revclverheld · 3 years
|| Yes, I’ve resurfaced but now I am here: @sturdymind in case someone’s still here and interested.
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revclverheld · 4 years
|| Has someone ever gotten a tooth removed from their upper jaw and then feeling strong pressure in their jaw / at the place where the tooth has been for days on end? I’m visiting a doc tomorrow but I’m just quite out of ideas, the wound is healing nicely as far as I can tell and I am so afraid they cut it back open or some shit because of that pressure I’m feeling.
I’m on soft shit food for a week now, my mental health is struggling because of this shit, I don’t want them to open it up once more so I have to go through even more shit.
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revclverheld · 4 years
TL;DR: tumblr’s new dashboard is a permanent change, xkit will not be making a way to go back to the old dashboard but will be updating certain extensions to the new dashboard, xkit is not gone you just need to hard-refresh the page.
so, everyone, i’m going to say this so that information can be kept up with and so that everyone knows what’s going on. basically, the new xkit team has been working with tumblr support and knew that the old dash would not be available. here’s a screenshot from the new xkit discord (which you can join from their main blog to see more updates) explaining that:
Tumblr media
the reason the xkit symbol is not showing up on the dash is because of the new soft-refresh feature that tumblr has. if you want to update extensions/check your xkit you just need to do a hard refresh (i.e. pressing the refresh icon at the top left of the page).
there will no longer be the option to support small text, and if you would like it back please do not go to the xkit admins about this. they keep redirecting everyone to talk to support about certain elements we’d like back. for example, if you want small text and also non-soft refresh then you’ll need to talk to support and file a claim.
again, here is the link that’s in the screenshot i attached. these are all the extensions that will be supported in the future.
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revclverheld · 4 years
old tumblr things that I still feel like are tumblr things despite them being obsolete for years
Moon Moon
that time the color of the website changed from one shade of blue to a slightly darker shade of blue
supernatural fandom having a gif for everything
the Great Skeleton War
“can you make that ask reblogable?”
the onceler fandom
people unironically calling David Karp “daddy”
“yahoo paid $1 billion for this”
the moreos guy
do you love the color of the sky?
when people were fighting over that gif of a bird falling in a chocolate fountain and people thought it was real and the bird died but it was actually a fake bird
“what if tumblr was a school?”
the superwholock fandom
hipster vs. fandom blogs
like seriously, there was so much hatred between hipster and fandom blogs and now hipster blogs are basically aesthetic blogs
John Green
tumblr user pizza
“I always follow back”
fanmail instead of a messaging system
reaction gifs
“I like your shoelaces”
“Thanks, I stole them for the President”
gif vs. jif
people HATED Miranda Cosgrove
and Nicolas Cage
the like and reblog buttons were at the top of a post
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revclverheld · 4 years
|| Indefinite hiatus. I am sorry, friends.
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revclverheld · 4 years
losing my shit because my dad was telling me that some country music artist he likes went to the hospital and got high off edibles and made an album that was so far removed from being country music that country music fans of his are having fucking fits about it online but that’s not the strange part, the strange part is that this dude sought out the guy who animated those cool 3d jojo intros from parts 1-3 and that one batman ninja movie (i think his name is junpei mizusaki) and got him to animate a full 40 minute short film set to his new weird album and it looks like fucking
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revclverheld · 4 years
*sexily breaks law* *sexily breaks law* *sexily breaks law* *sexily breaks law* *sexily breaks law* *sexily bre
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revclverheld · 4 years
reblog this if your muse is Not Straight
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revclverheld · 4 years
|| My timestamps do not work anymore, I hate it
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revclverheld · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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revclverheld · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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revclverheld · 4 years
Hanzo’s ult be like 🐉👀
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revclverheld · 4 years
Tumblr media
I’ve been in hysterics since I woke up bc everyone got googly eyes this year for April Fool’s and THEY EVEN GOT HANZO’S DRAGONS AND I
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revclverheld · 4 years
Tumblr media
|| I’M-
|| everyone in overwatch has fuCKING GOOGLY EYES I AM SCREAMING
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revclverheld · 4 years
|| everyone in overwatch has fuCKING GOOGLY EYES I AM SCREAMING
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revclverheld · 4 years
|| Me: -does nearly nothing on here, just lurking, sometimes posting some shit-
Me: -gains followers-
Me: sdfgh damn makes me feel bad
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revclverheld · 4 years
New XKit and the new Tumblr dashboard
Hi everyone! Some of you may be aware that Tumblr has been offering a beta of the new web interface for a little while now. This new web experience comes with some nice perks, such as color palettes, soft refreshing, a built-in tag viewer, and a better user blocking system. It’s also built from the ground up with accessibility standards in mind, and designed to be fully compatible with screen readers.
Unfortunately, such long-needed improvements have come at a price for those that truly rely on XKit features—the new web interface is entirely new, written from the ground up, and thus, XKit doesn’t work on it.
Recently, we’ve become aware that some people have been forcibly opted into this beta with no option to exit it, and this lines up with the projection that this new web interface will be fully launched by April 2020. However, the New XKit project is entirely staffed by volunteers, and we do not expect to have enough bandwidth to be able to fully update XKit for this new dashboard before its full launch.
Update (2020-03-24): Tumblr has introduced an opt-out toggle in the Dashboard Settings for XKit users, which will give us a little more time until the full switch-over.
“Oh no! Tumblr’s trying to kill XKit!”
You would be amazed at what’s actually happening. A few Tumblr engineers are working with us and are building things into the new dashboard specifically to make our jobs easier! So please, rest assured that XKit being broken currently is not part of some grand scheme to make the Tumblr dashboard unmodifiable - we just need more time to catch up, and we’re being helped along.
“But I can’t use Tumblr without XKit!”
This is a problem we see echoed a lot. While we will be updating XKit to work on the new dashboard, we don’t know yet how long it will take us. We’re prioritizing features based on the suggestions you all give, so it’s extremely helpful when you let both us and Tumblr know which parts of XKit are absolutely essential to your day-to-day Tumblr usage. In the meantime, we ask that you try out the new dashboard, with all its new features, and give clear, constructive, and respectful feedback to both us and Tumblr support.
Tumblr has already implemented some equivalents of existing XKit features, and we’re already expecting more to appear down the line. As Tumblr gains a better understanding of why and how people use XKit, we expect to see that list grow.
This is not the end for XKit - merely a stage of metamorphosis. Thank you all for your patience!
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