#remnant heirs art
remnant-heirs-au · 1 year
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Adult Olivia’s outfit take two
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bowl-of-shortness · 1 year
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Qorbyn Ozwen, Post Vol .3 Character Sheet
Heyooooo, as much as I would’ve loved to shade this bad boy, the layer limit (and my way of shading) disallowed me from doing that. But it still looks great!
To all my friends whom are also artists, this is the official Qorbyn reference sheet in case you ever want to draw her!
I’ll be making another ref sheet for her weapon when I can find the energy lol.
I will also be creating a more cohesive pallet drawing for Qorbyn too.
(Click/tap for better quality)
Anyways, some quick facts about Qorbyn’s outfit!
- Qorbyn’s under shirt and pants are actually a jumpsuit.
- Qorbyn made her clothes herself however she had someone custom make her shoes.
- Qorbyn’s outfit consists of a lot of breathable, yet nice and warm fabrics. Her shoes are even breathable!
- Qorbyn’s case for Vendetta holds both bidents, one on top of the other. When she’s in a situation where she knows there may be trouble, she carries both Vendetta of the Empty out of it’s case. If she knows things will be at rest, she’ll have them inside their case. However if she’s unsure, she’ll have Vendetta out still. If she’s caught off guard, she’s taught herself the quickest way to take Vendetta out of it’s case, but typically will only take one bident out instead of the two.
- Qorbyn refers to Vendetta by feminine pronouns! Similarly to how sailors refer to their boats or ships.
- Vendetta of the Empty’s name, while brooding and kinda edgy, actually has a very personal meaning to Qorbyn. She used to be called “empty” by peers for not having a semblance or an aura. Vendetta represents her fight against the expectations of people.
This is precisely why I chose for her to leave Vendetta behind, because of what it’s supposed to represent. She’s still tying herself to the expectations of people around her, trying to strive to meet them. Her leaving Vendetta signifies that she’s still letting those expectations dictate what she does.
- Qorbyn made the first concept for Vendetta when she was in 6th grade! It was a doodle on a science test that she got back after it was graded. From there she began refining the design.
- Qorbyn made Vendetta herself! Similarly to how Qrow and Olivia made their weapons.
- Qorbyn’s signifying colors are Red, Black, and Gold! But mainly gold haha
- Qorbyn prefers not to wear an eyepatch over her blind eye because the heat and sweat that generates underneath it in hot weather is uncomfortable to her. She does however wear one in Atlas to prevent the cold from causing them to tense up too much.
- Qorbyn is completely blind in her right eye, but she’s made up for it by training her hearing in her right ear to be able to hear better.
- Qorbyn is nearsighted, light sensitive, and has mild congenital nystagmus (the author also had these! Along with a few other eye problems and severe congenital nystagmus)
- Qorbyn (similarly to her pops) freckles super easily in the sunlight! So in Vacuo she’ll definitely have freckles all over. Although she can’t seem to keep them for very long until they fade :(
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Some shading and highlighting practice.
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superxstarzz · 9 days
hey!! i love these combos so much they're so awesome
could you do Seer of Light/Mage of Rage, Witch of Heart/Sylph of Breath, Rogue of Breath + Knight of Doom, Page of Blood/Maid of Light, and Sylph of Life/Heir of Mind? if you haven't done any of those already, that is
heyyy thank u sm!!! here ya go!!! :3
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Did a mehndi design for Blaine Goodwitch from @bowl-of-shortness ‘s Remnant Heirs AU
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shaisuki · 8 months
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— shibari is a japanese style of bondage, it's known as a kink but it's more than that. It's a kind of art, while tying the rope around someone's body you're making different patterns and connecting with that person.
• pairing: osamu miya x chubby reader
• content warnings: yakuza au, yandere themes, pwp, shibari (bondage), dark themes, reader is a bastard, power imbalances, noncon, dubcon.
freedom is what you yearned for a long time but osamu miya won't let you get the freedom you deserved, now you belong to him.
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days are gone in the blink of an eye while you stare at the spacious garden. walking in the same hallways was different.
it seems like yesterday with you and the the twins were frolicking there. spent playing the game of tag and gawking at the koi fishes swimming — tails swishing, creating ripples in the pond.
now there's no love nor fondness thinking about it. memories about being a child gives the illusion of being happy without a care in the world. temporarily.
as a child you thought nothing would change. that atsumu and osamu would be still your dear friends. that they will be the the same people you'll grow up with. you love them wholeheartedly. never did it crossed your mind one day, your dear tsumu and samu would change. you came to terms of it. they were meant to be that day as the next head of the miya clan and you — a bastard have no place for it.
and who are you to complain, you were born a bastard after all. in the world where family matters the most and influenced a organization, bastards like you have no place for it. maybe if you were born male, your father would maybe favor you a bit and that would been fine — you would have a purpose.
instead you were born a woman. engraved with the roles that you are nothing without men. that you will have value of being a wife, a mother and you don't want that. clinging to a hope that someday you will live a long, fulfilling life and escaping this place would be the first step on making that true, achieving the life you wanted. counting the days until you'll know what freedom is.
the halls were empty. where only shadows of a gleeful childhood witnessed the laughter and squeals of once lively halls. a remnant of the past that you will never see again.
“there's nothing for me here.” you would whisper where only the walls could hear you.
it all began when the twins grew distant of you. as heirs they are being prepared of the duties and responsibilities they would take once their father would step down as being the head of the miya clan.
atsumu was the first then osamu. you didn't knew atsumu for the first time he mocked you and reminded of your place. his voice tearing your heart apart. his disdain and disappointment were made for you and osamu, although he didn't say a word. his gaze tells otherwise. atsumu would snarl at you but osamu would look at you once, twice and a shrug is enough to tear your heart in shreds. the regret and disgust for meeting you, for simply existing. a nobody in his life.
what affection and sincere smile were long gone, replaced with the nasty remarks and the jeers. passing in the hallways only to get shoved or not ignored, not even once needed the memories of the bond shared.
it won't be long. you say to yourself. you needed a plan to escape this place. without looking back. a new life for yourself. free from the duties that is forced to you. a freedom for yourself.
watching the hands of the clock ticks by left you restless. a few belongings packed safely in your bag. you didn't have much, a few trinkets and such. tucked away in the corner of your room. a few more hours and freedom. you needed to tend things with the gathering of the constituents and allies of the miya clan tonight and after that, you are free. they wouldn't notice you. a nobody.
their noisy cheers and not so discreet of plans echoed in the common room along in the hallways. your father was also there. who had no interest to his bastard of a daughter.not even batting an eyelash as his daughter poured warm sake in his cup. downing it with eagerness and going back to their conversation. you continued to serve them along with the hope that you will be free tonight.
your heart pounds along with your sharp intakes of breath. come on now. it's now or never. you don't need to dwell yourself in trivial things. they were going to be too drunk or wouldn't give a care to you leaving. they could easily replace you.
this is the time while you leave in the back, you can see the tori as you approach getting bigger. this is it. when you walked past in that tori you will be free.
“where do you think yer going?”
don't look back.don't look back.don't look back.don't look back.don't look back.
you don't want to look and only to find samu's gaze staring at you. maybe, you could look at those eyes of his. it's been years since you've look at them and seeing it would be goodbye. a farewell.
turning around, clutching your bag in your hands. you face him, looking straight in his eyes. not even acknowledging how handsome he is in his black montsuki.
“away from here.”
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“i didn't take you for being stupid. what made you think that yer leaving this place? how stupid.”
grey eyes twinkles in amusement. watching as your body squirm while the ropes tightens in your limbs. finally, he can use this skills he acquired from a long time ago. giving purpose to his fondness of ropes and to you.
he would be much gentler to you. if it weren't the act of you leaving him. how stupid for you to leave him. to think you have the will to leave him and the snap of ropes hitting your skin is the kind of mark that breaks your skin. let the punishment fit the crime of trying to escape from his grasps.
“samu, please. i don't want any of this.” you pleaded.
he remained silent. his fingers weaving the rope like a spider to it's web. gliding the rope in your skin while you're sprawled in the floor. his hakama pooling in his waist. showing the dragon tattoos etched in his left arm and to his abdomen and chest. toned and leaned his body is. proudly showing you what he's made of as he manipulates the rope in his own will.
the younger miya keeps his eyes glazed to your supple body. the rope digging in your soft skin. tugging the ropes to create tension to your flesh. feel it. embrace it. there's no use how you wiggled your wrists. the more you try. the tighter the rope clings to your skin.
a work of art, he would say. your body tangled in the red ropes minus the squirming. satisfied with his handiwork. samu pulls the rig above you. your body rising above and he can see the panic in your eyes. it wouldn't let you down if that's what you think. stupid for you to think that it'll fall when this is all made for you to think that you knew all of him. it's a dumb claim for you that you will own him. that you will be able to manipulate him with a simple pout of your plump lips. long gone with all the games and he got you wrapped around his fingers.
you were suspended in the air. limbs aching and burning that you can't almost feel it. osamu walks around you. admiring his work, his gaze fell to your body bound by the bright, red ropes and he can finally take all the frustrations he felt for years. face devoid of any emotions and you're afraid when osamu's like this. far much worse than his older twin.
lips pursed into a thin line while his knuckles grazed the skin in your cheek. you didn't meet his gaze. recoiling upon the contact of his skin to your and that osamu didn't like it one bit.
patience thinning out at your stubbornness. osamu grasped your jaw before pulling it close to him. meeting his piercing gaze that leaves your soul trembling. it's all pure territorial with death awaiting to those who dares to enter. his breath tickling in your face.
