Food Lifestyle Review: should I do it?
Hey everyone,
I have been considering whether or not I should document and review my way of eating. For the past few months, I have switched over to eating ketogenic. That means that instead of using glucose, my body uses fat for fuel. Of course, this is just one way of eating, and everybody is different.
However, there is not a lot of info available out there about how the keto diet affects a transmasculine individual’s hormones. There’s stuff on reddit about it, but that’s about it. Would you be interested in hearing about how it affects my personal hormones? I definitely have some things to say about it, and I would like to be able to help transmasc individuals make an informed decision if they are considering a lower carb/keto diet. 
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boosting this 
Trans folks in the US
If you haven’t legally corrected your name and gender markers, I would highly recommend doing so as soon as possible. Don’t procrastinate this. If you’re not sure how to change your documents then this map will walk you through the steps necessary in your state (or the state you were born in). This link breaks down exactly how to change the gender marker on your passport. If finances are preventing you from changing your documents then you can apply for a fee waiver to potentially reduce or eliminate the cost, though this is up to the judge’s discretion. You can also reach out to local or national organizations that provide financial assistance for trans people changing their documents. For example, the Trans Relief Project (national), Name Change Project (Colorado), or Kim and Elise Beaudoin Memorial Name Change Fund (Maine). I’ve procrastinated this myself and now, nearly 6.5 years into my transition, I’m finally taking the steps to amend my birth certificate.
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That was an unexpected hiatus
I apologize for my absence. School hit me real hard, as well as work. I promise, I’ll be more active here with reviews, helpful info, and hopefully some sort of giveaway. My goal is to help the community and give back, and I will not lose sight of that goal. Thank you for all those who still follow me
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FTM Review Compilation
This is a list of products I have used and reviewed. The reviews on this list from other blogs were also done by me–just before I made @swiss-army-dick. Reviews are in order of purchase, so keep that in mind when reading them because my opinions might change slightly with time. Prices are accurate as of the time I enter them in this list. However, the prices here may differ from what was listed on the original review, they may differ based on the place you purchase from, and they may differ or be unavailable outside of the US. Almost all links are NSFW, and please let me know if you notice a broken link. Finally, these are only my opinions, so I would recommend trying to find a few different folks’ reviews before making a big purchase. 
This was last updated (3/19/18).
Basic Packers
Archer (extra small):$45.00: review/buy
Archer (regular):$55.00: review/buy
Reelmagik Basic (3″ classic):$49.00: review/buy
Reelmagik Basic (4.5″ soft):$59.00: review/buy
Mr. Limpy (medium):$14.00: review/buy
STP Devices and Packers
Number One STP:$50.00: review/buy
EZP:$195.00: review/buy
pStyle:$12.00: review/buy
Emisil Compact STP:$98.00: review/buy
Emisil Compact STP vs EZP: comparison 
Pack and Plays
Tantus Pack ‘n Play No. 2:$96.74: review/buy
The Bono:$295.00: review/buy
Freetom Rogue Pack n Play:$249.00: review/buy
Adherable Prosthetics
GenderMender (4″ super soft): $178.00: review/buy
3 in 1s/4 in 1s
Freetom Sleek 4 in 1: $229.00: review/buy
Harnesses and Underwear
JKY H-Fly Briefs:around $20.00: review/[currently unable to find a way to buy online]
Peecock Miracle Jockstrap Harness:$27.00: review/buy
SpareParts Pete Packing Jock:$26.95: review/buy
TranZwear Swim Briefs:$19.95: review/buy
Joey Packing Pouch (Ballsy):$20.00: review/buy
D-Slang Harness:$15.00: review/buy
Masturbation Sleeves
Blue Valentine Sexy Pill:$12.00: review/buy
Fascination Sleeve:$29.00: review/buy
Bad Dragon Cum Lube:$7.00: review/buy
Gillette Clear Gel Deodorant:$3.99: review/buy
Summer’s Eve Body Powder: $3.83: review/buy 
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Y'all!! LUSH is doing a trans rights event with “How to Be a Trans Ally” information booklets, charity items and everything.
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Bono Update
I have been using this product for a few months now and I’ve come to get to know how it is in different boxers. I have used it with regular tight boxer briefs, and it stays in place during sexual activities. Yes, I will have another update when I make the loop in briefs, but for now, I’m a fan. This product is truly life changing and I’m not one to feed into hypes about things. I was never a giant Peecock fan [though I’d try their products out anyway], but the Bono really is what it’s cracked out to be. It’s also very durable. 
