riatesullironalite · 9 days
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realest shit i’ve seen all day
cr: alexadorex on tiktok
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riatesullironalite · 2 months
... Mf is brave asf, can't lie.
Oscar Tully: “I see no reason to cast aside loyalty. No matter how loathsome I may find her representative, the Prince.”
New favorite character unlocked
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riatesullironalite · 2 months
In Jacaerys Targaryen-Velaryon we trust❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
"not all men-" you're right, jacaerys targaryen, heir to the iron throne, prince of dragonstone, the eldest son of queen rhaenyra targaryen and laenor velaryon, a dragonrider, would never treat me like this
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riatesullironalite · 3 months
Fuck the greens. Poor Meleys and Rhaenys, The Queen that never was.
Greens taking meleys' head and showing it off in the city is another one of the examples how they are more hightower than targaryen, how they did more damage to the targaryen legacy than any other despite having the name 'targaryen' attached to their names, because dragons are pride of the house targaryen and a real targaryen would never do this, instead show respect to what made them even if it was from the opposing party. This is symbolic, just another way to say that neither aegon nor aemond belong on the throne and never will.
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riatesullironalite · 3 months
When the pile of clothes on the chair in the corner starts looking suspiciously person-shaped in the dark:
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riatesullironalite · 1 year
Guys, report this 'conceptualleper' she literally texted my friend some gross ass things, as you can see and my friend asked her to stop and she continued on, please report her. Thank you so much. ❤
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Guys this person just randomly followed me, and since I follow peopl back I did. I was really creeped out when they sent me this message.
I was really grossed out by this. Help me report them for this, and please reblog!
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riatesullironalite · 1 year
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Aged up Neteyam! 20! Aged up Ria! 20!
Grumpy cute Ria. Cute. Fluff. Few kisses.
Syulang= flower
Utumauti=Banana fruit (Seen in first film of Avatar)
Tanhì=Bioluminescent freckle or in other cases 'star'
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"3 fucking HOURS!!! "
No, she's not talking to anyone, she's alone, sprawled out on the mat of her bed looking at the night sky, observing the stars and constellations
Her mate was supposed to be home, 3 hours ago but something happened. Jake said that he needs to have a longer patrol because Han'ku couldn't make it. (He's just some warrior that was supposed to be on patrol)
She turned and twirled in the bed, trying to get comfortable without her mate in her arms.
Before she could finish her sentence, the door of the alcove, flew open, revealing her beautiful and sweet mate.
"Drag who here my yawne? "
Her ears pinned against her head in angriness, as she refused to talk to him, turned around in the corner, where the bed meets the wooden wall of the alcove, legs splayed out (like in the cute picture) , giving him the silent treatment.
At this Neteyam's ears rose up, as he tilted his head a bit.
"Yawne?... *silence* ma oare? *silence*... Syulang?... *silence once again* ma muntxate? *silence..*... Ria?.. Come on.... I'm not playing. "
She turned her head away, looking in the other direction.
"I'm not talking to you, for 3 hours, starting now. "
Her stubbornness and grumpiness, made Neteyam feel warmth and love in his heart.
'After all these years, she's still stubborn. '
"Well... I brought this fruit for us to eat, knowing it's your favourite of course, but I guess, I'll just eat it alone... "
Her ears stood up, pointed to sky, as she was interested, if it was utumauti or not. But she didn't ask, and decided to stay silent.
"... It's utumauti by the way.... "
He knew that she wouldn't resist now.
She took a small peak at him, frown still plastered on her face, she looked at him, seeing that he had a knowing smirk.
Reaching slowly into the weaved basket they both weaved, both getting a sense of deja vu as it was their last courtship gift 2 years ago, he pulled out a big, ripe utumauti, making her pout slightly, as a sigh of defeat left her body.
"... Food is life...come and give me a kiss and then slice the yummy dummy fruit in half. "
She couldn't resist the urge to eat utumauti, it was the best thing they both ever tasted.
Well.... Second best thing..
It was their favourite fruit.
Neteyam smiled in satisfaction, getting closer to his mate, and giving her a short, but passionate kiss, making her hum in satisfaction.
He then turned around to the go to get the knife, he couldn't do it with his dagger or Ria's because she strictly forbid it, due to so much blood being on it, even after it was clean.
So he used a knife that they use to cut up food, cutting the fruit in half, some of the sweet juice leaking out, making his hands a bit sticky.
