remnants-of-tragedy · 6 years
From that question, Juliet only bursted out laughing. Was this vampire really that stupid?! Leon?! Sending Juliet after someone?!
“Are you that stupid? Surely, you must be joking.” Juliet smirked, still chuckling, “Leon wouldn’t even hurt or let me hurt a fly. If anything, I’ve come here without even telling him; Regardless, I would’ve still went after you even if He did try to stop me.”
True, she may be a human and not a vampire; Her strength is one of the greatest benefits from her physical training since she was a child, and the sparring sessions she had with her mother. Despite no longer having him in her grasp now, Juliet remained on her guard. While she isn’t a huntress like her mother was, it is without a doubt that Juliet would’ve been a natural in that field anyways since she does have her mother’s blood. It’s not like she had a problem or even a hesitation on spilling someone else’s blood on her hands.
Ignoring the pain, She continued to be in her battle stance with the dagger in hand. “I see that your intelligence lacks; I’m sure if I really did want to die that badly, It would be like jumping off from as something as high as your ego to splat to the lower ground that is your IQ.” She taunted.
Hate, Loathe, and Despise
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from {X}
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remnants-of-tragedy · 6 years
“How cute for a Livestock.”
Despite feeling the pain, Juliet still smirked at how this gives her a perfect opportunity. Using her free hand to get out the dagger and ignoring the bruise she felt forming from her arm, She aimed it to one of Yukio’s shoulders, threatening to pushing it in slowly.
“Honestly, I wouldn’t even know you existed if you haven’t been asking for a death wish by making my little brother cry.” Her voice deepened, “You should’ve just kept your distance and left him and Isaiah alone. No shit you weren’t fucking wanted, you slut.”
The more she felt the grip tighten, the more she slowly pushed the dagger in by the tip.
“That’s right, my brother...” Juliet’s smirked widen sadistically, “I’m Juliet. Mukami Juliet. I’m Leon’s older sister, and the person that’s going to force you to pay with your life for what you have been doing to him, Livestock.”
“Oh, and just so you get the picture already,” She added, “I’m not any where as nice as him.”
Hate, Loathe, and Despise
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from {X}
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
“If you want, I can keep your mind off the road by telling you all the embarrassing stuff about Zion.” Juliet smirked. “That isn’t helping anyone!” The human boy growled. “I’m helping Sakamaki Kanaye; You’re not the one that’s isn’t comfortable with cars, so you be quiet.” Juliet bluntly stated, making Zion silent.
“But like I said, I’m an expert driver. You don’t have to worry about anything; When it comes to driving, you can actually trust me.” Juliet stated as she got in the black car with her brother going in the back, before starting up the car itself. “This is my baby. It is a 2017 Toyota Prius; It was a gift and I’m not allowing anyone else to drive it.” Juliet proudly said.
Zion sweatdropped, “So you don’t even let Aniki drive it?” He questioned. “Whenever I have him the offer, he declines; And he was right to always decline.” His sister answered. “Hey Kanaye, did you know, despite how girly he looks, Zion always gets the main roles in the productions he always auditions for? There was one role he played well at and it reminded me of you for some reason.”
unnamed rp... we’ll think of something
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from {X}
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
“N-No... I-I want to..”
As much as she can sense the vampire’s abilities, She tried her best to act as if it had any affect on her. Carrying the blood of a well-known hunter bloodline, Juliet wasn’t really affected. But she can at least act on it.
Honestly, this wasn’t even going anywhere. ‘Fine... He asked for it...’ Glancing around, Juliet spotted an dark alley near them. Well, his ego was boosted a little. Smirking mentally, She let her inner beast out.
“... Not until I’m done with you, you little bitch.”
Taking this opportunity, Juliet used her strength to grab Yukio’s arm and get them both to the alley and punch Yukio in the stomach before throwing him against the wall and using her arm pinned against his neck, “Sakamaki Yukio... so I finally meet you at last..” She smirked, revealing her true nature, “You’re actually smarter than I thought.. how ironic... since you can’t even take the hint that you’re not wanted...”