“and where would you go?” he began to inquire you. “you hold no position. no name for yourself. no property for you to own. you are nothing. you—”
“i know!” you interrupt him and osamu didn't like being interrupted but he lets you. “i'm aware all of that. you don't need to remind and you should have let me —”
“go? I won't allow it. you belong here and no place on earth would replace that. even you're gone, i'll find you. you forgot how powerful i am — princess.” the nickname leaves you breathless. you forgot he calls you that besides your name and it made you smile a little, bitterly. your samu was still here.
“i should tie you up more often.” he says, adoring the work while his hands runs to the expanse of your body. “i wonder what sound you'll make if i do this.” he teases, pinching the hardened bud, earning a delicious moan coming from you and that made him chuckle. “where else? i know you were always a slut, princess.” pulling the rope a little tighter and he can see the indents in your skin.
“dripping wet, are we?” he taunts. rubbing your puffy, soaked folds with his fingers covered with your slick. “please, samu” you whined. begging for more friction. begging for him to give your neglected pussy with attention.
your resolution of escaping dissipating like bubbles. you can never escape samu and you're dream of freedom was a mere child's dream. you're bound to him.
“bad girls don't get to cum, princess. if you only submitted to me earlier i might have.” plunging his finger to your hole and the tears begin to pour from your eyes. pumping his fingers in a lazy manner before pulling it out. admiring his slick-covered fingers.
catching you in his arms before whispering. “don't ever think of leaving me again.” and you nod immediately.
you won't be seeing the sunlight again along with the freedom you desperately yearned for.
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wangxianficfinder · 5 months
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Junior Centric
to make an arbitrary wager by moonsteps (G, 9k, Junior Quartet, JL & LSZ, WangXian, Post Canon, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Friendship, sizhui and the mortifying ordeal of being the gusu lan heir)
Not Yet (There As Needed) by sunrise_and_death (T, 13k, wangxian, WWX & LSZ, LSZ & JL, post-canon, family bonding, dramatic revelations)  
无别无离 | Without Farewells, Without Parting by dragongirlG (M, 30k, Junior Quartet, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Fix-It of Sorts, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, POV Alternating, Jin Ling's Hundredth Day Celebration, qiongqi path, Family Feels, Hopeful Ending)
Would You Come Home? by s6115 (Not rated, 46k, WangXian, Junior Quartet Centric, Time Travel Fix-It, Canon Divergence, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
❤️ kick at the darkness ‘til it bleeds daylight by AlfAlfAlfAlfAlf, tardigradeschool (T, 75k, WangXian, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Eventual Happy Ending, Getting Together, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Inspired by The Parent Trap (1998), Kid Fic, teen shenanigans, two a-yuans, Fluff and Angst, [Podfic] kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight by contributor-sky (deepestbluesky), esbielle was also here (esbielle), glittercracker, GodOfLaundryBaskets, jellyfishfire, kisahawklin, Koontyme, Rionaa, semperfiona)
❤️ grow by cafecliche (T, 14k, WangXian, Age Regression/De-Aging, Character Study, Post-Canon)
home is where we are by halfdemonvash (T, 17k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng are Bad at Communicating, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Age Regression/De-Aging, Angst and Feels, Hijinks & Shenanigans, accidental baby acquisition, but it's actually your older brother, references to wwx's past being homeless, and also his past food insecurity, Post-Canon, Yúnmèng Siblings Feels, Junior Trio Shenanigans)
You Bring the Colour by fuddy_duddy (rainier_day) (G, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Art School, Art Restoration)
a symbol to remind you that there's more to see by paperminds (T, 9k, WangXian, canon-compliant(ish), post-canon(ish), Canon-Typical Violence, Hurt/Comfort, Mild/Moderate Angs, tangst with happy ending, Yunmeng Shuangjie, Twin Idiots, Reconciliation) - Jin Ling & WWX focused, with a healthy side of Yunmeng bros
Anonymous Hero by NeverEnoughWangxian (T, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern Cultivators, Inventor WWX, POV LSZ, Inadvertently Reuniting Your Boss With His Old Crush/Best Friend, Reunions, Handwavy Detective Work, Handwavy Talismans)
keeping score by hauntedotamatone (T, 6k, LSZ & WWX, Background WangXian, the opposite of reconciliation, Protective WWX, Duelling, Grief/Mourning, not for jc fans, Swordfighting, Resentment, LSZ centric, No JC & WWX Reconciliation)
Lan Jingyi's Sixth Sense by bluesloth (M, 120k, LJY & WQ, LJY & LSZ, LJY-centric, Ghosts, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Explicit Language, Friendship, Drama, Humor, Action/Adventure, Family Feels, POV LJY, Canon Era, Minor Wangxian)
Tragedy is Not the End by Hobbsy3 (T, 358k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, graphic depictions of violence, major character death, People die but they (mostly) get better, Time Travel, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Golden Core Reveal, Canon Divergence from Qiongqi Pass, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Because JGS and JZN suck, JC is doing his best, JYL fixes everything with soup and a baby, JZX gets it together, Yunmeng sibling bonding, good dad WWX, good dad LWJ, JZX Lives, JYL Lives, Wēn Remnants Live, Junior Quartet Dynamics)
Important Distinctions by nagi_blue (T, 5k, Background Relationships, Fluff and Crack, Podfic Available)
🧡 Lan Sizhui Sees Dead People Series by darkbrokenreaper (T, 30k, WIP, WangXian, LWJ & LSZ, JC & LSZ, Canon Divergence, Fluff, Kid Fic, Hurt/Comfort, lsz sees dead people, Paranormal)
🔒 Lan Sizhui's Got a Crush! by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 46k, JL & LSZ & LJY & OYZZ, LSZ/OFC, Humor, Fluff and Crack, Case Fic, Gūsū Lán Juniors Dynamics, Junior Quartet Dynamics, Body Horror, Mild Gore, technically there are two cases in this fic, as a treat, the juniors acting as wingmen for LSZ, or more like they're trying to be good matchmakers, Post-Canon)
🔒 Grim Grinning Ghosts by Theladyofravenclaw (G, 3k, JL & LSZ & LJY & OYZZ, Ghost City, mxtx crossover, WWX's Birthday, the juniors shenanigans, Gambling, slight mention of gore once they enter the city, but nothing very graphic)
🔒 How to Seduce the Yiling Patriarch by Theladyofravenclaw (T, 8k, wangxian, post-canon, temporary amnesia, case fic, fluff & humor, crack treated seriously, angst, jealous WWX, YLLZ WWX, gusu lan junior dynamics, mild gore)
🔒 blue flies buzzing by RoseThorne (T, 2k, Junior Quartet, WangXian, Gossip, Rumors, Mentioned Wēn Remnants, Sect Leader Yáo Bashing, Yunmeng bros Reconciliation, NHS Is A Little Shit, POV LJY, POV Third Person, Threats, Justice, Cultivation Discussion Conferences, LWJ is LSZ’s Parent, LJY Being LJY)
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ya-world-challenge · 2 years
18 Afrofantasy Worlds to Read after you watch Wakanda Forever
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So I see you guys love these lists and, hey, I’m not going to complain, I love looking at these sets of beautiful cover art. This theme is... Afro Fantasy Worlds! ♥♥ From alt-Cairo to alt-Johannesburg and many magical worlds in between, I’ve chosen 18 books full of African magic.
Add your favorites in the comments, too! I only ended up with two male MCs... that’s sadly a shortcoming in YA fantasy in general, although not every book here is YA.
Support my blog and read at the same time when you buy from the linked titles below, which go to Bookshop.org (where you support small bookshops, too!) Or get a free trial at Scribd for ebooks & audiobooks.
Beasts of Prey by Ayana Gray Fate binds two Black teenagers from different social classes together  as they strike a dangerous alliance to enter a magical jungle and hunt down the ancient creature menacing their home--and discover much more than they bargained for.
Daughters of Nri by Reni K. Amayo A gruesome war results in the old gods' departure from earth. The only remnants of their existence lie in two girls. Twins, separated at birth. Goddesses who grow up believing that they are human. Their epic journey of self-discovery as they embark on a path back to one another.
Everfair by Nisi Shawl A steampunk alternate-history novel set in the Belgian Congo. What if the African natives developed steam power ahead of their colonial oppressors? This land, named Everfair, is set aside as a safe haven, an imaginary Utopia for native populations of the Congo as well as escaped slaves returning from America and other places where African natives were being mistreated.
