me finishing my first long term fic (Vendetta of the Empty, Tales of the Remnant Heirs)!
I’ve written and drawn a ton this year, ofc not as of lately, because I’ve been busy and the holidays always destroy my motivation and energy to draw and write, but otherwise! I think I’ve been productive :)
And remember, click/tap on the pictures to see them in their actual size lol
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
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Qorbyn Ozwen, Post Vol .3 Character Sheet
Heyooooo, as much as I would’ve loved to shade this bad boy, the layer limit (and my way of shading) disallowed me from doing that. But it still looks great!
To all my friends whom are also artists, this is the official Qorbyn reference sheet in case you ever want to draw her!
I’ll be making another ref sheet for her weapon when I can find the energy lol.
I will also be creating a more cohesive pallet drawing for Qorbyn too.
(Click/tap for better quality)
Anyways, some quick facts about Qorbyn’s outfit!
- Qorbyn’s under shirt and pants are actually a jumpsuit.
- Qorbyn made her clothes herself however she had someone custom make her shoes.
- Qorbyn’s outfit consists of a lot of breathable, yet nice and warm fabrics. Her shoes are even breathable!
- Qorbyn’s case for Vendetta holds both bidents, one on top of the other. When she’s in a situation where she knows there may be trouble, she carries both Vendetta of the Empty out of it’s case. If she knows things will be at rest, she’ll have them inside their case. However if she’s unsure, she’ll have Vendetta out still. If she’s caught off guard, she’s taught herself the quickest way to take Vendetta out of it’s case, but typically will only take one bident out instead of the two.
- Qorbyn refers to Vendetta by feminine pronouns! Similarly to how sailors refer to their boats or ships.
- Vendetta of the Empty’s name, while brooding and kinda edgy, actually has a very personal meaning to Qorbyn. She used to be called “empty” by peers for not having a semblance or an aura. Vendetta represents her fight against the expectations of people.
This is precisely why I chose for her to leave Vendetta behind, because of what it’s supposed to represent. She’s still tying herself to the expectations of people around her, trying to strive to meet them. Her leaving Vendetta signifies that she’s still letting those expectations dictate what she does.
- Qorbyn made the first concept for Vendetta when she was in 6th grade! It was a doodle on a science test that she got back after it was graded. From there she began refining the design.
- Qorbyn made Vendetta herself! Similarly to how Qrow and Olivia made their weapons.
- Qorbyn’s signifying colors are Red, Black, and Gold! But mainly gold haha
- Qorbyn prefers not to wear an eyepatch over her blind eye because the heat and sweat that generates underneath it in hot weather is uncomfortable to her. She does however wear one in Atlas to prevent the cold from causing them to tense up too much.
- Qorbyn is completely blind in her right eye, but she’s made up for it by training her hearing in her right ear to be able to hear better.
- Qorbyn is nearsighted, light sensitive, and has mild congenital nystagmus (the author also had these! Along with a few other eye problems and severe congenital nystagmus)
- Qorbyn (similarly to her pops) freckles super easily in the sunlight! So in Vacuo she’ll definitely have freckles all over. Although she can’t seem to keep them for very long until they fade :(
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bowl-of-shortness · 4 months
Sobs in trying to write this fic for the remnant heirs but has no energy
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Director's commentary about Vendetta of the Empty? 👀
God I could go chapter by chapter about what I loved about each
But more than anything, I love Qorbyn, Olivia, Blaine, and Jasmine’s character progression
Especially Qorbyn and Blaine (the besties uwu)
Qorbyn goes from naive and optimistic, to seriously depressed and nihilistic, to fucking FURIOUS and nihilistic, to apathetic and nihilistic, and then finally, to informed/wiser and realistically looking at things.
And then there’s Blaine
The lad
The man
The legend
Went from being a complete brat and dick to people, to doing a complete 180 and proceeding to become general of Coeus :)
My favorite thing tho, happens nearing the end of the fic
And that’s the general consensus, vibe, and attitude that “hey, we’re all a lil fucked up, but that doesn’t mean we have to be fucked up alone. We’re gonna go kick Ozma’s ex wife’s ass >:)”
It’s just, mwah 🤌
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bowl-of-shortness · 10 months
Maybe if y’all like my posts and are new to my blog,
You could possibly go and read my fic about my OCs named “Vendetta of the Empty”? ._ . 👉👈
Ik it’s not great but I hope you like it <:)
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
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Vendetta of the Empty: Tales of the Remnant Heirs
Chapter 33: Coming Home
Qorbyn finally reaches the point where she feels ready to return home.