Hate, Loathe, and Despise
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from {X}
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
Damn, he was smarter than he looked; Maybe she should’ve chosen a different attire. Then again, She didn’t have much of a choice. Everything in her closet was either black, or leather, or both.
Plus, there has been people that dressed the same fashion yet behave timidly. So just to be safe, just continue the act a little bit more.
Tilting her head innocently, She questioned, “Eh? B-But...” Maybe acting innocent wasn’t the right approach for her? Hm.. wasn’t this Vampire with another guy earlier? “Y-You were with someone.. Someone I knew... Why is he not with you...?” She questioned further, as she continued to get closer to him.
Continuing such an act felt gross, but it was all for Leon. For her little brother, she will go at far at any length.
Hate, Loathe, and Despise
Role play starter for: @remnants-of-tragedy
Please Note: This takes place after Leon and Isaiah have started dating, but before Silas and Yukio. There is also heavy mention of bullying and death threats, also adult language. 
Characters - Yukio Sakamaki & Juliet Mukami ft. Leon Mukami
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
It was only a matter of time.
Juliet tried to calm herself as she followed the vampire. If there was anything she learned from observing Vampires, it is that acting demure and naive is a great approach.
From the looks of it, he doesn’t know who she was. ‘Even better...’ She thought, ‘This is for Leon...’
“U-um.. excuse me?”
Switching from her personality to a personality polar opposite from it, as well as her actions from confidence to fidgety and add a fake shy blush, The human girl started to speak in a soft tone as she performed the act of approaching the vampire timidly, “I-I’m looking for someone.. d-do you know w-where they might be?”
Although the raven would rather just kill him right then and there, It would be better to confront him in a quiet place. Also, from what she was told by her mother, this kind of approach can work, as long as you can find the weakness of the target, such as boosting their ego; Unless they can see right through the act, like how Juliet was told about how her father was smart enough to see through her mother’s act when she was still a huntress. Which means the chances of this working might be a 50% chance.
Oh well. Better to just try.
Hate, Loathe, and Despise
Role play starter for: @remnants-of-tragedy
Please Note: This takes place after Leon and Isaiah have started dating, but before Silas and Yukio. There is also heavy mention of bullying and death threats, also adult language. 
Characters - Yukio Sakamaki & Juliet Mukami ft. Leon Mukami
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
“You’re saying that as if I’m a bad driver.” Juliet cocked her head to the side before assuring the male vampire, “I’m actually a pretty good driver; I was taught by Father and I was the one that helped teach Leon, so don’t worry about it.”
Her blue orbs looked to Zion and noticed the glances her little brother took of Kanaye, and her eyes narrowed. “Are you ready?” She questioned. “Y-yeah.. I want to get out of this damn thing already..” he mumbled. “Alright perfect; Now you sit in the back like a good, little princess.” She smirked as her brother’s face turned bright red in anger and embarrassment.
“S-shut up...!” He just can’t wait to go home. This was the most embarrassing thing in his entire life. His own sister crushed his pride as a man. In front of someone he just met. ‘I wanna die already..!’
unnamed rp... we’ll think of something
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from {X}
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
“Ah, that’s because the dress Zion’s wearing is actually mine.” Juliet explained as she continued to look at him blankly, “It was either that dress or a mini-skirt; See, I was nice enough to give him a choice.”
‘It was definitely NOT a choice at all!!!’ Zion facepalmed before mumbling out, “It doesn’t feel like one..” Ignoring her brother for a moment, the raven-haired vampire suggested, “Well, if you’re still kind of bored, I’ve got nothing better to do later after dropping little Zion off; So if you’re up for it, after I drop him off, We can hang out. It’s been a while since I’ve been out anyways, and I don’t mind keeping you company.”
As the human boy heard this, he can confirm it was quite true. After becoming a vampire and standing beside Thomas, her husband, Juliet has been spending most of her time together in the castle and has been dedicating her time taking care of her new responsibilities as Queen; This must be one of the rare times she can be out like this.
