resurrectiontpa · 4 years
What is it? It is the Christian holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter, it commemorates the maundy and the last supper of Jesus Christ and the disciples. It is called maundy because it comes from a Latin word meaning commandment it is given the name to recall the commandment that Jesus gives his disciples at the meal 'to love one another just as Christ loved them' This year Maundy Thursday is on the 13th of April!
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
What a difference 10 weeks can make.:
Resurrection Begins the Advent Christmas Journey...Today
Video: https://t.co/4fH9nR4ndG
This week we begin 10 Week Journey leading us into the year 2020. The theme 10 for 10 Lea... https://t.co/fgvE6vSB7X
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
Mark Proffitt candidate for Holy Orders offers some reflections on Trinity 10 at the Tampa Bay Oratory on WWDJ. The full sermon can be found at www.resurrectiontampa.org.
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
Fr. Gabriel preaches on the 9th Sunday of Trinitytide at the Tampa Oratory.
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
Fr. Gabriel at Resurrection
Fr. Gabriel preaches on the 9th Sunday of Trinitytide at the Tampa Oratory. He reminds us of the nature of God. Go to resurrectiontampa.org to hear more.
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
Today Resurrection Parish remembers and give thanks for the Ordination of Fr. David Brookman on this his 6th Anniversary . The first priest ordained abroad for tge Society by the now retired Bishop of Dunkwa, +Edmund.
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
Deacon Dustin preaches 1st Sermon at Resurrection
COTR welcomes Deacon Dustin who preached on Abraham's prayer for the people and how intercessory prayer shaped his life. Dustin is a transitional deacon who is training to prepare for priestly service under the Bishop of Zanzibar.
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
Newest Acolytes begin their ministry.
Kadence Smith, Master Acolyte joins the parishes 2 newest acolytes Nimmi (holding the processional cross) & Toluwalope holding the Missal. Baptized last Sunday, they have taken gifts for ministry seriously.We rejoice in their servants heart& delight in their acolyte ministry..
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
Welcoming Wednesdays answers the question of What Shall We Build?
Welcoming Wednesdays was launched this week. Go to our Social Platform at CHOYR and see the summary along with materials https://t.co/0bMFOV3NOT https://t.co/ICW5qdZPf8
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
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This week we begin Welcoming Wednesdays at 7:15 pm. How can Resurrection begin to undertake a ministry of welcome and Evaneglism with people we know in our area? Come and be part of the offering that will help us build up the Kingdom here in Tampa Bay.
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
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The Fourth of July is an opportunity for us to give thanks and praise to God for the Freedom that we have received and enjoy. We will gather for Eucharist at 9:00am Mass in the Church.
DID YOU KNOW? The first inauguration of George Washington in 1789 in New York City was shaped largely by a Congressional resolution that relied heavily on the Liturgy from the Church of England for a coronation. It required that, following the oath of office in front of Federal Hall on Wall Street, the Senate and House walk a short distance to St. Paul's Chapel on Broadway to hear "divine service" by the chaplain of Congress, Bishop Samuel Provoost and Anglican Bishop of New York . He presided at the liturgy in a similar function to that of the Archbishop of Canterbury at Liturgy for a Coronation
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
Community Night at Resurrection
Community night at Resurrection...Bingomania with Pizza and Cookies was part of the feasting at Bingo Night coordinated by Ann Sandsmark. She and Marcia Cargill called the games like Vegas pros.
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
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Clergy and laity in Florida associated with the Confraternity gather at Resurrection for Evening Prayer and Dinner. Our Patrons from TZ +Michael, Vithalis and Godfrey shared in the fellowship and vision for the Union.
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resurrectiontpa · 5 years
Everybody Always at Resurrection
Come and be part of an adventure each week and see what happens when we stop worrying about a challenging world full of difficult people and instead simply love everybody?
 In the highly-anticipated follow-up to the bestselling phenomenon Love Does, Bob Goff takes readers on an entertaining, life-altering journey into the secret of living without fear, care, constraint, or worry.
To order contact Elizabeth Brookman or take advantage of this special ordering opportunity. https://www.thomasnelson.com/p/everybody-always/
Come join in for the summary of Love Does as we lay the groundwork for EVERYBODY ALWAYS
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resurrectiontpa · 6 years
Sh a six-week conversation and spiritual laboratory to assist people on the Christian Journey to consider a spiritual rule of life as a way to live into the fullness of their relationship with God and with others. The Conversations have the following overview in approach Conversation 1.  Who am I? & Why am I here?  (Identity and Vocation) Conversation 2.  Loving God & self, family & friends  (Loving) Conversation 3.  Living God’s life together  (Living) Conversation 4.  Serving in God’s world  (Serving) Conversation 5.  Saying Yes to a fruitful life Conversation 6. Together Into the World with a  Rule of Life, 
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resurrectiontpa · 6 years
Pancake Supper at Resurrection
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Today the day before for Ash Wednesday is Fat Tuesday a feasts that leads to a time of fasting and reflection. Known as Shrove Tuesday and Mardi Gras, this enduring celebration has many traditions such as pancakes and breakfast mert. It was a gala feast at Resurrection.
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