New content is coming soon. I’ve been working on a bigger post, so it hasn’t been a quick one to make. Sorry for the delays
Side note, it makes a good microphone if you’re doing karaoke alone in your room.
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Mr. Fenis STP review
This product was very hyped about 3-5 years ago, as it was truly one of the only STPs of its kind. the Go-Girl [kind of a rough name] was widely known, but there weren’t many options for transmasc folks to pee standing up. That’s when the Fenis and the Mr. Fenis came out. A few years ago, I decided to get one. It isn’t as popular now, but people are still purchasing them to alleviate bathroom dysphoria. 
Price: The product is anywhere between 12 and 25 dollars. I got mine for around 20, so it’s on the cheaper side of products.
Color: There are a variety of colors, but only a few skin tones. It was decent for what it was, especially at the time.
Let’s get started! As usual, pictures and details are below the cut.
Look: 7/10. From far away, it could pass as a penis. Granted, it isn’t super detailed. There is a ridge for the tip, but there aren’t veins and it is all one color. Considering the fact it is just an STP though, nobody would be seeing it more than out of the corner of their eye at a urinal. It definitely does the job.
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Feel: No rating because it’s not supposed to feel like a packer.. Obviously, it is not going to feel real. It is very rubbery, which makes cleaning the product much easier. It’s hollow because it is an STP device, so it wouldn’t work as a packer well.
How it works: 6.5/10. The first time I used this, I was so excited. I used it in the shower, and didn’t leak a single drop. The key is to hold the funnel to your anatomy firmly, but not too firm, because the material is rubbery. However, it was pretty hard for me to get that level of perfection over a toilet, because I’d have to not be wearing pants and kind of squatting over it for it to work. It works for some people, but it didn’t really work for me on a consistent basis.
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The cool thing about the product is that you can fold it up and put it in your pocket or a small bag for convenient use. Be careful though, if not folded up and in something small, it many unroll and you’ll just have a big ol peen in your pocket
Overall: 6.5/10. This definitely has the potential to be a quality product. It just didn’t work for me. It is a cheap option for an STP, since now they can cost up to a few hundred dollars. 
Is it worth it?: If you JUST need to stand to pee and want something affordable, and are willing to have some patience with this product, then yes. It isn’t expensive, so you’re not losing tons of money if it doesn’t work.
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New Year, New Stuff Coming
Hey all! Happy New Year. First of all, thank you to everyone who has followed me and supported me with the launch of this blog. It means a lot to me, and it inspires me to work harder. So in response to that, here’s a list of projects I will be working on this year!
Reviews of new products: I will be reviewing new products, with a review coming out on a more regular basis. Every other Saturday, I will post a review [unless I run out of products to review]
Comparisons: I will be comparing different products to help reviewers choose which one fits them.
Giveaways: I want to be able to give away products to you. A goal for this year is to do at LEAST one giveaway. 
Guides: I am working on a draft of a guide for college students and how to navigate products on a tight budget.
Take-overs: Soon, you guys can make reviews too! Since I don’t have every product in the world and do not need binders anymore, I would love for you guys to send in submissions.
Can’t wait to see what this year has in store. I am super excited to be working on this blog and I cannot wait to be able to extend my vision of what I want this to be.
Happy New Year!
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The Bono by Transthetics
I’m so happy I am finally reviewing this, I’m kinda freaking out still. This product, by Transthetics, is probably on the top five most talked about list of packers and prosthetics.
Price: With shipping, it as a little over 300, which is pretty expensive, but it’s going to last me for a good amount of time. I found it to be a decent price considering what it is.
Customer Service: Let me just say that Alex, the guy who runs the shop, is probably the most helpful person I’ve ever talked to in customer service. Not only does he personally send out care information once your product ships, but he responds to his emails in less than a day. I had to change my shipping address and he was super supportive and helpful. I would honestly work for him or with him at any time because he has a great attitude and grip on this company.
Shipping: This product shipped seven days after I ordered it, and I got it a few days after that. It was way faster than I expected, which was a really nice surprise.
Color options: The Bono comes in three colors, which is pretty standard. I chose the lightest color, which worked really well in realism for me.
Optional attachment: The Bono comes with a 29 dollar optional textured head that goes on the vibe and will rub on you. I didn’t purchase this, but it is certainly good to try for future reviews.