He walked up to Ria, who was still in her grumpy position, and gave her to fruit, which she snatched out of his hands, and drank from it.
She moaned at the taste of it.
"Ahhh, this one is so SWEET! Thank you Ma Teyam... "
"No problem, Syulang"
He too moaned at the sweet taste of the fruit, munching in it with eagerness.
"I'm really the best at foraging fruits. "
He praised himself, looking at his mate for confirmation.
"You know, I can't lie, you really are. They're always so sweet and all.. "
She finally smiled at him, as he leaned closer to her ear and whispered.
"Not as sweet as you though yawne. "
She swatted his arm twice, huffing in annoyance.
"Must you always say things like that??! "
She yelled at him, annoyed.
But she only received a look if love from Neteyam.
"Yes, I must. I always love seeing that little purple hue against your cheeks, making your tanhì, glow with purple. "
"Shut up. " "yes ma'am. "
She looked at him and huffed, blushing more now, her bioluminescent freckles, turning purple more and more.
He took her jaw in his hand, softly caressing, her cheek, making her facial features soften, as she smiled and calmed down.
"Are you better now? " she nodded shyly.
"You're not gonna shout or yell at a late hour, again? " she nodded shyly once again.
He pulled her closer to him, softly falling in the bed, bringing her closer so she layed on his chest.
"Goodnight ma oare, and sweet dreams. "
He said to her as started to slowly fall asleep.
"Goodnight ma tsawke, and you also have sweet dreams.. "
Kissing him on the last one last time, she pulled away, lying her head on his collar bone, smelling his scent and fell asleep.
I hope that who ever read this, liked the chapter.
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riatesullironalite · 1 year
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riatesullironalite · 1 year
Warnings:Fluff, cute, swearing, comedy kind of, and mention of Shakespeare.
Proofreader maybe some mistakes, I apologise as English in not my first language, my first language is Slovakian.
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Yawntutsyìp= Little loved one
Yawne= Beloved
Kop= and also
Muntxa si=Mate with
You all know what skxawng means
Tsakarem=Tsahìk in training
Nga yawne lu oer=I love you
I really hope you enjoy this, it is my first time actually writing on tumblr. I have a wattpad account called 'mazerunner715264' if you want to check it out 2 unfinished stories.
Let's begin....
As the sun's rays hit the marui of the infamous eldest son of Toruk Makto, he woke up with a gentle breeze against his face.
The light blowing of the morning breeze flew against the Metkayina clan, singing a calm melody throughout the maruis.
Y/n was one of the few people that woke up too. The oldest daughter of Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk, along being tsmuke to her Kurkung tsmukan Ao'nung and tsmuke Tsireya.
Stretching her arms and twisting her wrists around, her rare, violet eyes were slowly adjusting to the light outside, seeing the open sea and beautiful beach, a smile was plastered on her face. Just a 3 months ago there was a war, sacrifice, death, tears, wailing.
It's all gone now. She was scared for everyone, she was. But when she find out that Neteyam, her tsawke was shot.
She has gone crazy.
She searched for him around the area of 3 brothers rock, to find him with a crying Tsireya and saw Lo'ak jumping into the water.
And the she saw... Him.
She vehemently rushed with her ilu to the rock where her tsawke kop tanhì, lying there unmoving and lifeless eyes.
She begged Eywa for another chance for life
And Eywa answered her, she brought him back.
She shook her head as to removed those thoughts and gone back to the day.
She changed her loincloth and sea shell top, walked outside and jumped in the water, with a graceful manner.
But, someone was watching her. Gawking at her. Staring, gazing. At her.
(Not when she was changing but when she jumped.)
She didn't know. She was oblivious to it.
And there was he. Awoken by the calm, tumultuous waves that waved over and over again. He walked out of his marui, looked out and saw.... Her.
The most beautiful, intelligent, breath-taking, loving, caring woman he has ever met.
She was a disappointment in some eyes.
He knew it.
She knew it
Everyone did and still does.
I mean she was betrothed and to be mated to a Metkayina man, the 'best' taronyu in her clan.
While people praised 'Muìtxney', Ria hates him.
People see him as a strong, capable and a good hunter. But Ria? Nah she knows that under the façade he holds, he's and arrogant, narcissistic, self-absorbed prick, who demonised her reputation.
