rexwalkers · 2 years
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my beloved created a skyrex royal au and well so... here they are prince anakin skywalker and knight rex among the water lilies
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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Fellas, is it gay to teach your General how to use your blasters, when the man already knows how to shoot?
For @rexwalkerweek Aug 5th: Geonosis | Form V: Control, Confidence, Physicality
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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LATE DNDJJD @rexwalkerweek day 6 - balance!
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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An alternate universe where everything is fine and now Rex has to babysit yet another skywalker
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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So sing while we're falling apart
I'll take you dancing
We lived through the wreck of our hearts
And now we're
Just picking up the pieces
Learning how to see when
Love is in the dark
Wreck of Our hearts by Sleeping Wolf
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rexwalkers · 2 years
Boba Has a Crush (On Rex’s Boyfriend)
In which Boba's quest for vengeance is derailed by a very pretty man with a lightsaber and a taste for violence.
Read on AO3
Literally ten days late but at least it exists! For @rexwalkerweek:
August 6th: Christophsis Form VI: Balance, Restriction, Justice
It’s… it’s so stupid, is the thing.
Boba’s planning his revenge. He is planning it, okay? He’s hanging out with cool older bounty hunters—not the ones his dad got on with, really, but Aurra found him before Kal or Mij did, and she seems okay—and setting up undercover work and learning code phrases and studying Jedi movements.
The Jedi are… nice to the clones. It’s weird. Sometimes, they get footage of a Jedi being nice to one of those clones that’s old and scarred enough that they look like Dad from a distance, and Boba’s stomach twists because he can almost imagine, for a moment…
But then the moment passes, and he just wants revenge again. Yeah, he wants to be pat on the head and hugged like the cadets he’s learning to mimic and blend in with on Kamino, but that’s not important. Avenging Dad is.
(Aurra and Cad don’t pat him on the head. They don’t hug him.)
(Every few days, he thinks about reaching out to Mij or Kal, but they wouldn’t let him seek revenge, so… after. He’ll reach out after.)
He looks into Kenobi for a while, trying to figure out if the man’s supposed familiarity with Mandalore would be something Boba could leverage. Dad had said the guy was annoying, but tolerable for a Jedi. Maybe Boba can manipulate him with that, somehow. Kenobi had an apprentice, right? So he was used to kids? Boba needs to learn more about this Skywalker guy.
Battle footage. Rex is in it, and Boba feels weird about that; he kind of remembers hanging out with Rex a few times, when he was young enough that Dad wouldn’t take him on missions, and he stayed behind with some of the clones. Rex had only been there because Boba had been left with Alpha-17 pretty regularly, and Rex followed around one of Alpha’s trainees, Cody, like a duckling.
Or at least, that was how Fox had described it. Boba hadn’t really known what a duck was.
Focus, he reminds himself. The Jedi. Skywalker. He needs to figure out the guy and see if there’s something he can use.
Good form. Violent and aggressive in a way the other Jedi don’t usually let show. Massive damage radius, holy kark.
Skywalker laughs atop a pile of decimated B-1s, and Boba feels his stomach turn.
Maybe. Maybe he can change the plan a bit. And slip into the Jedi’s unsuspecting Temple a different way.
Fives is the one that finds the kid.
His initial thought is that the transport that brought him and Echo back to the 501st after ARC training had gotten a cadet stowaway. Sure, the brat isn’t in uniform, but when there’s an obvious Fett clone, sized small, hiding in the rations cargo, and the transport from Kamino only landed three days ago, it feels like the obvious conclusion.
He holds the kid out at arm’s length by the back of the tunic. The kid hisses at him like a tooka. Fives shakes him appropriately.
“How the hell did you sneak past the minders?” Fives asks, head tilted.
“Fuck you.”
Yeah, that tracks. “Well, I guess I need to… get you back to Kamino? General Ti might want to up security.”
“I’m not from Kamino,” the kid scoffs, struggling as Fives grabs his hands as he tosses him over one shoulder; no reason to let the cadet have access to the weapons on Fives’ belt. “I mean, I grew up there, but I don’t belong there.”
“Yeah, no shit,” Fives snorts. “We all feel that way. Doesn’t mean you can just run off.”
“I’m not one of you,” the kid snaps.
“Sure, cadet.”
“I’m older than you!” the kid practically howls.
Fives pauses. He takes the kid off his shoulder. He examines the very angry small person.
“Boba?” he hazards.
“Ya think?”
(Continue on AO3)
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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Done for @rexwalkerweek
Day 7: Umbara │Form VII: Self-Awereness, Risk and Reward , Secrecy
I decided to go with the idea of Vader with Purge Commander Captain Rex. The Empire's Finest and Most Dangerous.
(click to view in better quality)
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rexwalkers · 2 years
The Elements of Falling in Love(While Your Parents Plan a Coup) WIP Big Bang!