But what’s to come when Salem comes knocking?
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I think this might be the longest chapter yet! But it was definitely well deserved!
This chapter has a lot of soft and sad moments, happy and angsty. So I hope you enjoy!
Happy chapter 33 (34)!
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(Banner is made by the lovely @did-i-do-this-write)
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
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Remnant heirs! Long Memory
And Qorbyn’s Cane from Vendetta of the Empty: Tales of the Remnant heirs
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
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Vendetta of the Empty: Tales of the Remnant Heirs
Chapter 26: The Golden Soul
The plan to escape is a relatively successful one at first, but things don’t quite go as planned.
Especially when something happens that has never happened before.
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Hiiii yeah it’s been a while. So it turns out I’m more fucked up than I thought. I’m in a depressive episode atm and not super happy with this but it’s whatever
Enjoy the chapter
Oh, btw, one more thing. In my Oz lives au, Oz’s magic is solely *green* not any other color.
So make your own theories about the ending there ;)
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(Banner was made by the wonderfully talented @zacs-of-rwby / @did-i-do-this-write )
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
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Vendetta of the Empty: Tales of the Remnant Heirs
Chapter 35: The Fate of Remnant
Salem is here. But so are they.
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And with that, Vendetta of the Empty is finally finished.
It’s bittersweet, seeing it end. But this won’t be the last time I write for them! I still have tons of little stories bouncing around my brain for the Remnant Heirs!
It was fun writing this one, now let’s see if I can finish the other two fics I’ve got going haha!
Feel free to check out my other works along with the remnant heirs au blog on tumblr! @remnant-heirs-au!
Psst, also, little note here: firstly, Qorbyn is the Remnant Archivist if you couldn’t tell, and secondly, Salem’s petrified body now resides within the heart of the Remnant Archives.
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(And finally, the lovely person who made the banner for this story is @did-i-do-this-write, one of my bestest friends and the one who motivated me throughout this to keep writing, among others who also wanted me to keep going, thank you all for that. This story was there through a lot of my roughest times, and it really shows in some of the chapters)
(Thank you guys.)
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bowl-of-shortness · 9 months
hey! this is chance & here’s week 3’s prompt. share an excerpt that you’re very proud of from any of your wips.
I think my favorite would have to be between Cinder and Qorbyn.
Whereas Cinder is beyond irritated that Qorbyn is in fact alive and Qorbyn responds with “You’ll find I’m like my dad in that way, we’re not very good at dying when we’re supposed to.”
Like, idk why but this is just my favorite.
It’s so snarky and sassy and I love it
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
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Vendetta of the Empty, Tales of the Remnant Heirs
Chapter 34: The Future and Planning for it
With Salem on their doorstep and the group back together, a lot of planning must be done. But whose to say they can’t have some relaxation and do a little dreaming before the big fight?
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Helloooooo! It’s meeee
So life has been kicking my ass and ultimately I’ve decided to stop going to IOP bc it isn’t helping anymore.
But I wrote the chapter and did all that! So enjoy the gang laying on the floor talking about what the future might be like.
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(Banner made by the lovely @did-i-do-this-write)
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
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Vendetta of the Empty: Tales of the Remnant Heirs
Chapter 32: Taking Advice
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A few days of therapy and Qorbyn simultaneously feels worse and better.
How odd.
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Heyo, another chapter. Here I really wanted to highlight how while Qorbyn’s childhood was rough, it wasn’t all bad. And that her dads really did try their best to be good parents.
Enjoy chapter 32 (33)!
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(Banner made by the lovely @did-i-do-this-write)
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bowl-of-shortness · 2 years
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Vendetta of the Empty, Tales of the Remnant Heirs
Chapter 22: Three Fighting, Three Witnesses
Clover’s luck seems to have taught him a lesson in which side to choose.
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Hello there! I’m back with another chapter!
Now this note won’t be a happy one unfortunately because of the new shit that came out about RT being once again a really shitty company.
Anyways, enjoy chapter 22 (23)!
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(Banner was made by the lovely and incredible @did-i-do-this-write)
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