As always, pictures and the review of the product itself is below the cut.
Look:9/10. Wooooooow. Okay first of all, even though the veins aren’t a different color, they look real. The tip looks super rosy red in these pictures, but it isn’t as red. Still, it looks great. It’s a good size, and definitely a good proportion for my height and body frame. My favorite part of this is the detail in the tip, especially the underside.
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As you can see, the underside has the little veins and dips leading up to the tip, which to me is very important.
Feel:10/10. This thing is the real deal. It feels like I am touching skin. With a little lube, this thing feels like a cis penis. With the vibrator insert, it feels just like I imagine an erect cis penis would. The ridges of the tip add an extra texture that enhances the product.
Solo: 10/10. At first, I was a little nervous because I get very dysphoric if my prosthetic doesn’t have testicles. However, that all went away the minute I used this. You can’t really hear the buzz of the vibrator, and it honestly feels as if it is attached to me. This, along with the ejaculating aspect, has made me feel so much better. I’ve never had too much of an issue with solo play, but this definitely makes up for the moments of dysphoria that I do experience. Honestly, I would recommend this even if you are single and not currently involved with anyone sexually. It is an incredible prosthetic.
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The insert of the vibe gives the Bono the natural curve an erect penis would have. Since the ejaculation reservoir is already kind of hard, the rest of it becomes just as hard as it. It isn’t rock solid like some products out there, which makes it feel more natural and less like you’re jacking off with plastic. 
With a partner: 8//10. The shaft is 7 inches insert-able, and definitely a bit girthy, so it can take a partner a bit to get used to. The vibrating part is nice for both parties for sure. I admittedly haven’t had a ton of experience in this field, but I have used this once. Even when the vibe was turned off, I could still feel the bottom of it against me, which made for a realistic sensation. The only issue I had was probably my fault, and it is that the underwear I used for it didn’t keep it in place all the time. I used the Jockey H-Fly Boxer Briefs, which are great for this product, but since it doesn’t have testicles, the Bono would slip out a little too far every once in a while. I’m going to eventually either purchase or create the Budgie briefs, and I will make an update review.
Ejaculation: 8/10. This part was super cool but a bit tricky to get down. I had to insert the liquid, a mixture of Bad Dragon cum lube and water, gently into the tip of the penis, pictured here
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It had a tenancy to squirt out, but eventually it all went in. In order for it to projectile come [haha] out of the tip, you gotta put a good amount in there and squeeze. My prosthetic has a bit of an odd soft spot on the tip that makes me a bit hesitant to squeeze firmly, but so far so good. I cannot express how much this alleviated my dysphoria. I can squeeze this at the right time and it feels right.
Care: Make sure to not keep the vibrator and shaft together, because silicone on silicone contact can wear it down. As with any product used for sex, make sure to wash thoroughly. I personally haven’t needed to use any corn starch, so that is definitely a plus.
Harness: As previously mentioned, I probably should’ve created a harness or purchased one. Instead, I’ve used the Jockey H-Fly boxers, which are super comfortable. It doesn’t completely hold the prosthetic, because it doesn’t have testicles that typically keep products in my boxers. I do have to adjust when using the Bono with a partner, so I will look into making the proper harness, which Alex has graciously made a video showing customers how to.
Overall: 9/10. This product is state of the art and definitely the start of some great things to come. It is almost perfect, and it’s just going to keep getting better. I was so worried it wasn’t going to be worth the hype, but I can finally say that it is totally worth the hype.
Would I recommend it? Absolutely, especially for solo play.
Special shout out to @transtheticsblog or being great, and to Alex for being an awesome dude.
You can purchase the Bono here 
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IMPORTANT-Ftm Black Friday/Weekend Deals
Hey everyone, the holidays are coming up, and I know that as a trans individual, it is important to treat yourself to something that makes you feel confident. That’s why I put together a list of deals happening across trans-related online stores.
