rhaenotion · 9 years
She doesn’t want a boyfriend, she’s ready for a man. Someone who understands that she has more than just physical needs that must be met. She’s ready for a man who’s willing to be there for her so consistently that she’ll never have to double check...she’s ready. She’s ready for a man who takes an interest in her mental and emotional well-being. She’s ready for a man that can feel what she’s trying to say even when she’s not speaking...she’s ready.
Mr. Amari Soul
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rhaenotion · 9 years
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Lets get it on! #PacquiaoMayweather #YeahLive #ZeroCrimeRate #FilipinoHoliday 💪😎👊
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rhaenotion · 10 years
So I have not blogged for like 10 years? (exaggeration I know its actually just 7 months haha) its because I became busy with work and actually socializing with people? haha and I also got a boyfriend, or should I say I had a boyfriend haha (huhu :( ). So yeah I'm single again and that's why I'm blogging again haha, and its also the reason why my first blog in a long time is about LOVE. Yeah, that crazy little thing called love *sigh*. Its funny how a lot of people may give you attention, tell you your pretty or great but it doesn't matter that much if its not coming from that person you love. When that person doesn't make you feel the same way, when he/she say things that hurt you or just everything that person does it always affects you so much and then because of that you tend to have exaggerated reactions that can result in building or ruining your relationship.
They are those people you yearn to care, understand and show you how important you are to them and nothing beats the happiness you feel whenever they do so. But it doesn't always end up how you wanted it to. Its never how you see it in the movies or how you read it in the novels. There are no long-cringey-but-oh-so-cute love letters, no roses or an orchestra playing while you look at each other and say "I love you". Love is pain. The harder the pain, the deeper the love. But when you’re in love, you're blinded, you don't care. Because all you wanted is to be with that someone, to hear them talk, to see them smile, to hold their hands and just to live your life with them, no matter how hard it is, no matter how much it hurts, as long as they will be by your side you know you can handle it. But then not everything is about love. We are in this era where we have a lot things going on with our lives and that sometimes you have to weigh the options between choosing love or choosing a life that you really wanted.
I am still young, I know I will still meet a lot of people in my life, maybe someday I'll meet that someone whom I wont have to choose between love and the life that I wanted. But when that happens I will be choosing him because he'll be the love of my life and I to him. Until then I've decided that I'm done looking for that future someone just like what my current fave girl singer tori kelly said, “'cause when the time is right you’ll be here ♪♫..”  “and I know it will be worth the wait ♪♫...” for that someone to change how I define love forever. But then love is not all about the romantic ones, that's why for now I've decided to love myself first and focus on pursuing my dreams and what I am destined to be. I wanna be the best of what I can be, so that someday I won't be loving someone to complete my life, but instead I will be loving someone to share the best of everything in my life. 
Love, it has a lot forms. Some will break you or build you up. It can hurt you but it will give you unbelievable happiness as well. You can't grab a hold of it but it will stay with you if its meant to be. - Rhae | 2015 :)
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rhaenotion · 10 years
Have you ever cheated in a relationship?
Never :)
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rhaenotion · 10 years
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Such awesomeness!~ I'm gonna miss this series so much *sigh* 📖👍❤️ #themortalinstruments #cityofheavenlyfire #cassandraclare #booklove
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rhaenotion · 10 years
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Afternoon breathtaking cloud phenomenon~ it's the first time it happened here in our place, anyone know what its called? So #beautiful :) <3 #rainbow #clouds #cloudformation #phenomenon
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rhaenotion · 10 years
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YEY! I already got my #hardcover #themortalinstruments #cityofheavenlyfire book! OMG! I'm so excited to finally read the epic conclusion to #cassandraclare 's awesome series! <3 :) #booklove #bookworm
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rhaenotion · 10 years
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Follow me on #soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/rachelraynog the joy of sharing your bathroom songs haha 😁👍 #followme #songcovers
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rhaenotion · 11 years
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What happens when I'm given an empty toilet paper roll? THIS! Hahaha😆🌸👍 #art #flower #toiletpaperrollart #boredomestrikes
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rhaenotion · 11 years
Potatoes rock! \m/ haha ☺
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rhaenotion · 11 years
Crossfire Series
Not your typical sexy love story *smirk*
I really don't wanna compare this book to fifty shades of grey, but this series reminds me strongly of the fsog but its like the way, way better version of it. It's intense, romantic and has dark nature to it as well. On this book we will meet another sexy god billionaire CEO that have the hots for one of his employees and both of them go through a lot on this series besides the fact they love to go through each other (you know what I mean haha) what's thrilling in this series is how the secrets of each character is unfolding as story goes and whether these secrets will make or break both the main character's lust, I mean love for each other. Also, I commend Sylvia Day for her very good literary skill, because I was never disappointed with how she wrote the book (unlike you know..ehem..fsog), its indeed well written.
I also heard that this book is gonna be adapted into a TV Series through a premium cable channel. Well, Uh..I think the story's great but stretching the story into a tv series would mean adding a lot of things that would eventually stray the plot of the tv series from the book, which I think is not a good thing. Well not that I wanna rant about it like the fsog movie but I also don't think its a good idea, but I'll let them be, I probably would not afford a premium cable channel anyway haha. So If you're afraid to be disappointed with the fsog books but you'd like to branch out into reading something sexy and spicy well I'd say the crossfire series is the one you should indulge with. :) 
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rhaenotion · 11 years
Divergent Trilogy
Talk about badass!