The more he thought about that, the more he began to think how hard it must’ve been for both his older brother and sister as they now have lives of their own, and cannot spend time together as much as they used to after growing up together as close as two peas in a pod.
“Hey Juliet, I’m ready to go when you are. I want to get out of this stupid dress already.” Zion said, before stealing glances to Kanaye.
Seriously? Why was his heart pounding? What did this weirdo do to him?!
unnamed rp... we’ll think of something
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from {X}
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
‘Tch... where the fuck is that son of a bitch...’
So far, no luck. She couldn’t find where the vampire was. And the raven-haired girl is starting to get impatient. Was it because she was still blinded by rage? Or was he just not in the area and she just missed him? No matter, she’ll still hunt him down.
Looking back to her phone, she realized her target has just uploaded new pictures and recognized the background instantly. In that area, there was a motel for vampires, by vampires. Both Leon and herself, who both know the places like the back of their hand, found this out after sensing presence of vampires coming from there.
“Jackpot...” She smirked sadistically before running over to that area, “I found you, you fucking bitch...!” While her smirk was in place, both her eyes and aura screamed out a lust for murder.
‘For Leon... For Leon... For Leon...!’ The image of her little brother smiling genuinely and the image of him crying flashed in her mind as she continued running, ‘I’ll make him pay...!!!’
As soon as she got to the area, she looked around and gritted her teeth. ‘Where are you...?’ She thought, ‘Where are-?’
And there she sensed him.
An aura of a pureblood.
‘Found you, bitch!!!’ She thought as she toned down her murderous aura and returning from her sadistic smirk back to her stoicism. The raven-haired human decided to hide away and wait.
Hate, Loathe, and Despise
Role play starter for: @remnants-of-tragedy
Please Note: This takes place after Leon and Isaiah have started dating, but before Silas and Yukio. There is also heavy mention of bullying and death threats, also adult language. 
Characters - Yukio Sakamaki & Juliet Mukami ft. Leon Mukami
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
“He wouldn’t really have much of a choice, if you think about it.” Juliet retorted, with her stoic expression returned, “He was going to play the role of a girl; His name, his features, even his personalities is similar to a girl’s; I figured it would be good practice for him to get used to wearing girl clothes for the role, if he wants to make the show a success.”
Zion was just utterly embarrassed. If it was Leon, he would’ve not embarrass him like this. ‘BUT IT JUST HAD TO BE THE SHE-DEVIL HERSELF!!!!’
“But at least it was able to fool you, right Kanaye Sakamaki? You looked rather flustered upon realizing Zion was actually a boy.” Juliet smirked once again, “I would say I am quite proud of my work.”
“S-shut up...! L-Let’s just go home already, you damn sadist!” Zion cursed, before glancing to Kanaye and stuttered, “S-so..s-s-sorry...”
“Also, strange sense of humor? I beg to differ on that remark.” The raven-haired Vampire gave the Sakamaki a questioning look, “By the way, what are you doing here?”
unnamed rp... we’ll think of something
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from {X}
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
Why was his heart beating fast the way it was right now?
Zion blushes from this and looked away after taking his bags back, “T-thanks... um...” At this point, he realized the boy realized he did not get his name, “S-sorry, I didn’t get—“
Almost as if it was the right moment, Juliet walked. “Well, well, well~ This is unexpected~” She smirked as the Now former human spotted quite the sight.
Seeing his sister unexpectedly, Zion blushed crimson red and glared, “W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!!” He bursted out. But this didn’t stop the raven-haired girl from smirking wider. “Mother and Father asked me to pick you up and take you home.” She explained before turning her eyes to Kanaye, “Kanaye, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“W-wait...” Zion was now beyond confused, “Y-You know him?” He questioned further. “I met him while I was still human; He’s the brother of that bastard I told you about that I hate, but unlike him, Kanaye is way more tolerable.” Juliet answered before walking over behind Zion, placing a hand on his head with her smirk still in place.
“I see, you’ve finally met my little brother.” Juliet said, “Zion was a tough one to deal with, he tends to run hot-and-cold.”
Zion froze.
His mind was blank.
