rhodesavery · 9 years
“Two guys I appreciate endlessly for their jacket sacrifice, along with everything else they do for me! Fine. Fine, I’m always cold. I like it a good 85 degrees, thank you very much. You know I always favored winter for Christmas and hot chocolate, not the whole idea of snow. Charlie, Charleston for full. I’ve already heard all of the South Carolina jokes, so don’t go there! I think my brother’s favorite is that if she competed for Miss America her sash would literally say Charleston, South Carolina. That’s right, your sister! How’s she doing? How far along is she? Does she already know whether she’s getting an Ergo or a Bjorn? You have to let me know if she’s due around the same time I am so we don’t plan a shower around the same time. You mean that offer? Because I’ll have you and Aaron moving furniture, no hesitation. --Figured out? I guess it sounds like it, but... I mean, money doesn’t come from nowhere and it’s scary having a baby so young and sometimes I feel like it hasn’t even hit me yet that I’m literally going to be responsible for raising a human being, like how do you even really get them to learn how to talk and know things and I’m going to need you to shut me up, because this is going into stream of consciousness mode. --Your dad and my dad would get along. That’s not a good picture in my head, either. Sorry, but does he even care about your health? Does he even know you skip? Which you shouldn’t. You know what, I’m not even sorry, that’s screwed up. You don’t have a weak heart. Your heart’s one of the strongest I know, so hush... Crazies? Are we the traveling circus? We are nuts, I’ll give you that, but nevertheless I’m thrilled they’re here again. --You’re not getting away with that answer. You sounded really upset and I can still tell you are. Whatever it is, I want to help. I also want to know... because I am a know-it-all. Mostly the help part, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah, feel free to win, I know how much you take pride in small victories.. Just know that I’ll always be the slightly scary, but oddly approachable one and you can’t beat that. -- That... makes my heart smile. The two pizzas part, of course. Okay, maybe the first part also.”
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“And you had not one but two guys who would give up their jackets for you in an instant. Didn’t even have to play the whole cold card. Just admit that you’re always cold and I won’t tease you for being a cold dragon. Oh of course. Charlie, I like it. Understandable. My house is one huge mess of baby items just thrown all over the place. Like a baby maze. And you know if you ever need my help then I am all yours. I’m around so you feel free to put me to work whenever you want to. It’s something. Progress of sorts. Well sounds like you have it all figured out. You still have a while until that comes so don’t stress yourself out right now. You’re smart and so is Aaron so I know you’ll both figure it out. Well let her know that I am excited to see her. Two babies, one year. Uncle CJ is going to be very busy. I don’t know about that. You know there’s nothing outside of football when it comes to my dad so… we’ll see. I have some scouts lined up to come see me so maybe it’ll work out. Just gotta keep some things under wraps from them, you know? Nobody wants a weak heart on their team. That’s good to hear though! Tell him I said what’s up later. I heard. I heard a bunch of the crazies are in town. You must be excited to spend time with them. Ah it’s nothing. Honestly, just me the ususal dumbass that I am and getting myself into things I shouldn’t be. You know how I get without you there to pull me back. I think we are and I’m sorry to inform you that you will never win this fight. – That. That is the reason I love you so much. You really know how to eat with a man. Lets make it two. I’m kinda really hungry right now.”
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rhodesavery · 9 years
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besties parallels (◡‿◡✿)  stefan/caroline & lucas/haley
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rhodesavery · 9 years
“Ever think that maybe I didn’t get cold at everything and just wanted a football jacket? Compared to those, the cheerleading ones sucked! Except, as true as that may be, I really do freeze to death all of the time, which is strange considering how warmhearted I clearly am. Thank you, thank you. -- Charlie’s doing amazing. Ever since we found out the sex I’ve been set on her name, so now just to get everything ready. Everything’s still sort of one big mess, but it’s a good mess. Great mess. Still not talking to my parents much, but they insist on helping out financially, since Barnes & Noble only pays so much. I started taking some online classes though, so maybe once she’s a few months old I can work from home or something. I don’t know. Kind of scary to think about, if I’m honest. But I just know she’s very excited to see you and everyone. She’ll be spoiled, alright, but spoiled with love. Love... and the entire little girl’s section at Target... Right, and if it doesn’t happen then it means you’ve got something better coming your way. Aaron’s good! Mhm, still got those clear eyes and full heart. Lyra just got into town, so we’re also excited about that. But goodness, enough about me. You have to fill me in on everything going on with you and Dillon. --Are we about to get into a ‘I missed you more’ fight, because I’ll win, hands down. I’m thinking we pick up an entire pizza with stuffed crust and split it three ways. You, me, and Charleston.