The Final Strife by Saara El-Arifi A fantasy trilogy with its roots in the mythology of Africa and Arabia, three women band together against a cruel empire where castes are divided by the color of one's blood.
A Master of Djinn by P. Djèlí Clark A young magical detective in 1912 Cairo must investigate the murders of a secret brotherhood dedicated to one of the most famous men in history, al-Jahiz, when the murderer claims to be al-Jahiz himself returned to condemn the modern age for its social oppressions
Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko Tarisai was raised in isolation by a mysterious, often absent mother known only as The Lady. The Lady sends her to compete to be chosen as one of the Crown Prince's Council of 11. If she's picked, she'll be joined with the other Council members through the Ray, a bond deeper than blood. That closeness is irresistible to Tarisai, who has always wanted to belong somewhere. But The Lady has other ideas, including a magical wish that Tarisai is compelled to obey: Kill the Crown Prince once she gains his trust.
Kingdom of Souls by Rena Barron Heir to two lines of powerful witchdoctors, Arrah yearns for magic of her own. Under the disapproving eye of her mother, the Kingdom's most powerful priestess and seer, she fears she may never be good enough. But when the Kingdom's children begin to disappear, Arrah is desperate enough to turn to a forbidden, dangerous ritual.
Son of the Storm by Suyi Davies Okungbowa Danso is a clever scholar on the cusp of achieving greatness--except he doesn't want it. Instead, he prefers to chase forbidden stories about what lies outside the city walls. But when Danso stumbles across a warrior wielding magic that shouldn't exist, he's put on a collision course with Bassa's darkest secrets. Drawn into the city's hidden history, he sets out on a journey beyond its borders.
The Theft of Sunlight by Intisar Khanani Children have been disappearing from across Menaiya for longer than Amraeya ni Ansarim can remember. When her friend's sister is snatched, Rae knows she can't look away any longer. She finds unexpected support from a foreign princess and a street thief with secrets of his own.
Blood Scion by Deborah Falayei They wanted me to be a monster. I will be the worst monster they ever created. Fifteen-year-old Sloane can incinerate an enemy at will--she is a Scion, a descendant of the ancient Orisha gods. When she is forcibly conscripted into the Lucis army, Sloane sees a new opportunity: to overcome the bloody challenges of Lucis training, and destroy them from within.
Skin of the Sea by Natasha Bowen Simi prayed to the gods, once. Now she serves them as Mami Wata--a mermaid--collecting the souls of those who die at sea and blessing their journeys back home. But when a living boy is thrown overboard, Simi goes against an ancient decree and does the unthinkable--she saves his life. And punishment awaits those who dare to defy the gods.
The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna On the day of the blood ceremony of her village, Deka's blood runs gold, the color of impurity-and Deka knows she will face a consequence worse than death. Then a mysterious woman comes to her with a choice: stay in the village and submit to her fate, or leave to fight for the emperor in an army of girls just like her. They are called alaki-near-immortals with rare gifts. And they are the only ones who can stop the empire's greatest threat.
Zoo City by Lauren Beukes Set in a world where murderers and other criminals acquire magical animals that are mystically bonded to them. Zinzi has a Sloth on her back, a dirty 419 scam habit, and a talent for finding lost things. When a little old lady turns up dead and the cops confiscate her last paycheck, Zinzi's forced to take on her least favorite kind of job -- missing persons.
Noor by Nnedi Okorafor In a near-future Nigeria. Anwuli Okwudili prefers to be called AO, Artificial Organism. Instead of viewing her strange body the way the world views it, as freakish, unnatural, even the work of the devil, AO embraces all that she is: A woman with a ton of major and necessary body augmentations. And then one day she goes to her local market and everything goes wrong.
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi Zélie Adebola remembers when the soil of Orïsha hummed with magic. But everything changed the night magic disappeared. Under the orders of a ruthless king, maji were killed, leaving Zélie without a mother and her people without hope. Now Zélie has one chance to bring back magic and strike against the monarchy. With the help of a rogue princess, Zélie must outwit and outrun the crown prince, who is hell-bent on eradicating magic for good.
A River of Royal Blood by Amanda Joy Sixteen-year-old Eva is a princess, born with the magick of marrow and blood--a dark and terrible magick that hasn't been seen for generations in the vibrant but fractured country of Myre. Its last known practitioner was Queen Raina, who toppled the native khimaer royalty and massacred thousands, including her own sister, eight generations ago. Eva must now face her older sister, Isa, in a battle to the death if she hopes to ascend to the Ivory Throne.
Changa’s Safari by Milton Davis In the 15th century on the African Continent a young prince flees his homeland of Kongo, vowing to seek revenge for the murder of his father and the enslavement of his family and his people. He triumphs over the slavery and the fighting pits of Mogadishu to become a legendary fighter and respected merchant.
Waking Fire by Jean Louise Naira Khoum has only known life in Lagusa, a quiet village at the desert’s end. But to the rest of the world, Lagusa is a myth, its location shrouded in secrecy. While war rages to the north led by power-hungry Sothpike and his army of undead monsters called Dambi, Naira’s people live in peace. Until the impossible happens—Lagusa is attacked by a Mistress sent to do Sothpike’s bidding with a hoard of Dambi under her control.
Bonus: Daughters of Oduma by Moses Ose Utomi An elite female fighter must reenter the competition to protect her found family of younger sisters in this scintillating young adult fantasy inspired by West African culture.
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howlingday · 6 months
tragic backstory (tm) au) ren learns how to "culltivate" aura mainly it involves infusing aura into his body perminantly, it's important to take it slow especially since he has to borrow aura from the surrounding forest and the animals and plants therein. right now he's only doing his skin. but even that's pushed him far beyond his previous limits why wasn't everyone doing this? a story in which ren gets a little love and learns that his semblance makes it very easy to manipulate aura because he uses it to keep himself calm and focused. super ren is about to make an entrance! (next stages would be muscle, then organs, then bones, then he'd start working on incorporating the ambient aura into his own soul to boost himself that way before repeating the steps again. I'm basing the system off of cultivation martial arts stories)
My Kingdom Comes
Have you ever woken up and asked yourself, "What lie will I make today?" It doesn't happen often, though it still does happen to JNPR- Excuse me, JMNPR's resident ninja, Lie Ren. Today, he would tell no lies.
Ren: (Stirs, Turns off alarm before it goes off)
Ren: (Goes through his morning routine, Looks around)
Ren: (Nudges Nora, Doesn't move)
Ren: (Makes his way to the rooftop, Meditates)
Jaune: You're like a brother to me.
Jaune: I couldn't ask for better friends.
Jaune: Do you... think I'm a good person?
Jaune: I'm not a king!
Li: Yes, you are.
Shishi: Having troubles, your majesty?
Ren: ...
Shishi: Don't worry, nobody else is here. I was simply walking around this morning, and I couldn't help but notice you were deep in your meditation. Would speaking to a friend relieve you?
Ren: We are not friends.
Shishi: Perhaps not, your majesty, but I am here for you still. (Sits next to him) Be it as a friend, or as a confidant.
Ren: And you are neither.
Shishi: You wound me, my liege. I simply wanted to share the morning sun with you. Would you permit me that, your majesty?
Ren: ...Fine.
Shishi: ...
Ren: ...
Shishi: ...
Ren: ...Why do you hate Jaune?
Shishi: Because he is not you, my liege. Jaune Arc is no king. He holds no seat of power, channels no divinity, and holds no connection to any of the royal families past. And yet, the people still cheer his name as their king when the rightful heir to Remnant is-
Ren: No. I am not. Jaune is my friend, and I would sooner trust my life to him, a man who has proven himself to be a hero with a heart of gold, than to you, a stranger who suddenly arrives and calls me his king. Why? The Mistrali royal family is dead, as are all the royal families of past.
Shishi: ...Mistral. Vacuo. Vale. These were the first three Kingdoms, with each ruled by a royal family. The details of Vale's family may be lost to time for reasons we don't know, but Vacuo know their lineage. So, too, does Mistral. My father, before his passing, was a retainer of the royal family. He served his king with pride, and now so do I.
Ren: The royal family of Mistral died before I was born. And even if I was royalty, do you truly think there are other royal families still alive?
Shishi: Yes, my liege. Yes, I do.
Gillian: Pardon me, but are you the famous Jaune Arc?
Jaune: ...
Gillian: You are Jaune Arc, aren't you?
Jaune: ...That depends; are you with any news networks?
Gillian: Um, no?
Jaune: None at all, not even a local TV program for the history channel?
Gillian: I promise, I'm here for you of my own accord.
Jaune: Hm... Alright. So, why are you here?
Gillian: Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Gillian Asturias.
Jaune: Oh, uh, okay? Khm! My name is Jaune Arc. (Extends hand)
Gillian: (Takes hand) My, what an impressive handshake you have~!
Jaune: Uh, thanks? So, uh, how can I help you, Gillian?
Gillian: I have a proposition for you, Jaune Arc of Vale.
Jaune: Oh no...
