triplets-of-terror · 7 years
I Want To See You
{ Continued RP with @remnants-of-tragedy }
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Sighing angrily the vampire ran his fingers through his hair multiple times, taking a minute or so to calm himself down. Looking at Leon’s sad face broke his heart, it truly did, he couldn’t help but feel bad fro his actions. 
“Don’t... don’t worry about it, okay?”
Cupping the blonde’s face, Isaiah lapped up the tears softly with his tongue. Leon was quite... gentle, to put it simply. The human’s attitude was just so kind and soft. He deserved to be happy all the time, it just made Isaiah want to scoop him up and kiss him till the end of time. 
“Don’t apologize baby, it wasn’t your fault... I know you were just trying to help.”
It was getting late, the park was almost completely empty which was perfect. Picking up Leon, the vampire grabbed the blonde’s legs, wrapping them around him waist before pinning him to a nearby tree. 
Kissing all over the human’s face and neck, Isaiah smiled gently. Hugging him tightly he continued showering his boyfriend with love and affection. 
“Don’t cry, please..?”
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remnants-of-tragedy · 7 years
The Unexpected Meeting
RP STARTER FOR @dyuukirp Characters: Juliet Mukami & Kanaye Sakamaki
“I’ll have an order of Takoyaki, please.” In front of a Takoyaki stand, was the black-haired human, Juliet. It was a nice day out, so she didn’t want to waste time doing nothing inside the house. What better way to make use of time outside than to buy takoyaki? “One order! Coming right up, Ma'am!” In some Takoyaki stands that are good, Juliet is considered a regular customer. It was amazing how a girl who always stayed in shape with physical training would too by at a place like this. Feeling a vibration in her pants pocket, Juliet saw it was a text from her brother. ‘What do I want for a snack?’ She thought, before replying back, 'Just give me some chocolate pocky.’ “Here you go!” Juliet went back to focus on the order of Takoyaki that have been finished. She paid the owner before taking the takoyaki. “Thanks.” It was then she walked away to find a place to go where it was quiet enough to eat her delicious meal in peace.
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adiabolikpastel · 5 years
How did Kanato and Yuuki react to Kanaye wanting to date his cousin?
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Huh… interesting question
Well… depends on which time you mean tbh. 
If you are new to my blog you may not know - but - Kanaye was in a relationship before Isabella (owned by @pureblood-prey ). 
He was in a courtship with @subaruxayano ‘s OC baby Izumi. So he has been with a member of his family before. 
You can read over on @dyuukirp the role play the two of us had started called Something in Her Eyes which shows you how Izumi and Kanaye met. 
There is also one titled You Get It - which shows how Kanaye and Isabella’s relationship started. 
☆+ ゚ .+ .゚.゚。 ゚ 。. +゚ 。゚.゚。☆*。。 . 。 o .。゚。.o。* 。 .。
However, all of that aside, lets assume you mean in general lol! 
So right off the bat I can tell you that Kanato was not amused. 
He did not like the idea of his son, doing something his father did. In a sense, he still does not accept it. However, he allowed his children to make their own choices - though he would advice against it. 
Yuuki on the other hand, is completely supportive. 
She wants nothing more than to see her sons happy. If Kanaye loves her, she loves her too. Yuuki does understand the negatives of him dating a member of his immediate family (since the two are complete blood cousins - Ayato and Kanato are 100% blood brothers), but she knows Kanaye is a smart boy. If he is dating her, it is only because he has thought it though. 
I hope this answered your question? 
If not, feel free to ask more! I love getting these kinds of ask, because it helps me develop the story! 
Thank You~!
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seven-re · 7 years
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@chihayami & @dyuukirp ; ♥
Must have been horror to read a lot of my negativity pouring out my heart but, your allowance for me to speak out all the poison inside me allowed me to earn my normal temper again. Thank you, not everyone is kind enough to sit and listen to a stranger.
Yes I changed my signature and now it’s based on my favorite number: 7.
I also started to think that my son Gin is so pretty I should use him as a slut and draw bishie pictures of him.., hm...