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“I could’ve told you that dragons get cold or should I remind you of all those breezy nights by my pool? You get cold for anything, Avery. Literally I can blow air at you and I think that would make you cold. Jacket,of course. Here you go. — Speaking of, how is the baby dragon doing? Excited to see her Uncle CJ and be spoiled to death? I agree. It’s a stupid thing, don’t you think? I mean it’s kind of an adult thing which we both kinda are but still, we’re not gonna be here forever so might as well use the time we do have. College football, yeah… if that happens. If not then I’ll take your word for it. How is he doing Aaron? Our fearless leader still putting in work for the bigger guys now? Not as much as I’ve missed you. What’re you in the mood for tonight, Rhodes?”
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rhodesavery · 9 years
“See, that’s what Aaron said! ‘Grab a jacket!’, ‘I’m fine!’, ‘It’s cold outside!’, ‘I’m a dragon, babe!’ Well, you know what? Apparently dragons get cold. Even dragons carrying dragons. I’ll take you up on that jacket offer now, though. --It is, our thing. Doesn’t mean we should do that all of the time, though. Trust me, I know. I thought Dillon High was the pinnacle of football cray, then Aaron told me all about college football. Just you wait, you’ll see... Damn, I’ve been down the street this whole time and I still missed you. Now let’s get going so you can tell me all about what’s going on.”
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“You know when it comes to you then I’m always on time. Why’re you in the cold anyway? Go grab a jacket or take mine. Yeah, take mine so you don’t have to go all the way back in. And whose fault is that? I’m here, Rhodes. I’m always here even when I’m not here. That’s our thing and you know it.  But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited to see you too. This is definitely the highlight in a long time. Football. You know it never ends. Shh stop worrying. momma. I’m good. C’mere you.”
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rhodesavery · 9 years
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“There you are! You see this? This is me out on my porch waiting in the cold, because you said ten minutes and it’s been... seven minutes and thirty-two seconds. Can’t blame a girl for being excited when she hasn’t seen one of her best friends in a while. What’s high school got you busy with, anyway? --Okay, enough of my questions. Wait, one more, are you okay? Now I’ll stop, just get over here and give me a hug.”
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rhodesavery · 9 years
“Ly!” [The second the other girl’s voice reached Avery’s ears, the blonde broke out into a full sprint towards her best friend. It hadn’t even been that long since they had seen each other-- two hours since a Skype date and a couple months since in person-- but it compared greatly to how often they had seen each other before. Especially when they had lived together at a point for a while. Once close enough, Aves hugged the shorter brunette back.] “Aaron’s finishing the painting, actually. There was one wall left and he insisted... aka I asked him to finish while I came and got you. This is a big deal, I needed to be the one to do this!” [At the mention of the baby’s name, Aves placed a hand over her stomach and looked down.] “You hear that? Aunt Lyra’s back!”
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“Bird!” [ The brunette called out excitedly as she pushed her way through the crowds of people at the bus station. Happily making her way towards her best friend, this moment being the only thing she could talk about for weeks. The plus side to that? Was annoying her stoner roommate if she wanted a stoner she would have taken Ophelia with her. The voodoo dolls Winnie had sent her had helped however, and she was sure that she was close to getting her to move out. ] “Bird, bird, bird! I’ve missed you so much, where’s Blake? And Charlie? Hi Charlie!!! “ [ She said excitedly as she wrapped her arms around her sister. ]  “Tell me everything, what have you’ve been doing? How’s the painting? How’s Blake? What’s he doing? Why isn’t here?”
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rhodesavery · 9 years
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Lily + Julianne Hough
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rhodesavery · 9 years
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rhodesavery · 9 years
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Well, let’s go get that guy who blackened my eye because we don’t hit girls in Bomont, do we, daddy?
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rhodesavery · 9 years
and for the meantime if I end up using GIFs (and for icon purposes), since there’s another Blake FC atm I’llllllll be using Taylor Swift. I’m totally kidding, I’ll actually use Julianne Hough.
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rhodesavery · 9 years
RT @whitegirlwassup: often imitated, never duplicated #fearsomefive
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rhodesavery · 9 years
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rhodesavery · 9 years
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You know, I- I’m in a little over my head here. I took her home and I’m doing what I can, but she needs her mom. I need her mom. She doesn’t even have a name.
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rhodesavery · 9 years
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Goodbye, Lucy Quinn Fabray.
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rhodesavery · 9 years
a peaceful walk in the woods really relaxes me. the fact that I’m dragging a body should be irrelevant.
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rhodesavery · 9 years
@rhodestoave: Shoutout to everyone who's been prematurely appointed into my Queenly court. Knight Nathan, Lady Ayla, Duchess Charlotte. Some of the real MVPs.
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rhodesavery · 9 years
One that doesn’t frequently include phrases like “break it down to them” and “man card.” I think with a story like that the real question is where you’ve been hanging out these days.
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I’m pretty sure that it is. What world do you live in?
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