She is and excellent hunter, but also a great healer. She isn't a Tsakarem, that's Tsireya, Her little sister. She was supposed to be Olo'eyktan, but Muìtxney made sure for that to not happen, so the role was passed to Ao'nung. But was she mad about it? Angry? Frustrated? Sad?
She was happy for her brother and she was happy to be free and didn't need to be Bethrothed to a 'vonvä, as she like to say.
Ria and Neteyam met(not for the first time) after month when Neteyam and his family found a place to be in, uturu they had asked for. That night, he wasn't able to sleep on his mat, twirling and wiggling on his mat, until he had enough and quietly walked out. While he was walking he found a rock that looked quite comfortable to sit on. There were big leafs, filled with feathers and a woven blanket like thing.
He thought that people around here might do it so they would be comfortable just going to chill somewhere. So he laid down on, one arm behind his head and one leg crossed over the other, hearing the sound of waves and thinking about tomorrow. But his thought were interrupted when a loud sob escaped someone.
"Never do this never do that. You're the daughter of Olo'eyktan and Tsahìk, so act like it... Ohh how I hate this stupid life,literally just running away would make me feel bette-AHH"
A little scream escaped her as she saw someone laying on her rock which she didn't mind but it startled her and knew someone heard her mumbling, which she now felt embarrassed about.
"Uhh hi? " a little awkward chuckle left his mouth as he stared awkwardly at the girl before him who had eyes full of tears and a purple mark under her rib didn't go unnoticed.
"Hi..Neteyam.. " " Sup' Ria" you gave him a small smile which he returned
"Would it be alright if I shuffled right there? "
The beautiful girl pointed to an empty space, next to the awestruck boy.
"Yes, yes sure ".......
Comfortable silence overtook the awkward atmosphere, but they both felt the need to talk.
"Why did you come here? "
"Why did you come here? "
Both said at the same time.
A small laugh escaped the Olo'eykte as the late future Olo'eyktan just chuckled.
"Well... To answer your question, I'm just bored and I can't sleep, the waves are kinda loud. "
"You'll get used to it in no time, do not worry about it. "She knew the struggle I mean, when there's a storm the waves are frantic, aggressive and tumultuous.
"I hope so..... " he looked at her, then the bruise.
She noticed but didn't say anything, wanting to break the awkward atmosphere:
"Throw a theme about something, I'm bored and need a good talk".
"... Stars? " "sure, what you know about them? "
"Well... There are different types of stars. There's like this smaller red ones that live a long live. And there's yellow-orange ones that have a life spawn of 5-10Billion years or something, and there's massive blue ones that have a short life, for a star anyway, but the red ones can also be massive too. "
She was kinda shocked at the knowledge that the boy had. In her clan the boys wouldn't talk so passionately about stars. They would just say 'they're massive balls of fire' but Neteyam had a knowledge about them. And he knew way more.
She loved the stars. They bought her comfort and safety space. She would spend hours looking at them, studying them.
And so did Neteyam. Even though the future Olo'eyktan didn't like the tawtute, he still have gone there to Norm and Max, the ones that have been friends with him, his father and his mother. The only tawtute he tolerated including Spider. He often would go to lab to ask for... Telescope to watch different stars. One time on accident he found a new nebula which meant he could name it himself. The scientists were impressed by Neteyam so they let him name it. He called it "tìyawn" the love he held for stars was huge amount of love.
"You have a good knowledge with them....mighty warrior " he groaned and she giggled like the oare kop tsawke
"Who said that... " covering his face with hands as he became embarrassed and didn't want to look in her face, to only find a face full of judging and all, thinking that all the good things she did was just a facade that she brought upon her face, and even though he felt an electric shock on his hands, he still had them glued to his face.
But she knew why he hid his face and regret was the only thing she felt in the depths of her heart.
She held her hands to his face even though there's a size difference she still held them in hers and pulled them towards her so she could see his face.
"Neteyam.... I'm sorry if I upset you, even though sorry won't do shit, I still am. And to answer you question, Lo'ak said it.
"That little skxawng"
Neteyam thought to himself knowing that his brother said Neteyam's least favourite nickname of all the time.
"Hey... Don't break your head over it, I think it's a cute nickname. " she was genuine it's a really cute nickname.
He felt like 20 nantangs were in his stomach. But that took a quick turn, to him becoming bold with his words.
"I mean you could give me a better one..No? "
She sarcastically put a finger on her chin, which made her cringe a bit, because of the sting under her last rib on right side.