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twinsofhope-blog · 7 years
Stiiiill Need to get To Drafts QwQ
for @silasmukami, @dyuukirp, and @indulgent-lucidity! Forgive me for taking forever!! QAQ
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rina-diabolik-blog · 7 years
Blogs are DED...AGAIN lolol
I still need to get to my Drafts for @dyuukirp and @silasmukami((sorryfortakingsolong QWQ)) but my Asks Boxes are Hungry!! Please Feed them???~ QAQ
Ask Kou and Rina((or the Twins lol)) @rina-diabolik
Ask/RP with the Twins Faline and Raizo @twinsofhope
and/or Ask Nero and Christa stuff  @underworlds-fallenangel
Please and Thank you~ :P
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
{ Continued RP with @dyuukirp from X } { WARNING: This RP now contains NSFW content }
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Marveling at his bare chest and abdomen, her head became light and fuzzy. Her vision became blurry, his words almost went unnoticed her attention was focused on the imagine of his bare body. 
Her blush intensified thinking about what he had on store for her tonight, she was growing with excitement as she as sure Kanaye could sense. Running her fingers through this hair as his mouth moved up her body. This time, not being able to suppress the sounds that escaped her mouth as his mouth touched her breasts directly, she moaned loudly.
“T-Then stop with the f-foreplay... please...!”
Not that she didn’t enjoy his lips on her bare skin, she just needed so much more of him. She couldn’t contain herself, her mind was wild as she waited impatiently for Kanaye to advance. 
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
{ Continued RP with @dyuukirp from X } { WARNING: From this point forward the RP will be NSFW }
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Whimpering softly into his moth, she cupped his face in an attempt t keep up with him. She was still very unexperienced, she had no idea what to do with era tongue though perhaps that was a good thing. She still wanted to have at least some skill in this area, just to impress him a little. 
Though she still wanted to do something. She pulled him towards her, laying herself on the bed she laid him atop her. She began using her tongue, she had no idea if she was doing it right but it felt much better then that night two years ago. 
“And I mean them Kanaye... whatever~you~like...”
Placing a hand on top of his, she encouraged him to go even further with his actions. 
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
{ Contined RP with @dyuukirp from X } (currently on mobile)
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Closing her eyes she basked in the feeling of his lips on hers. If she could, she would stay like this forever.
"Yeah... they're all gone..."
She said quietly, feeling the soft press of his lips on her forehead. She didn't know what he wanted to do, but she trusted him. All she wanted right now was to be alone with him, in a completely private setting.
"Let's go... I don't wanna be here anymore..."
She feared she might've sounded eager, but she longed to be with Kanaye in a more private environment. To fully immerse herself in his presence.
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
{ RP with @dyuukirp continued from X }
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Listening to him she gathered that he must have a lot going on in his life. Wanting to be King along with keeping up with school work and dealing with some recent events... it concerned her a little bit.
“Ah, it sounds like you’re kept busy. Though I do hope that you have at least a little free time.”
She smiled softly. These times with Spencer must mean a lot to him, how heartbreaking it must be to feel as though he might lose a friend. Though, she wasn’t too worried about Spencer staying mad for long. He always went on and on about how much he loved spending time with Kanaye, he truly meant a lot to her brother. 
“I’ve never been much good at study-”
She paused mid-sentence at the sound of the front door opening and closing. Isaiah scent began to immediately fill the house. A long sigh scared her as she closed her eyes. 
“You don’t have to worry much about Isaiah, don’t listen to what he says, please. He gets... very blinded when he’s angry, and kind of loud.” 
She said with a small chuckle recalling events from the past. 
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
{ Continued RP with @dyuukirp from X } 
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He began a little sadly. It was a shame Kanaye thought this was necessary, but as his friend he had to support him. He felt bad enough, that much was clear, it was a wonderful opportunity he was passing up.
“If you feel that way, then do as you must Kanaye. I can’t tell you what to do, I can only support you as your friend. But I can also give you advice, so I’ll tell you; Do what you want to do, not what you think you have to do. I’m not trying to make you feel bad, but I think that Isabella’s feelings should also play into your decision...”
He spoke softly. It was sad to hear this from his friend, but as much as he wanted to, Spencer can't force him to do what he thinks is right. It’s Kanaye’s life, he has no control over it. 
“But I do have one request... please don't lead her on, I shouldn’t be telling you this but she... feels the same for you, and I would hate for her to go through yet another heartbreak. I just ask that you make it as painless as possible.”
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
{ RP with @dyuukirp from X }
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Listening carefully to his words she calmed bit. So it wasn’t her, it was just his worries and concerns... though she had no idea how to put them at ease. She was thankful for Spencer, though she still did not want to force him to do this is he felt so strongly about it. 
“I... Well you can kind of tell that I feel the same about you Kanaye, I’d be willing to do anything if it meant your happiness...” 
