ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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                         Jasper sucked in a deep breath of air, despite the fact that he didn’t need it. It felt weird not breathing, after all, and the familiar human reaction was actually fairly comforting at the end of the day. He didn’t really know why- but it was. “Thank you, Rose.” His voice was soft, in a way that it usually wasn’t- simply because he still habitually held himself like he was a soldier, even after all the years he’d lived since he’d left any sort of war. There’s a pause before an odd sort of grin made his lips twitch, his head shaking briefly. “But I do know you care. I can feel your emotions, remember?” He was teasing, one of the rare moments he allowed himself to relax long enough to actually do it- his amber gaze drifting towards her carefully. “I do hope I find them. Whoever they may be. I just hope that I have the strength to not kill them.”
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The vampiress lightly smiled as she looked towards Jasper, she didn’t know why he sighed deeply but she understood the comfort in small mundane human actions being forced. Rosalie nodded as she tucked loose blonde hair behind her ear as she nodded. She loved passionately, and Jasper felt it, he felt her compassion even when she didn’t expose it. “I know, but you also know not to tell people that I actually care about people.” She laughed softly as she sped up to be beside her brother. Relaxing alongside Jasper was very rare, but sometimes the vampires did need to relax without worrying about anything else, no new school, no troubles with thirst. Just being the people they were before transition. “You will, we all have a mate out there. You won’t kill them, you do have some control.”
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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“I don’t need anything but to be left alone. I don’t need people pretending to care just to find a soft spot to jab their knife in my back.”
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“Well Cheryl, you can think that all you want but I know the truth, and the truth is that I actually care. I don’t want you to believe I will backstab you. I have no reason to, I was like you once Cheryl, one day you’ll see that.”
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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   “Thank you, I take that as a compliment. I had to learn. I wanted to look nice, and I wanted to kick ass. So I trained in heels, and now I can do both.”
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“You should. I don’t think I could learn, I’m more of a jeans and sneakers kind of girl. I don’t get how you can be such a lethal fighter and be the most beautiful girl in the Institute.” Clary put her weapons down as she moved across the table from Izzy. “Is there anything I need to know?”
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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“I get it. I do.” Elena took a deep breath to steady herself. “I think it’s nerves. It’s like they are not only hunting you guys, but anyone who sides with you. And I’m not as strong as you guys, they literally uprooted the Sheriff from his post. If they aim for me at the hospital I don’t think I can go quietly.”
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“Good.” Cora didn’t know exactly how to train people as such, she knew what skills were needed in this fight but she didn’t know how to prepare people like Derek did. “It’s not just the hunters, you need to know how to fight blind, the Anuk-Ite isn’t going to distinguish between the humans and the supernatural, Elena. I’ll be behind you at all times.” 
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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  “What is a coyote allergic to that a human isn’t? I thought wolfsbane made you guys sick not sneeze.”
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“I don’t know, it might be like how general wolfsbane doesn’t affect a kanima. Cause it doesn’t feel like wolfsbane, that stuff has me on the floor gagging and needing air.” 
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
“Trust me, alcohol makes me happy.”, Adriana said, rolling her eyes as she spoke. “Kinda hard to believe, considering you and the rest of my family aren’t really friends.”
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“Alcohol can make you happy but there comes a point where the bottle becomes empty.” Bonnie sighed softly, running a hand through her thick brunette hair. “Doesn’t mean we can’t be.” 
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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Inspired by..
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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You both have superior hearing.
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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stydia + that ‘what the fuck’ look requested by nooraswill + bonus:
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
        “As fascinating as this story is to you, I’m bored so if you could get to the point I’d appreciate it.”
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“The point, Cheryl, is that exactly my point. You don’t listen, you don’t think, the story is that you are in pain and need help.”
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
         “If you could stop staring at me like I have 3 heads that would be great.”
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“Izzy, you just look like, well, woah. I have no clue how you can fight in heels and dresses like that.”
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
          “I’m not blessing you again. After the second sneeze then you  must have a problem and I need to make some distance.”
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“I can’t help it that something in these woods is making my nose act up Caroline. It must be something that affects coyotes.” 
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
          “I’m trying damn it.” Elena huffed, her body slick with sweat and her hair falling from the ponytail she wore casually. “What don’t you understand about that? It’s not easy all the time.”
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Cora sighed deeply, her brother had called her last minute, the pack needed her help and being on her own, she was about to be hunted. So returning to Beacon Hills made things tricky. “Elena, I am only pushing you so you don’t go down in this fight, helping people isn’t exactly my strong suit.” 
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
“How can someone be lonely with a house full of alcohol? And why would you even care?”
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“Because that makes you sad being in a house drinking by yourself, even I’ll just drink alone beside you, we don’t have to talk. And because I know what it’s like to feel alone.”
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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Bring on the night 7x10
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ribbonwords-blog · 7 years
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❝ i just didn’t feel like doing my homework.  ❞
@ribbonwords  liked for a starter
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“You need to, I’ll do it with you and make it easier.”
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