Packers/STPS/Packing Harnesses
Tranzwear- STPs come with free packer dust and a case, packing underwear just 5 dollars, and more- http://www.tranzwear.net/store.php?seller=TranZwear&pg=5694#.WheWkEqnHIU 
Number one laboratory: the site where you can get the Model D STP and the BJ- 30% off products- https://www.numberonelaboratory.com/post/225965953699/30-off-sale
TheMensRoom- All weekend long, get all sorts of FREE gear after your purchases- http://themensroomtransshop.com/ 
Reelmagik- 15% off basic packers,  10% off STPS, and 5% off Pack and plays- http://www.reelmagik.com/#ewpopup/0/
Freetom prosthetics: different types of sales based on availability-https://www.freetomprosthetics.com/pages/black-friday-sale
EC Prosthetics- 20% off everything with discount code: https://www.ecprosthetics.com/ 
GC2B- 15% off all Binder Stock- https://www.gc2b.co/
There may be more, but this is what I could find so far. I will keep updating with more info. Until then, happy shopping :} 
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Calling all Binder Wearers
Hey everyone! Sorry for the minor hiatus. I am back with reviews, starting with an stp and then I will release the Bono review. Anyways, since I tend to only post packing related reviews, I would love to have some followers submit their binder reviews to me to send out! I’ve had top surgery so I can’t make them myself, but I would love to share and support others’ reviews of different types of binders. Feel free to shoot me a message if you’re interested in sharing a review. Thanks! Hopefully everyone has a good Thanksgiving and rest of the week.
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Are you aware of any small (I'm a short and small trans guy), adherable STP packers?
Hey there anon! Yeah, the average STP Packer is 5.5 inches, so I understand the frustration trying to find something a little smaller. I did a little digging and found a few options that aren’t perfect, but they might work for you: 
The Reelmagik STP- 5 inches long. It may be a little big for you but it does adhere to skin. It’s expensive at 519 dollars.
Next isn’t an STP, but you can get it as small as 3 inches. GenderCat has these self-adhesive packers that look super groundbreaking. It’s 228 dollars, but they offer payment plans.
FreeToM Buddy STP- FreeToM says that while products aren’t made for adhesive, a lot of their customers do it and have no problem. The Buddy Stp is 3.5 inches long and I believe you can get one for as little as 79 dollars. 
Heres the link:https://www.freetomprosthetics.com/collections/2-in-1-pack-and-pee-prosthetic/products/already-made-buddy-3-5-stp?variant=24240400774
Emisil STP- 5 inches, but I believe it’s adhesive safe. There’s the STP packer Gen 2, and the compact STP
STP Packer 340 euros- https://www.emisil.com/s-t-p-stand-to-pee-urination-device-2nd-generation.html
Compact STP- 92 euros- https://www.emisil.com/compact-s-t-p-stand-to-pee.html 
Peecock Gen 3S stp/play/pack prosthetic- This comes in a 3.75 inch version. It’s 169 dollars, but it is a 3 in1. It isn’t made for adhesive but it is possible to use it a little.
Overall, there aren’t a ton of options, but some things here may work for you. If you’re concerned with packing a little bigger, tucking the shaft up into the waistband has been helpful for me personally. Hopefully this helps for you! If I find anything else, I’ll make an update post about it so you can see it.
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Mr. Right 5.5″ packer review
This packer was created by VixenToys. It is sold on Early2Bed and ToolShedToys, as well as ftm specific sites such as FtmEssentials.
Price: Usually between $50-$60, but I got mine at ToolShedToys for $49. A pretty good price for the realism.
Color options: The standard three colors- vanilla, caramel, and chocolate, are the options. I wish there were more but three is pretty standard in the packer world.
Shipping: This product shipped within a few days of order, and was delivered within a week. It was fast and efficient.
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Let’s get started!
Look:9/10. For a non-painted packer, this looks incredible. It comes in a nice little box, which originally scared me because it looked like a literal dick in a box.
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When taken out,you can see the detail. There’s a vein that runs on the underside of the shaft which looks really nice.  The balls aren’t these perfect uniformly sized ones that you see on other packers, so I really liked that the left was bigger than the right. I also appreciate the balls, because they have wrinkles and appear to have a different texture than the shaft. Here’s a picture of the balls and the underside of the shaft:
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Feel: 9/10. I love the feel of this packer. It’s squishy yet firm, and definitely is very realistic. The textured balls are also pretty cool as well.
Packing:7/10. It is good to pack with if you have tight briefs. Otherwise, it’s damn huge.I was able to pack with it if i tucked the shaft to the side. When I want to pack large, I usually pack with this. Here’s what it looks like without the shaft tucked somewhere:
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As you can see, it’s a pretty big bump. It’s only a half inch longer than the Mr. Limpy [which I reviewed earlier]. but it is SO much bigger in pants due to the different material and girth. Here’s a side by side comparison:
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As you can see in this picture, the Mr. Right is definitely girthier than the Mr. Limpy, and appears firmer. It is certainly a bigger bulge in pants because it doesn’t squish down like the cyberskin material of Mr. Limpy.
