rhysdeluca · 2 years
As Adalet updated him on the most recent happenings with their eldest, he couldn’t help but offer up a proud grin, and a gentle coo, “that’s my girl.” Life before the birth of his children could have been akin to a boat on an unplanned voyage, sailing through thick fog to reach an unknown final destination; it was hard for him to see too far into the future. His marriage had kept him anchored for some time, then his work, but nothing compared to the demands he felt from his role in fatherhood. His girls were important to him, even if he didn’t always express that the way he should. Several moments passed, Rhys still beaming from ear to ear at the thought of his little girl learning to write her name, but finally, Adalet’s words registered. Once they did, it was like a needle stuck on a record player - replaying over and over, prompting a bit of tunnel vision. His features dropped. 
Pregnant? How could she be pregnant? He had been careful.And even if he hadn’t, shortly after the birth of Emine, Rhys’ doctor informed him of a low sperm count. It was a hard pill to swallow, but he was told that a second, definitely a third child, would be nothing short of fate. The bottom of his beer bottle met the counter with a quiet clink, though the sound seemed deafening in the ominous silence that consumed the air between them. Without speaking, Rhys retrieved the crinkled paper from the counter, slowly unfolding it to allow blue hues to scan over the confirmation before his gaze lifted to meet his wife’s. He was going to be a dad, again. “Well,” he started, clearing his throat. “This is.. unexpected?” He knew it might not be the reaction she hoped for, but to be fair, she didn’t seem all that excited either. It was nothing like when they were expecting Em - they had been trying for quite some time, so when those two little lines finally appeared in the test window, it was an exciting and happy time for them both. But now, they were up to their necks with their careers, and neither Emine or Cemile were exactly self-sufficient yet. Having a third child would only add to the chaos that was their life. Normally a man of many words, someone who knew how to talk his way out of anything, Rhys was dumbfounded. 
“Hey, come here,” his voice that usually commanded the attention of the room was now quiet, soft spoken as he reached out to grab Adalet, fingertips wrapping around the bone of her wrist to draw her forward. “This is a blessing, right? Everything will be fine,” he reassured her, arms wrapping around her lithe frame, chin resting on top of her head. “Besides, maybe we’ll finally get our boy, hm? I’m outnumbered right now, so it’s only fair.” He chuckled, a half-hearted attempt to lighten the mood, but his mind raced. What now?
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location: de luca / yilmaz household. status: closed for @rhysdeluca​
The sun was setting outside of the house’s large windows, casting a golden evening glow inside as Adalet placed a pan filled with chopped vegetables into the oven, soft melodies from the speaker on the counter playing as the front door opened in the distance. Little footsteps rushed to great the man that entered and she watched the interaction from their kitchen, the ache in her chest only growing when she remembered feeling a similar excitement when her husband walked through the door after work years ago. When the girls raced off back to their playroom and the man made his way toward the direction of the kitchen, Adalet spoke up. “Dinner’s in the oven, roast chicken and vegetables tonight. I had a few minutes to spare when I got home, so I figured you’d want something other than takeout before your next trip.” She stepped closer to him, pressing a swift kiss to his cheek, more out of habit than emotion, and she held the hand towel tightly in her grip as she moved away and glanced down the hallway, making sure their daughters were well-distracted before her gaze fell to Rhys again and she cleared her throat. “Do you have a minute? We should talk.”
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rhysdeluca · 3 years
As darkness began to settle over Serendipity, Rhys made his way through the front door of his home, greeted by bouncing curls and cheerful squeals of glee from two starry eyed toddlers. “Daddy, daddy!” Leather briefcase was placed on the ground, strong arms wrapping around both tots simultaneously for a hug, tender kisses pressed to the tops of their heads before they were trotting off with the nanny. There was nothing like coming home to his girls after a grueling work day – his fatigue was no match for their overwhelming welcome home, especially when paired with the glorious smell that wafted towards him the closer he got to the kitchen where Adalet had busied herself with making dinner. 
“Smells great, my love,” he responded, one hand drifting over the small of his wife’s back as the other worked to free the knot in his tie. He groaned at the mention of his upcoming trip. “Don’t remind me, I’m not looking forward to it,” his voice trailed off as he searched the fridge for a cold beer, top popped off with a bottle opener. Traveling had become a frequent part of his job since making partner at the firm, and as grateful as he was for the position, living out of hotel rooms proved to be no easy feat. Sturdy frame leaned against the edge of a marble countertop, feet crossed at the ankles, neck of the bottle lifted so he could take a hefty swig from the amber colored beverage. “What is it? Everything okay? The girls alright?” questions fired left and right, brows piqued with curiosity. 