Gillian: I, Gillian Asturias, heiress apparent of the royal family of Vacuo, offer my hand to you in marriage.
Jaune: Oh no, not again...
Gillian: Huh?
Jaune: Listen, Gillian, you're a very nice girl, but you don't have to pretend to be royalty to ask me out. I'm just a regular guy like everyone else.
Gillian: Quite the humble demeanor you have. Perfect for a future king.
Jaune: But I'm not a king. Everybody just says I am because of some really bad prank.
Gillian: Your recent activity begs to differ. You've made quite the spectacle of yourself, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: I'm sure everybody got their laughs in after watching me look like an idiot all over their TV screens. They're all just flukes.
Gillian: Really? One fluke after another?
Jaune: Mhm, and it all comes back to one really bad prank. But hey, if you want to hang out later, I'll be free after some lessons with my sister.
Gillian: ...No, but thank you, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Please, call me Jaune.
Gillian: ...Until next time, Mr. Arc.
Jaune: ...Yeah. I figured. (Yawns) Man, I must not have gotten a lot of shut-eye. Should probably head back before I fall asleep in the halls.
Ren: (Deep inhale)
Ren: (Slowly slides forward with his feet, Sweeping wide across the ground)
Nora: Whoo~! Go, Renny~!
Ren: (Fires off five open-palm strikes, Exhales)
Ren: (Air pops with colorful flare)
Nora: Whoa~! When'd you learn to do that?!
Ren: I've experimenting with my aura control, and I've found that if I focus enough aura into my palms, they could form invisible aura bubbles that eventually pop.
Nora: Whoa~!
Ren: (Closes eyes) Unfortunately, it's still...
Nora: Still what?
Ren: (Tilts head at Nora-shaped pink blob in the darkness)
Nora: What? Is there something on me?
Ren: Nora, have you always been pink?
Nora: I mean, have you seen me lately?
Ren: (Opens eyes, Pink aura fades into her)
Ren: Are you okay, Nora?
Nora: (Giggles, Taps nose) Boop~!
Ren: (Smiles) Boop to you, too, Nora.
Nora: (Giggles, Sighs) Are you feeling okay? I saw that sheep-sheep guy coming down from the roof.
Ren: Did he say anything?
Nora: Nah. He just seemed his same moody self.
Ren: Mm...
Nora: Hey, did he say something to you?
Ren: ...It's nothing to worry about. He was just trying to impress me with his history knowledge.
Nora: Ugh! I knew he was a history nerd! Just the way he walks around like he's some kind of royalty! Only Jaune should walk around like that, because he is!
Ren: Funny enough-
Nora: Haha funny?
Ren: Coincidentally funny.
Nora: Darn. What did he say?
Ren: He said...
Jax: Ah, now there is a fine specimen of a queen!
Yang: Huh?
Jax: Tall, physically tough, and hips certain to bear a lineage fit for conquerors!
Yang: Okay, creep-o, you've got five seconds left to live. I suggest you start running.
Jax: (Chuckles, Coughs) Feisty, too! Perfect. Just the kind of woman I need at my side on the throne.
Yang: Uh, excuse me?!
Jax: Can you imagine it? (Smiles sadistically) You, standing by my side, breaking bones and skulls of anyone who would dare oppose my rule!
Yang: Alright, that's it! I'm stuffing back into whatever hole you crawled out of, you little freak!
Yang: (Swings)
Jax: (Leans in, Hugs her arm)
Yang: Hey! Get off me, you little... You little... (Staggers, Kneels)
Jax: Mm, now this is a sight I never grow bored of. (Deep breath) I don't believe we've introduced ourselves. I am Jax Asturias, your future king. And you are?
Yang: I'm Yang Xiao Long, or would you prefer your future queen, your majesty~?
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remnant-heirs-au · 2 years
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Blaine’s weapon, Zero Gravity.
It’s a hydra musket with an ejectable blade and scope.
He carries it on a strap around his torso and positioned on his back.
It uses dust bullets and a dust engaged blade, and can let off powerful blasts, perfect for blowing things apart for him to use his semblance on or blowing entrances into things.
65 notes · View notes
bowl-of-shortness · 2 years
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Dancing or Combat?
Anyways here’s another drawing of Qorbyn. Enjoy
Reblogs are better than likes
Do Not Repost
15 notes · View notes
bowl-of-art-supplies · 3 months
Ozwen Family Portrait Redraw, 2022 vs. 2024
March 20th, 2022:
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March 25th, 2024:
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20 notes · View notes
Peko Pekoyama VS Right-Hand Man [Danganronpa Survivor VS Henry Stickmin]
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Hifumi: Peko Pekoyama, the cold and sharp Ultimate Swordswoman...
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Leona: The Right Hand Man; Cybernetic enforcer of the Toppat Clan!
Hifumi: You'd be hard strung to find a personal bodyguard better than these two, but will their personalities define your decision, or their strength? If it's the latter, then you'd best pay close attention!
Leona: He's Hifumi and I'm Leona!
Hifumi: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, talents and skills, to see who will win a DEATH BATTLE!
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Hifumi: Putting your life on the line to protect what you stand for is the natural code of one who wields the blade. And while Peko Pekoyama is not technically a samurai or a ninja, this is a code she upholds regardless.
Leona: Huh, stepping it up a bit this time, eh?
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Hifumi: Well it's like you said. We can't just do the same intro every time. Mrs Pekoyama's, or as she's known now, Ms Kuzuryu's parents abandoned her when she was a young child, and the Kuzuryu Family, a Yakuza group, took her under their wing. She was raised alongside Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, the eldest child of the Kuzuryu family and the eventual heir to the group, and she was trained to be his bodyguard, doing whatever he requested of her, killing whoever needed to die, and even told to sacrifice herself to protect him.
Leona: From when she was but a baby, Peko was taught the art of sword fighting so she could work as a bodyguard and personal hitman. Yep, she was 5 five years old when she was turned into a hitman with a killer sword! Why couldn't that be me!? That sounds awesome!
Hifumi: Remember, she was a bodyguard for a Yakuza organization. It's anything BUT awesome. Living in that environment twisted the girl's mind, and she started to live as nothing more than a tool for Mr Kuzuryu to use at his disposal. She didn't even see herself as a person, and nobody else treated her that way. However, if she was a tool, she was indeed a very powerful tool, having developed her skills in the art of Kendo so she could effortlessly defeat grown men in combat.
Leona: So skilled in fact, that she was invited into Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Swordswoman, alongside Fuyuhiko who became the Ultimate Yakuza. It was there that she and Fuyuhiko met their classmates, who would eventually become their found family. And although she was reticent, she was nothing if not dependable in the eyes of her newfound companions. Still, as we know, while school life was fantastic, she succumbed to the Ultimate Despair and was brainwashed, along with her fellow classmates.
Hifumi: Mrs Pekoyama would follow the way of Junko Enoshuma alongside the Remnants of Despair down a path filled with evil and suffering.
Leona: Why can't we just have a happy backstory for once?
Hifumi: Name one person close to us who hasn't gone through some despair-related trauma?
Leona: My point exactly! But the good news is thanks to the work of Hajime Hinata originally, not only was Peko able to break out of her despairing mindset, but she was also able to find humanity within herself.
Hifumi: As we said before, Mrs Pekoyama was raised harshly, and couldn't live a life where she was anything more than a tool to Mr Kuzuryu. When the two of them were captured by the Future Foundation, she even went as far as killing Mahiru Koizumi in cold blood so she could take the fall for him, simply because she thought she was doing her duty.
Leona: But Fuyuhiko didn't see it that way. He wanted nothing more than to treat Peko like an equal, not that he could admit that. It was these hidden feelings that resulted in Peko getting executed, but luckily, she was resuscitated and joined the Remnant's fight to redeem themselves! Oh! And she got a huge relationship upgrade with Fuyu too! They got married and had a baby girl! 
Hifumi: She certainly lives a very blissful life, one that she probably never even dreamed of before, but it doesn't change the fact that if the world or her family are ever in danger, she's always prepared to pick up that sword again!
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Leona: Getting into what Peko's best feats of strength are, she was, as Hifumi said, strong enough to defeat grown men in battle, and this was when she was much younger than she is now. Not only that, but she's more than shown why she is the Ultimate Swordswoman. She is powerful enough to take on Mukuro Ikusaba head-to-head and repel a mob of Monokumas. And if you'd seen our summary in Mukuro Vs Kayano, you'd know just how big a deal that is.
Hifumi: True...But I think it's worth noting that Mrs Pekoyama LOST that battle. And while yes, she was fighting toe to toe, it's highly likely Ms Ikusaba was holding back on her. After all, she was integral to Enoshima's plan at the time. However, that's not to say she hasn't defeated some impressive opponents herself. She's clashed and defeated the likes of Kyosuke Munakata and Mikoto Itsuki, the former of whom was able to trade blows with Kuripa Kurafto, even without his sword.
Leona: And as we said before, it's highly likely Kuripa is on a similar plane of power to Mukuro, given that no one can figure out who won their fight the first time they met. On top of that, she's also battled the Ultimate Frisbee Player, who uses his frisbee's as weapons. 