"Hmmm... *she looked him up and down with squinted eyes and finally said: " Teyam...if it's for a tough situation and Nete if you're cuddling with someone. "
Yes, she imagined them cuddling.
"... You wanna call me Nete? " (The Sully Rizz is unlimited and was rizzing😏)
"Uhm, " she wanted to because she really wanted to talk to someone about... A certain situation... And Neteyam looked really trustful and acted trustful too.
"You don't have too-" before he could finish his sentence, she jumped on him, putting a hand on the back of his head, just to be sure it hit the pillow-like thing, and laid on chest.
He was shocked, hah shocked is a weak word. He was AWESTRUCK LITERALLY ASTONISHED FLABBERGASTED.
but most of all, excited (no not like that you dirty minded skxawng)
He was so happy but scared that she might hear his accelerating heartbeat.
"Nete, calm down your heart is about to jump out of your chest. " she really tried to hide her chuckle, she really did.
"Sorry yawne" The Sully Rizz is rizzing fr
She didn't say anything just stopped breathing for a second. Or 5.
"So... Uhm.. Uhm whathappenedtoyourrib? "
"Huh? Sorry I didn't quite catch that. "
What did he say?
Neteyam sighed, being curious is one thing, worrying is another.
"I don't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything but... What happened to your rib? "
He looked down at her face that turned from confused to sad. Her ears went down and her little smile dropped.
"Well.. You know Muìtxney right? " she asked as tears started swelling in her eyes.
".. Yea your Betrothed " His ears twitched a little as he said the most heart breaking words.... But then realisation hit him like a strong lighting to the soil of Pandora.
"Yeah... Well he kind of grabbed me from behind in front of my parents and his own to show that we have some 'chemistry' but when I tried to wriggle out of his hold he on purpose tightened it and pressed his thumb really hard on my skin and that's when I back away from him with my strength but the parents looked shocked so they said their farewells to my mom and dad not to me and left and then- Oh I'm sorry... Am I talking too much? " When she looked at him she saw his face, replaced with anger and wrath, but when she asked him his gaze softened and he put his hand on her cheek which she gladly accepted, and said "You're definitely not so continue, I'm angry at that fucker "
He was so angry he would kill him on the spot of he had to.
"And then my parents argued with me. "The swelling of tears was there again, even if she tried to suck them in she couldn't, they were streaming down her face on repeat like some rhythm.
Neteyam hugged her tightly as she cried into his chest.
"I'm so sorry yawne. I'm gonna kill that bastard"
When she looked in his eyes she saw the Sun.
Bright, welcoming, kind, protective, loving.
When he looked in hers he saw the Moon
Mysterious, kind, protective, shy, loving.
"Thank you for this ma Neteyamur
"No problem ma Ria"
They saw the tanhì in each other's eyes.
The most beautiful they have ever seen.
Not even the Pleiades, the seven Sisters were as beautiful them,they both thought, not even a star cluster that they saw sometimes on their late night walks in the forest.
He was mesmerised with her violet eyes.
She was mesmerised with his golden eyes
"You know.... Staring is rude... "
"it is not rude to look at a woman that has eyes more beautiful than stars themselves. "
She blushed so deeply that even the akula's outside the reef could see it.
But, there's always something, or more likely someone that has to ruin the romantic mood.
"NOW, that's some W rizz big bro"
"Bro.. Be for real now. " annoyed and embarrassed, Neteyam, spoke.
"Nah man, I didn't know you were such a poetic person. How did, dad call him.. *snaps fingers* Sheak.... Shae... SHAKESPEARE. Yeah, you're like a tall Na'vi Shakespeare. "
Lo'ak was really going to see Eywa tonight.
"Who's that? " Ria asked, as the name was pretty much foreign and not Na'vi to her.
"He's like an author, a writer that wrote these plays, my father said that he's well known on Earth even after gazillion years. " replied Neteyam.
"Wow he must have been famous then. "
"And he is. Bro the best story that dad explained to us, that was from Shakespeare was the Tempest. There was a witch called Sycorax that was mother to a indigenous monster, that was imprisoned by a man called Prospero who came with his daughter and-"
Neteyam wasn't having it. He also didn't notice the look of interest in Ria's stare.
She wanted to know Shakespeare's plays.
Neteyam didn't notice it though, so he stopped his brother mid-sentence and said.