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location: de luca / yilmaz household. status: closed for @rhysdeluca​
The sun was setting outside of the house’s large windows, casting a golden evening glow inside as Adalet placed a pan filled with chopped vegetables into the oven, soft melodies from the speaker on the counter playing as the front door opened in the distance. Little footsteps rushed to great the man that entered and she watched the interaction from their kitchen, the ache in her chest only growing when she remembered feeling a similar excitement when her husband walked through the door after work years ago. When the girls raced off back to their playroom and the man made his way toward the direction of the kitchen, Adalet spoke up. “Dinner’s in the oven, roast chicken and vegetables tonight. I had a few minutes to spare when I got home, so I figured you’d want something other than takeout before your next trip.” She stepped closer to him, pressing a swift kiss to his cheek, more out of habit than emotion, and she held the hand towel tightly in her grip as she moved away and glanced down the hallway, making sure their daughters were well-distracted before her gaze fell to Rhys again and she cleared her throat. “Do you have a minute? We should talk.”
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rhysdeluca · 3 years
Powdered blue hues glanced down at the gleaming rolex fastened around the bone of his wrist as Rhys pushed through the front doors of Kaffeine, the realization of the time prompting muttered expletives to spew from the brim of a whiskered pout. He was running late. Again. It was the second morning in a row, now, though it wasn’t entirely his fault. He blamed it on his state of exhaustion. There had been a string of home invasions in the upscale neighborhood he and Adalet resided in – the culprits making off with mostly just jewelry and petty cash found lying around, yet leaving homeowners traumatized for the unforeseeable future, and despite their high end security system, Rhys found himself up and down all night long, frequently peeking in on his daughters to ensure they were sleeping safe and sound. The lack of sleep was taking its toll. He waited patiently in line for his steaming cup of morning brew, the ambience of the homey cafe drawing his restless soul in, even if for just a few blessed moments. When the barista inquired about his order, he offered a half-smile, hands already reaching into his back pocket to fish for his wallet. “I’ll just have a large Americano, double shot of espresso,” tired eyes blinked a few times before he added, “but make it quick, please. I’m running late for a meeting.” Rude, probably. But it was Rhys’ world, everyone else was just living in it.
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location: kaffeine Coffee. It was what Callie smelled most days and to be fair, she was lucky working in a cafe hadn’t put her off coffee completely, in fact it was the opposite. Depending on the station she was working at that day, she would always have a caramel macchiato by the till or the bar. It kept her going, and she loved the sweet taste of it on her tongue. If she was feeling adventurous on a hot day, she’d have it iced. She was in the middle of enjoying her coffee when she noticed a customer at the register; she smiled and asked, “Hi, what can I get you today?” She gave them some time to decide what they wanted and signalled to her fellow barista on the bar to get ready in case they wanted something caffeinated.
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rhysdeluca · 3 years
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( chris evans. 36. cis man. he/him. ) — hey there, RHYS DELUCA !! are you headed off to LAKE HARBOR PARK or TO GO FISHING AT THE PIER ?? i knew i’d find you heading that direction since you’re not currently busy as a CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY. of course i know that : you’ve lived in serendipity since AUGUST 2019. people have a tendency of saying you’re RESOURCEFUL & ADAPTABLE but CYNICAL & SKEPTICAL. you also really have the vibes of fountain pens, suits and ties, and 2 am phone calls. see you around !! ( g. 26. est. he/him )
Rhys currently resides in Serendipity with his wife of ten years, Adalet, and their two daughters, Emine (4) and Cemile (2). Quick to climb the ladder of success, it’s notable that he recently became a partner at Banes law firm, working as a criminal defense attorney with an expertise in white collar crime. Although none of his clients tend to be innocent, he has a near perfect case win rate and is notorious for getting clients off scot-free. He’s regarded as a workaholic by those closest to him – just ask his wife, who is, unbeknownst to Rhys, having an affair after he has astronomically failed to meet her needs. So wrapped up in his job, the affair has gone unnoticed. When Rhys isn’t working, he likes to believe he is a decent father, though sometimes he feels guilty that he’s missing out on milestones that he can’t get back.
Outside of his role as a father, Rhys typically lacks a conscience and will step on whoever to get to the top. This is in due part to his career of choice. He is cynical and skeptical, and believes that everyone must have an underlying motive. He can be very persuasive and has the ability to make anyone believe anything. Cunning and callous, he thinks of himself as highly invincible. Every move he makes is calculated and you best believe he is usually only looking out for himself. Still yet, he tends to be the type to draw you in with his liveliness – but watch out, when you’re not paying attention, he’s observing you down to your core and searching for dirty laundry that can be used for his benefit.
x Rhys is an only child and the first in his family to go to college. He is self-made, and though he rarely goes back home to visit his parents, he regularly foots their bills. Who says money can’t buy love? x In his younger days, he was a bit of a movie buff, so don’t be surprised if you catch him quoting a line from your favorite movie. x He has an obsession with ‘ keeping up with joneses ‘, and has an astonishing collection of rolex watches x Has a bad habit of flirting with most women he comes across, even in front of his wife – though he chalks this up to his ‘ personality ‘. x When he’s not consumed by his work, Rhys loves throwing house parties and inviting everyone in their HOA. (spoiler :: he just wants to show off).
Rhys towers over many people at a height of 6 ft., 3 in. tall. He has light brown hair, and blue eyes that are speckled with hints of green. An athletic build, he weighs in at 194 pounds. Distinguishable features include his absurdly white teeth, and a hook shaped scar behind his left ear.
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