That's right! if I could summarize the whole series into one word it will be "badass". I love how these books revolves around the life a young girl that's not just brave, but selfless and wise as well. Tris (the protagonist of the story) is such a strong woman that she makes a grown up man fall flat on their face (who run the world?). I love this book for a lot of reasons, and first of that! is because the story will never bore you. Everything that happens just excites you, or angers you, saddens you and just leave you in a roller coaster of emotions. Second is the amazing characters, I even love the villains in the story 'cause I hate them but I love them at the same time. In this story every character is as significant as the protagonist that even after they die, they still have an after effect on the rest of the story. Third of the list is the writing style. Because the words used are carefully selected that it doesn't overwhelm you that much even if some words are like exclusive for the divergent story only.
Lastly would be the book's packaging, because there's not a lot of books that catches your attention before you even open it and the divergent trilogy is definitely one of those worth seeing and worth reading books. Although I was engrossed with the story, I'm still very bothered with how many deaths occurred in the book, sometimes while reading I'll be like "What? No! he/she died? but....why?" the deaths (yes 'cause there's a lot) just happens consecutively and abruptly that most of the time it will leave you in state of shock (I'm warning you about it now). But then again even if Veronica Roth made me cry a lot of times while reading her book (especially the ending...oops!) I still thinks she's an amazing writer and thus! I have great expectation in the up coming adaptation of the book to the big screen. So don't be left behind! this book's a must read! :)
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rhaenotion · 11 years
Amazing MashUp!
Check out more amazing covers by Sam Tsui on www.youtube.com/user/TheSamTsui
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rhaenotion · 11 years
The Mortal Instrument Series <3
Damn right with the ♥ !
Yeah! I just LOVE TMI Series and I love Cassandra Clare! (no homo, just smitten by the books haha), she's just downright AWESOME! TMI books have that right amount of action, romance, comedy, fantasy and just pure awesomeness (I'm sorry for redundancy, its just awesome haha). Lovely characters, awesome story (stop saying that word rhae, its getting old), love the style of writing, and just everything about it! haha. I'm totally thanking my friend for recommending the series to me (not yet?...well I don't have the time to got out with friends, I'm already busy reading novels lol). 
Actually I did not expect that I would love the series this much because it's not that appealing in the movie, but don't get me wrong I did like the movie and I totally disagree with those people saying that Jamie Campbell Bower did not play the role of Jace that well. No people! he did a good job, and I think his handsome enough to be Jace, they just lack scenes where he's cocky and is overly-aware-of-his-own-attractiveness, but I do agree that he should probably gain more weight (just that!). Taking aside the jamie-issue, It was a pleasant surprise for me that the book is way, way better that what I've seen on the screen (really!), and I can go on blabbing about how good the books are, but I will not haha. In conclusion (woah! is this some sort of essay?well maybe?) I highly recommend this book to those who want to appreciate novels for the first time, I assure you, you will not be disappointed (not an opinion, but a fact! I tell you!). :)
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rhaenotion · 11 years
Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy (Hmmm....)
When curiosity strikes....your screwed. haha! (you know...) Surprisingly I liked the story of The Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy even though I hated the way it was written (I'm sorry E.L James), I think the books got substance (o...k?), what I mean to say is that you see how the story flows and how the character develops along the way. Personally, I got tired of the 70% erotic scenes (tbh I skip it sometimes,yeah sometimes) but I was still hooked to the story and of all the events happening around each character. Its not an amazing book but I don't think it's trashy as well, It would not become one of the best selling books for no reason anyway (Come on! there's more to the books that meets the lust lol). What I like about this book is that the readers becomes open minded to the situations on the story, and that they (we) will know (or realize) eventually that there's a really deep reason behind it (hmm very shade-y indeed). 
THOUGH I am curious about the on going production for the movie based on this book, I personally don't want the trilogy to be shown on the big screen (why rhae? I thought you said there's substance and story? you're taking that back now?) Well, because! they basically will end up making a....you know....porn...seriously (there!). Like I said earlier it is 70% erotic scenes and thus! it will probably end up being a crappy movie. Not that I'm being judgmental, but can't they just accept the fact that there are some stories that are better off staying in the book and won't probably work out as a movie? *sigh* Oh well~ whatever I say would not matter anyway (glad you realized) haha. So...if you're of legal age and is very open minded, I suggest you could try reading the books and see if you like it or not, (good plan?No? Yes?) besides, VARIETY is the spice of life anyway. hehe :D
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rhaenotion · 11 years
The Hunger Games Trilogy
Awesome book, is awesome!
I was actually on a long hiatus from reading novels (yeah like 4 years, ha! thanks to nursing school and their 3 inches books about diseases and procedures. blech!) before I was engrossed on this masterpiece "The Hunger Games Trilogy". I've watched the movie first before I was even aware that the movie was actually based on a best selling novel (like how I felt on the harry potter series, way back my high school days). So, since I was very impressed with the movie I decided to read the novel and oh boy~ the bookwormmie fire inside me just ignited again and I finished the whole series in like 2 & 1/2 days (and lost a lot of sleep on the process, but its worth it!).
I like the story, the characters, the way of writing is very impressive and even if I was really satisfied with how it ended, of course I'm a bit sad about a lot of deaths in the book *sad face* (I don't care if the're fictional, its still sad) but nevertheless, Thank you Suzanne Collins! I was very happy to get back to books again (I have nothing better to do anyway haha) and suprisingly I loved the movies as well, so I'm looking forward to the last movie which is The MockingJay, I have faith that they will give justice on that one as well, plus JLaw's one my girl crushes (no homo!) haha that's why I'm so excited for the movie to come out. So there! I don't wanna start talking about the whole story because I might reveal unnecessary info's like spoilers, but If you haven't read the books yet...Why? you have to! you don't get the full experience of the story if you don't read it, and I assure you you won't be disappointed. :)
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rhaenotion · 11 years
The latest from Rachel Raynog (@rhaeray)
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