rennelielopina-blog · 6 years
             When I was in Leyte my Family and cousins love to travel along the new beach or pool. In the place of Tacloban, there are lot of white sand and we really enjoyed the beauty of Canigao Island surround by water, there is no electricity in the Island. But time will know there is the electricity in the Island we here before. I was really amazing the place because the sand is white and the water is clear there are also a lot of seafood’s, all of us really enjoyed that place.
           I want to travel more but I don’t have work to do my drive but now I study to do my travel goals in life with my family and friends we always want to capture the happenings of our travel. Our family also really want travel in beach, have many beaches that we make memories, every time we see each other. We always want to travel again but I think every time we travel, we always say that we should enjoy every moment we are together.
           Family is the best for me when we go to other place, we really enjoyed the moment that time. I always imagine the time when we have together, the days I want now is decide our next move.
 My name is Rennelie S. Lopina I was born in 2001 in Gakat Libagon So. Leyte, a small Barangay and Beautiful place for me. As a first daughter of two children. My father’s name is Renne Lopina and my mother name is Rossalie Sambrano.
           The short story, I started at school. I graduated from kinder garden named KG of Gakat Libagon So. Leyte. Elementary school from 2012-2013. Junior High School, from 2016-2017 at Nahaong National High School. And now I am studying in Senior High School, I started it from 2017 until now.
           My hobby is trailing, watching moves, reading novel and doing adventure in another place. Besides that, I love travelling very much because when I go to another place, I meet new people. And get the unforgettable story for me. And watching moves make me feel included in the story in presented.
           I am the one who has a big dream. Always trying for, to reach big achievement. But my laziness always tries to destroy my spirit. One of my weakness is I am not a person who has confident. I am shy when I want to talk in front of public. I always try to give the best especially for myself and for other people.
           My family is my inspiration even that we are not close family, but I love them so much. My father always gives me some directive to face something that will make me feel better in the things I do in life.
           When I was 16, I started studying in Cavite and for me its very hard for me to change the environment that I have, things that I do in my life, so I need to adjust the things.
           In life we should enjoy every second, minute, and day to our self because I know time will end.
 Wendy Mira was born June 11,2002 in Gakat Libagon So. Leyte but when she was 16, I moved her in Cavite, we have long distance friendship almost 3 years because of our family problem it’s not easy to go to there house because every day we are together I always want to go there house because I feel special when I’m wed hem. She studied her primary and secondary school from the (STAC) St. Tomas Aquinas Collage. She studies at the private school. She has three sister and one brother, their names are Karen, Boging, Kim, and Reden.
She hopes to finish her career to help her parents/family. Despite all this wendy is a very shay lady, articulate in the written word, very funny, generous- hearted, deeply spiritual, loving, caring and with a desire to see and understand more of the word. And the biggest problem? The biggest problem of all is that Wendy doesn’t believe I herself like me. She wasn’t thought how.  And her assessment of her own natural resources pulls up mush shorter that my list of what she has to offer. I believe this for everyone then the school will help her to live her purpose in life.
             Denice Gernale made an essay about to his missed best friend because since were in Grade 7 until Grade 9 they started their good friendship. They have same physical appearance. They have the same body both chubby. At first, they started only for being only a classmate and seatmates and they began their friendship. They both love Kathnaiel Fan of, and the day past his friend stop to support Kathnaiel and start to be a fan of K Pop. And they both love eating in this thing they start their friendship and eating sometimes is there bonding.
Denice and Jinize stayed strong before. They also experienced different struggles and challenges also sometimes thy misunderstand things and argued. But Denice thing that in this way they will have a good relationship and strong. But now in present Denice does not feel that they are still best friend, sadly they are not that close as before. And they both start to have new friend Denice really missed her so much, she misses her best friend. But for Denice and Jinize is still his friend even they don’t have a good connection/communication each other. Also, his scared that they will no longer see each. Hope and pray that what ever she right now each of them will have a good connection even if there not each other every day.
The thing I learned in checking the essay is you need to love the person even if you don’t see each other and have a long-distance friendship. I saw on her work how now she really missed the thing that they do each other when they are doing happiness. Even if there are many struggles and challenges, they experience they go to have a better/ strong friendship even if now they don’t have but I can say things will get right everything will be in a good. I also have a best friend we also experience now two years for now a long-distance friendship but still have strong relationship.