Hifumi: Mrs Pekoyama's feat of taking that Ultimate down is one of her more impressive. She was quick enough to avoid his attacks and even ran up a wall to escape from him before blitzing him with one blow.
Leona: We can compare Peko's speed with that of people like Nekomaru Nidai or the already-established renowned speedster from our previous matchup, Akane Owari. And like we said, Mukuro may have been holding back, but the Ultimate Soldier is still capable of combating hundreds of Monokuma's while dodging fire from sentry turrets. And Peko has pulled off a similar feat, fighting against an army of sword-wielding mannequins during her execution on Jabberwock Island.
Hifumi: Despite the nature of executions to whittle you down into abysmal despair, Mrs Pekoyama notably didn't suffer any damage while she was fighting, not until she accidently slashed Mr Kuzuryu's eye with her sword and shielded him with her body so he didn't die. 
Leona: But another thing worth noting is that the main gimmick of Peko's execution, One-Woman Army, was that she was being controlled by Monokuma via a voodoo doll. So it's hard to pin down what exactly were her feats, or what were Monokuma's.
Hifumi: But of course, speaking of her execution, when it comes to fighting, she's not much of an Ultimate Swordswoman without her signature weapon!
Leona: You mean her sword?
Hifumi: No, the special rocket launcher that shoots teddy bears. OF COURSE I MEAN HER SWORD! In a rather crafty manner, Mrs Pekoyama gives everyone the impression of carrying around a wooden bamboo katana, simply as part of her regular attire. However, she actually conceals a real blade underneath it...albeit a blunted one, to comply with the Future Foundation's no-killing policy.
Leona: She can still easily cut a bitch with it though, and her slashes are so precise and so strong, she can even cut through the atmosphere, and create shockwaves and blasts of air just by swinging the thing! Peko is also capable of using her sword as a non-offensive weapon. She even knows how to climb up places by using the handle as a stepping stool. And who knows what else she can use that thing for if she puts her mind to it.
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Hifumi: Mrs Pekoyama has also been shown to wield weapons similar to blades with the same level of precision and stealth. She was able to kill Mahiru Koizumi instantly with a single blow to the head with a bat, and according to the Monokuma file, Ms Koizumi's death was instant, meaning she'd had to have caught her by surprise.
Leona: Peko is undoubtedly a skilled swordswoman, with an expert level of cunning, immense power, and abnormal speed, but that doesn't mean she is perfect. Far from it actually. 
Hifumi: That she does. Repeatedly in the past, granted this is a weakness she is working to overcome, Mrs Pekoyama's combat skills have been shown to not be that great when she's disarmed. She can barely throw a punch, and when she's able to hit someone, like she did with Mikoto Itsuki, it pales in comparisons to feats of strength we've seen from characters before. Even Mr Makoto Naegi with his limited training has shown to be able to overpower her in a punching contest.
Leona: It's because of this weakness that Maki Harukawa was able to defeat her, despite being a combat novice herself. But on top of all of that, while her cool nature and edgy aura kind of makes you forget this, Peko's win/lose ratio is actually almost as bad as Akane's. Sure, she's been able to defeat Mikoto Itsuki, overcoming her primary weakness to do so, but she still lost horribly to Mukuro and was apparently captured easily by the Future Foundation, despite having a corrupted mafia at her side.
Hifumi: Even with her flaws, Mrs Pekoyama possesses the courage and skill to be called the most powerful sword-wielder in the world. And regardless of whether it's for the sake of the clan, for the lives of those she loves, or to protect her dear family, she's always got a sword by her side to prove why she deserves that title.
Leona: And her husband and daughter can more than attest to that!
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Leona: One might look at a man like Henry Stickmin and see a...stick man...But don't underestimate him! He's the best thief/prison escapee/bounty hunter/cyborg/government agent/mafia boss/HOLY SHIT this guy gets around!
Hifumi: Spanning across multiple different timelines of course. That's kind of the premise of his game. Henry Stickmin's story started off with a simple bank heist, which led to his arrest and subsequent epic breakout of prison. Then, he went on to steal the Tunisian Diamond, a priceless museum artifact. This crime put him in the eyes of the government and military, and was enlisted to help them take down the most infamous, dastardly and evil organization in the whole world!
Leona: THE TOPPAT CLAN! DUN DUN DUN! Now, of course, depending on what actions you take depends on what Henry's relationship with the clan becomes. Either he remains neutral in the conflict, becomes a government agent fighting against them, or becomes their leader, then is either betrayed or-
Hifumi: Hold on hold on hold on...We'll be at this all day if you list ALL the possibilities. Point is...Toppat Clan. Bad news. 
Leona: Right, right, sorry...The Toppat's were originally led by Reginald Copperbottom, and while Reg is was indeed a villainous evildooer who his followers looked upon with respect, there was another ringleader, who when it was his turn to take over the clan, ruled it with a LITERAL IRON FIST...!
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Hifumi: THIS is the Right-Hand Man; a man with no name, no origin, and no business but show business. If what's been shown of the clan so far is anything to go by, the most likely scenario is he was formerly just a lowly member of the clan, but he greatly enhanced his reputation by either moving up the ranks or by acting in the clan's best interests.
Leona: Whatever it was, it elevated him to the position of Right-Hand Man, and with that newfound authority, he would risk his life to protect the Toppats...And that's basically what ended up happening. However, this random-ass doctor in the ocean, brought him back...as a cyborg!
Hifumi: Right-Hand Man's cyborg form, AKA Right-Hand Man Reborn is the most powerful adversary Henry Stickmin, or anyone for that matter, has ever faced. And with his cyborg augmentations, he packs more than a punch.
Leona: Right-Hand Man, or RHM for short, is capable of fighting on an equal level with Henry Stickmin, in both his regular and cyborg form. And this is a big deal since Henry's whole thing is applying the power of references which allows him to do basically everything.
Hifumi: And RHM has a similar set of powers! Even without his cyborg augmentations. He can create shockwaves, throw three large bombs at once, form a reflector that blocks and deflects most projectiles, and he is an extremely proficient weapon user. He can even handle an enormous chain gun by himself!
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Leona: His abilities AS a cyborg are astounding. Not only are all the feats Hifumi just listed enhanced, but he can shoot lasers from his eye, shoot his right hand like a rocket, extend his arm, morph his right hand into a sword or a laser blaster, teleport, put up a shield around himself, and even charge up a massive orb of energy that cyborg Henry was overwhelmed by, even when he tried to absorb it.
Hifumi: RHM's power can be scaled to Henry in his own cyborg form, as in that route, he was modified by the same Russian scientist. One of the way's Henry tries to counter the large energy orb, other than absorbing it, is smacking it so hard it travels all around the world until it ends up right back where it started. This feat would have required the strength of at least 672.224 kilograms of TNT, likely even MORE than that.
Leona: Henry's head-sized hardened rock is also no match for him, and he can break it easily with a single punch. 
Hifumi: He's also capable of throwing several people - including Henry, who appears to weigh 110 pounds - off him in a dogpile! Quite heavy for a stick figure! And as one might expect, his defensive capabilities are bar none too. This guy can withstand moves from fighting games like suplexes and bullshit combos that involve him being upper-cutted repeatedly, and tanked it like it was nothing! Additionally, he made it through being sent through the Toppat Spaceship, breaking only half of his body and losing an arm, but otherwise was fine, and remained conscious.
Leona: And as far as tools go, he's armed with a few standard weapons, including a metal baseball bat, bombs, a machine gun, twin pistols, a grappling hook, and a pistol. But all of that pales in comparison to RHM's unmatched most powerful ability...TAIM IN A BOTTERU!
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Hifumi: Also known as Bottled Time, this ability is...no point in beating around the bush...a STAND ability, like that in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Because that's what it's referencing, we have to assume that it bares all the same traits as a stand, which by default, non-stand users can't see it, nor harm it.
Leona: As long as RHM's subconscious activates The Stand, or Spirit as the game calls it, which resembles an hourglass, it will gather "The Sands of Time." RHM can use this power to slow down his perception of time once it has enough stored up. This allows him to easily avoid even Henry's Spirit, "Reference," and its lightning-fast attacks. Additionally, he has the ability to entirely stop time for anyone save himself if he accumulates enough Sands.
Hifumi: RHM also confirmed in the route where he uses said ability that they aren't connected to his cybernetic augmentations, so even if an opponent was to remove or break them, the ability would remain the same.
Leona: As far as weaknesses go, they're not completely clear cut. However, RHM has shown to have a tendency to underestimate his foes, which has led to his downfall on many branches of the timeline. Additionally, despite being able to survive incredible and unimaginable feats of durability, he's been eliminated permanently by disintegration, decay, ripping him in half, cutting him to pieces, and destroying his upper body, among other things.
Hifumi: He's also susceptible to being hacked, and can turn against his teammates if he is. However, it's not too difficult for him to break out of this should he be reminded of where his allegiance lies.
