richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
"Remember Jazmine, you just have to be confident in yourself and everything will be all right," the school principal's assistant assured me as he gave me a warm smile. I just gave him back a nice, happy 100% fake smile to cover up my frustration. Fuck you man! You're only saying that cuz' you aren't the one doing a welcome speech in front of the whole student body! Every year when school begins, the principal along with 2 of his students present a 'welcome to school speech' for the school entrance ceremony to welcome everyone, to give them some basic info about the academy and such...I happened to be one of the students who's gonna do the speech to the school. What luck...not. Yes, I have to present my speech in 5 minutes for the school in the auditorium and I have to say, it's nerve-wracking! The school chose me to do it since I'm their new honor student. Just from getting constant A's in my report cards from my previous schools, I was already named as the school's honor student and I've only been here in this academy for an hour...The fuck? Right now, I was practicing my speech in backstage and I couldn't concentrate well when I could already hear everyone's chatters from behind the auditorium's curtain. Come on, come on Jazmine! You can do this! You can do this! I continued revising my speech until the school principal assistant gave a tap on my shoulder. "Jazmine, the other 2 students are here," he gave an assuring smirk. "You don't need to do the speech anymore. Everything will go smoothly." I sighed in relief . A load of stress just flew off from my shoulders as a calm, smile popped on my face. I purposely dropped the sheet of paper where everything important was written. Oh thank god! Everything's going fine! Yes! Yes! I just have to think positive! Ahh, now I'm perfectly cal- Wait! You know that smile of relief I just had a moment ago? Well, it died and gave birth to a confusing , embarrassing frown as the school assistant principal brought the two students who were going to do the school entrance ceremony speech! The two students happened to be HUEY FREEMAN & RILEY FREEMAN. Jazmine DuBois' first thought of the auditorium whilst in the midst of her speech preparation (chapter 2)
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
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I felt like I just entered in a modern business building...DAMN!
Is this place REALLY a school?!
Damn! That's the only word I got for this incredible place.
The area was like twice as big as an elementary school gym. There was a staircase, which was made of dark grey marble tiles, at the end of the hall, leading up to a huge, see-through glass door with a sign saying "Auditorium" plastered in gold letters.
This auditorium door's makin' my bedroom door look like sum' dollarstore cardboard.
Cindy McPhearson's first thought of the school entrance hall
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
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I practically gawked when I entered Woodcrest Academy's parking lot with Zonnique and our bikes. I was standing in front of the school's fountain that had a statue of a naked nigga with a very VERY small dick. He was spitting out water.
Da fuck?
But I have to admit though, the school that was standing before me didn't look that bad. SERIOUSLY. The architecture of the school looked really fancy with a little touch of that European style. Most of the trees around the building were well trimmed, I mean, they were SQUARE! 
-Cindy McPhearson's first thought of the school (chapter 2)
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
"Yo what up my peeps. Young Reezy's in tha house, but y'all can call me Escobar!Today is the 1st September n' I'm yo new student. Heh. By the way, my hobby is sex and makin' money. And my favorite thing to say is 'Bitch, spread your legs into an M position!Damn!'" 
And that was...Riley's little speech for the Woodcrest Academy's entrance ceremony. 
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
"On this auspicious day with the colorful leaves flowing through the autumn breeze, we, the students, are starting a new phase in our lives. During our new school life, we will set goals and achieve them in both our studies and sports and we will work hard on keeping the government from brainwashing and assimilating us. We must survive the New World Order!"
Huey's little speech for Woodcrest Academy's entrance ceremony. 
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
The first day of school is like a first day of everything. Girls get dressed the best as they can to give off a good impression, guys get in their best rides to get the ladies. Maybe for other schools it not's like that, but for Woodcrest Academy, well it sure is like that.
Everyone's first day of school will be ordinary; seeing old friends, catching up on old times and old laughs...well maybe not for our 8 victims.
You'll see, my little Woodcresters...
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
First day of school Woodcresters. Prepare your weapons - I mean, pencils. 
Chapter 2
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
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The Otomos and the Itzels. Both in a very nasty, business rivalry and yet, here were their two heirs, Hiro Otomo and Zonnique Itzel, skipping school on their very first day...together? My intuition is telling me it isn't going to end pretty for our two notorious students. 
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
Another fresh meat
Spotted: Riley Freeman, crowded by his newly fan-girls, on the steps of Woodcrest Academy. Another new student: Good-looking and somewhat rough. He doesn't seem like the type to withhold academic grades. Hm, wonder how he got accepted into Woodcrest Academy? Looks like our little C-Merph was thinking the exact, same thing.
Too bad she can't just go right up and ask him, with those hungry girls all around him. Did you see how they pushed her and Zonnique to the side? Yikes!
And wait! This just in. He, along his older brother, are orphaned? New nickname for him: Orphaned Thug.
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
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Spotted on the steps of Woodcrest Academy: another fresh meat, who was totally rocking the school uniform, if I must add. Cindy McPhearson, an old Woodcrest, who dissapeared for 7 years and waltzed back home. Ouch. We saw the way she's been brutally pushed by those girls,  when she tried approaching her old friend, Riley Freeman. Did she think she could waltz back and take what's her? Did those our female Woodcresters think that C-Merph would go down without a fight? Well see how she'll handle her next few years in Woodcrest Academy. 
And guess what her new nickname is? Injured rebel. 
Now, where's our other 3 fresh meat?
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
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This just in. One of my many sources, sends us this : "Newbie spotted with school uniform," with a picture. My my, what a pretty face. Cinnamon curly hair, nice body shape, soft butterschotch complexion. She looks innocent. Oh wait, if you look very closely in her eyes, you could see a hint of mischievousness that's afraid to get caught.
From now on, Woodcresters, her new nickname will be: Two-Face.
We'll see how our little Two-Face will cope her first day of school. One of my sources just gave me the deets about her: here
Be on the lookout for our 4 other fresh meat!
Bisous bisous Woodcresters. 
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richschoolaintpretty · 10 years
Welcome back, Woodcresters. After a long, hot summer away, I see everyone got a chance to relax. Unlike for us, sex, problems, lies never take a vacation. Instead, they roam in our territory, Woodcrest Academy, the home of scandals, where no fresh meat could survive for a year.
Speaking of fresh meat, I see we're getting new students here. Not one, but 5. And we have this enrolment letter to prove it.  Who could they possible be? Send me all the deets. 
Bisous Bisous Woodcresters.
Chapter 1
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