She said with a weak chuckle and small smile. She was... sad. She understood Kanaye’s hesitance, she knew how much being King meant to him. There were so many concerns that he had that came along with it, she couldn’t possibly expect him to just... set them aside for the sake of her feelings. 
“But... I can’t ask you to possibly jeopardize your future just for me. This is important to you, and you’re right to be worried...” 
Painfully and slowly, she pulled her hands away from his. She wanted to cry, her eyes stung with threatening tears. But she couldn’t let him see her distressed, it was clear he felt bad enough about the situation, she can't make it worse for him. 
“If me putting aside my feelings for you meant that your future as King would be ensured then... I’d be willing to do it...” 
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
{ Continued RP with @dyuukirp from x }
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There was almost... a twinge of anger in her when Kanaye suggested to leave. Could he honestly... not even stand to be sitting next to her? Did he loathe her that much? Granted... what she did was cruel to him, though at the very least he could've confronted her at some point instead of avoiding her and leaving Spencer...
"You... it's fine. I'll just... go back and wait for Isaiah."
She declared before standing up. Her tears were dry, she wasn't sad about Kai anymore. Just frustrated with Kanaye. Honestly... if he despised her so much he should say so instead of tiptoeing around the subject.
"No no... you're both staying here."
The female jumped a bit, usually... Spencer's tone is so bright and cheery. Though the way he just spoke... usually only happens when he's truly annoyed or angry.
"Do either of you... think I'm stupid? I'm not a vampire, but you don't think I notice the reluctance in your actions and words?"
His tone changing to a quieter, calmer one. He suspected that maybe he came out to strong.
"... I don't know what happened, but clearly something big occurred between you two. I don't know when or how, but it was apparently bad. I'm not going to ask, that's none of my business but..."
He sounded sad now, almost hurt. He didn't mean for it to come out that way. Though, his whole life he devoted to making sure other people felt well and happy, if he couldn't do that... then what purpose did he serve as a sibling or as a friend?
"As you best friend and your brother... I would like to think that either of you could come to me when you need it. Plus, it'd be very hard for me to keep two very important people in my life if they avoided each other..."
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
An Unexpected Encounter
❧ RP starter for @dyuukirp ❧ Please keep in mind that this may contain content that may be unsuitable for some readers such as mature themes, strong language, adult situations, and sexual content ❧ Characters -  Kanaye Sakamaki & Isabella Sakamaki & Spencer Sakamaki 
You know, it had been a while since Spencer had hung out with Kanaye. They were close friends, they should spend more time together. Now would be a perfect time actually, both Isaiah and Isabella were out for practice and their parents were busy at work. It’d be nice to spend a quiet evening with his close friend.
Yawning lightly, Spencer took his phone from his desk and sent a message. 
{ Kanayeeee, come overrr, I’m boreddd }
He was quite whiny wasn’t he... oh well. At least this way the point got across to Kanaye. Hopefully he would come, lately he had been busy for some reason he could never come over anymore. 
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
{ Continued RP with @dyuukirp continued from X }
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Arching his back in immense pleasure, Isaiah let out a groan of enjoyment. This felt way better than before. It didn’t hurt, it was a whole new sensation. He couldn’t ever imagine that there would be something this pleasurable in life. How do people survive not doing this everyday? 
Making direct eye contact with Yukio, Isaiah took it a step forward. Without warning he thrusts his hips upwards. The lead up to this moment took too long, he was pissed and extremely horny. 
“It f-feels amazing...!”
He groaned as he continued thrusting his hips. He wanted more, he wasn’t satisfied. He needed more.
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triplets-of-terror · 7 years
{ Continued RP with @dyuukirp continued from X }
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From the moment their lips touched her heart couldn’t calm itself. It thumped against her chest, trying to break free. It had taken it a while for it to slow down slightly before Kanaye’s tongue brushed against her lips causing it to jump again.
She couldn’t tell if she was doing well or if she was disappointing him. She never did this kind of thing with Kai, or anyone for that matter. She barely knew how to kiss, this was a whole different kind of territory she had never stepped foot in. 
But she needed more from him. She longed for so much more. Despite her inexperience she opened her mouth slightly, just enough for him. It felt strange, most likely because it was her first time, but nonetheless she liked it. A lot.
Tightening her grip on him, she did what she assumed you were supposed to do in this situation. Unsure of her actions she slowly wrapped her tongue around his. She wasn’t at all sure what to do, she just hoped that she wasn’t disappointing him. After all, she was being used to make him feel better, she wanted to do at least that for him. 
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