resetgod · 5 years
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       atlas wasn’t meant to carry the weight of the world && neither were we.
                                          「⦶」 YOU ARE NOT ATLAS.
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resetgod · 5 years
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i’m looking for my friend clem who i think follows this blog with a kingdom hearts blog. if you are clem or know where the heck she went let me know pls. i want clem.
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resetgod · 6 years
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        He took a step back in offense, lips pursed as he examined Seven. Harsh words were thrown around with ease between the both of them, but it didn’t mean Vanderwood wasn’t ever taken aback by them. Particularly when it had to do with deadlines. It wasn’t his fault that deadlines were set the way they were. If he had any control of them, he would take more time with them. If Seven didn’t meet their deadline, there was going to hell to pay as their client didn’t do too nicely to those who didn’t meet their deadlines.         “My expectations? It’s Boss’, and we both know what will come if we don’t meet it,” Vanderwood said through gritted teeth, hand reached out to grab hold of Seven’s shoulder once he stood. “I can only do so much.” He had knowledge of hacking, but nowhere near the skills that Seven had.          His hold tightened on that shoulder, fingers biting into the fabric of his clothes as he stared into his glossy, fevered eyes.          “I’ll try to see how much I can stall before you have to do it.” He released hold of his shoulder and went for his phone to call the boss. 
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                          Sulfer eyes roll into the back of his head in agitation. It was the same things Vanderwood always said, making him sound more broken record than human these days. It didn’t help that the male was very well right, and Luciel ( who had found himself in more than one situation with their boss ) knew it. Somehow that didn’t make him any less bitter about the situation with his keeper. 
                             When Vanderwood reaches out to steady him, it is all Luciel can do not to lean into his touch. His body was weak and the movement to stand very well made him feel as though he would hurl all over the plush carpeting of his home. But still, the hand was gone as quick as it came and Seven watched as the male scuttled off to phone their prison warden. He knew it was futile, with the nature of the business they were in human nature was not a factor. They wanted results, and would kill to get them. Literally. 
                            Still, the redhead is silent as he stumbles toward his computer room and collapses into the nearest swivel chair in the lineup along the wall of monitors he had built. Folding his arms on the counter, he rests his cheek along his hand and closes his eyes for a second, fleeting thoughts of curiosity pointing toward where he had last left his phone and just how angry Yoosung must be for him canceling on him again. Surely he was blowing up the RFA application. ❝ If you see my phone grab it on the way in, Mr. Boss, sir. ❞ He calls out weakly, sarcasm lost in the softness of his voice.
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resetgod · 6 years
*boops nose*
☆ ❞ ( @soleilies ) you sent me this years ago ily
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                      Liquid sunset eyes gleam, raising to meet the woman’s own within seconds. An edge of his lips come up in a half smirk where laughter passes through without hesitation. Not unheard of, but a rare occurrence none the less. His nose wrinkles, twitching from side to side in rabbit fashion. 
                     Reaching out, Saeyoung wraps his hand around her wrist and pulls her closer to him with another chuckle, running the tip of his nose along the length of hers in a gentle Eskimo kiss.❝ ———— i’m never going to finish my work if you keep distracting me. ❞
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resetgod · 6 years
        Continued from an ask with @resetgod 
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        The hand swatted away was retracted and dropped to his side. If Seven hadn’t realized by then that fussing over him was part of his job, maybe he shouldn’t have spent so much time goofing off. And be aware of his surroundings, both on computers and in person, more often.          It took all his strength to not roll his eyes in frustration, particularly at the use of Mary. But since Seven was sick, Vanderwood decided to give him some slack. Didn’t want him to start puking all over, since he’d be the one cleaning it up anyway.         “Will you just-” Vanderwood was cut off by Seven’s question about staying. Unexpected, since even if work needed to be done, Seven would never normally ask such a thing.          The fever had to be making Seven delusional.         Vanderwood moved back, both feet rested on the floor and folded his arms.         “Guess I’ll have to since no work will be getting done otherwise, right?” he asked, gazing at Seven’s down-turned face then sghed. “Here, drink this.”          He grabbed a bottle of water from the table and held it in front of him.  
