desireddthin · 3 years
I have replies turned on but it isn’t letting people comment? I’m confused
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desireddthin · 3 years
I started At 208 and I’m currently 186 and still losing, 22 pounds down feels like nothing honestly.
I want to hit that 30 pounds down mark so badly, and then keep dropping. This is so hard when food is often handed to me, I’m not asked if I’m hungry I’m just given food, and I feel bad for not eating it.
I purge a lot of food and then feel like I’m waiting it, but honestly it’s not, wasting it would’ve been letting it got thrown out but atleast I enjoyed it.
It serves no purpose other then enjoyment until it makes me gain pounds, a MEDIUM poutine ( fries gravy cheese curds )
Is around 1000 calories It’s crazy.
I can enjoy it without gaining weight. <3
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desireddthin · 3 years
Sorry for not being active I’ll try to be <3
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desireddthin · 3 years
I made sure not to keep anything down yesterday because I can’t purge today, I’m having dinners at my dads house .
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desireddthin · 3 years
I haven’t checked my weight for like, 4 days now because I’m scared, my family got me meals that I wasn’t able to purge because someone was in the bathroom both times for like 20 minutes :I
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desireddthin · 3 years
I started again on May 14th and it’s June 1, and I’ve lost almost 20 pounds, by may 14th I hope I can be down another 5 pounds or more
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desireddthin · 3 years
I’ve lost 18 pounds, I’m so close to 20 pounds, I’m currently 190 now, I so desperately want to get into the 170’s then I’ll actually feel like I’ve got somewhere, I’ve been 180-200 pounds over the last couple years so I really want to get out of the 180’s
I want to do a 48h fast but it’s so hard when my family just buys me food out of no where, I’m not ungrateful and it makes me feel guilty if I don’t eat it, but I also feel guilty if I purge so I’m always just feeling guilty. Ahg.
I’m trying to eat 800 calories a day and sometimes it’s easy sometimes it’s hard, I didn’t calorie count the last two days so I’m not sure where I stand rn :I I just know in those two days I still managed to drop another pound and not gain so that’s good .
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desireddthin · 3 years
You know what feels better then that food you’ve been craving ? Being skinny.
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desireddthin · 3 years
Ahhh, I’m so happy I haven’t ate in 24h. :D
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desireddthin · 3 years
“ you say you wanna eat healthy then get an energy drink? “
Haha, 1. Ty for making me feel like I’m gonna gain 100 pounds drinking this .
2. It’s sugar free and 10 calories ):
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desireddthin · 3 years
F^CK. My brother gave me two little lava cakes and he’s only being nice and I purged like three times today and my stomach is killing me but if I don’t eat it I’ll feel so guilty but if I do eat it I’ll feel guilty. Fml
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desireddthin · 3 years
You give up because you don’t see progress.
But if you give up you’ll never see progress.
Stop telling yourself that you’ll never get there, tell yourself that you will, If you work a little harder, restrict a little more, workout a little longer, you can get there.
It ain’t free to be skinny for some people. So work for it, and you’ll get there.
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desireddthin · 3 years
✨ reblog if ✨
You have an eating disorder but it doesn’t look like you do.
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desireddthin · 3 years
Here are some things I tell myself when I’m hungry.
1. You won’t get to your goal weight if you keep giving in, you’ll be fat and ugly forever .
2. Do you need this? Is it really worth it after all the progress that you’ve done?
3. Go look at thinspo, if you eat this you’ll never look like them. Your ideal body and weight.
“ eating this won’t make you gain weight “
can be true, but it’ll just make you want more and more, make cravings worse and can encourage a binge.
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desireddthin · 3 years
Me not eating for a week: 😌
Me eating a tiny meal after not eating for a week: I’m so fat.
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desireddthin · 3 years
This is how my brain works lmao:
Me: yay! I’ve lost 13 pounds I’m almost at 15
Brain: 15 isn’t enough, lose 20 then be happy.
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desireddthin · 3 years
I feel bad for not going to my Nans for dinner but I know if I do then I’ll probably over eat and I can’t purge there. Ahh.
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