Leona: If you attempt to steal anything, you'd better be careful because the Toppats might want it, and if they do, this cyborg will stop at nothing to ensure they get it. Cross his path, and he'll DELETE you.
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Hifumi: Alright, the combatants are set! We've run the data through all possibilities!
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Peko Pekoyama stands on the edge of a beach, looking up into the sky above. The airspace is dominated by a gigantic red airship with the symbol of a hat on the side. She plants her sword on the ground in front of her and waits patiently as the airship descends. Once it's level with her,  a ramp slides out and two figures slowly descend down it, one wearing two top hats on top of each other, and the other a cyborg with a strong red mustache.
Reginald Copperbottom: What's this...? A welcoming party? Just for us!?
Peko: ...
Peko plants her sword in the ground and stands to attention, barely even blinking as she glares daggers at the Toppats.
Reginald Copperbottom: Greetings, fine subject of Jabberwock Island...I am Reginald Copperbottom, leader of the Toppat Clan. And...I accept your surrender...
Peko: I was expecting your arrival, Mr Copperbottom...I must say you're...
Peko pauses and squints as she eyes Reg and RHM up and down.
Peko: ...skinnier...than I thought you would be...
Reginald Copperbottom: I will take that as a compliment...Now would you be so kind as to wave the white flag and submit the island's resources to me?
Peko: Hm...See, that's not going to happen. I have a life and a family on that island...If you want to get to it...
She plucks her sword out of the ground and brandishes it, pointing it at the Toppats.
Peko: You're going to have to go through me first...
Reginald Copperbottom: Hm...No, ma'am...I believe it is US that will go through YOU...!
Peko: That's...what I just said...
Reginald Copperbottom: O-Oh...um...G-Get her Right Hand Man!
RHM: Nothin' personal babe...
RHM rocket propels himself into the air as Reginald stomps back into the airship and flies it out of the way of the fight. RHM unsheathes a huge blade from his arm and flies at Peko with a heavy swing. Peko grabs her own sword in kind, and despite the sheer scale of RHM's blade, is able to block it. The impact though, tears off the bamboo sheen, revealing the real blade underneath it.
RHM: Mm...Crafty~ But your attacks are weak...!
Peko: I'm not proud to admit this, but I've killed several people in my lifetime. Keep that up and we'll see who's really weak...!
The real battle starts when RHM throws his rocket fist at his opponent, which Peko parries. Rather, it flies over her head and causes an explosive blast behind her. Peko then launches himself into the air and begins slicing at RHM, who deflects her blows as he regenerates his fist,  before blasting himself backwards.
RHM: What's the matter, doll!? A lil' too fast for you!?
RHM: Ah-Oww...!
Peko retaliates to this retort by lobbing her blade at him, causing it to smack against his metallic head, dropping and planting itself in the ground beneath him.
RHM: Alright, THAT was just mean! HRAAGH!
Peko: KEGH!
RHM soars towards her, ready to pound her into oblivion, but Peko counters his advance by pulling out a baseball bat and smashing him around the face! The force sends him flying off into the near horizon and crashing into a cliff. Peko uses the opportunity to retrieve her sword, then duel wields the blade and the bat.
RHM: Grrgh...
RHM gets back up, shakes off the blow with a nonchalant snap of his neck, and launches an eye laser towards Peko. Peko is able to dodge and weave her way out of the line of fire as she gets in close. RHM stops his fire and once again unsheathes the large blade from his arm, throwing and extending it forward. Peko limbos underneath it and tries to slash at RHM with her sword, but he rocket boosts himself up and knocks her backwards.
Peko: Keh...!
Peko frantically tries to put some distance between then as RHM flies upwards and charges a gigantic ball of energy, which he then tosses to the ground with a shout. An enormous portion of the peaceful archipelago is destroyed by the explosion that follows.
RHM: I know that didn't get 'er...Where the hell did she...? GAGH!
After the explosion, RHM lands on the ground and snarls in frustration and looks for his enemy. Peko seizes the chance to ambush him covertly from behind, slicing through his stick-figure torso with her sword after she charges at him.
Peko: Shame that clunky cyborg body doesn't give you increased spacial awareness.
RHM: Ok...It's PERSONAL now...!
Peko: GAH!
RHM is almost completely unphased by the stab, backhanding Peko and sending her flying backwards, with the sword becoming dislodged from his body. RHM then spins around and fires another eye laser at her.
Peko counters the eye laser by throwing her bat into the air, which is completely disintegrated by the laser, but RHM also fires a laser from his arm cannon, and that hits her dead on, blasting her in the chest and sending her crashing back into cliff. 
Peko: HMPH! 
RHM tries to smash Peko into the cliff face, but she leaps up and dodges, running up the cliff, then launching herself back down towards him, slicing him across the chest.
Peko: Tch...!
Peko: Since you're so curious...
Peko: My name...is Peko Kuzuryu...Formerly Peko Pekoyama...And I've helped quell clans a lot more imposing than the likes of you...! So get ready to say goodbye...!
Peko sprints ahead at ever-increasing speeds, vanishing in a puff of wind and circling her adversary too quickly for him to see. She then slashes him with her sword quickly and repeatedly, hitting him from all sides!
Peko's onslaught is brought to a swift close when RHM employs the power of his Spirit. Her above lightning speed is drastically slowed down, and she moves at barely a snails pace in the perception of the Toppat enforcer. RHM cackles, reaches under his hat and pulls out a pistol.
RHM: You fool...
Peko: AAAGH!
RHM doesn't hesitate to pull the trigger and shoots her several times in the chest. Peko drops her sword, keels over and collapses to her knees. RHM then follows this up by punching her in the face, which sends her body crashing against the cliff.
RHM: You know, they say that when you're on your deathbed is when you look back and reflect upon your actions...
Peko: Gegh...Ngh...
RHM: So, why don't you tell me why you thought this was a good idea? Let's be honest, you didn't 'ave what it took to beat me...!
Peko, struggling to breath, bleeding profusely with several holes in her body, instead of cursing, begins to chuckle.
RHM: Mm? What's funny?
Peko: You're right...You're absolutely right...I didn't have what it took...I knew that from the beginning...A power like that is just far too much for me...
She uses what remains of her strength to sit up.
Peko: But...I was never planning on winning...I'm just the distraction...
RHM: What? Distraction from...?
Reginald Copperbottom [Over Radio]: RIGHT HAND MAN! Where are you!? COME IN RIGHT HAND MAN!
RHM: What!? What's goin' on!?
Reginald Copperbottom [Over Radio]: It-It's the Future Foundation! They hijacked the airship! They've locked us all inside and destroyed the engine room! The ship it's-!
RHM: Ah-!? Reg!? REG!?
RHM looks behind him in horror as a giant explosion goes off in the rear of the airship! Reginald Copperbottom's transmission is cut clean off.
Peko: I never said I would defeat you...I said...it's time to say goodbye...
Peko: Keugh!
Fueled with rage at being tricked, RHM turns around and blast a hole straight through Peko's torso with his eye laser, turning her into a human donut! He then activates his rockets and flies full blast towards the airship!
He panics, having just wasted his Spirit power on Peko, and therefore not having enough Sands to slow down time. And thus, he is unable to make it in time as the airship explodes sky high, every last trace of the Toppat Clan going with it. 
There, in the quiet of the unclouded blue sky, RHM completely loses his bravado and composure. He screams in fury and denial at having just lost everything, firing off every weapon in his body at once
Peko: Hah...Haah...
Peko Pekoyama, meanwhile, crawls back to the surface of what's left of Jabberwock Island and leans her lifeless body against a rock. She reaches into the pocket of her outfit and pulls out a keepsake. A photo of her and her husband with their baby daughter Natsumi, taken by Mahiru Koizumi before.
Peko: I'm sorry Natsumi...But I did what I had to...Stay safe...Be...a good...girl...
Peko's arm goes limp, and she drops the photo, as her body loses what little life remained in it, and she slips into eternal unconsciousness...
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Hifumi: Rest in peace, Peko Kuzuryu.
Leona: You will be honored as a hero, like all brave samurai before you. The fault lies not with you, but with the FUCKING MORONS who voted for this matchup! You were CLEARLY outmatched here!
Hifumi: It's actually NOT impossible for Mrs Pekoyama to have pulled out a win here, but...yes...her chances are INCREDIBLY slim. As we said, RHM could be killed if he's decapitated or cut into pieces, which as the Ultimate Swordswoman, she was more than capable of doing.
Leona: However, there are a few things to consider in that regard. For one, during the execution, Peko was being strung along by a voodoo doll in the hands of Monokuma. So technically it was Monokuma cutting through those mannequins, not her.
Hifumi: Of course, it's not that hard to assume Mrs Pekoyama COULD do it without the use of the voodoo doll, and her feats of strength have shown she's more than capable of cutting down opponents larger and bulkier than her but...The other issue is that in order to pull this off, she'd need an opening, and Right Hand Man didn't really HAVE any.