But once he was able to come to, the only thought that came to mind was:
unnamed rp... we’ll think of something
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from {X}
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
“They are supplies for the drama club in my school,” Zion answered, “There’s an actress that was suppose to play a role in our upcoming production, but she got really sick and is unable to perform her role; Since sizing is going to be an issue since her and I are obviously different in size; But we ran out of supplies and I had nothing better to do, so the responsibility in getting them was given to me.”
The human boy looked down to the dress he was wearing and glared as his cheeks flushed from embarrassment and pouted.
“So now I have to perform two roles; That girl’s role is a minor but I’m the only one whose role isn’t shared with her character’s, so I had no choice.” He sighed in irritation before he started to rant, “Now I have to wear this stupid, girly dress, so I can get used to that role, because a certain SOMEONE thought it would be funny to force me into it when they found out, only to watch me suffer and crush my pride for their own amusement.”
At this point, the human was only ranting, forgetting that the vampire helping him thought Zion was a girl. He was just so irritated that his pride as a man was being crumbled by not only this new role, but also by his own sister.
It was all just a nuisance!
Why him?!
Finally, when he was done ranting, Zion breathed heavily.
He is just... so done...
unnamed rp... we’ll think of something
@remnants-of-tragedy continued from {X}
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
It was safe to say that a certain raven was angry.
Scratch that. She was murderously livid.
At first, Juliet was rather bothered as when he came home with a fake smile. However, when she heard Leon’s quiet sobs inside his room as she past it, her instincts managed to force her way into his room by open the locked door with one of her hairpins.
That was when she found a heartbreaking sight of her little, blond brother, Leon Mukami in tears, blue orbs puffy and red.
Once she managed to get her brother to confess what was going on, her eyes showed every sign of wanting nothing more than commit merciless slaughter.
Apparently, someone one decided to try and steal her brother’s boyfriend, Isaiah Sakamaki, to flirt with him continuously to a point of shattering her poor little brother’s heart. Leon wasn’t capable to hate. So of course he can’t do anything but become this fragile.
But Juliet was capable of hatred. She was capable to take action.
She’s Juliet Mukami after all.
After staying with her brother and comfort him until he calmed down and passed out, the raven-haired human wasted no time to search for the damned vampire that dared to hurt her baby brother.
Using the information she was told by Leon, how this person, Yukio Sakamaki, was an ex of Isaiah, Juliet quickly went on social media sites to find clues about this “Yukio”. Apparently, He was a son of Kanato Sakamaki, the same vampire that her mother stayed away from as a teenager due to being “creepy”.
Being able to find him on Instagram, Juliet went on her search with a note left at home about running her own errands and being back later. As well as taking the dagger that belonged to her mother, hiding it in the inner pocket of her jacket.
“Where the hell is that bastard...?” She cursed under her breath as she stared down on her phone, with her target’s Instagram on the screen. The longer she looked at the picture of this vampire Yukio, the more she became impatient in wanting to murder him.
He was a vampire. ‘Maybe if I focused well enough, I may be able to find him...’ She thought to herself, ‘I’ll make sure he will never hurt Leon again...’
Hate, Loathe, and Despise
Role play starter for: @remnants-of-tragedy
Please Note: This takes place after Leon and Isaiah have started dating, but before Silas and Yukio. There is also heavy mention of bullying and death threats, also adult language. 
Characters - Yukio Sakamaki & Juliet Mukami ft. Leon Mukami
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
The moment his hair was pulled back roughly to face his lover and felt the sudden, rough thrusts inside, Leon couldn’t stop but let out loud moans. “Ahh!” His blue orbs were shut tightly as they rolled back, with each thrusts inside him making him become loud.
The pain from the tight grip of his blond hair and the hard thrusts dissolved into ecstatic pleasure, as the sensation became so much that the blonde has forgotten they were even in public, his mind lost as if it were only Isaiah and himself.
Despite their time in the bathroom before, The feeling was never enough for Leon; And he was sure it wasn’t enough for Isaiah either.