Play: This packer is firm enough that it can work for some penetration. However, I don’t recommend doing it often, because it isn’t meant for sex. A condom will fit on it, and you can put it in a harness to keep it still. It’s certainly not the most ideal product for that, but it is possible. I’ve found that unless held in place, it’s too floppy for any kind of sexual activity.I have not rated this aspect because it is not meant for it, therefore I really can’t comment on it.
Overall: 7/10. The best part of this product is it’s feel. For being one of the older packers on the market, it has always impressed with its realism. Packing with it can be tricky but it depends on what kind of pants and underwear you wear. If you wear jeans and briefs, it will be much better than if you wear boxer briefs and gym shorts.
Is it worth the price?- I believe so. It is a very durable packer that will last a lot longer than a lot of other products [looking at you, Peecock Gen 2].
Sorry for the delay! Thanks for reading. You can buy the Mr. Right here.
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Exciting News
I will be reviewing the Bono by Transthetics shortly. I’m super excited, and I can’t wait to get it in the mail. In the meantime, a new review will be out tomorrow afternoon. Thanks for everyone’s support! I can’t wait to continue this blog and eventually make a master post on affordable products.
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Packing Boxer Briefs-TheMensRoom
Today I’m reviewing the packing boxer briefs from TheMensRoom, a new company specializing in affordable gear for trans men. They had an Etsy shop, but now have a website, found here. I ordered this and their basic harness, which I will be reviewing later. Let’s get down to the basics of the product.
Shipping: It took about a week and a half for this to ship, which originally made me confused. However, they’re made to order, so it is certainly understandable.
Price:I got this for about $12.00, because it was  $10.00 plus an extra 2 for the ball cage. It is currently listed for $10.00 with it, so the price has gone down. Definitely not the most expensive harness I’ve ever bought, so I was quite happy with it.
Size: These boxer briefs come in sizes S-XL. I fit into this array, but not everyone does. I would appreciate if they offered XS and XXL for other people, but that’s just my opinion.
Color: There isn’t a color option, but mine came in blue. I think they come in either grey blue or black, but it’s whatever you get you get, I believe. Some people have preferences, but I personally didn’t mind getting them in a random color. I like the shade of blue they gave me.
Look:7/10. The boxers themselves looked super comfortable. They don’t scream “omg it’s a packing harness inside boxers”, so that’s certainly a plus. The product looks just like regular boxers, and the inside is what differentiates them. Here’s what they look like on the outside:
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On the inside, there’s a piece of fabric sewn in to hold the packer. At first glance, it scared me, because it looked pretty small. Here’s what it looks like:
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It looks kind of complicated, but I will explain it.
How it works: There are two looks, one that is considerably tighter than the other. You put the packer in the tighter one and pull it all the way through. The tighter one wraps around the balls  Below the cut is a picture of what it looks like,
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I’m using the Tomas prosthetic in this picture, which I have already reviewed in earlier posts. As you can see, the shaft goes through the smaller loop, and the other one goes around the balls.
In practice: 8/10. I personally think the system is pretty unique for a packing harness. The harness forces the shaft pretty down between your legs, and the balls up. It probably is better to use a smaller packer for this, because it has the potential to make a GIANT bulge. Although it might not be the most realistic way of packing, I think it gets the job done pretty well. I would recommend purchasing it with the ball cage for sure, because it really secures the packer. It is a little uncomfortable to have a packer wedged between your legs like that, but it does the job.
Overall: 7.5/10, For a startup company with simple products, it’s pretty good, It doesn’t especially look like a cool new and innovative harness, but it does the job well. I recommend this company, because they are very nice people and are working towards a good cause. The products aren’t anything the ftm product market hasn’t seen before, but they work.
You can buy this product and other trans essentials at their shop here.
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Checkout our new website! Its packed full of awesome stuff!
Online shop full of essentials for your transition
Resources page featuring local listings on healthcare professionals, legal help, support centers, and then some! (Oh and YOU can add listings in your area to help expand this page)
Community page with a forum for trans guys to discuss things with other trans guys!
Were still throwing some of the last pieces together! So keep coming back to see more!