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Leona: Right Hand Man's arsenal was incredibly vast compared to Peko who really just has a sword. Even if she somehow managed to get past the lasers, rocket fists, and everything else that dude can pull out from under his toppat, she'd still have to contend with Bottled Time. Which she had basically no way of dealing with, not the time stop, nor the Spirit itself.
Hifumi: It's also unlikely that Mrs Pekoyama's blade could even do the job against RHM's reinforced body. Some of the feats that he's survived pale in comparison to simply being cut through by a sword. In fact, Cyborg Henry was able to damage him pretty good with a javelin, and he still kept going.
Leona: Also, even if we can scale Peko's speed feats to that of other powerful characters in Danganronpa, we can't necessarily scale her in terms of strength. Even if we were to put her on a slightly higher level than that of Akane, that still pales in comparison to the kinds of feats RHM can be scaled to, like Henry's baseball bat feat.
Hifumi: Right Hand Man unfortunately had Mrs Pekoyama outmatched in all bases; strength, speed, stamina, defense, arsenal and whatever else you can think of. Even if Mrs Pekoyama was willing to fight until her last breath, her determination couldn't ultimately match up to RHM's might.
Leona: She got Pek-owned!
Hifumi: ...That...was your worst one yet...
Leona: You know what? You're right. I've gotta "Right Hand" it to you on that one.
Hifumi: Ugh...
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Next time:
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These two large and in-charge fighters, who are bigger than life itself, yet possess a heart of pure gold inside them will cross over hell and high water to save their world and protect their loved ones. But if world's collide, which one is gonna come out on top!?
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rowan-blood · 7 months
Book Recommendations
Kellen Graves
Prince of the Sorrows (Rowan Blood, #1) Lord of Silver Ashes (Rowan Blood, #2) Herald of the Witch’s Mark (Rowan Blood #3) The Fox and the Dryad
K.J. Charles
The Smuggler and the Warlord (A Charm of Magpies, #0.5) The Magpie Lord (A Charm of Magpies, #1) Interlude with Tattoos (A Charm of Magpies, #1.5) A Case of Possession (A Charm of Magpies, #2) A Case of Spirits (A Charm of Magpies, #2.5 Flight of Magpies (A Charm of Magpies, #3) Feast of Stephen (A Charm of Magpies, #3.5) Five For Heaven (A Charm of Magpies, #3.6) Jackdaw (A Charm of Magpies, #4) Rag and Bone (A Charm of Magpies, #5) A Queer Trade (A Charm of Magpies, #5.5) The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal Butterflies (The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal, #2) Remnant: A Caldwell & Feximal/Whyborne & Griffin Mystery (The Secret Casebook of Simon Feximal, #3; Whyborne & Griffin, #3.5) Proper English (England World, #1) Think of England (England World, #2) Song for a Viking (England World, #2.1) A Fashionable Indulgence (Society of Gentlemen, #1) A Seditious Affair (Society of Gentlemen, #2) A Gentleman’s Position (Society of Gentlemen, #3) Wanted, A Gentleman An Unseen Attraction (Sins of the Cities, #1) An Unnatural Vice (Sins of the Cities, #2) An Unsuitable Heir (Sins of the Cities, #3) Spectred Isle (Green Men, #1) The Henchmen of Zenda Unfit to Print Band Sinister The Rat-Catcher’s Daughter (Lilywhite Boys, #0.5) Any Old Diamonds (Lilywhite Boys, #1) Gilded Cage (Lilywhite Boys, #2) Masters in This Hall (Lilywhite Boys, #3) Slippery Creatures (The Will Darling Adventures, #1) The Sugared Game (The Will Darling Adventures, #2) Subtle Blood (The Will Darling Adventures, #3) The Gentle Art of Fortune Hunting The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen (The Doomsday Books, #1) A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel (The Doomsday Books, #2) A Thief in the Night
A.J. Demas
One Night in Boukos Something Human Sword Dance (Sword Dance, #1) Saffron Alley (Sword Dance, #2) Strong Wine (Sword Dance, #3) Honey and Pepper (When in Pheme, #1)
C.S. Pacat
Captive Prince (Captive Prince, #1) Captive Prince: Volume Two (Captive Prince, #2) Kings Rising (Captive Prince, #3) Dark Rise (Dark Rise, #1) Dark Heir (Dark Rise, #2)
Joanna Chambers
Provoked (Enlightenment, #1) Beguiled (Enlightenment, #2) Enlightened (Enlightenment, #3) Unnatural (Enlightenment, #4) Restored (Enlightenment, #5) Gentleman Wolf (Capital Wolves Duet, #1) Master Wolf (Capital Wolves Duet, #2)
Tamara Allen
Downtime Whistling in the Dark The Only Gold If It Ain’t Love The Road to Silver Plume (Secret Service #1) Playing the Ace (Secret Service #2) Invitation to the Dance
Harper Fox
Brothers of the Wild North Sea Once Upon a Haunted Moor (Tyack & Frayne #1) Tinsel Fish (Tyack & Frayne #2) Don’t Let Go (Tyack & Frayne #3) Kitto (Tyack & Frayne #4) Guardians of the Haunted Moor (Tyack & Frayne #5) Third Solstice (Tyack & Frayne #6) Preacher, Prophet, Beast (Tyack & Frayne #7) Out
Sebastian Nothwell
Mr Warren’s Profession (Aubrey & Lindsey, #1) Throw His Heart Over (Aubrey & Lindsey, #2) Hold Fast Oak King Holly King
Lydia Gastrell
One Indulgence (Indulgence #1) One Glimpse (Indulgence, #2)
Hale Ginn
Lord of the White Hell, Book 1 (Lord of the White Hell, #1) Lord of the White Hell, Book 2 (Lord of the White Hell, #2)
Adella J. Harris
The Marquess of Gorsewall Manor (After the Swan’s Nest, #1) The Earl of Klesamor Hall (After the Swan’s Nest, #2)
Cat Sebastian
The Soldier’s Scoundrel (The Turners, #1) The Lawrence Browne Affair (The Turners, #2) The Ruin of a Rake (The Turners, #3) It Takes Two to Tumble (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #1) A Gentleman Never Keeps Score (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #2) Two Rogues Make a Right (Seducing the Sedgwicks, #3)
Lily Morton
The Mysterious and Amazing Blue Billings (Black and Blue #1) The Quiet House (Black and Blue #2) Something Wicked (Black and Blue #3)
Freya Marske
A Marvellous Light (The Last Binding #1) A Restless Truth (The Last Binding #2)
Other Authors
The Devil Lancer by Amara, Astrid The Reluctant Berserker by Beecroft, Alex The Scottish Boy by Campi, Alex de Catalina Blues by York, Marlo The Rake, the Rogue and the Roué by Westfall, Eric Alan The Gladiator’s Master by Sutherland, Fae The Song of Achilles by Miller, Madeline When Skies Have Fallen by McGowan, Debbie Nova Praetorian by N.R. Walker The Reanimator's Heart (The Reanimator Mysteries #1) by Kara Jorgensen
(last update 2024/04/19)
I would appreciate your recommendations if you enjoy one or more books from this list.
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acontrariis · 2 years
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⸺ prelude
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ʀ. Aemond Targaryen x Vienna Targaryen (OC) Later on ᴡᴄ. 2.1k ᴅɪsᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ. Mention of Character Death. Angst. Hurt/Comfort. Dragons. Idiots falling in love again. I do not consent to having my work reposted, translated or copied in any way, shape or form.
⸺ ᴘʟᴀʏʟɪsᴛ | ᴀᴏ𝟹 | ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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History remembers names.
Rather, whoever’s writing it does. Little does anyone say about the ones that got lost in time. Patches of ink on crumpled paper that have been turned to ashes. Pieces of a forgotten past. Buried under the retellings of a deceitful memory. Not just anyone’s memories. Only those who live get to tell the stories. Teach the lessons. Erase the failures.
This is what this story is, a recollection of failures. The black sheeps of the family. The little branch that got cut from the tree. The letters that were burnt. The passages only some knew and even fewer remember. This is a journey through the cracks, the secret tunnels that threatened the perfect foundation we now stand on. The remnants of a life that grows in the fissures. For all it takes is a single ray of sun to bring us back to life.
Our story begins a few years in the near past.
History books tell us that Viserys I Targaryen’s reign was decided at the Great Council of 101 A.C. Having yet to produce a male heir, Daemon Targaryen was the closest heir the King had. A young, wild and hot-headed man, unsuited for the throne. The two brothers served as two sides of a coin, night and day, the heirs of the Targaryen Household.
However, what most ignore is the thin line of blood wiped from the records, a reckless child, the third brother, Daeron Targaryen. It is said that with his birth, he took what little life was left of Princess Alyssa. Hated by his father and resented by his brothers, the child grew prone to aversion and hostility. Those who knew him would whisper of the Prince’s indiscretions. A privileged child, who had everything but his family’s love.
From a young age, the little Prince showed excellence in all areas. A lover of arts and a skilled swordsman. Perhaps the previous statement should be corrected, he was excellent in all areas that could be taught. A quick learner that despite his talents, was not blessed with the natural gifts a Targaryen should possess. Perhaps the only true gift his blood had given him, along with the white hair and amethyst eyes, was madness, and as he stared at the egg that never hatched, this one only worsened.