 Our lives are full of events, some of them leave good memories, but others change our life. When I leave my birth place everything has change, there are many things change like what we have they’re in Gakat. My daily life change, people and the environment, it’s not easy at first but I know that I need to do this to my family I don’t need to be selfish in the thing that my family need my cooperation to do this not for me but to all of us. We need to transfer in Cavite to continue our study, but I know that this will not easy to me and my brother.
“learning something new can be a scary experience. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do is to start my new life wide new people, people that really don’t know me. I’m always afraid because I know it’s not to be easy because I know that some of them will judge me or accept me, but I decide that everything is temporary things will change in good way or bad. I also though it will be hard to enter new thing in life like knowing people and meet new because.”
“In first day of school make me nervous every time because I know that it will be hard to me to meet new people because I know that we have very different beliefs and different experience. Like me I really scared to meet new, but I should think that this fight is for my family. The class start and the first we do is to introduce our self in front, when I start to introduce myself I feel worried because I know that some of them will bully me but my think are not true because they accept me we all start good conversation to know each other some of my classmate have their friend in other section and some of them new each. It’s so hard for me but the thing I do is to talk to them know their story in life but I hear one girl that also came from province in Cebu we have same language so we entertain each other to know more but the day came she surrender she go back to Cebu to continue his grade 11, it’s really hard that my friend leave me I have only three friend but she is the one that I’ve close to the three, in time that I what to surrender to I want to go back in Leyte to continue my schooling but my mother don’t what to go back their but I know that we have problem that’s why I’m here every night I cry to realize the pain that happed in my life but I know I need to be strong, days past may two of my friend leave me because they have personal problem , I’m the one who stay, I don’t have close friends in school because their gone but the day there are one squad accept me I don’t waist the opportunities to join them”
“I be afraid because I imagen that what if they are not true to me for being a friend of course, it’s not really a fear of being a good friend I need to know them. Me sense of security is screamingly absent because I know that they are good friend, however, I have discovered that when reflecting the good thing in my mind that way our relation grows good thing “
“in thing that I’m a part I start to know there personality and life problem they share me and in the things that there are very open to me I really appreciate that’s why I’m start to share my problem to, why I’m here in Cavite because of my family specially to my father I really love hem I know that’s her work are not easy but I know his do  his doing that thing because he what as to have a better life, even if his work is hard his salary is not enough to us for our daily needs that’s why we transfer her, In the first place I’m selfish because I don’t what to go her but my mama told me that every time my father give as money it’s not enough  to us, that’s why I agree to him that I go I know that its hard it’s really hard but I do this because my father I really love them.
“one time we experience that our friendship will be end because of one of our friend have problem she need to transfer in other school it’s not easy to us because in our perfect friendship will be broke but she told us that we need to be strong even she not with as I know that we have many times we argue but friendship are still there.”  
“every day I start my day whit them they accept me I’m so honor, every day we are together make memories the squad start the name Barbie jud we have experienced many challenges but still one in, even sometimes we fight, argue and misunderstand at the end of the day we are together. I want to shear this experience because we build the best friendship of all even, I start for being a scary in the thing that’s what happened to my life but at the end of the day I learn that acceptance is more important”
As the process of growing up continued, life got challenging, and I started to change. My innocence somehow ripped itself out of my hands, and I no longer believed in the same things I used to. I now consider the dreams I might have pursued thoughts in the past. However, growing up prepared me for the world that I will one-day dive into. Throughout the years one thing has become comprehensible, growing up in the real world.
I can still remember the days when I considered shut up and stupid bad words. I find it amazing that I now use those words all the time, and now even worse words took their place, or became natural in daily conversation too. Furthermore, the time when my bad days could be fixed by open the problem that’s gone, and now our problems do not even compare to the ones we had before. Everything that I had faith in as a person, I can no longer trust, or no longer exists.
But the memories still have lesson in life even if it’s hard to believe that I’ve have many problems we experience that I learn but I know that everything will be stronger in time of happiness and problems that we have experience we need to learn to the past and apply the lesson that we experience in the present.
           I came to realize that life changed, my beliefs did, and so did I. At one point in my life I was positive that I would one day be a better person, then it was hard in first but need to learn in experience, and my daily life continued to change daily, but as I grew up my dreams changed. In the first place, I have strived to match the image I have in my head that I consider perfect, and that has made me end up hating what I’m.