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Peecock Gen 2 (5.5 inch) 3 in 1
Super late to the game, but here’s my review of an older model of the 3 in 1 prosthetic from Peecock Products. I got this back in 2013, and used it every once in a while until the beginning of this year, when it completely fell apart (more on that later). I hope to eventually get the Gen 3s or Gen X, and review that in comparison. Side note: this company releases products like iphones, which I find amusing. There’s the 6s Iphone I have, and then there’s a 3s penis!
Company: Peecock Products has always been a very trans friendly company, and they appear to be relatively attentive to their customers.
Price: I bought this for about $180, but with shipping and tax it set me back well over $230 at least.
Color: With 5 different color options, it’s better than the standard 3. I chose the light beige, because I have very fair skin.
As always, pictures and further review aspects under the cut!
Look:5/10.  I was disappointed that the actual prosthetic did not match my skin color, like it appeared to in several pictures. It looks a bit grey, something that I didn’t like. In retrospect, I should have definitely gone with the light brown because it looks paler than the light beige. Here’s what it looks like:
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It may appear a dimly lit picture, but it is just as grey in person. Looking closer, the shaft is the best feature. I appreciate the veins and the ridge under the tip. Here’s a closer look at the tip:
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The worst feature, of the entire product and its functions, is the balls. They look so unrealistic, it was disheartening. Here’s what they look like, as well as a small comparison of my skin color vs the color of the model.
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Feel: 7/10. This product, minus the balls, feels pretty good. It does have that hollow effect where it makes a noise if squeezed too hard, but from just a feel perspective it is pretty decent. The shaft was squishy but not as squishy as a Mr. Limpy, giving a pretty nice texture.
Packing: 6/10. Although the shaft itself is probably under 5.5 inches, it certainly did not feel like it in pants. I often used RodeOH trunks (that I have reviewed here) to hold it in place. I had a lot of trouble getting it to stay, because when I tried to pack it to one side it pressed against my pants and made it look like I had a big erection. Packing it straight down did the same, and I ended up having to almost hold it between my legs to get it to be a good bulge. However, around the house when nobody was home, it feels pretty realistic in gym shorts.
Peeing: 4/10. I don’t think I could get it to work even in the shower. To get it to work for a little, you have to cup the funnel part under you and press lightly into your body, and bend your knees a little. This requires taking your pants off, so I don’t know how urinal compatible it is. This is just my personal experience though, and it may work for some people.
Play: 6.5/10. This was a product I used a lot because it was my only option at the time (before I got the Tomas by T-Men’s Junk Shop, my current favorite product for penetration). The shaft is slim enough so it works with any person’s body, whether or not they have a girth preference. The product comes with an erection rod, pictured here:
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Before using it for play, put some WATER BASED lube on the rod and insert it into the product. Make sure you have washed the product beforehand, especially if you have used this as an stp. Unfortunately, the erection it gives is not that, err, impressive.This is what it looked like in a harness, to show you how inconvenient the angle was:
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During intercourse, you have to keep holding the shaft up or else it comes out easily. The condom (which you should use with this) helps, but not that much. It certainly works, but it isn’t the most convenient.
Overall positives: The feel of it in your pants is realistic, and the feel of it in general is nice too. If you’re looking for something to be able to use for play on the go, this is good because all you need to do is bring lube, the rod, and a condom.
Overall negatives: The biggest negative for me was the stp function. The balls were also terrible to look at.
Wear and tear: I had heard about the peecock ripping after a while, but I did not use it that frequently, so I did not think it would apply to me. I was certainly wrong. This is what mine looks like now:
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It is completely unusable unless I use silicone glue. It had a four year run though, so congrats to the product!
Overall: 6/10. No 3-in-1 is perfect, and things are gonna work for some people and not for others. This product just didn’t really work for me, but it was my only option at one point in my life. I recommend going for a product that’s a little cheaper. For what it’s worth, Peecock has stepped up their game lately, and I have high hopes for their gen x.
Is it worth the price? It’s not my favorite product by far. I personally thought this product was a big letdown, but I still used it because I paid lots of money for it. I’m hopeful for current products, but this one wasn’t worth the $230+ dollars I spent on it with tax and shipping.
Harness/ underwear: Use it in tight briefs or a RodeOH harness. The tighter the better, because it doesn’t pack flat.
Thanks for reading! Reviews will likely be out every (or every other, depending on my schedule) Saturday.
You can buy the Gen 2 here, and the newest product, the Gen X, here
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