As he grew, the main pleasures of his life came from sex and death. He controlled the powerless in a way he wished to control his family. Once he was old enough, he made it his goal to know the Seven Kingdoms. Never staying in one place for a long time, his days passed in a constant turmoil. One maid once heard him say if he stayed still for too long, the voices would surely eat him inside. So he kept moving, an enemy to silence and a lover of chaos. It is said he rivaled his brother Aemond in mischief.
Little to no attention was paid to his antics, having grown well accustomed to, what they called, the Prince’s attention seeking behavior. No one truly knew where the funds for his endeavors came from. It was well known the crown had as little ties to him as they could, giving the minimum a Prince could have. However, some said Daeron was the owner of several establishments; using multiple aliases, making sure no ties to his real name were left, his golden hands crafted his own network of trade.
Daeron’s life was a constant loop. Arrive at a new town, party, invest, have fun, leave. And on and on he went. A whirlwind of emotions in the body of a young man. Until one day in a peculiar little town, so small it didn’t show in the maps, full of magic and life. This was his second time coming to this place. The first one, many moons ago, he had stumbled in the area by accident, after getting in a heated argument a few towns over and leaving in the cover of the night. His savior that night, his accomplice and later on business partner, took him in that night and taught him how to be a proper man. Something he had forgotten along the way in his self pity journey.
Maera, a beautiful woman, wicked smart with a compassionate heart. She could read into your soul and decide what kind of person you were in minutes. That cold night she took a peculiar interest in him, without giving him any reason why. Still a young impressionable boy, he learned everything he could from her. For the first time since embarking on his trip, he decided to stay in one place, with the closest thing to a family he ever knew. She never told him her age, but he knew she was older, not by looks but by her actions. He felt like a child next to her, and not only because that’s how she treated him sometimes.
Soon, the raging storm that haunted his dreams quieted.
In this little town, Maera was considered of great importance, well respected and loved. Everyone came to her seeking advice and help. A knower of deeper arts, that came from a far away land long ago. It is said her knowledge surpassed by far that of the Maesters at the palace, and her beauty was the fruit of the most exquisite poetry. She became the first motherly figure the boy had ever had. It was known that even after years of leaving the land, thousands of crows flew from and back to deliver the correspondence of the pair. She would also be the one to join our two lovers, even if unintentionally, she would be one of the dominoes leading to the origins of this story.
The Harvest Festival. A long celebration of life and all the pleasures that came with it, especially those of the flesh. As was usual, the Prince was engrossed in the different interactions, sitting in his makeshift throne, the center of attraction. It’s funny, in retrospect, how a single glance could change the course of history as we know it. Her hair shone under the pale moonlight like an illusion, a golden mask covering half of her face, the darkness of her eyes drowning him. A wicked smile could be seen, her white teeth shining pearls as she bowed before him, the spinner trapping its prey.
Thick ebony hair, eyes so black they could swallow you whole and a smile that drew you in, as a siren song to her spider web. Elaena. Her name came like a prayer, a sip of water to a dying man. All everyone knew about her was that she had crossed the narrow sea with a group of misfits, entertainers of the lowest pleasures. Her mystery only added to her charm and made her that more desirable to everyone who laid their eyes on her. However, on a clear night, the full moon lighting their path, their eyes met under the masks and disguises and never looked back.
For five springs their love bloomed.
Devoted and faithful, their eyes only saw each other and knew no one better than the other. Despite the initial disapproval of the family, the lovers married soon after that first night. The Prince was said to happily adjust to married life. Leaving his wandering days in the past, he committed himself to the newfound happiness he had so desperately craved. The constant trips were reduced, the burden lessened. Their days were filled with a peace that came from building their life together. A long forgotten castle, neighbors to House Arryn on the eastern lands, was their home.
It was said the Lady of the Arryn had an interest in the charming Prince. Favoring his wicked humor and his scheming mind, many believed the reason she so eagerly welcomed the couple in her lands was for a chance to see the white-haired man up close. It was no secret that the newly crowned Queen had less than a kind thought for the recently named Princess, as did the rest of the royal family. An unknown woman from some far away land, next to an unstable man who, they deemed, had brought nothing but misfortunes to their lifeline were to be kept away, or so they thought.
As their household bloomed with love, it was not to say it didn’t suffer its own hardships. Many losses were suffered through the years, the Princess agonizing cries ringing through the castle walls as yet another life was lost. Some thought it was a curse, “Perhaps the Princess is not meant to bear children”, the Maesters would say. Still, despite the Prince's protests and fears, the Princess’ attempts didn’t waver. She wanted to give him a family, she would say. He deserved that.
On their last attempt Maera was called, once again. Seeing the fragile state of the Princess, her first thought was to terminate the pregnancy as soon as possible. The only thing that refrained her from expressing it was the tired look on Elaena’s face. Her eyes revealed the pain she was desperately trying to hide inside. Her swollen belly was too big for her worn out body and yet she caressed it with such devotion, one may think her a saint.
It is said the Prince became a shell of what he once was, consumed with worry and fear for his wife, he would not leave her side if he could help it. It took a nudge and a sleeping remedy for the women to have some privacy.
There are some things, in a marriage, one must keep from the other. Whether that is to protect them or to protect themselves, that is of little importance when dealing with the consequences, which is why the Priestess didn’t flinch when hearing the Princess’s confession.
“I did something bad and I believe I may have cursed our child.”
A blood curse is not easily, if ever, truly broken, for there’s no curse more twisted than love.
On the third night of a cold winter night, a black haired babe was born with wine colored eyes, shining full of life as her cries echoed through the castle. And as her father had done before, her birth sealed their parents fate, for the hex was impossible to crack.
“You know, I never wanted children,” Maera said, as a secret shared between confessions “troublesome little creatures, they are. I do a fine enough job finding trouble by myself, you know?”
The comment was met with a breathless laugh, the pale complexion covered in sweat showing something close to a smile.
“But there was something about that boy that night. His expression screamed all levels of problems, I knew the first time I saw him he would be a pain. And yet, I couldn’t bring myself to leave him alone… and now I’m glad I didn’t.”
Maera held Elaena’s hand in hers, as the latter silently cried, her strength long gone.
“I will take care of your child. Whatever the course, I swear to look after her.”
A promise. A vow. A sentence.
The Princess’ cries, begging for forgiveness and regretting making their daughter an orphan, were heard through the castle as the couple held each other one last time, their final goodbye lost in the memories of the newborn child.
Some say the Prince went mad with greed. Tired of his brothers’ mistreatments, he took out the rage on those weaker than him. His wife, an unfortunate victim. Stories tell they killed each other in a fit of rage, the witch, tired and resentful, made sure that was the last bruise he put on her face. With a dagger in hand, the desperate wife launched her attack, the precise aim of a killer striking the vital points of her lover. It is said the wench, covered in the warm blood of her husband, took the knife to her neck, bidding one last farewell to the crying infant in the crib by the bed.
However, other voices, the witnesses in the dark, the following eyes of this fiery dance, assured the prince went mad, without a doubt. But it was the poor condition his wife had been in what drove him to insanity. You see, the princess never recovered from the blood loss that childbirth presented. Two nights she bled, the pain driving her to delusions. The prince held her through it all, and by the time her last breath was exhaled, with it went his. For their lives have been joined as one, as only true lovers could be. ⸺
Rumors said an egg was stolen from a baby's crib. Blacker than the night sky, covered in amethyst jewels, the unclaimed dragon from the hatched egg was a vision in itself. Many tried to tame it, their flesh served as fuel for the creature to grow, forever without a rider.
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windsweptinred · 1 year
The Sandman
Metamorphosis Bonus Chapter Concept Art Art
(Dreamling, A different fate awaits Hob Gadling and Dream of the Endless after the events of The Kindly Ones)
Camellia, Your destiny is in my hands
A rare, tender moment of brotherly love between Destiny and Dream, amongst the blooms of the Garden of Forking Ways
The Turn of the Wheel Art
Corinthiel (Daniel x The Corinthian)
"This ancient spirit of mine yearns for a dream of love. A love the stuff of epics and fairy tales. But, this child's heart, young and pure as it may be, is also a greedy thing. Desperate for attention, mine and mine alone. Not to be clutched at as some remnant of Morpheus. Not to be accepted as sibling Dream... But to be adored. As Daniel, only Daniel. And you do, don't you Corinthian? Love me as your Daniel?"
Heir to the Throne (Morpheus and Daniel)
Sandman comics cosmology chart
June 7th (Hob and Dream)
Anemone ~ what sacrifice got me Coloured Version (Corinthiel)
Honeysuckle ~ The bonds of love (Desunity)
The Raven and the Hummingbird (Calliene)
He's more myself then I am (Corinthiel)
Mini Fics, Doodles and to Return to...
Destiny of the Endless
Desire of the Endless
Daniel Hall
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