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                        He was quiet for several long minutes, long delicate fingers clenched into a fist until white kissed at his knuckles. While the pain ran rampant in the male’s head that throbbed and beat in time with this sunken heart inside his Atlantis chest - - - his fist did not clench from pain but from fighting the childish urge to reach out and knock the bottle away. 
                           Rose petal stained lips part, exhaling the breath he was unaware had locked itself away within his chest. Strange how a person can forget to breathe, strange how sometimes he no longer wished to. With a sigh Seven reaches out and wraps his hand around the bottle and forces the opening to the attic of his throat. The liquid makes him nauseous the entire way down his throat and into the empty well of this stomach. 
                          The hacker gives a throaty chuckle, a sound so hollow it was hardly allowed to fill the empty space between Vanderwood and himself. ❝ Too bad you can’t do it yourself, ❞ he offers a curious quirking brow as though to ask if that’s true ❝ then maybe it would get done to your expectations. ❞ The last word drips with venom on his tongue, the room continues to spin but this time he’s unsure if it’s from the fever or from childhood flashbacks of never living up to his mother’s intent He shakes the uninvited nightmares from his head, sunset kissed hair bouncing against his skin. Standing, he reaches out to steady himself before mumbling softly,  ❝ Yeah, i’ll get on it. You’ll get your deadlines. ❞
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resetgod · 6 years
"Just go back to sleep, you'll be fine." Vanderwood's ungloved fingers brushed over Seven's forehead, one knee briefly rested on the edge of the couch as he leaned over him. (vanderwood-stark)
☆ ❞ ( @vanderwood-stark )
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                        ❝ ———— how can i sleep with you fussing over me ? ❞ The feverish male reaches up toward Vanderwood’s hand, fingertips that left sunbursts of melted wax over icarus’ feathered forehead - - - only to swat the male away. It was a futile event, seeing as how in this weakened state he could hardly move. Teeth gnash together in agony as his body rebels against the slight movement.
                       ❝ This is it, Mary. This is how it ends. I can see a light ! ❞ Even through lips that threatened to quirk up on either side into a smile, it was all he could do not to interrupt his words with a pained whine. But alas, he had too much to do, codes to rewrite, work to be finished, people to protect. Sitting up, Seven’s legs swing over the side of the couch as he fights the urge to hurl up every ounce of medication the opposite has all but forced down his throat. Fevered wax wings grip at the couch cushions as he centers himself and dares the room to stop spinning.
                       Staring hard at one spot on the floor, it’s unclear if he’s trying to get the sickness under control or if he is maybe afraid to look up at the face that might stare back at him when he asks.. ❝ If it isn’t too much trouble you could stay the night. Just to make sure the work gets done, of course. ❞
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resetgod · 6 years
L ies on
☆ ❞ ( @wekeepthislcveinaphotograph )
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                      Russet lashes flutter rapidly and golden icarus eyes stare down upon the ocean of waves in the form of hair that has flopped down across the hacker’s lap. He is unsure how the previous conversation left him here but all echos of agitation he previously had have faded - - - or rather frozen beneath the weight of V’s body and the world that rests on those atlas shoulders.
                     Paralyzed, he is unsure what to do. Physical touch so foreign it is craved but almost unwelcome in this moment. Fingers that don’t seem to be quite his raise, the Icarus in him eager to run through the tides that lay against the male’s forehead but the wax and feathers of his skin beg otherwise. Instead he takes a deep breath, the fear of drowning too great to risk, and his hand falls to the opposite’s shoulder for a moment.