"ok bro we get it. Scram off now. " "Look who's talking. Mr. Macbeth. "
Neteyam's favourite is Macbeth.
And Lo'ak hates Macbeth. (this is just for the story.)
"I'm not Macbeth, Macbeth is Macbeth now go. "
He continued but in English so Ria downs know what he has to say.
"Bro you're ruining my date with all that Shakespeare shit. STOP IT AND GO TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND OR GO ANNOY KIRI. "
Ria felt awkward asf. She didn't know what they said, but she didn't say a word.
"Well big bro. I'm going. And you ain't gonna see me for the next few hours cuz bro. I got a new homie.
Yeah... His name is Rotxo and you don't know him. "
Lo'ak was faking being upset to guilt trip Neteyam but... Did it work?
"I definitely know Rotxo. Kiri is in a Romantic Relationship with him, if you didn't notice. And he has been my friend for the few months we've been here. "
Neteyam was getting tired of it and he's definitely thinking of a murder.
Lo'ak kissed his teeth before saying something that was interrupted by Ria.
(Lo'ak will now speak in Na'vi)
"Bro, why you gotta steal my homies,? Dad said it's bad so please leave Rotxo alone, cuz I for real will-"
Yes she shouted. Neteyam was stunned and nearly pissed himself when he got a little scare.
Neteyam wasn't the only one that got scared though.
Lo'ak left. As quickly as he came there, with his tail between his legs.
"Now.... Where were we? " Neteyam nearly missed the flirty tone that she had as she said 4 words. The politeness she had is a gift.
He met many women from Omatikaya clan, this clan and even the Tipani clan when he was at a meeting with his parents.
"Umm.. We were at... You being beautiful tanhì. "
He was really being bold in the damn morning.
"Well thanks, but guess what happened. " she was really scared and angry and annoyed. Why?
"What? ".. Neteyam got really worried as he saw that her eyes gone more bloodshot and that there were little tears that were threating her beautiful aquatic skin. The look in her violet eyes told him that it's something really serious, which made him think about the.... Betrothal....
"No. No. Yawne please tell me it isn't what I think. Please yawntutsyìp" He was praying and begging Eywa for this to be a dream, one of his nightmares that he sometimes has.
"I got one week before me and that 'vonvä muntxa si"
He couldn't think straight. The only thing in his mind was taking her to a cave and confessing his feels for her, that collected in his heart like a full storage of pictures and photos, moments with your most favourite person, the funniest memes and cutest moments stored into his mind, but with her.
"I'm so sorry Neteyam. "
She felt guilty. But for what? She didn't do anything, she didn't cheat, she love him, yes she does, but, why is she apologising? She doesn't know that herself. She felt guilty for nothing? Or was it because her soul, her heart and her body belonged to him and she could feel it? The warm heat that spread through her body whenever he touched her arm or whenever his tail brushed against her leg, she could always feels the heat spreading on her cheeks, making them purple. She love him and she knew it.
"RIA TE ALTU RONAL'ITE COME HOME ALREADY. " She heard her mother's voice ring through the beach like a frequency that was set badly on a walkie-talkie.
"I'm gonna go now, see you later Neteyam"
She turned and walked, step by step on the beautiful beach, curls hanging low one her slim waist some of her hair in little braids hanging around the kuru, shielding in like a cage would hold a lion, or how her family is holding and caging her feelings in.
She hoped that he would say 'stay'
But did he?
"Ria.... Wait. " he grabbed her arm gently and whispered near her ear, so only they could hear it. "Come at this place, when the moon hits the highest point on sky, where the eclipse hits like a light and when you hear my voice, come and follow it. I wanna show you something I discovered"
'It was today or never'
She smiled gracefully and sheepishly as she walked back, but when she turned her foot, the neutral facade broke in and she walked up to her mother.
Do y'all want part 2?
First post.
I would love to live here or in Awa'altu of in Tipani clan. Or in any other clan.
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riatesullironalite · 1 year
Guys I gotta ask you if you y'all know the story "Night witch" it has 2-3 parts I don't know the authors name it was a Neteyamxreader and I have been trying to find it for days buy can't.
It's like the reader was in coma she was friends with young Jake, Neytiri, Norm, Grace, Trudy and Max and Tsu'tey.
If some of you know, please let me know.
BTW I'm gonna post soon I hope y'all will like it.
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This was supposed to be in Avatar TWOW. You can see it in deleted scene playing with Tuk I think.
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