             In life you should love your self first of anything, because everything will change, I know that you really love another person first than yourself. You, yes you things is temporary but in this temporary life we should learn everything that changes our lives. I know you experience many straggles, challenges and the happens and everything that change your life. I know self that you are tired of everything that makes you feel down sometimes, but always remember there is always God besides, even if we did not see him, we should believe the might of his power.
           Self I know that your smile will makes you stronger even if I have more negative thoughts about everything that make me feel so down. Overthinking is things that I know that can change my life in negative and positive thoughts. I also experience this kind of thinking that make me feel so down I also have things that make me feel so stronger even things do not participate in what I want to do but things will get better self. I know self that you also tired of what I want like I  want to have a better boy best friend but sometimes it come but self why you always full in love that’s why the relationship of your friendship will change even if I don’t what it to change but I know I learn everything that change my life. I know everything changes when we transfer school in Cavite but fist I don’t what to study in Cavite but now I realize that everything happened for a reason. My friends also really change my personality the friend I have now (Barbie Jud) some of them tech me how to be strong at study first we have many experience in the past school, but things will really have a lesson that why self you should love your self and the person that loves me.
                                       I choose this girl because I really like her personality even if we are not really close to each other, but I don’t know why when I first met her, I want to be her friend, I think she is a good person to everyone not only to her close friend but also to his classmate and she is a charming girl. Everyone has their own unique physical appearance Like what I see to her everything is perfect for me about her, I know that there is no perfect person.
Decieh is a chubby girl, healthy. A woman of medium height not small not tall but a good height that will fit to her chubby body. The color of her hair is black and short hair as you can see in the picture. Have a nice eye a clear his nose is cute. And she always grins with her amazing smile her lips and teeth are nice too. She has a mole in his face an attractive when she smiles. When she laughs, her little nose wren. Kyles so funnily. She always seems to be in a good mood. The color of his skin in olive have a hear skin. And have a short arm, and small hands with chubby fingers.
A beautiful girl not only on her physical but also to her personality that’s why I really like her. Just what I say we are not close friend, but I think when we are each other I feel like I’m special that’s why I really like him not just being must all my friend. She is also a smart girl even if its not part of being in physical appearance, but I say this because this person I like that’s why I say this to the person I love.
             Everyday that we start being in long distance friendship I realized that I never really get the chance to tell you how much you mean to me. Some people say long distance friendship is hard and maybe right. But here we are we still best friend that can talk for hours on end. Without running out of things to say. It breaks my heart when I can’t be there to give you a hug and talk to you in person when you’re having bad days. It’s hard, when all I want to do is chat you. For all the hard times though, there have been so many good times, and there is so much I’m thankful for about you. Thank you for knowing me better that I know my self sometimes. Thank you for everything that you have done to me, we experience many struggles, but I know we can do this because no one can break our friendship even we have a hard-long distance relationship, but I know that I’m gifted for being part of your life and your family.
           Living miles apart from you isn’t easy, to say the least. There are days when I want to just call you up and say, “I miss you so much it’s been three years seems we are together every day, I have so much to till you about life and everything, I hope to see you this coming summer” I know its hard to hear voice. I know that for you it is hard to have long distance friendship, I really know your suffering because when you need me I’m their and when in I need you, your always here for me though happiness, bad times and our love to do is travel even sometimes we don’t have money to travel we always we’ll find a way to go to the place that we want. Doing happiness for you is the best memories that I want to keep in my memorable things with you. Bad times, to have stay strong/stronger relationship that we have knew even if we are long distance best friend. And doing travel with you, I miss doing travel with you and capture the moment. The person I miss so much because it’s been three years that we have together, there are new days when we are together.
           You can’t control distance, but you can control how you maintain relationship. Use space to establish a strongest friendship with those who you are closest with and dive deeper into what you hold to be important. Long distance friendship is tough, but even more worthwhile. It doesn’t matter how few away your best friend was, she will always hold a special spot in my heart. Best friend is there each other no matter what. You’ll be each other’s number one, no matter how many new fried, new loves, or new people came into my life. No matter how many miles apart there is no space separating the two of us you’re still my one and only best friend.
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