                     ❝ You know what they say! Too much work and not enough sleep will kill you one day! ❞ Or at least someone somewhere surely says things like that. ❝ Seriously if you needed a nap all you had to do was say, guest room is open down the hall to the right. ❞
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resetgod · 6 years
smooches tbh
☆ ❞ ( @etnim )
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resetgod · 6 years
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hi i’m going on probationary return. i’m not positive i’m officially coming back, but i’m going to give it a try for sure. i’m going to be deleting most of my inbox, cleaning up ooc posts, and select drafts. This will be my only active blog for the time being.
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resetgod · 6 years
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                          every time i think about choi saeyoung my skin clears, my rivers are full, and my crops flourish.
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resetgod · 6 years
whispers: rowan come back
☆ ❞ ( @finalgarde )
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                        careful what you wish for, sunshine.
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resetgod · 6 years
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@ceomade is a treasure and i would die for them no questions asked !!!
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resetgod · 6 years
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resetgod · 6 years
hey, uhhhhh, friendly reminder that you're the love of my life
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friendly reminder that you’re my best friend, a one in a million, the seiya to my yaten, the sun to my moon. i’m platonic stardust gay for you, ( unless you wanna be gay then it’s totally gay ), and i’d mother fukin die for you. I love you a lot and thank you for being one of the few people that has unconditionally supported me in everything over the past year. I love you with my whole stupid heart.
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resetgod · 6 years
ur gay.
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that’s not what your girlfriend was saying last night.
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resetgod · 6 years
☆ ❞ ( @latteloved )13. My muse pulls your muse’s hair during intercourse. ( not accepting )
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                        Of course he was agitated when she put a stop to their play. A constant agitation that seemed to last on and off again over the course of the last few weeks, just as they seemed to be. “ This is the last time. I’m serious, Luciel. “ But they always ended up right back here at her home during the witching hour where only unholy eyes could find them. But no agitation match the complete and total possessive anger that laced his veins when she stopped him from undressing them both and turned to answer that phone. It only took mere seconds of seeing the caller ID over her shoulder for him to reach out and pull her attention right back to him.
                       Reaching up, he sank his hand in her hair and pulled, careful not to hurt her by any means.. but hard enough to prove his point. Unable to cope with all the tangled emotions inside him, he jerked her close and kissed her fiercely. He breathed her in as her tongue danced with his and he tasted her fully. He only broke from her lips long enough to finish tearing the clothes from her body and to toss the woman over his shoulder and carry her to the bedroom he had grown so accustomed to. 
                       Tossing her down on the mattress, the hacker was all over her within seconds. He rolled her over with haste, hips pressing hard against hers in a teasing fashion, teeth scraping lightly over porcelain collar bone. He attacked her with the same intensity he felt by looking at her while fingers came down just below her waist and dipped into her body without shame. Pulling back, he watched as she writhed under his touch as he thrusted another one deep within her, thumb casually stroking her trigger in time while a smirk took hold of his lips. He could feel her starting to tighten and he sped up for a few seconds ———— only to stop before her release. He pulled his arms back and went to hold her by her wrists against the pillows so that instinct would not prevail and she wouldn’t be allowed to finish herself. 
                       Devious eyes sparkled in bad lighting of the room and he spoke in a growl, ❝ ————— Who is your God ? ❞ He took a certain joy in seeing the conflict of pride in her eyes as she squirmed, none of this hostile, but simply a game they played where he demanded to be the victor. When she did not answer him in what he considered an act of defiance, Seven flipped the woman over flat in the sheets with no struggle and reached up to grasp her hair once more, forcing the woman up with his grip and her back to arch as he thrust himself into her finally with zero warning. 
                       Keeping hold of her locks like this, ( taking note of every jerk and moan her body made ), the male dipped over her, teeth grazing her ear as he growled once more, ❝ Who is it you worship ?  There are so many religions, ❞ he all but purred, ❝ ————— but by the time i’m through with you, I will be the only deity you’ll know. ❞
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resetgod · 6 years
“That could kill you” buddy…..pal…..friendo…..that’s the idea
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