“Ah! Ahhh! There..!” His voice was slowly becoming hoarse from the loud moans that escaped his mouth, once he felt the spot that drove him over the edge, “There..!”
While his mouth drooled a bit from the pleasure, Leon whimpers as he started to feel the painful throbbing of his growing member. Despite the pain, the blonde knew better to use his own hands to release; He would rather let it be the vampire’s hand to hold onto it; To either help him release it, to grip it so hard it would hurt, or to also use for denial and toy with him, the blonde didn’t even mind either one.
I Want To See You
{ Continued RP with @remnants-of-tragedy } from X
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
After hearing his beloved, Leon whimpered as his mind went places. This was becoming too much. “M-Master.. please...”
As he tried his best to ask, his face just felt completely flushed. It all felt to hot. “I-I... P-Please... W-Will you.. do as you please with me...?” It was embarrassing for him to ask this, but as he forgotten they were in public, Leon didn’t care as he just wanted his beloved to move already.
“I-I will be.. a-as loud.. as you want... a-and scream your name... if that is what you wish...” Leon whispered. At this point, He would do anything...
Literally. Anything.
Tears of both the frustration and pleasure start to stream down down his cheeks, as he felt his own member twitch and become extremely hard from such a denial. ‘Please...!’ He pleaded in his thoughts.
I Want To See You
{ Continued RP with @remnants-of-tragedy } from X
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
Following them inside It was embarrassing for Zoya, as she looked around the modern technology. Her first phone... Jumping as she felt a hand upon her shoulder, She quickly turned to see it was only Zion’s hand, trying to help her relax. It only took a moment until Zoya was able to respond to Shin calmly from what he said before. “I.. do like that style; However, I would just like something simple and old-fashioned; Something that I can handle.”
“I think what you want is a flip phone; But you don’t know which one would be more simpler for you to use, right?” Zion questioned. “Yes, That is correct.” Zoya responded, “Once again, I am not good with technology; So if I have questions that may seem rather odd, I apologize in advance.”
“You know, there are some flip phones that has music players; If you’re lucky and the one that’s the simplistic has one too, you can even listen to songs by your favorite pianists.” Zion pointed out. By the mention of ‘pianist’, Zoya quickly turn towards him with eyes lighting up and quickly forget about the other pair of siblings.
“Even Debussy and Chopin..?!” Zoya questioned, “As well as Beethoven, Anonimo, and Mozart...?!” Zion honestly wished now that he didn’t say that. As a pianist herself, Zoya has grown to have respect towards famous pianist that she has grown up to play their songs. She is always closed off from others, quiet and reserved; However, when it comes to the piano, Zoya becomes very passionate.
Well... Zion can’t really blame his sister. It was the same with him, except with acting rather than the piano.
“Hey, Zoya! Calm down! Have you forgotten why we’re here?!” Zion raised his voice, making Zoya realize how she behaved and remembered the siblings again. ‘H-How shameful...! T-This isn’t how a lady is suppose to act at all!!!’ She thought as she began to blush in embarrassment. Zoya clears her throat before bowing her head to them as an apology. “I-I apologize...!” Zion only facepalmed, sweatdropping and blushing from embarrassment as well. “Sorry about this; She is only like this when it comes to the piano and her favorite pianists.. Zoya, herself, is a pianist and has been playing it for a very long time.”
Something in common
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
“A-Ah!” Leon gasped, from feeling the tip; However, once he realized it was only being left there and that there was not going to be any movement, it made him slowly become sexually frustrated and made him tear up more upon the realization that this was part of the punishment.
Whimpers escaped his lips as he desperately wished for more movement; However, if he says anything that shows impatience, the blonde knew that his lover would delay it longer. ‘I... I’ll lose my patience by then...’
For now, Leon had to suffer with being patient; But it didn’t stop the poor boy from whimpering and the tears. Such a denial of giving the blonde what he wants, it was torture but it felt kind of good.
As he began to breathing rather heavily, The poor boy does not realize this wasn’t even the worst part of the upcoming punishment from his beloved.
I Want To See You
{ Continued RP with @remnants-of-tragedy } from X
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