Story Title:The Elements of Falling in Love(While Your Parents Plan a Coup)
Fandom: Star Wars
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41212575
Summary: When Sith Lord Anakin Skywalker’s Master Obi-Wan said that he wanted to start a coup and take over the Sith Empire, he was sure the older man had lost his mind. Even more so when he said they were going to ask the Mandalorian Empire for help. All of that left his mind though as soon as they reached Mandalore and he found something, someone, much more enthralling to hold his attention. Mandalorian Prince Rex Fett.
Warnings: No Archive Warnings
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex, CC-2224 | Cody, CC-3636 | Wolffe, Boba Fett, Jango Fett
Pairings: CT-7567 | Rex/Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, CT-7567 | Rex & CC-3636 | Wolffe, CC-2224 | Cody & CT-7567 | Rex, Boba Fett & CT-7567 | Rex, Jango Fett & CT-7567 | Rex
When I Started: I started this the beginning of this year, and at first it was just a handwritten kinda cracky idea.
How I Lost My Shit: I lost faith in this actually being a good idea and questioned the plot line entirely not too long after I started it. Then I lost the actual original handwritten scenes and had no idea where they were, nor could I remember much about what was written. (Still haven’t actually found those!)
How I Finished My Shit: @jebiknights is entirely to thank for me finishing this. They showed me the link to the WIP Big Bang, and we decided to participate in it together. Without their encouragement, I would have dropped out almost right after I signed up.
I’ll forever be grateful for that encouragement, because I am so glad to have finished this story! The @wipbigbang has been so fun to do. And getting to work with @ahsokatano-thetogruta to make this AU a reality has been a blast. You can see the beautiful art she made for Rex and Anakin here!
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rexwalkers · 2 years
The Senator And His Bodyguard - Part I
Author’s Note : This is an au! me and @farkmagic wrote, you can find another story about it here. Please remember that English isn’t my native language, so there might be some mistakes and stuff. I hope you all like it, have a great day/night!
TW : mention of slavery (?)
Keep reading
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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An illustration for @jayjaymorgan story
It's not that good, idk how to draw the Senate building
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rexwalkers · 2 years
in an angsty mood, so: “do you think about them when you look at me?” With Rexwalker?
Oooooh I’ve never written Rexwalker, and don’t consume it often, but let’s see how this goes!
On My Mind
read on AO3 or below the cut!!
Rex watched Anakin as he moved around his quarters.
He watched the play of shadows across the lean muscles of his partners bare back as he leaned forwards to grab Rex’s dirty socks and toss them down the laundry chute. One of the perks of staying in the Temple – he may have to sneak in and out of Anakin’s room so as not upset the more hardline members of the Order, but he would wake up to clean clothes every morning. 
That, and Anakin’s bed was stupid comfy.
His quarters in the Temple weren’t any cleaner than his quarter’s on the Resolute had been. Worse, actually, because of the sheer amount of crap he’s accumulated over his life. Mostly toy starships – lovingly worn and arranged around the room on almost every shelf. That, plus a wealth of spare parts for his saber, Artoo, Threepio… 
Plus just a load of spare spare parts he’s collected “just in-case”. 
Rex watched Anakin shuffle around said spare parts – supposedly tidying but really just moving the mess around before he was ready to sleep – and finally plucked up the courage to ask a question that had been on his mind for a while.
“Do you ever think about them when you look at me?” he asked.
Anakin dropped whatever bit of metal and circuitry he was holding to the floor and whirled around. 
“Who the hell would I think about?” he asked, which Rex supposed answered his question well enough. 
“The other clones,” Rex explained, settling back against Anakin’s pillows.
“No!” Anakin said, walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed. “Well –”
He frowned.
“Sometimes, during the war, after we’d lost someone…” 
Anakin’s eyes flicker to Rex’s.
“Then, yeah. I would look at you and think about them.”
Rex looked at him.
“What about now?” he asked softly.
Anakin shrugged.
“Sometimes. You’ll do something that reminds me of Fives, or you’ll laugh and I’ll think of Hardcase. But I’m not– I’d never– I don’t wish you were them or anything. I miss them but…”
Anakin smiled at him, soft and full of love.
“They’re not you, Rex,” he said.
Rex slid a hand around the back of Anakin’s neck and tugged him in for a kiss. Anakin shuffled up the bed to make it easier, tilting his head into Rex’s palm. His mechanical hand settled on Rex’s thigh as he leaned in, squeezing gently. 
Eventually he pulled back, resting his forehead against Rex’s.
“I love you, Rex,” he whispered into the quiet, perfect space between them. 
“I love you too,” Rex replied. 
An hour later, and Rex had made sure Anakin was definitely only thinking about him. 
If he had any thoughts left, that was. 
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rexwalkers · 2 years
“We promised Rex we’d help him.”
“Captain Rex, this is General Skywalker. We’re… not going to be able to help you.”
“The mission always comes first, Sir.”
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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more stupid rexwalker content bc im a sucker and like to draw during dnd
–> also someone give me SW requests plz im bored
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rexwalkers · 2 years
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rexwalkers · 2 years
what the bad batch thought was happening in episode 2
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